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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 rush⇒ vi (move with speed) (流水、雨水等)SCSimplified Chinese 快速流动,奔腾,急泻 kuài sù liú dòng,bēn téng,jí xiè  He rushed through the airport to catch the plane.  为了赶上飞机,他一路狂奔穿过机场。 rush at [sb/sth] vi + prep (charge, run at [sb/sth])SCSimplified Chinese 冲向, 扑向  The bull suddenly rushed at the farmer.  公牛突然冲向了农夫。 rush n (haste)SCSimplified Chinese 匆忙 cōng máng TCTraditional Chinese 匆忙   SCSimplified Chinese 急急忙忙 cōng máng,jí jí máng máng  In her rush to get out of the door, Audrey forgot her purse and had no money to buy lunch that day.  因匆忙出门,奥德丽忘带了钱包,没钱购买当天午餐。 rush n (intensity of activity)SCSimplified Chinese 激增 jī zēng   SCSimplified Chinese 涌现 jī zēng,yǒng xiàn TCTraditional Chinese 湧現  I miss the rush of city life. There was a sudden rush of activity as the guests began to arrive.  我怀念城市生活的繁忙。//客人陆续到来,活动忽然就增多了。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 rush n (onslaught) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 蜂拥而至 fēng yōng ér zhì TCTraditional Chinese 蜂擁而至  There was a rush of customers on the first day of the sale.  特价促销期的第一天,顾客们蜂拥而至。 rush n (American football: running play) (橄榄球)SCSimplified Chinese 带球突破,跑动带球 dài qiú tū pò,pǎo dòng dài qiú  The quarterback was tackled, and the pass rush was complete.  四分卫已经解决,带球突破也成功完成。 rush n (hostile attack)SCSimplified Chinese 突然袭击 tū rán xí jī TCTraditional Chinese 突然襲擊  The mugger's rush at him was sudden and violent.  抢劫犯对他的袭击,既突然又暴力。 rush n (migration)SCSimplified Chinese 蜂拥前往某地(的人群) fēng yōng qián wǎng mǒu dì de rén qún  Flight prices skyrocket during the winter rush to the tropics.  在冬季人们蜂拥前往热带避寒的时期,机票疯涨。 rush n (sudden appearance)SCSimplified Chinese 匆忙 cōng máng TCTraditional Chinese 匆忙   SCSimplified Chinese 仓促 cōng máng,cāng cù   SCSimplified Chinese 忽然出现 cōng máng,hū rán chū xiàn  The spring flowers have appeared with a rush this year.  今年,春天的花朵忽然就绽开了。 rush n usually plural (marsh plant) (植物)SCSimplified Chinese 灯心草 dēng xīn cǎo TCTraditional Chinese 燈芯草  The fishermen stopped the boat among the rushes. rush n (strong demand for commodity)SCSimplified Chinese 争相抢购 TCTraditional Chinese 爭相搶購   SCSimplified Chinese 需求激增  There was a rush for the popular doll before Christmas.  圣诞节前,人们都争相抢购这款热销的洋娃娃。 rush n (sudden intense emotion)SCSimplified Chinese 突然一阵强烈的情感  Mark felt a rush of anger when he saw his enemy.  当马克看到自己的敌人时,突然感到一阵怒火窜上他的心头。 rush n (sudden intense sensation) (强烈感情等)SCSimplified Chinese 一股 yì gǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 一阵 yì gǔ,yí zhèn TCTraditional Chinese 一陣  Emily experienced a rush of sweet flavour as she bit into the cake. John felt a rush of heat when he opened the oven door. rush vi (appear rapidly)SCSimplified Chinese 猛冲 měng chōng TCTraditional Chinese 猛衝   SCSimplified Chinese 奔 měng chōng ,bēn TCTraditional Chinese 奔  The star rushed onstage.  明星冲上舞台。 rush vi (American football: run with ball) (橄榄球)SCSimplified Chinese 带球跑 dài qiú pǎo TCTraditional Chinese 帶球跑  The team rushes for an average of two hundred yards a game.  这支球队,平均每场比赛带球跑200码。 rush [sb]⇒ vtr (American football: tackle) (橄榄球)SCSimplified Chinese 突破,突袭,冲向 tū pò,tū xí,chōng xiàng TCTraditional Chinese 突破  He rushed the player with the ball. rush [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (transport with haste)SCSimplified Chinese 快速运送 kuài sù yùn sòng TCTraditional Chinese 快速運送  The paramedics rushed Fred to the hospital. rush [sth]⇒ vtr (hurry)SCSimplified Chinese 匆忙做 cōng máng zuò   SCSimplified Chinese 草率作出 cōng máng zuò,cǎo lǜ zuò chū  I rushed my decision, and later regretted it. rush [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (charge)SCSimplified Chinese 突袭 tū xí   SCSimplified Chinese 冲向 tū xí,chōng xiàng   SCSimplified Chinese 向…猛冲 tū xí,xiàng měng chōng TCTraditional Chinese 向…猛衝  The army rushed the enemy.