
您所在的位置:网站首页 可口可乐和百事可乐的区别 英语翻译


2023-08-27 09:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


周四 Thursday

divide /di'vaid/ 

n. 分歧

No, your taste buds aren't playing tricks on you! Despite their similar qualities, there is an actual difference.不,并不是你的味蕾有问题!虽然他们是差不多的东西,但两者实际上有区别。

Pepsi and Coca-Cola may be one of the most controversial drink debates of all time. A strong divide between diehard Coke drinkers and Pepsi enthusiasts has always existed.百事可乐和可口可乐可能是有史以来饮料界最大的争议了。可口可乐和百事可乐的死忠粉素来分歧严重。

Yet, the two drinks are practically identical in every way from their caramel syrup color to their ingredients. 但是,这两种饮料不管是从焦糖一样的颜色看,还是从原料上看,都基本一样。

Both sodas contain sodium, sugar, carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, phosphoric acid, caffeine, and natural flavors.两种汽水都含钠、白砂糖、碳酸水、高糖玉米糖浆、磷酸、咖啡因和天然香料。

Despite their numerous similarities, Pepsi and Coca-Cola still give people two vastly different flavor experiences, which explains why people prefer one over the other. 尽管他们有太多共同点,但百事可乐和可口可乐依旧给人们带来了两种很不一样的味觉体验,或许这就是为什么很多人会对其中一种颇有偏好。

In Blink, a book about decision making and thinking, by author and journalist, Malcolm Gladwell, he writes, “Pepsi is sweeter than Coke and is also characterized by a citrusy flavor burst, unlike the more raisiny-vanilla taste of Coke.”作家兼记者Malcolm Gladwell曾经写过一本关于决策与思考的书,叫《眨眼之间》,他在书中写到:“百事可乐比可口可乐要甜,而且会爆发出一种柑橘般的味道,而不是可口可乐那种香草葡萄干的味道。”

In fact, a 12 ounce can of Pepsi contains one thing Coke does not—citric acid. In addition, Pepsi also has two more grams of sugar than Coke.实际上,在那一罐12盎司的百事可乐里,有一样东西是可口可乐不具备的,那就是柠檬酸。此外,百事可乐比可口可乐多含2克糖。

These two subtle differences give Pepsi its sweet, citrus-like flavor that people either love or loathe.就是这么一点区别给百事可乐带来了更甜、柑橘般的味道,有的人喜欢它,有的人讨厌它。

Plus, the additional 15 mg of sodium in a can of Coke may explain why it tastes more like a club soda with a toned-down sweetness.另外,可口可乐里面多含的15毫克钠可能解释了它为什么像酒吧里卖的汽水一样不那么甜。



divide /di'vaid/ 

n. 分歧



They are studying the divide between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.他们在研究北爱尔兰的天主教徒与新教徒之间的分歧。

不过它更常用的用法是当动词,表示“分割”,与 up 连用。

Jack divided up the rest of the cash.杰克把余下的现金分了。


Where the path divides, keep right.来到岔路口就朝右行。





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