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2024-05-25 23:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265






表1: Balance table

变量 实际加州 合成加州 平均38个控制州 Ln(人均GDP) 10.08 9.86 9.86 15 - 24岁 17.40 17.40 17.29 零售价格 89.42 89.41 87.27 人均啤酒消费量 24.28 24.20 23.75 1988年人均卷烟销量 90.10 91.62 114.20 1980年人均香烟销量 120.20 120.43 136.58 1975年人均卷烟销量 127.10 126.99 132.81




但到目前为止,我们只涉及到估计。我们如何确定两个系列之间观察到的差异是否具有统计学意义的差异?毕竟,我们每年只有两次观测。也许两个系列之间的分歧只不过是预测误差,任何选择的模型都会这样做,即使没有治疗效果。Abadie, Diamond和Hainmueller(2010)建议我们使用一种老式的方法来构建基于R. A. Fisher(1935)的精确的(p)值。Firpo和Possebom(2018)将本检验中使用的零假设称为“无论如何都没有治疗效果”,这是文献中最常见的零假设。尽管他们提出了一个替代的null用于推理,但我将重点关注Abadie、Diamond和Hainmueller(2010)在这个练习中提出的原始假设。如前一章所讨论的,随机化推理将处理分配给每个未处理的单元,重新计算模型的关键系数,并将它们收集到一个分布中,然后用于推理。Abadie、Diamond和Hainmueller(2010)建议计算一组处理前后的均方根预测误差(RMSPE)值,作为用于推断的检验统计量。我们的做法如下:

对donor pool中的每个国家/州反复应用综合控制方法,获得安慰剂效应的分布。

计算每个安慰剂治疗前的RMSPE: 公式为:





对donor pool中的每个国家/州反复应用综合控制方法,获得安慰剂效应的分布。

计算每个安慰剂治疗前的RMSPE: 公式为:





换句话说,我们想知道的是加州的治疗效果是否极端,这是一个相对的概念,与donor pool




Abadie, Diamond和Hainmueller(2010)建议反复删除那些前处理RMSPE与加州相当不同的州,因为正如你所看到的,它们在某种程度上扩大了规模,使人们很难看到发生了什么。它们通过几个步骤来实现这一点,但我将直接跳到最后一步(图5)。在这张图中,他们去掉了任何一个预处理后的RMSPE超过加州两倍的州单位。因此,这就限制了图片的范围,只有模型匹配的单元,预处理的,非常好,就像加州的。

图5:Pre-Proposition 99 RMSPE 2 times Pre-Pop 99 RMSPE for CA




合成控制法命令大全:synth、synth_runner、npsynth、allsynth、fect 1、命令:synth

一文读懂合成控制法 (Synthetic Control Method)操作及Stata应用

下载安装方法为:ssc install synth, replace


Abadie, A., Diamond, A., and J. Hainmueller. 2014. Comparative Politics and the Synthetic Control Method. American Journal of Political Science (Forthcoming 2014).

Abadie, A., Diamond, A., and J. Hainmueller. 2010. Synthetic Control Methods for Comparative Case Studies: Estimating the Effect of California's Tobacco Control Program. Journal of the American Statistical Association 105(490): 493-505.

Abadie, A. and Gardeazabal, J. 2003. Economic Costs of Conflict: A Case Study of the Basque Country. American Economic Review 93(1): 113-132.

Vanderbei, R.J. 1999. LOQO: An interior point code for quadratic programming. Optimization Methods and Software 11: 451-484.

Abadie, A., Diamond, A., and J. Hainmueller. 2014. Comparative Politics and the Synthetic Control Method. American Journal of Political Science (Forthcoming 2014).

Abadie, A., Diamond, A., and J. Hainmueller. 2010. Synthetic Control Methods for Comparative Case Studies: Estimating the Effect of California's Tobacco Control Program. Journal of the American Statistical Association 105(490): 493-505.

Abadie, A. and Gardeazabal, J. 2003. Economic Costs of Conflict: A Case Study of the Basque Country. American Economic Review 93(1): 113-132.

