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2024-07-11 12:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”和室友相处建议“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advice on getting along with ommates。以下是关于和室友相处建议四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advice on getting along with ommates

D instruction: wte a composition entitled "how to get along with ommates". You should wte at least a few words according to the Chinese outline below. For many college students, living with ommates is a new expeence.

Many people find it very challenging. Although it is not always easy to get along with ommates, it is a very important thing. In fact, you and yo ommate are together How you get along is a good indicator of yo performance in college.

First of all, communication is the key. If there is an issue that is not discussed, it will only get worse and considerate. If you know that yo ommate has an important exam the next day, it is not a good idea to stay up late and make a phone call.

It is also very important to keep yo things clean. As we all know, living in a chaotic envinment can lead to a chaotic life. Therefore, a good om Fend's three key feates include communication, thinking and neatness.

I hope these suggestions will make college life easier.




For many college students, the first thing they get is to live with their ommates. Before they go to college, they live with their parents, so it's a new thing for them that they don't have the expeence of living with others. Students must learn to live with their ommates.

They can't a harmonious envinment. The first thing to get along with ommates is communication. For them, communication is a key word.

If ommates don't talk to each other, they don't understand each other. When there is an argument, the situation will get worse. Therefore, students should often communicate with ommates and understand them.

The second thing is to understand you. If yo ommate has an exam tomorw, but you are used to playing comr It's very late, then you have to make some sacfices. You need to go to bed early tonight becse you don't distb yo ommate.

It will move yo ommates and they will think for you. If you are in tuble, they will come to solve the pblem of getting along with yo ommate. It is not easy.

We should learn to tolerate each other and be patient and considerate.




How do we get along with o colleagues, we should first support, be honest and sincere. We should respect ryone who works in the company. Every employee should be treated equally.

We should not discminate against o colleagues instead of o colleagues. When we work with them, we should be understanding and open. We need to be a contbutor to the company.

We should be able to complete o pjects independently. We should be able to work with o colleagues and colleagues Cooperate harmoniously.







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