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本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)、第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。答题时,请将所有答案都写在答题纸上,答案写在试卷上无效。第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共五大题 共80分)一、听力理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的 A、B、C 三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。九年级英语 第1页 (共12页)试卷源自 期末大优惠,全站资源一元不到!即将回复原价。B)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C 三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。5. Hw des the man like travelling?A. By train. B. By ship. C. By plane.6. Where are prbably the speakers?A. They're n the train. B. They're in Beijing. C. They're n the plane.7. What's wrng with the man?A. He cughs a lt. B. He has a tthache. C. His ft hurts.8. What are the tw speakers talking abut?A. A bk. B. A cat. C. A bag.9. Hw is the weather in New Yrk?A. It's cludy. B. It's sunny. C. It's snwy.10. What's n the wman's desk?A. A phne. B. A purse. C. A cmputer.11. Why didn't Tm take part in the activity yesterday?A. Because it was bring. B. Because he was busy. C. Because he gt up late.12. Which bus will the man take?A. Bus N. 308. B. Bus N.380. C. Bus N.803.13. Hw did Lucy spend her weekend?A. She went t the beach.B. She went t visit her friend.C. She went t the muntains.14. What was Mike ding this mrning?A. He was playing the pian.B. He was playing the guitar.C. He was playing the vilin.C)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题。15. Where des the wman want t g?A. T a clthes shp. B. T a bank. C. T a she shp.16. What shuld the wman d at the furth crssing?A. Turn left. B. Turn right. C. G straight.17. When des the shp clse?A. At six. B. At half past six. C. At half past seven.听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。九年级英语 第2页 (共12页)18. Hw ld is Judy?A. 10 years ld. B. 12 years ld. C. 14 years ld.19. What's the English prgram abut?A. English stries. B. Fd arund the wrld. C. The life f America.20. What else d we knw abut Judy?A. She reads English bks n weekdays.B. She finds it hard t learn English.C. She nly learns English at schl.二、单项填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. ——Lk! There is a mnkey eating apple in the tree.—Oh, mnkey is very cute.A. a;a B. a;the C. an;an D. an; the22. Linda was a manager at a big cmpany, but she gave up jb when she became a mther.A. she B. hers C. her D. herself23. Stephen Hawking's stry gives me much t face all kinds f difficulties.A. chance B. mdel C. curage D. decisin24. Jhn the TV and helped his mther with the husewrk.A. heard frm B. turned ff C. jined in D. lked after25. The sup will. better with mre salt.A. sund B. lk C. taste D. feel26. Jane has hair in her class.A. lng B. lnger C. lngest D. the lngest27. ——Hw ld is yur daughter?— . We had a wnderful party fr her birthday yesterday.A. Nine;nine B. Nine; ninth 'C. Ninth; ninth D. Ninth;nine28. —— I have a ticket, please?——Srry, sir. All the tickets were sld ut ten minutes ag.A. May B. Need C. Must D. Shuld29. I really enjyed yur class, there were sme sentences I didn't quite understand.A. because B. r C. thugh D. after30. The English dictinary will help yu a lt if yu use it .A. prperlý B. carelessly C. plitely D. quietly九年级英语 第3 页 (共12页)31. ——What's yur plan fr the summer hliday?——I've n idea, but I've decided at hme and have a gd rest first.A. stay B. t stay C. stayed D. staying32. She hard, s she became a great player later.A. trained B. is training C. has trained D. will train33. Hangzhu as the City f Silk. Turists like shpping fr silk there.A. knws B. is knwn C. knew D. will knw34. ——Have yu asked the pliceman ?——Yes. He tld us t turn right int Main Street. There is ne n the right.A. if there is a bank near here B. hw can we get t the nearest bankC. where can we find a bank D. when we can g t the nearest bank35. ——Jack fell dwn and hurt himself badly yesterday.A. That's cl B. Nthing seriusC. It desn't matter D. I'm srry t hear that三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。