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2023-05-31 17:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

坏人的英文:bad egggoathellionmalefactorvillain

参考例句:Give a rogue rope enough and he will hang himself. 〔谚语〕坏人必自取灭亡。 People don't like to play the part of the Bad guy.人们不喜欢扮演坏人的角色。Bad company may corrupt a good boy. 跟坏人在一起会使好孩子变坏。He must [should] have a long spoon that sups with the devil.同坏人打交道必须提高警惕。New sheriff at power, bad boys oppress nation.在新郡治安官的管辖下,坏人当道压迫人民。 Envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybody's nature.--Oscar Wilde, British dramatist嫉妒是很可怕的东西,它会毁坏人的天性。英国剧作家王尔德She can't tell the sheep from the goats. She believes whatever everyone says她分不清谁是好人,谁是坏人。谁的话她都信Hooked up with the wrong crowd与一帮坏人勾结在一起Never associate with bad companions.别和坏人交往。People considered to be bad or contemptible一群坏人或卑贱的人bad是什么意思:adj. 坏的;有害的;严重的;腐坏的;不适合的adv. 很,非常n. 不好的东西或情形That was a bad miss. 那是一个严重的失误。This is a bad simulation.这是一次拙劣的模仿。A Bad beginning makes a Bad ending恶其始者必恶其终egg是什么意思:n. 卵,卵子;蛋;家伙v. 怂恿These eggs boiled too tender. 这些鸡蛋煮得太嫩了。bad eggs,meat,etc腐坏的蛋、肉等 The child is sensitive to eggs.那孩子对鸡蛋过敏。goat是什么意思:n. 山羊;替罪羊;坏人,色鬼Get one's goat.使人发怒或厌恶。Separate the sheep from the goats区分善恶The goat is butting the tree.那只山羊以头撞树。






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