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 rush around, also UK: rush about vi phrasal (go about things hurriedly)SCSimplified Chinese 风风火火地四处奔忙   SCSimplified Chinese 忙完这边忙那边  James was rushing around, trying to get everything organized for the party. rush in vi phrasal (enter in a hurry)SCSimplified Chinese 冲入 chōng rù   SCSimplified Chinese 冲进来 chōng rù,chōng jìn lái TCTraditional Chinese 衝進來  He rushed in before we could stop him. rush into [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (do hastily)SCSimplified Chinese 仓促地做, 匆匆忙忙作出  Don't rush into a decision which you may regret later. rush off vi phrasal (leave in a hurry)SCSimplified Chinese 仓促跑掉 cāng cù pǎo diào TCTraditional Chinese 倉促跑掉   SCSimplified Chinese 急忙跑掉 cāng cù pǎo diào,jí máng pǎo diào  I hate to rush off, but I am late for work. rush over vi phrasal (approach in a hurry)SCSimplified Chinese 猛冲向 měng chōng xiàng TCTraditional Chinese 向...猛衝  I rushed over to the woman who fell down to see if she was okay. rush up vi phrasal (come over in a hurry)SCSimplified Chinese 冲过来 chōng guò lái TCTraditional Chinese 衝過來  She rushed up to me and grabbed my hand.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 adrenaline rush n (flush of excitement or panic)SCSimplified Chinese 肾上腺素激增  Roller coasters give him an adrenaline rush. give [sb] the bum's rush v expr slang (dismiss [sb] rudely) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 将某人赶走   SCSimplified Chinese 将某人打发走 give [sb] the bum's rush v expr slang (eject [sb] forcibly) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 将某人轰走   SCSimplified Chinese 强行驱赶 gold rush n (mass migration to goldmine)SCSimplified Chinese 淘金热 táo jīn rè TCTraditional Chinese 掏金熱  The gold rush of the early 20th century became a symbol of the American Dream. in a rush adv (hurrying, making haste)SCSimplified Chinese 匆忙地 cōng máng de   SCSimplified Chinese 急冲冲地  Isabella was running around in a rush trying to get everything ready. in a rush adj (hurrying, making haste)SCSimplified Chinese 匆忙的 cōng máng de   SCSimplified Chinese 急冲冲的 cōng máng de ,jí chōng chōng de  Ava was in a rush to get to work on time. rush away vi + adv (hurry and leave)SCSimplified Chinese 匆忙离开 cōng máng lí kāi TCTraditional Chinese 匆忙離開  When the soldiers arrived, the villagers rushed away. rush back vi + adv (return in a hurry)SCSimplified Chinese 赶回来  I rushed back home after work so I could watch the hockey game on TV. rush hour n (peak traffic times)SCSimplified Chinese 高峰时间 gāo fēng shí jiān TCTraditional Chinese 高峰時間  The city roads are in chaos during the rush hour.  上下班高峰期,城市道路一片混乱。 rush hour, rush-hour n as adj (peak traffic times)SCSimplified Chinese 高峰期   SCSimplified Chinese 高峰时间 gāo fēng shí jiān TCTraditional Chinese 高峰時間 备注: A hyphen may be used when the adjective precedes the noun Stan left work early to avoid the rush hour traffic.  斯坦提早下班,以避开高峰时段的交通。 rush out vi + adv (exit in a hurry)SCSimplified Chinese 仓促跑出 cāng cù pǎo chū TCTraditional Chinese 倉促跑出   SCSimplified Chinese 急忙跑出 cāng cù pǎo chū,jí máng pǎo chū   SCSimplified Chinese 冲出 cāng cù pǎo chū,chōng chū  We rushed out to get some medicines before the pharmacy closed.  为了赶在药店关门前买到药,我们仓促地跑了出去。 