
您所在的位置:网站首页 向外国友人介绍春节英语作文300字 关于向外国朋友介绍春节的英语作文


2023-07-02 04:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”向外国朋友介绍春节“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introduce Spring Festival to foreign friends。以下是关于向外国朋友介绍春节的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce Spring Festival to foreign friends

Dear XXX, you may know something about the city, but I'd love to tell you more about it. Palace Music Palace, also known as "the city of forbetom", was built in, and took 20000 workers to build. It covers an area of square meters.

It is also one of the five largest imperial palaces in the United States. In China, the whole palace has rooms. Traditionally, it is considered a lucky night.

Every Tuesday, the palace is open to Chinese students free of charge. There are many treasures with a long history here. It is a must visit place for domestic and foreign tourists.

I've been very happy ever since I knew you were going to visit Beijing. Please let me know when you get here so that I can be your faithful guide, XXX.





Dear friends, I'm glad you can come to China. I will first introduce some places of interest to help you visit. You should go to Beijing to see the bird's nest.

It is the first national stadium. It represents the spirit of our Olympic movement and Chinese culture. You should visit the Great Wall.

It is a place with a long history. Thousands of years ago, it helped the Chinese people to stay away from war and other things National aggression. It's very popular, not only for foreign friends to visit, but also for our local people.

It has very important educational significance. Finally, you should go to Hangzhou to see the famous scenic spots. The West Lake is a very popular place for vesty.

There is a beautiful and moving love story between a man and a white snake who later became human. This place is famous for its forgeable love story. Many people come there to live an eternal and happy life with their lovers.

If you come, you can't miss this opportunity to learn about the colorful and beautiful culture of China.




Dear Xiaohong, how are you? I'm Weidong. I'm very glad to have your help. When I knew you were going to our city for holiday, I was very excited to welcome you to Wuhan.

But you should know that Wuhan is colder than Guangzhou. So you should bring more clothes when you come to Wuhan. You must tell me that I will take me to visit some scenic spots, such as granny Arrow Building, East Lake Park and Snake Mountain.

Of course, You can visit Wuhan University. Please call me when you will come and I will wait for you at your Weidong railway station.



本文网址: https://www.baobaoyingyu.cn/zuowen/o699685e.html





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