Vanderbei, R.J. 1999. LOQO: An interior point code for quadratic programming. Optimization Methods and Software 11: 451-484.


下载安装方法为:ssc install syntn_runner, replace


Cavallo, E., S. Galiani, I. Noy, and J. Pantano. 2013. Catastrophic natural disasters and economic growth. Review of Economics and Statistics 95: 1549-1561.

Quistorff, B. and S. Galiani. 2017. The synth_runner package: Utilities to automate synthetic control estimation using synth. Stata Journal 17: 834-849.

Cavallo, E., S. Galiani, I. Noy, and J. Pantano. 2013. Catastrophic natural disasters and economic growth. Review of Economics and Statistics 95: 1549-1561.

Quistorff, B. and S. Galiani. 2017. The synth_runner package: Utilities to automate synthetic control estimation using synth. Stata Journal 17: 834-849.

合成控制法(Nonparametric Synthetic Control Method,npsynth)及stata操作(一)

下载安装方法为:ssc install npsyntn, replace


Cerulli, G. 2015. Econometric Evaluation of Socio-Economic Programs: Theory and Applications, Springer.

Cerulli, G., 2019. A flexible Synthetic Control Method for modeling policy evaluation, Economics Letters, 182, 40-44.

Cerulli, G. 2015. Econometric Evaluation of Socio-Economic Programs: Theory and Applications, Springer.

Cerulli, G., 2019. A flexible Synthetic Control Method for modeling policy evaluation, Economics Letters, 182, 40-44.


下载安装方法为:ssc install allsyntn, replace

Author:Justin C. Wiltshire, [email protected],University of California, Davis

Acknowledgement: In addition to directly utilizing the synth package, the code for allsynth draws unapologetically on Jens Hainmueller's code from the original synth package. This is an explicit acknowledgement of that fac


Abadie, A. and G.W. Imbens, 2011. Bias-Corrected Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 29(1): 1-11.

Abadie, A., and J. L'Hour, 2019. A Penalized Synthetic Control Estimator for Disaggregated Data. Working paper.

Abadie, A., Diamond, A., and J. Hainmueller, 2010. Synthetic Control Methods for Comparative Case Studies: Estimating the Effect of California's Tobacco Control Program. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105(490): 493-505.

Abadie, A., Diamond, A. and J. Hainmueller, 2015. Comparative politics and the synthetic control method. American Journal of Political Science, 59(2): 495-510.

Ben-Michael, E., Feller, A. and J. Rothstein, 2021. The Augmented Synthetic Control Method. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Forthcoming.

Wiltshire, J.C., 2021. Walmart Supercenters and Monopsony Power: How a Large, Low-Wage Employer Impacts Local Labor Markets. Working paper.

Abadie, A. and G.W. Imbens, 2011. Bias-Corrected Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 29(1): 1-11.

Abadie, A., and J. L'Hour, 2019. A Penalized Synthetic Control Estimator for Disaggregated Data. Working paper.

Abadie, A., Diamond, A., and J. Hainmueller, 2010. Synthetic Control Methods for Comparative Case Studies: Estimating the Effect of California's Tobacco Control Program. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105(490): 493-505.

Abadie, A., Diamond, A. and J. Hainmueller, 2015. Comparative politics and the synthetic control method. American Journal of Political Science, 59(2): 495-510.

Ben-Michael, E., Feller, A. and J. Rothstein, 2021. The Augmented Synthetic Control Method. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Forthcoming.

Wiltshire, J.C., 2021. Walmart Supercenters and Monopsony Power: How a Large, Low-Wage Employer Impacts Local Labor Markets. Working paper.


cap ado uninstall fect net install fect, from(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xuyiqing/fect_stata/master/) replace


Authors: Licheng Liu (MIT); Ye Wang (NYU); Yiqing Xu(Stanford); Ziyi Liu(PKU)

Package: fect

Main Reference: A Practical Guide to Counterfactual Estimators for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data




合成控制法(SCM)安慰剂检验及可视化操作(synth2) 返回搜狐,查看更多




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