rush through [sth] vi + prep (hurry through a place)SCSimplified Chinese 快速通过,快速穿过 kuài sù chuān guò TCTraditional Chinese 快速穿過  Ron rushed through the school to get to his class in time. rush [sth] through, rush through [sth] vi + prep (hurry to complete [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 匆忙做完,仓促完成 cāng cù wán chéng  Helen rushed through her homework. sugar rush n informal (energy boost)SCSimplified Chinese 食糖后兴奋感  A sugar rush is followed by a quick dip in stamina.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: rush [rʌʃ] I n [s] (=hurry) 匆忙 cōngmáng [of water, air] 冲(衝) chōng [of feeling, emotion] 突发(發) tūfā (=sudden demand) ▶ a rush (on) 抢(搶)购(購) qiǎnggòu II vt (=hurry) [+ lunch, job etc] 赶(趕)紧(緊)做 gǎnjǐn zuò [+ person] (to hospital etc) 急速赶(趕)往 jísù gǎnwǎng [+ supplies, order] (to person, place) 急速发(發)送 jísù fāsòng III vi 1 [person] 急速前往 jísù qiánwǎng Russian banks rushed to buy as many dollars as they could.俄罗(羅)斯银(銀)行赶(趕)紧(緊)买(買)入尽(盡)可能多的美元。 Éluósī yínháng gǎnjǐn mǎirù jìn kěnéng duō de měiyuán. 2 [air, water] 急泻(瀉) jíxiè don't rush me! 别(別)催我! Bié cuī wǒ! to rush sth off (=send) 紧(緊)急发(發)送某物 jǐnjí fāsòng mǒuwù what's the rush?什么(麼)事那么(麼)急? shénme shì nàme jí? to be in a rush (to do sth)仓(倉)促(地做某事) cāngcù (de zuò mǒushì) to rush sb into doing sth催促某人做某事 cuīcù mǒurén zuò mǒushì rush through vt [+ order, application] 赶(趕)紧(緊)处(處)理 gǎnjǐn chǔlǐ 在这些条目还发现'rush': 在英文解释里: bear down on - break - careen - charge - come running - crowd in - dash by - dumping - feeze - forty-niner - hare - haste - hotfoot - hurry - hurry along - hurry up - hurtle - plunge - precipitation - run around like a headless chicken - snap up - stampede - stream of people - surge - take slowly - wave - whiz 中文: 冲 - 赶 - 冲入 - 匆匆 - 奔 - 奔走 - 慌忙 - 扑 - 窜 - 闯 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, 更多……同义词: hurry, hurry up, race, speed, hasten, 更多……习惯性搭配: rush to [the store, work, school], a [crazy, mad, sudden, mighty] rush, the rush hour [traffic, tailbacks, transit], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'rush' 的论坛讨论:

no rush No rush, just wanted to remind you rush hour to be in a rush ...faster than a dragonfly on a sugar rush - English Only forum [grammar](and) so loud was the rush... - English Only forum [the] last-minute rush - English Only forum a digital land rush to streaming - English Only forum a huge rush of energy - English Only forum A kind of rush, a thrill almost - English Only forum a rush - English Only forum A rush brings the bad result. - English Only forum a rush of adrenaline - English Only forum a rush of air through his teeth - English Only forum a rush of energy.../ an archaically ground lens.../ an attendant script... - English Only forum a rush went through me. - English Only forum A/an/the rush - English Only forum after the rush of rescuing me from the rage of something .. - English Only forum American Gold Rush - English Only forum an adrenaline rush/a rush of adrenaline - English Only forum And me constrained to to cover for Coral. - English Only forum Are you in a rush for other arrangements - English Only forum Argue/talk/push/drag/rush someone into something? - English Only forum at rush hour - English Only forum at rush hour/at the rush hour - English Only forum avoid the rush - English Only forum Be hasty x rush things - English Only forum bulldog rush - English Only forum caffeine rush - English Only forum Can "rush" be used in relation to a car? - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'rush'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "rush" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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