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2024-02-21 18:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



什么是疑问代词/疑问词?Woman looking at shirt in clothing shop asking English question words such as What size are you



Who? - 谁What? - 什么When? - 什么时候Where? - 哪里Which? - 哪个How? - 怎么、怎么样




疑问词 - 助动词 - 主语 - 动词 - 补语

例如:“Who did you see yesterday at the party?” (你昨天在派对上见到了谁?)




疑问词 - 主动词 - 主语 - 补语

例如:“Who ate the cake at the party?”(谁在派对上吃了蛋糕?)这句话中就没有助动词。






Who - 谁hoo/ˈhuː/Who are you? - 你是谁?What - 什么wot/ˈhwʌt/What is this? - 这是什么?When - 什么时候wen/hwen/When did this happen? - 这是什么时候发生的?Where - 哪里wear/hwer/Where are you? - 你在哪里?Why - 为什么hwigh/ˈwaɪ/Why are you upset? - 你为什么不高兴?Which - 哪个wich/hwɪtʃ/Which dress do you prefer? - 你喜欢哪条裙子?How - 怎么、怎么样hou/ˈhaʊ/How are you? - 你好吗?(你怎么样?)

Who? - 谁?






Who are you going with? - 你和谁一起去?hoo air yoo goin' wit/ˈhuː ər ju ˌgoʊɪŋ wɪθ/Who won the game? - 谁赢了这场比赛?hoo won thuh game/ˈhuː wɑːn ðə ˈɡeɪm/Who gave you this dress? - 这条裙子是谁给你的?hoo gav yoo this dres/ˈhuː ˈɡeɪv ju ðɪs ˈdres/Who was with you at the party? - 聚会上你和谁在一起?hoo wuhz wit yoo at thuh party/ˈhuː wəz wɪθ ju ət ðə ˈpɑːrti/Who is the person you were talking to? - 和你说话的人是谁?hoo iz thuh purson yoo wuhr tawkin' tuh/ˈhuː ɪz ðə ˈpɝːsn̩ ju wər ˈtɔ:kɪŋ tuː/Whose car is this? - 这是谁的车?hooz kahr iz this/ˈhuːz ˈkɑ:r z ðɪs/Whose pencil are you using? - 你用的是谁的铅笔?hooz pen-sul air yoo yoo-zin/ˈhuːz ˈpensl̩ ər ju ˈjuːzɪŋ/

What? - 什么?

“What”很可能是你在英语学习中遇到的第一个疑问词。还记得在第一堂英语课上,老师用“What’s your name?(你叫什么名字?)”来熟悉每个人的名字吗?


“what”还可以用于询问人、物或地方的描述。此时,需要使用“look like(看起来像)”这个短语。其结构为:

what - 助动词 - 主语 - look like?

它还可以与“like”结合使用,询问某人的性格或地方的性质。 在这种情况下,公式为:

what- 动词"to be" - 主语-like?





What is your name? - 你叫什名字?Wuhts iz yoo-ur neym?/wɒt ɪz jər ˈneɪm/What are you doing? - 你在干什么?Wuhts uh-ree yoo dooin?/wɒt ər ju ˈduːɪŋ/What ice cream flavor do you like the most? - 你最喜欢什么口味的冰淇淋?Wuhts ays kreem flehv-ur duh yoo lahy-k thuh mo-st?/wɒt ˈaɪs kri:m ˈfleɪvər du: ju laɪk ðə moʊst/What is your favorite TV show? - 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?Wuhts iz yoo-ur fehv-ur-it T-V shoh?/wɒt ɪz jər ˈfeɪvərət ˈtiːˈviː ˈʃoʊ/What time do you go to work? - 你什么时候去上班?Wuhts tahym duh yoo goh tuh wurk?/wɒt ˈtaɪm du: ju ˈɡoʊ tə ˈwɝːk/What day is today? - 今天是什么日子?(今天是星期几?)Wuhts day iz toh-dey?/wɒt ˈdeɪ z təˈdeɪ/What does your sister look like? - 你妹妹长什么样?Wuhts doh-z yoo-ur sis-tur luk lahy-k?/wɒt dəz jər sɪstər ˈlʊk ˈlaɪk/What does your car look like? - 你的车长什么样?Wuhts doh-z yoo-ur kahr luk lahy-k?/wɒt dəz jər ˈkɑ:r ˈlʊk ˈlaɪk/What is your city like? - 你的城市是什么样的?Wuhts iz yoo-ur sit-ee lahy-k?/wɒt ɪz jər ˈsɪti ˈlaɪk/What is your father like? - 你父亲是什么样的人?Wuhts iz yoo-ur fah-thur lahy-k?/wɒt ɪz jər ˈfɑːðr̩ ˈlaɪk/