I received a phne call frm my friend the night befre yesterday. We talked fr mre than 4036 . But I spent 30 minutes listening t her. Her 37 were full f cmplaints(抱怨) abut the wrk, the sciety and ther things. Later I stpped her and 38 her,“Firstly, what are yu trying t tell me after repeating all that? Secndly, hw d yu feel after 39 these cmplaints?I think 40 can be changed unless (除非) yu make up yur mind t change it.”In the fllwing cmmunicatin, we talked much better. We talked abut the prgress she had made n her 41 , and I als gave her sme advice n her.We all have prblems with ur wrk, ur friends, ur families, r with urselves. We shuld d smething t 42 the prblems instead f cmplaining all the time. What is the use f cmplaining? N use at all. The gal f changing the wrld is t 43 . We cannt achieve that big gal in ne g. Try t start with yurself, face yur life actively and change yur wrld.Changing yur wrld is an imprtant part f changing the wrld. And remember t be 44 t thers. Be thankful, s yu dn't cmplain. Then everything will change, 45 get better and better!Change yurself, start with stpping cmplaining, and the wrld will really start t change.九年级英语 第4 页 (共 12页)36. A. secnds B. minutes C. hurs D. days37. A. dances B. sngs C. wrds D. letters38. A. asked B. encuraged C. cllected D. created39. A. repeating B. separating C. writing D. guessing40. A. nbdy B. smething C. nthing D. smebdy41. A. schl B. hme C. ffice D. wrk42. A. slve B. wrk C. find D. have43. A. small B. big C. easy D. simple44. A. careful B. rude C. cld D. thankful45. A. fr B. r C. and D. but四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。APeng Jingxuan, a 28-year-ld Chinese girl, is nw studying in a music university in Paris. While learning abrad, she is als wrking at spreading traditinal Chinese culture t the wrld. She can ften be fund n French streets, wearing a silk Han Dynasty-style dress (汉服) and playing the guzheng t passers-by.Brn in 1995, Peng began t learn the guzheng when she was seven years ld. After arriving in France in late 2017, she saw many peple d street perfrmances, but few f them knew abut Chinese music. S she decided t play the guzheng n the streets.Peng made her first perfrmance in frnt f a theater in Octber, 2018. Then she started t perfrm during weekends and hlidays. One year later, she psted her vides f her street perfrmances nline and they spread quickly. Her vides have gt many likes and made her a very ppular guzheng artist. She has millins f fans n the Internet nw.Mre and mre peple shw great interest in the guzheng after watching Peng's perfrmances.“Peple cme t me and praise (赞扬) me fr the beauty f the instrument and the music. Every time they ask me which cuntry the guzheng cmes frm, I am very happy t tell them it's frm China.”Peng feels she has mre respnsibility (责任) t spread traditinal culture.“What is natinal is universal(全世界的). I hpe t play a bigger rle in making Chinese music knwn by the wrld,”said Peng.九年级英语 第5页 (共12页)46. Where des Peng ften make her guzheng perfrmances?A. In the university. B. In the theater. C. On streets. D. At parties.47. What des Peng wear while playing the guzheng?A. Silk Han Dynasty-style dress. B. Cmfrtable clthes.C. Mdern clthes. D. Freign clthes.48. When did Peng becme ppular?A. In 1995. B. In 2017. C. In 2018. D. In 2019.49. What des Peng mean by saying“What is natinal is universal”?A. Chinese music is the best in the wrld.B. Chinese music shuld be knwn by the wrld.C. There are n differences between Chinese music and ther cuntries' music.D. We shuld listen t nt nly Chinese music but als the music f the wrld.50. The passage is written t .A. intrduce a ppular guzheng artistB. shw the beauty f Chinese musicC. encurage peple t learn guzhengD. teach peple hw t make a street perfrmanceBAs the taxi leaves, my father stands at the living rm windw lking ut, watching me mve ff int the darkness, at 4:30 am. His grey hair is untidy frm sleeping.Mments ag, he gt up t carry my bag fr me and went int the cld pen air.He thanked me fr a daughter's cking and fr spending the hliday with him. I tld him that I wrried he wuld feel lnely again. in the empty huse.