安卓运行Ubuntu桌面的又一利器:XServer XSDL

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安卓运行Ubuntu桌面的又一利器:XServer XSDL

2024-04-12 05:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

有图有真相,Lubuntu 13.04: Xserver XSDL使用界面,默认操作方式有个放大镜窗口。 才发现安卓上XServer XSDL这个应用已经实现完整功能的XServer,直接运行Linux桌面毫无压力。 https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... org.server

Google Play上的软件描述: X Window System server for Android, complete and fully functional.(X窗口系统服务器,功能完整) You may use it to stream applications from your Linux PC, or to launch Linux installed on your Android (installing Linux is done via separate app).(可以运行PC上的应用,或者启动你的安卓上安装的Linux应用) - 24-bpp color mode(24位色) - Configurable resolution and display DPI/font size.(配置分辨率、DPI和字体) - Pen pressure support for GIMP on Galaxy Note - select Edit -> Input Devices ->Generic Pointer, and change Mode from "Disabled" to "Screen".(在Galaxy Note上为GIMP提供压感支持) Sources: https://github.com/pelya/commandergeniu ... on/xserver .APK file for side-loading:(sourceforge上的下载地址) https://sourceforge.net/projects/libsdl ... rver-XSDL/




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