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2024-07-14 00:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英语热词 | 政府工作报告中提到的“互联网+”英语怎么说?

2019年3月10日 口语与词汇



互联网+政务服务 Internet Plus Government Services initiative

深化“互联网+政务服务”,各地探索推广一批有特色的改革举措,企业和群众办事便利度不断提高。 We advanced the Internet Plus Government Services initiative, the loval authorities explored and extended a number of distinctive reform measures, and both businesses and the public now enjoy increasingly better access to government services.

互联网+监管 Internet Plus Regulation

推行信用监管和“互联网+监管”改革,优化环保、消防、税务、市场监管等执法方式,对违法者依法严惩、对守法者无事不扰。 We will promote credit rating-based regulation and the Internet Plus Regulation reform initiative, develop better ways of law enforcement on environmental protection, fire prevention, tax collection, and market oversight, and see that law breakers are punished in accordance with law and the law-abiding are let be.

各行业各领域“互联网+” Internet Plus initiatives in all industries and sectors

加快在各行业各领域推进“互联网+”。持续推动网络提速降费。开展城市千兆宽带入户示范,改造提升远程教育、远程医疗网络,推动移动网络基站扩容升级,让用户切实感受到网速更快更稳定。 We will speed up efforts to pursure Internet Plus initiatives in all industries and sectors. We will continue to speed up broadband and lower internet rates. We will launch demo projects to extend 1,000M broadband connectivity to urban homes, upgrade networks for distance education and telemedicine, and expand the capacity of mobile telecommunication base stations and upgrade them, to provvide faster and more reliable broadband connections for internet users.

互联网+教育 Internet Plus Education model

推进城乡义务教育一体化发展,加快改善乡村学校办学条件,抓紧解决城镇学校“大班额”问题,保障进城务工人员随迁子女教育,发展“互联网+教育”,促进优质资源共享。 We will promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education, move faster to improve conditions in rural schools and to address the problem of oversized classes in urban schools, ensure access to education for children living with their migrant worker parents in cities, develop Internet Plus Education models, and promote quality resource sharing.

互联网+督查 Internet Plus Inspection initiative

压减和规范督查检查考核事项,实施“互联网+督查”。减少开会和发文数量,今年国务院及其部门要带头大幅精简会议、坚决把文件压减三分之一以上。 We will cut down on and overhaul matters subject to inspection, checks, and evaluations, and implement an Internet Plus Inspection initiative. The number of meetings and documents will be cut. This year, the State Council and its offices and departments will lead the way in making major reductions to the number of meetings and will cut the number of documents issued by over a third.





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