
您所在的位置:网站首页 口语大赛时需要怎样介绍 2024届江苏省南京市盐城市一模应用文介绍口语比赛课件(共29张PPT)


2024-06-18 00:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共29张PPT)2024届南京盐城一模应用文----介绍口语比赛假定你是李华,上周参加了全市中学生英语口语比赛。请你写一封邮件给美国笔友Peter,与他分享参赛心得,内容包括:1.参赛过程;2.参赛收获。注意:1.写作词数应为80个左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。试题总览Dear Peter,Yours sincerely,Li Hua审题一假定你是李华,上周参加了全市中学生英语口语比赛。请你写一封邮件给美国笔友Peter,与他分享参赛心得,内容包括:1.参赛过程;2.参赛收获。注意:1.写作词数应为80个左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。体裁主题时态人称要点邮件分享参加口语比赛经历1.过去时2.第一人称2.参赛收获分享1.参赛过程介绍邮件全市中学生英语口语比赛分享参赛心得美国笔友1.参赛过程;2.参赛收获。上周目标读者(读者的身份、年龄、知识层次、价值观等)、目标读者最关心的问题、最想知道的信息、对这篇文章的期待;作者应该重点介绍哪些内容,谈论哪些问题,考虑以什么身份与目标读者进行对话,思考以什么风格的语言去谈这个话题。审题二读者意识写作对象目标读者(读者的身份、年龄、知识层次、价值观等)、目标读者关心的问题、想知道的信息、对这篇文章的期待;作者应该重点介绍哪些内容,谈论哪些问题,考虑以什么身份与目标读者进行对话,思考以什么风格的语言去谈这个话题。本题的写作对象是美国笔友,是向外国人介绍我们的英语口语比赛,目标读者是同龄人,语气上可以选择较为轻松的、非正式的风格。在写作创作过程中,应当考虑向笔友重点介绍将比赛不同时间段中会出现的具体行为动作或者情绪情感。谋篇布局Dear Peter,Yours sincerely,Li HuaParagraph1 写信目的Paragraph2 参赛过程Paragraph3 参赛心得Paragraph4 结束话语Paragraph 1 写信目的句式1:Exceedingly delighted to learn that you show passionate interest in…,I can’t wait to share…with you.仿写1:非常高兴得知你对我上周参加了全市中学生英语口语比赛表现出浓厚的兴趣,我迫不及待地想与您分享那个难忘的经历。Exceedingly delighted to learn that you show passionate interest in the city-wide oral English speech contest I participated in last week, I can’t wait to share the unforgettable experience with you.仿写2:非常高兴得知你对到农家采摘草莓的活动表现出浓厚的兴趣,我迫不及待地想与您分享那个难忘的经历。Exceedingly delighted to learn that you show passionate interest in the activity to pick strawberries at the farmhouse., I can’t wait to share the unforgettable experience with you.Paragraph 1 写信目的句式2:Hardly could I hide my excitement when learning you are enthusiastic about …, I’m writing to share…with you.仿写:当得知你对我上周参加的全市中学生英语口语比赛充满兴趣时,我难以掩饰内心的激动,我写信与你分享那个有意义的经历。Hardly could I hide my excitement when learning you are enthusiastic about the city-wide oral English speech contest I signed up for last week, I’m writing to share the meaningful experience with you.仿写一:我最近有机会参加了一次英语写作比赛,这无疑是一次难忘的经历。句式3:运用定语从句介绍参加的活动。I recently had the opportunity to participate in an English writing competition, which was undoubtedly an unforgettable experience. 仿写二:昨天,我们学校组织一场非常有益的保护环境志愿者活动。Yesterday, our school organized a volunteer activity for environmental protection, which was very beneficial for all of us.Paragraph 1 写信目的仿写三:I recently sign up for an English speaking competition, which was a profoundly rewarding experience.我最近参加了一个英语演讲比赛,这是一次非常有益的经历。Paragraph 2 参赛过程on the stagebefore beingon the stageafter beingon the stagePreparationFeelingResultTime Order在准备比赛的日子里,我做了充足的口语训练。Paragraph 2 参赛过程Part1 赛前准备 Preparation仿写1: 在准备比赛的日子里,我做了充足的口语训练。It was during the days of preparing for the competition that I did thorough oral training.句式4:运用强调句:It is\was+被强调部分+that+句子剩余成分.仿写2:为了获得比赛的胜利,赛前我做了充分的跑步训练。It was by doing thorough running training before the competition that I was able to win the race.仿写3:赛前,我进行大量的英语写作练习。It was before the competition that I conducted extensive English writing practice.At first, ….As time passed by,Meanwhile, ....Ultimately,….Paragraph 2 参赛过程比赛过程 衔接语在准备比赛的日子里,我做了充足的口语训练。仿写1:经过几周的练习,我满怀信心和希望地走上了舞台。With weeks of practice beforehand, I stepped onto the stage confidently and hopefully.句式5 运用With复合结构Paragraph 2 参赛过程Part 2 上台仿写2:经过几周丰富的口语训练,我勇敢地走上了舞台。With several weeks of enriching speaking practice, I bravely took to the stage.