
您所在的位置:网站首页 含义的同义词英语翻译 除了amazing,这些表示「赞叹」的词才是老外最常用的


2024-06-21 00:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

If you have friends that are interested in finding awesome things, chances are that you often come across and see things that are awesome and amazing as well! These are things that may help you feel awe, or a feeling of inspiration, admiration, reverence, or fear.如果你有朋友善于发现很棒的东西,那么你便也有机会遇到或看到很棒或是令你惊奇的事物!这些事物可以帮助你感知敬畏,或是激发一种灵感、体验赞美、敬畏或恐惧的感觉。

The problem is, if you try to describe how awesome each of these things that you see are, you will end up using the word awesome or amazing too many times.问题是,如果你试图描述你看到的每一件东西都是多么的棒,你最终会使用awesome或amazing这些词很多次。

Instead, you can use synonyms, or words that mean something very similar! The following is a list of common words that mean amazing or awesome.取而代之的是,你可以使用同义词或是意思是非常相近的词语!下面是一个含有是令人惊讶或极好的之意的普通单词列表。

Amazing meaning: inspiring awe, or a feeling of greatness令人惊叹的意义:激发一种敬畏或很棒的感觉

Depending on the context in which you use amazing, it has several different meanings. The most common use of awesome is to mean something that inspires awe and a feeling of wonder.根据你使用amazing的上下文,它有好几个不同的含义。awesome最常见的用法是表达激发敬畏的事和令人惊奇的感觉。

Below are many words can be used interchangeably, and all of them mean something close to creating a feeling of greatness. If you want to describe something very good, try to use these words.下面是许多可以互换的词,它们的意思都是接近创造一种很棒的感觉。如果你想描述一些很好的东西,可以试着用这些词。

Fantastic: extraordinarily good棒极了:格外的好


The Broadway show that we saw last night was fantastic!昨晚我们看的百老汇演出真是太棒了!

The food from the restaurant in Queens was absolutely fantastic!女王餐厅的食物真是美味极了!

Great: of a considerable amount above the average伟大的:相当于超出平均水平之上很多


The team played a great game, but they still lost in the end.这个队打了一场精彩的比赛,但最后还是输了。

In order to be a great leader, you have to understand the goals that you are trying to achieve and the strengths of your team members.为了成为一个伟大的领导者,你必须了解你努力实现的目标和团队成员的力量。

Astonishing: surprising to the point of being impressive惊人的:令人吃惊到印象深刻


The number of hot dogs that the hot dog eating contest champion ate was astonishing!热狗大赛冠军吃掉的热狗数量令人震惊!

It is absolutely astonishing how many people think that climate change is not a manmade phenomenon.绝对令人震惊的是,有多少人认为气候变化不是人为现象。

Awe-inspiring: so great to the point of inspiring awe令人敬畏的:如此之棒使得激发了你的敬畏之心


The way that the athlete was so determined to finish the race even after she fell was so awe-inspiring!运动员即使在摔倒后也决心完成比赛是多么令人敬畏啊!

One of the things that people like most about traveling is that the landscape and city views are always so awe-inspiring, especially in nature!人们最喜欢旅游的地方之一就是自然景观和城市景色,它们总是那么令人惊叹,尤其是置身于大自然中!

Breathtaking: takes someone’s breath away; extremely impressive and great惊险的:世人惊叹的无法呼吸;令人印象极其深刻和很赞的


The cultural dance was absolutely breathtaking – I want to watch another show.文化舞蹈表演真是美妙绝伦,我还想再看一场演出。

The breathtaking views of the Swiss Alps was enough to inspire Todd to move to Switzerland for a couple months.瑞士阿尔卑斯山令人叹为观止的景象足以吸引托德搬到瑞士住几个月。

Impressive: causing a feeling of admiration令人印象深刻的:引起一种钦佩的感觉


It was so impressive that Hannah got perfect scores on all of her tests in science last year!这太让我印象深刻了,汉娜在去年所有的科学考试中都得了满分!

The impressive geysers and mountains in Yellowstone National Park in the United States draw millions of visitors each year.美国黄石公园令人印象深刻的间歇泉和山脉每年都吸引数百万游客。

Magnificent: very impressive and excellent, absolutely good宏伟壮观的:印象深刻并且优秀的,极棒的


Harry would make a magnificent CEO for this company because he has incredible dedication to technology and advancement, and knows how to handle many different projects at once.哈利会成为这家公司一位出色的总裁,因为他对技术和进步有着不可思议的奉献精神,并且知道如何同时处理许多不同的项目。

Terry had a magnificent summer vacation because he took his family with him to a safari in Tanzania, and his two sons were able to touch a giraffe!泰瑞度过了一个精彩的暑假,因为他带着家人去了坦桑尼亚的野生动物园,他的两个儿子能够摸到长颈鹿!

Wonderful: inspiring a feeling full of wonder, admiration奇妙的:激发一种充满惊奇、钦佩的感觉


Your essay is wonderful, dear, just don’t forget to correct your grammar mistakes.你的文章很棒,亲爱的,只是别忘了改正你的语法错误。

Dr. Wu is an absolutely wonderful mentor – if you want to learn dermatology, you have to seek his mentorship!吴博士是一位绝对优秀的导师——如果你想学习皮肤病学,你必须寻求他来做导师!

