
您所在的位置:网站首页 学生军训皮带怎么用 [爱霸口语角]“军训”英语怎么说?


2024-07-11 08:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

稍息! At ease!

以右(左)翼为基准 Guide right (left)!

向右看-齐! Right-dress!

向前-看! Eyes-front!

向前三步走! Three steps forward march!

报数! Count off!

点名! Call the roll!

靠拢! Close!

散开! Extend!

慢步走! At ease step!

快步走! Quick march!

立定! Halt!

解散! Dismiss!


The new school session has been preceded by heated discussions on the compulsory military trainingprograms for students.

The military training programs for school and college students, initiated in the 1950s, have instilled in many youngsters the indomitable spirit. The idea of "national security" can be more easily recognized and embraced by students who have gone through the military drill than those subjected to hollow lectures.

Students who excel in the training sessions can get the chance to serve the country as members of the reserve force or officers, which is important for the country's defense.





文中的military training就是“军训”的意思,其中training用作名词,解释为“训练;培养”。要表达“训练、练习”之意,英文里还可以用drill、practice和exercise等词语。需要注意的是:training为普通用词;drill侧重进行有系统的、严格的练习;practice指把所学的理论或知识用于实践;exercise主要指为强壮体魄而进行的锻炼。

此外,文中的excel用作动词,解释为“优于;擅长”,如:He excels in painting.(他擅长绘画。)


1. This year the government deemphasized military training at schools.


2. Military training fits men to make long marches.


3. I maintain that military training should be given to all students.


4. We had a military training last week.


5. Second middle school of He Yuan City training time?


6. You can draw on those things you experienced in the military training.


7. Unfortunately, the military again, become held in a library.

无奈, 军训再次该地方, 变成在图书馆中举行.

8. Military training is warm - up , training and discipline, is the foundation before study.

军训是 热身, 是锻炼,是磨练, 是学习之前的铺垫.

9. The first thing we entered the university is the freshmen military training.


10. Military training during the day, tired like a dog.

军训期间, 每天累得像条狗一样.

11. I maintained that military training should be given to all students.


12. We started military training, the Typhoon Lotus along for the ride.

我们开始军训时, 台风“莲花”跑来凑热闹.

13. Back from military training, my brother is black and slim.

弟弟刚军训回来, 黑瘦黑瘦的.

14. Does Guiyang division want military training?

贵阳幼师要军训 么 ?

15. He completed training mission to return to force.





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