仿写3:在老师的鼓励下,我昂首挺胸地走向了舞台。With the encouragement of my teacher, I walked towards the stage with my head held high.在准备比赛的日子里,我做了充足的口语训练。Part2 赛中感受 Feeling仿写1:然而,当我站在舞台上时,紧张感随之而来,脑子突然一片空白。However, when I stood on the stage, so nervous was I that my mind suddenly went blank.句式6 倒装句 so +adj. was I ...that句式Paragraph 2 参赛过程仿写2:当我看到老师在台下投来肯定的目光时,我激动到眼泪流了出来。When I saw the teacher giving me a reassuring look from the audience, so excited was I that tears came to my eyes.仿写3:我走上台,看到那么多双眼睛盯着我时,我不由自主地紧张得忘记下一步该做什么。When I walked onto the stage and saw so many pairs of eyes staring at me, so nervous did I become that I forgot what to do next.recoveredParagraph 2 参赛过程示例:恐惧攫住了我好几秒钟,然后我才回过神来,流利地发表了我的演讲。seized me for some seconds before I myself and .Fearrecovereddelivered my speech fluently句式 7 无灵主语Part2 赛中感受 Feeling情绪名词(excitement, surprise, astonishment, horror, tension, anger, cheerfulness...)seize/take hold of sb仿写1:紧张席卷而来,我的双脚微微颤抖,假装镇定自若地完成了我的演讲。Tension took over, my feet trembled slightly, but I pretended to be calm and finished my speech.仿写2:起初,我的声音微微颤抖着,没一会儿就缓过神来,顺利地结束我的演讲。At first, my voice trembled slightly, but soon it recovered and I successfully finished my speech.句式 无灵主语 情绪名词做主语,拟人化。在准备比赛的日子里,我做了充足的口语训练。Paragraph 2 参赛过程Part3 赛后结果 Result翻译句子一:All my efforts finally paid off when there came thunderous applause—I won the first prize.当响起雷鸣般的掌声时,我所有的努力终于得到了回报——我获得了一等奖。词组积累:得到回报:pay off, get rewarded雷鸣般的掌声:thunderous applause获奖:obtain a prize, land the first prize, bear the palmResult 1——赢得了比赛在准备比赛的日子里,我做了充足的口语训练。Paragraph 2 参赛过程Part3 赛后结果 ResultI was holding my breath until the moment the host announced that I had won the award.仿写1 直到主持人宣布我获奖的那一刻,我悬挂的心才沉下来。Result 1——赢得了比赛句式8 运用until\not unitl仿写2:我悬挂的心直到比赛结果出来时才落下来——我获得了第一名!My heart was in my throat until the results of the competition came out —— I won first place!句式9 倒装句 Not until+从句/表时间的词+助动词+(主句)主语+谓语+...。仿写:直到得知我获得第一名的时候我才平复了紧张又期待的心情。Not until I knew that I had won first place could I calm down my nerves and expectations .在准备比赛的日子里,我做了充足的口语训练。Paragraph 2 参赛过程Part3 赛后结果 ResultHowever, despite my best efforts, I still failed.仿写1:然而,尽管我拼尽全力,我还是失败了。Result 2——比赛失利句式 运用介词despiteHowever, despite finishing the race, I still couldn't overcome the fear in my heart.仿写2:然而,尽管我完成了比赛,我还是没能克服心中的恐惧。Paragraph 3参赛心得How tough the match was and how excited I was!仿写1:比赛多么艰难,我多么激动啊!(使用感叹句)句式11 How+adj.+n.或者What+a\an adj.+n.感叹句仿写2:比赛多么不容易,我们多么兴奋啊!(使用感叹句)What an unbelievably difficult competition it was, and how thrilled we were!Paragraph 3参赛心得句式12 倒装句 Adj.+as+sth+ beChallenging as the contest is, the outcome turned out to be rewarding.仿写1 尽管比赛具有挑战性,比赛结果证明是值得的。仿写2 尽管我们都疲惫了,这次志愿者活动的结果证明是值得的。Exhausted as we were, the outcome of the volunteer activity proved to be worthwhile.句式仿写1:尽管没能赢得比赛,我依旧感谢为这次比赛努力付出的自己。Though I didn't win the competition, I still appreciate myself for the hard work and effort I put into this race.Though引导的让步状语从句比赛收获 习语 Idiom一分耕耘,一分收获。1. No pain, no gain.2. You reap what you sow.失败是成功之母。1. Failure is the mother of success.2. Failures are the stepping stones to success.范文Dear Peter,Yours sincerely,Li HuaHow’s everything going I’m writing to share my experience in the high school English speech contest of the city last week.With weeks of practice beforehand, I walked to the stage confidently and hopefully. Fear seized me for some seconds before I recovered myself and delivered my speech fluently. All my efforts finally paid off when there came thunderous applause—I won the first prize.Though challenging, the contest turned out rewarding. