【领读者】书篇: A Christmas Carol

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【领读者】书篇: A Christmas Carol

2023-07-18 17:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

原标题:【领读者】书篇: A Christmas Carol - 《圣诞颂歌》情节概要

圣诞树进入英国后不久,狄更斯创作了《圣诞颂歌》,将所谓的现代“圣诞精神”融入千家万户的生活。狄更斯给他的故事起了个副标题——(‘A Ghost Story for Christmas’)。鬼由民间故事传说而来,而非源自基督教福音。


《圣诞颂歌》开篇,埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇(Ebenezer Scrooge)呆在他的“账房”里,此时是圣诞前夕,伦敦城被笼罩在灰土浓雾之中。这个时期被称为“饥饿的四十年代”,在十九世纪四十年代的爱尔兰,工人阶级穷困潦倒,饥寒交迫。人民宪章运动(一场工人阶级的改革运动)埋下了革命的火种,冲突一触即发。


斯克鲁奇的合伙人马莱(Marley)于七年前去世,从那以后,斯克鲁奇就成了“斯克鲁奇与马莱”公司(Scrooge& Marley)唯一的所有者。他是个放贷人,虽然借钱给别人,但讨厌与钱分开的感觉。两位绅士想求得他的慈悲捐赠,他直接来了一句“呸!胡闹!” 斯克鲁奇的另外一位访客,他的外甥来祝愿他圣诞快乐,却被他嚷道:“还圣诞快乐!每个到处叫着‘圣诞快乐’的傻瓜都该被放到锅里活活煮熟!”于是他的外甥也像那两位男士一样被“胡闹”轰走了(第一节)。

在一天十二个小时的工作结束后,斯克鲁奇的办事员鲍伯·克拉契(BobCratchit)得到老板的许可,返回家中。“克拉契”——他的名字让人不禁联想到一支唰唰地写字的钢笔——是一位代笔人。在打字机和复印机出现之前,商业和法律上的必要文件誊抄工作需要人工完成,四十年之后,打字员这个职业才出现。克拉契一年有一天的假期,每周工作六天挣得十五先令(约七十五便士),也就是一天挣半个克朗。他要依靠这些收入来支撑起一个庞大的家庭,但常常入不敷出。全家人最喜欢的是小提姆(Tiny Tim),一个有点跛的小男孩(下图中的他坐在父亲的肩膀上):




Plot summary

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an old man who transforms his miserly ways after four ghostly visits one Christmas Eve.

A Christmas Carol - Key plot details

On Christmas Eve, Scrooge makes his clerk, Bob Cratchit, work in the cold. He refuses an invitation to his nephew Fred's Christmas party and will not give money to the charity collectors. At home he is visited by the ghost of his old business partner, Marley. The Ghost of Christmas Past wakes Scrooge and shows him moments from his childhood, his apprenticeship and his failed engagement. The Ghost of Christmas Present takes him to the Cratchit's home, where he is saddened by the ill, but kind, Tiny Tim. He is also shown how Fred celebrates Christmas with friends and how others celebrate Christmas together. The final ghost is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come who terrifies Scrooge with visions of his death. Scrooge awakes on Christmas Day and is delighted to find he has the chance to repent of his miserly ways. He buys a turkey for the Cratchits and attends his nephew's party. Scrooge becomes like a second father to Tiny Tim and gains a reputation for knowing how to celebrate Christmas. A Christmas Carol is a moral tale about the spirit of giving and being kind to one another.

A Christmas Carol is

a moral tale about

the spirit of giving and being kind to one another.返回搜狐,查看更多





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