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双语新闻播报(April 10)

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双语新闻播报(April 10)

chinadaily.com.cn 2023-04-10 18:18

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> Giant meatball of extinct mammoth unveiled in Netherlands已灭绝猛犸象DNA被培育制成肉丸


A giant meatball made from flesh cultivated using the DNA of an extinct woolly mammoth was unveiled on Tuesday at Nemo, a science museum in the Netherlands.当地时间周二(3月28日),一颗巨大的肉丸在荷兰国家科学博物馆亮相,它是用灭绝已久的猛犸象DNA经细胞培育而成的肉所制成的。

The meatball was created by Australian cultured meat company Vow. 这颗特殊的肉丸是由澳大利亚一家人造肉企业Vow开发的。

It was made of sheep cells inserted with a singular mammoth gene called myoglobin.它的主要成分是由绵羊细胞结合猛犸象肌红蛋白的DNA序列混合而成的细胞培育结果。

Since the mammoth's DNA sequence obtained by Vow had a few gaps, African elephant DNA was inserted to complete it.由于获取的猛犸象DNA序列有部分缺失,也插入了一些他们现存近亲非洲象的DNA来完善部分空白。

"When it comes to meat, myoglobin is responsible for the aroma, the color and the taste," said James Ryall, Vow's Chief Scientific Officer. 该公司首席科学官赖亚尔解释称,肌红蛋白是赋予肉类色泽和味道的关键成分。

However, the meatballs aren’t intended for human consumption.不过,这颗肉丸目前还不能供人们食用。

Vow promises this was not an April Fools joke – saying it wanted to get people talking about cultured meat, and calling it a more sustainable alternative to real meat.该公司称,这不是愚人节玩笑,他们希望通过此举唤起人们对人造肉的关注,并称这会是真正肉类的可持续替代品。

> Sleeping fewer than 8 hours linked to beer belly risk睡眠不足8小时或容易长“啤酒肚”


People who do not get enough sleep every night are more likely to suffer a pot belly, a new study suggests. 一项新的研究显示,经常睡眠不足的人更容易长“啤酒肚”。

An international team of scientists gathered health data from more than 5,000 adults - half male, half female, who participated in two rounds of the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2011 and 2013. 一个由多国研究人员组成的团队收集了5000多名成年人的健康数据,男女各占一半,他们均参与了2011年和2013年美国全国健康和营养调查。

The average age of participants was about 37, and the average amount of sleep they got was a little less than seven hours. 研究对象平均年龄约为37岁,日均睡眠时长略微不足7小时。

Getting enough sleep, ideally about eight hours per night, was associated with a lower concentration of dangerous visceral fat that forms around the organs. 研究人员发现,睡眠持续时间和内脏脂肪量之间存在明显负相关:睡眠时间越少,内脏脂肪越多。

The benefit appeared to plateau at eight hours.两者关系在每天睡眠时间不小于8小时时趋于平稳。

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type, leaking fatty acids into the bloodstream. 内脏脂肪是人体内最危险的脂肪之一。

It differs from the less dangerous subcutaneous fat that accumulates just below the skin’s surface and is responsible for wobbly fat and cellulite.与会让人看起来肥胖的皮下脂肪不同,内脏脂肪从外观看起来并不明显,但会提升患高血压、肥胖、高胆固醇和胰岛素抵抗等代谢疾病的风险。

Getting too little sleep leads to abnormal regulation of activity in different parts of the brain that affect the reward center, sleep, and appetite, which may explain the link between sleep deprivation and visceral body fat storage. 研究人员猜测,睡眠太少会导致大脑多个部分的活动调节异常,影响大脑产生奖励或愉悦的感觉。它还会导致降低食欲的激素减少,向大脑发出进食信号的激素增加,使人摄入更多热量。

Insufficient sleep leads to insulin resistance, which many scientists have suggested is linked to high visceral fat. 另外,它还可能会导致胰岛素抵抗,这些都与内脏脂肪增加有关。

Dr Panagiotis Giannos said: “Our study adds to emerging evidence suggesting a prominent link between sleep deprivation and weight gain, which could be clinically significant.” 参与研究的帕纳约蒂斯•詹诺斯博士说,这项研究为睡眠不足和体重增加之间存在明显联系的观点提供了新证据,可能具有临床意义。

>‘Response message’ from deceased father shows warmth of Chinese society考研落榜,他给去世爸爸手机上发短信,没想到……


A few days ago, a young man who failed his graduate entrance exams sent a message to his deceased father. 近日,一位失意的考研落榜生给父亲生前使用的手机号码发去短信。

To his astonishment, he received a “reply,” which encouraged him to keep trying. 令他惊讶的是,他竟然收到了“回信”,鼓励他收拾好心情,重新出发。

His father died three years ago, but he found out that the message was from someone who is now using his father's old phone number. 这位考生的父亲在三年前去世,回复短信的是现在在使用这个号码的新机主。

In the message, the young man said to his father, “Dad, I miss you so much. Would you appear in my dream? I really want to see you.” 在给父亲的短信中,这位年轻人表达了对父亲的思念,说“爸爸我好想你,给我托个梦吧,我想见见你”。

He received a message, saying, “Never mind, boy. You will grow up through setbacks. Gather yourself up and keep trying. I know my boy is the best. I miss you, too.”在他收到的回复中写着:“没关系的孩子……你会在一次次失败中成长……收拾好心情,重新出发。我相信我的孩子是最棒的,爸爸也很想你!”

“At first, I thought someone had sent a wrong message,” the new phone owner said. “But after reading it, I figured out the sender must be in trouble and needed some comfort. After giving it some thought, I decided to reply in his father’s name.”“一开始我以为是有人发错短信了。”这位新机主说,“但看了内容之后,我知道发短信的人遇到了一些事情,需要安慰。思考之后,我决定以他父亲的名义回复。”

Many netizens were touched by the story, and said it showed the care and support between people in Chinese society.暖心的一幕也让不少网友大呼破防,表示这体现了中国社会人与人之间的关心和鼓励。

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