Stunning: causing someone to pause (literally or figuratively) because something is so amazing令人震惊的:因为某事是如此惊人,使某人静止下来(字面或比喻意)。


The white sand beaches in Cambodia were so stunning that we decided to stay in the city for an extra three days.柬埔寨的白色沙滩令人赞叹不已,我们决定在这个城市多呆三天。

My wife looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress.我妻子穿着婚纱时显得惊艳迷人。

Mind-blowing: something that blows the mind, metaphorically, or causing so much wonder as to almost be overwhelming.使兴奋的:一种能使人头脑发热、隐喻性的东西,或引起如此多的奇迹以至于几乎让人无法抵抗的感觉


The principles of psychology that are used in marketing were so mind-blowing when I first learned about them, but I assume that they influence every advertisement I see now.当我第一次了解到营销心理学的原理时,它令人惊奇,但是我认为它影响了我现在看到的每个广告。

When the TV channel first heard the news, they thought it was going to be a mind-blowing scandal.当电视频道第一次听到这个消息时,他们认为这将是一个令人吃惊的丑闻。

Majestic: having impressive elegance, beauty, and greatness宏伟的:有着令人难以忘怀的优雅、美丽、伟大


The Himalaya mountains are majestic, which is why so many people want to climb them even though they are so tough to climb.喜马拉雅山脉雄伟壮观,这就是为什么即使它难以征服,但仍然有那么多人想攀登它们。

Amazing meaning: inspiring fear, or tinges of fear mixed with admiration令人惊讶的含义:激发恐惧,或微微的恐惧混合着钦佩之感

This category of words means something slightly different from those other words above. This set of words has a more negative meaning, more associated with fear and unhappiness.这类词的意思与上面的其他词略微不同。这组词有一个更消极的意思,更多的是与恐惧与不幸福有关。

However, most of these words can mean something that causes fear, but many times they also describe something that is so magnificent, so great, that the first reaction of some people is to fear it.然而,这些词语中的大多数可以表示引起恐惧的东西,但是很多时候,它们也描述一些非常宏伟、非常伟大的东西,以至于有些人的第一反应就是害怕它。

These words vary more in definition, so make sure you use the correct word depending on how you feel!这些词在定义上有所不同,所以请确保你根据你的感受来使用正确的单词。

Dreadful: causing a feeling of sadness, fear, and disapproval可怕的:引起一种悲伤、恐惧和反对的情绪


The goalie’s performance in the championship game was dreadful, so the opposite team kept scoring goals and eventually won the game.这位守门员在锦标赛中的表现很糟糕,所以对方球队不断进球,最终赢得了比赛。

I will never stay in that hotel again, because my experience was absolutely dreadful!我再也不会呆在那家酒店了,因为我的经历太糟糕透了!

Formidable: causing a feeling of fear and begrudging respect (respect that you cannot help but feel) because of the person or thing’s large size, power, skill, etc.令人生畏的:由于人或物的大小、力量、技能等原因,引起一种恐惧感和令人敬畏的尊重(你无法不感到的尊重)。


Even though Fiora was a formidable opponent and scared me before the match, I was able to beat her and feel very accomplished!虽然菲奥娜是一个强大到令人害怕的对手,在比赛前把我吓坏了,但我还是打败了她,我感觉很有成就感!

I did not expect the Great Wall of China to be so large, but it was so formidable when I climbed up to it and looked out into the forest, where I could see the Wall extending farther than I could see!我没想到中国的长城会这么大,但当我爬上长城,向森林里望去,看到长城延伸得比我能看到的还远,那真是太可怕了!

Frightening: something that causes intense fear in someone else可怕的:引起别人强烈恐惧的东西


The storm was frightening because the lightning and thunder went on for hours.暴风雨很可怕,因为闪电和雷声持续了好几个小时。

I have never been in a more frightening situation, and hope that I will never have to be again.我从未经历过比这更可怕的情况,希望我再也不会这样了。

Intimidating: inspiring fear or awe, especially when trying to make someone do something恐吓威胁的:激起恐惧或敬畏的,尤指试图使某人做某事时


When you meet Alex in person, she seems like a fantastic person, but when you hear about all her accomplishments, she can be intimidating!当你和亚历克斯见面时,她看起来像个了不起的人,但当你听说她的所有成就时,她可能很吓人!

Overwhelming: causing a feeling of extreme emotion, often enough to feel that it is too much无法抵抗的:引起极端情绪的感觉,这感觉经常充足到过剩。


The joy that I felt upon winning my first gold medal was so overwhelming that I broke down in happy tears when I received it.当我赢得第一枚金牌时,我感到难以抑制的喜悦。所以当我收到金牌时,我高兴得流泪了。

The senator received overwhelming support when he announced a new bill to reform health care in the country.参议员宣布了一项改革该国医疗保健的法案,得到了压倒性的支持。

Terrifying: causing great fear; even though terrifying is often use as a descriptor of something bad, it can also describe something that is so incredible that people begin to fear it. The following examples are sentences which use terrifying to mean something that is amazing.恐怖的:引起巨大的恐惧;尽管恐怖经常被用作坏事的描述,它也可以描述一些令人难以置信的事情,以至于人们开始害怕它。下面的例子是用恐怖来表示令人惊奇的句子。


The pace of development and progress in China for the past few years has been terrifying for the rest of the world.过去几年,中国的发展和进步速度令世界其他国家惊叹不已。

The new startup swooped in at a terrifying speed and drew away all the customers, leaving the other companies in the dust.新的创业公司以惊人的速度发展起来,吸引了所有的客户,让其他公司陷入了困境。

The next time that you see something that amazes you, try to use some of these words! They can help broaden your vocabulary and describe what you are feeling more accurately.下次当你看到一些令你吃惊的事物时,试着用这些词来表达!它们可以帮助你扩大词汇量,更加准确地描述你的感受。

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