When? - 什么时候?





When are you coming to visit me? - 你什么时候来看我?Wen er yoo kuhm-ing tuh vuh-zit mi/hwen ər ju ˈkʌmɪŋ tə ˈvɪzət miː/When are you coming home? - 你什么时候回家?Wen er yoo kuhm-ing hohm/hwen ər ju ˈkʌmɪŋ hoʊm, həʊm/When do the holidays start? - 假期什么时候开始?Wen duh holidays stahrt/hwen du: ðə ˈhɑːlədeɪz ˈstɑːrt/When is your yoga class? - 你的瑜伽课是什么时候?Wen iz yur yo-guh klahs/hwen ɪz jər ˈjoʊɡə ˈklæs/When do you want to go to the cinema? - 你想什么时候去看电影?Wen duh yoo wahnt tuh guh tuh thuh sin-uh-muh/hwen du: ju ˈwɒnt tə ˈɡoʊ tə ðə ˈsɪnəmə/When will you visit me? - 你什么时候来看我?Wen wil yoo vuh-zit mi/hwen ˌwi:l ju ˈvɪzət miː/

Where? - 哪里?





Where are you going on your weekend trip? - 你周末要去哪里旅行?weh-r ahr yoo go-in' on yoor weekend trip/hwer̩ər ju ˌgoʊɪŋ ˈɑːn jər ˈwiːˌkend ˈtrɪp/Where is the bus station? - 公共汽车站在哪里?weh-r iz thuh bus stuh-shun/ˈhwer ɪz ðə ˈbəs ˈsteɪʃn̩/Where is the Bad Bunny concert? - 坏痞兔的音乐会在哪里?weh-r iz thuh bad bun-nee kon-sert/ˈhwer ɪz ðə ˌbæd ˈbʌni ˈkɑːnsərt/Where is this train going? - 这列火车开往哪里?weh-r iz this train go-in'/ˈhwer ɪz ðɪs ˈtreɪn ˈɡoʊɪŋ/Where would you like to go on vacation? - 你想去哪里度假?weh-r would yoo like to go on vuh-key-shun/ˈhwer wʊd ju laɪk tə ˈɡoʊ ˈɑːn veˈkeɪʃn̩/Where is Wally? - 沃利在哪里?weh-r iz waw-lee/ˈhwer ɪz ˈwɒli/

Why? - 为什么?



要求解释:Why did you do this? - 你为什么要这么做?表达不满:Why should we pay taxes? - 我们为什么要交税?提出建议:Why don’t we hurry up? - 我们为什么不快点呢?表示同意:- Do you want to go to the cinema? - 你想去电影院吗? - Why not? Let’s go! - 为什么不呢?我们走吧。