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow.Best wishes!下水作文Dear Peter,Yours sincerely,Li HuaHow is everything going Hardly could I hide my excitement when learning you are enthusiastic about the city-wide oral English speech contest I signed up for last week, I’m writing to share the meaningful experience with you.With weeks of practice beforehand, I stepped onto the stage confidently and hopefully. I began my speech with a powerful and engaging introduction, immediately grabbing the judges' and audience's interest. Throughout my speech, I maintained a clear and articulate delivery, speaking with precision and fluency. Not only did I exhibit excellent speaking skills, but I also demonstrated strong critical thinking and effective organization of ideas. My heart was in my throat until the results of the competition came out —— I landed the first place!No pain, no gain. You know how excited I was!Best wishes!优秀范文VersionDear Peter,Yours sincerely,Li HuaHow is everything going I want to share my recent experience that I participated in the high school English speeking contest of the city last week.It was during the days of preparing for the competition that I did thorough oral training. However, when I stood on the stage, I felt so nervous that my mind suddenly went blank. My heart was in my throat until the results of the competition came out —— I won first place!No pain, no gain. You know how excited I was!Best wishes!类似话题---2024届天域全国名校10月联考假定你是李华,在新西兰的一所高中做交换生。你们小组为世界海洋日(World Oceans Day)设计的海报获一等奖,请代表你们组做经验分享,内容包括:1.海报主题及制作过程;2.活动感受。注意:1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。文体:主题:要点:1.海报主题及制作过程;2.活动感受活动过程介绍信“世界海洋日”海报制作时态:人称:一般现在时;第一人称参考范文Dear fellow students,It's my privilege to share with you our experience in creating the poster. Themed on sea pollution, our poster intends to advance ocean conservation and education.Surfing the Internet for inspiring stories about the sea was the first step we took. Then we selected the top concern as the theme and a short, catchy title was chosen to promote the theme. Using the Internet and our school library, we collected information and brainstormed ideas for the design of our poster and what to include. Finally, an appealing picture was added to arouse people's empathy.With joint efforts, our project turned out to be a huge success. Through the practice, our team spirits as well as individual competence have been improved.Thank you!参考范文默写Dear fellow students,__________________(我很荣幸分享…)with you our experience in creating the poster. _________________________(我们的海报以海洋污染为主题,旨在促进海洋保护和教育)____________________________________(上网寻找鼓舞人心的故事)about the sea was the first step we took. Then we_____________ _______(选择最关注的作为主题) and a short, catchy title was chosen to promote the theme. Using the Internet and our school library, we ______________________________(收集信息和集体讨论思路)for the design of our poster and what to include. Finally, ________________________(添加了引人的图片来唤起人们的同理心).With joint efforts, our project _________________________(取得了巨大的成功). Through the practice, our team spirits as well as individual competence have been improved.Thank you!






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