“I have my plans,”he said, just befre I walked ut f the dr.When I arrived 10 days ag, I felt it was quiet and lifeless in the huse. Then my brthers and I came and filled the rms. But nw, they've gne. I am the last t leave.As the taxi began t . mve, I watched the lights . g ff, but my father didn't leave. Even thugh he culdn't see me in the dark, he std by the windw watching, beside the tree. It was a fresh tree. He buys ne every year fr the new year.九年级英语 第6页 (共12页)The life is hard fr my father: my mther died years ag, and nw his children are far frm hme. Our selfish chices take us frm ne end f the cuntry t the ther. The life f the tree cut fr Christmas is shrt. Hwever, my father's is lng and strng.I leave behind tw trees: ne with silver grey hair, the ther still freshly green.51. Father walked ut f the dr withut in the mrning.A. seeing his daughter B. saying a wrdC. carrying his daughter's bag D. making his hair tidy52. Why did the writer wrry abut her father?A. Because her father wuld live alne again.B. Because her father had nthing in the hme.C. Because her father never felt lnely.D. Because her father was t ld t lk after himself.53. What can we knw abut the writer frm the fifth paragraph?A. She decided t stay with her father.B. She was ne f the father's tw children.C. She left her father befre her brthers.D. She didn't leave until her brthers left.54. The underlined wrd“selfish”means in the passage.A. kind B. self-serving C. careful D. wrng55. What is the best title fr the passage?A. The children wh have n mtherB. The tree cut fr the new yearC. The great father in my heartD. The lnely father wh lives alneCAlng with firewd, rice, il,. salt, sauce and vinegar (酱和醋), tea is included amng the seven necessities fr life in China. Nw, it has als been cnsidered as a shared - cultural treasure f the wrld. On Nv. 29th, 2022 Chinese traditinal tea prcessing skills were added t the UNESCO cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) list. Since ancient times,Chinese peple have been planting, picking, making and drinking tea.九年级英语 第7页 (共12页)Mre imprtantly, China's tea culture has frmed Chinese custms (风俗). It is traditinal Chinese custm that a hst shuld welcme visiting guests with biled tea. A pem by Sng pet(诗人) Du Lei reads,“I ffer tea, nt wine, t a guest n a cld night.When water bils n the stve, fire burns with flame bright.”Biling tea is ne f the ldest Chinese tea brewing(沏) methds, dating back t the Tang Dynasty (618——907). Tea leaves were biled fr a lng time and smetimes they were cked tgether with different fruits. Peple can enjy a quiet time by ding that. Later in the Ming Dynasty (1368——1644), a faster and mre cnvenient (方便的) methd becme mre ppular, that is steeping(冲泡). On the app Xiahngshu, r Little Red Bk, there are ver 40,000psts n the tpic f“stve-biled tea”(围炉煮茶). Peple sit arund the stve in a natural setting and have snacks with their ht tea. Sme als wear traditinal hanfu as if it culd take them back t thse ancient times. Thrugh“stve-biled tea”, peple can taste a slwer life and find their inner peace. As is written in ne Xiahngshu pst,“It is very relaxing t drink ht tea and chat with best friends.”56. What is cnsidered as a shared cultural treasure f the wrld?A. Firewd. B. Sauce. C. Rice. D. Tea.57. In Paragraph One, the writer intrduces the tpic by .A. giving facts B. listing numbers C. telling stries D. asking questins58. Which sentence can be put in the“ ”?A. Let's try the mdern methd f biling tea in ur spare time.B. These days, the ld methd is making a cmeback.C. Chinese invented many different ways f drinking tea.D. N dubt that it is a gd way t make friends with tea.59. What can we learn frm the passage?A. Seven necessities fr life include rice and ndles.B. Steeping tea dates back t the Tang Dynasty.C. In Chinese traditins, a hst serves the guests nthing but wine.D.