Why did you do this? - 你为什么这样做?hwahy did yoo doo this?/ˈwaɪ ˈdɪd ju du: ðɪs/Why did the baby throw away its food? - 宝宝为什么扔吃的?hwahy did thuh bay-bee throw away its food?/ˈwaɪ ˈdɪd ðə ˌbeɪbi ˈθroʊ əˈweɪ ɪts ˈfuːd/Why should we pay taxes every year? - 为什么我们每年都要纳税?hwahy should weh pay taxes ev-ree yair?/ˈwaɪ ʃəd wi ˈpeɪ ˈtæksəz ˈevri ˈjɪr̩/Why are you upset? - 你为什么不高兴?hwahy are yoo up-set?/ˈwaɪ ər ju ˌʌpset/Why don’t we leave now? - 我们为什么不现在就离开呢?hwahy dont weh leave now?/ˈwaɪ doʊnt wi ˈli:v ˈnaʊ/Why isn’t the train leaving? - 火车为什么不开?hwahy is-nt thuh train leaving?/ˈwaɪ ˈɪzənt ðə ˈtreɪn ˈliːvɪŋ/Why are they looking at us? - 他们为什么看着我们?hwahy are they luh-king at us?/ˈwaɪ ər ˈðeɪ ˈlʊkɪŋ ət əz/

Which? - 哪个


例如,当我们提问“Which dress do you prefer?(你喜欢哪条裙子)”时,我们期望对方在给定的几个选项中指出其偏好。

当与其他限定词(如the, those, your)或代词结合时,“which”经常与“of”一起使用。例如:Which of the following features do you use the most?(你最常使用以下哪些功能)” 就是一个典型的例子。




Which ice cream flavor do you prefer? Chocolate or vanilla? - 你喜欢哪种口味的冰淇淋?巧克力的还是香草的?wich ays krim flay-vuhr doo yoo prefuhr? chawk-lit or van-uh-luh?/hwɪtʃ ˈaɪs kri:m ˈfleɪvər du: ju prəˈfɝː ˌtʃɔːklət ɔːr vəˈnɪlə/Which feature is your favorite? - 你最喜欢哪个功能?wich fea-cher iz yoor fey-vrit?/hwɪtʃ ˈfiːtʃər z jər ˈfeɪvərət/Which pencil is yours? - 哪只铅笔是你的?wich pen-sul iz yore?/hwɪtʃ ˈpensl̩ z ˈjʊrz/Which of those shirts do you like best? - 这些衬衫你最喜欢哪一件?wich uv doth serts doo yoo lyk best?/hwɪtʃ əv ðoʊz ˈʃɝːts du: ju laɪk ˈbest/Which of your brothers is married? - 你的哪个兄弟结婚了?wich uv yore broh-ders iz mer-ried?/hwɪtʃ əv jər ˈbrʌðr̩z ɪz ˈmerid/Which dress is prettier? The blue one or the yellow one? - 哪条裙子更漂亮?蓝色的还是黄色的?wich dres iz pret-ee-er? the bloo wun or the yel-oh wun?/hwɪtʃ ˈdres ɪz ˈprɪtiər? ðə ˈblu: wʌn ɔːr ðə ˈjeloʊ wʌn/

How? - 怎么、怎么样



询问做某事的方式:How do you bake a chocolate cake? - 你怎么烤巧克力蛋糕?询问某事物的状态或特定经历:How was the movie? - 电影怎么样?询问具体的量:How old is your brother? - 你哥哥多大了?提出建议:How about a movie night? - 电影之夜怎么样?




How are you? - 你好吗?How air yoo?/ˌhaʊ ər ju/How was the trip? - 旅行怎么样?How wuhz thuh trip?/ˌhaʊ wəz ðə ˈtrɪp/How do you make lasagna? - 你怎么做千层面?How doo yoo make luh-sahg-nuh?/ˌhaʊ du: ju ˈmeɪk laˈsɑːnjə/How often do you go to the cinema? - 你多久去一次电影院?How often doo yoo go to thuh sin-uh-muh?/ˌhaʊ ˈɔːfn̩ du: ju ˈɡoʊ tə ðə ˈsɪnəmə/How far do you live? - 你住得有多远?How far doo yoo live?/ˌhaʊ ˈfɑːr du: ju ˈlaɪv/How about dinner at the new Italian restaurant? - 在新开的意大利餐厅吃晚饭怎么样?How uh-bout dinner at thuh new ih-tuh-lee-un rest-uh-rant?/ˌhaʊ əˌbaʊt ˈdɪnə ət ðə ˈnju: əˈtæljən ˈrestəˌrɑːnt/

One who never asks either knows everything or nothing





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