“Stve-biled”tea is a way t enjy a peaceful and relaxing time.九年级英语 第8页 (共12 页)60. The writer's purpse in writing this passage is t .A. invite mre peple arund the wrld t visit ChinaB. ask peple t learn t enjy the life in different waysC. explain why drinking tea is ppular amng Chinese pepleD. shw hw ppular and interesting the app Xiahngshu is五、补全对话(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整(选项中有两项是多余的)。A. Gd idea!B. Wh's that?C. Here yu are!D. I dn't think s.E. What are yu ging t d?F. When will the party begin?G. Wuld yu like t cme t the party?A:Hell, may I speak t Jim?B:Hell, this is Jim speaking. 61 A:Bb speaking. Are yu free this weekend?B: Yes. I'll stay at hme. 62 A:Alice and I are ging t have a surprise party in my hme fr ur freign teacher, Mrs Green.She is ging back t the UK.B: Really? She's my favrite teacher. I'll miss her.A: 63 B: Sure. I'd like t. 64 A:At 6:00 pm this Saturday.B: Great! Let's buy her a gift tmrrw.A: 65 I can't wait! See yu!B: See yu!九年级英语 第9页 (共12页)第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共四大题 共40分)六、完成句子(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。66.人生价值并不取决于你是谁,而是你做什么。The value f life desn't wh yu are, but what yu d.67.她试用了很多办法来修理她的电脑。She many ways t repair her cmputer.68.父母总是会担心他们的孩子。Parents are always their children.69.当我遇上麻烦时我会和父母交谈。I will talk with my parents when I am .70.我们都尽量早到,以便有时间进行热身活动。We all arrive as early as we can s that we have time t .七、任务型阅读(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。N ne perhaps had a greater influence n ancient Chinese academies(学院) than Zhu Xi (1130-1200). This Sng Dynasty thinker and philspher (哲学家) was ne f the greatest supprters(支持者) f educatin in Chinese histry.Aged just 18, Zhu Xi passed the imperial examinatin (科举考试). He later became a cunty fficial (县令). Many peple in the same shes wuld have then cntinued t climb the career ladder(职业阶梯), but Zhu Xi was mre interested in spreading knwledge. Thus, he spent a lt f time visiting and writing letters t learned schlars(学者) fr academic discussins.By the time he was 37 years ld, Zhu Xi was already a famus schlar. Setting ff frm九年级英语 第10页 (共12页)八、综合填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。Fr thusands f years, rice has been central n the table f the Chinese diet. All ver the cuntry tday, cuntless numbers f peple begin their day w 76 a bwl f rice prridge.In fact, fr many, especially in suthern China, n meal is c withut a helping f steamed rice(米饭).A key part f everyday meals, rice is als a highlight f traditinal Chinese f 78 .Nianga, a cake made frm st icky rice flur (粘米面), is a p 79 Spring Festival fd. As ga s 80 the same sund as 高, meaning“high”in Chinese, the eating f nianga is b 81 t imprve status(地位) in the new year.The Lantern Festival falls n the 15'h day f the first lunar mnth each year. Small sticky rice balls, k 82 as yuanxia in the nrth and tangyuan in the suth, are eaten w 83during this festival. These rund rice balls are traditinally seen as s 84 f family reunin (团聚).Frm the Spring Festival t the Lantern Festival, the Dragn Bat Festival and the Laba Festival, rice plays a rle in many f ur favurite c 85 . Nt nly des it lend special tastes t these Festivals, rice als helps add magic and charm(魅力).九、书面表达(本大题共15分)86.假如你是李华,上个月你在“中国航天日”参加了科技馆举行的航天俱乐部活动,请根据以下要点写一篇短文,并表达你的想法。(1) 听了航天员的故事,学习到了科学精神。(2) 做了物理实验,增长了科学知识。(3) 参观了展览,对太空旅行更感兴趣了。(4) 你认为……要求:(1) 词数: 80~100 个。(2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。参考词汇: 科学精神 scientific spirit 中国航天日 Space Day f China科技馆 Science and Technlgy MuseumLast mnth,. 此处不答题,请将答案写在答题纸上九年级英语 第12 页 (共 12页)


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2023年天津市滨海新区中考英语一模试卷(含解析): 这是一份2023年天津市滨海新区中考英语一模试卷(含解析),共24页。试卷主要包含了单选题,完形填空,阅读理解,补全对话-填空,任务型阅读-多任务混合,阅读填空,完成句子,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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