
您所在的位置:网站首页 华中农业大学bbs论坛 第七届南湖国际青年学者论坛诚邀您一起共话学术与梦想


2024-07-01 01:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265











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  人力资源部  庞湃、童佩


  Email: [email protected]








  学校位于湖北省武汉市主城区,坐拥狮子山,三面环湖,拥有5平方公里山水校园,9公里浪漫湖岸线,10公里“林中路”, 被誉为天然氧吧、园林式学府。景面文心、情景交融的校园风貌引人入胜。校园内生活、医疗、运动场馆配套成熟、便利,幼儿园和附属学校教学质量居武汉市第一层次;周边知名教学科研机构和商业区环绕,紧邻城中环线、地铁快线,相对独立而交通便利,近繁华而远喧嚣,宜居宜向学。




The 7th South Lake Forum for International Young Scholars

We sincerely invite you to talk about science and future dream

The 7th South Lake Forum for International Young Scholars of HZAU aims to build a platform for outstanding young scholars from home and abroad, who are active in the fields of global food security, food safety, biosecurity, ecological security and human nutrition and health, to exchange ideas, discuss research progress and promote collaborations and communications. The Forum will be held from May 2022 to January 2023 online and/or offline, each of which will be focus on specific fields and be held at certain dates in-depth exchanges.

1. Disciplines

Major fields of Biological Seed Industry:

1) Conservation and innovation of germplasm resources of agricultural organisms

2) Basic research of important traits of agricultural organisms

3) Breeding of environmentally friendly, high-quality agricultural crops

4) System development of environmentally friendly agricultural production

5) Quality, safety, and nutrition of agricultural products

Major Fields of Basic Biology, and Biomedical Science & Health:

1) Multidimensional genomics

2) Modification of biological macromolecule

3) Organelle generation and communication

4) Organ development and morphogenesis

5) Interactions among living/non-living organisms and the environment

6) Photobiology

7) Biological nitrogen fixation

8) Oncobiology 

9) Neurobiology

10) Nutrition & Health

11) Veterinary Public Health

12) Immunology

Major Fields of Information Technology & Intelligent Agriculture:

1) Big Data Science (biology, agriculture, health)

2) Artificial Intelligence (natural language processing, knowledge graph, sensors)

3) Intelligent Agriculture (crop production, animal breeding, agricultural intelligent equipment and agricultural robots, fisheries facility, intelligent agricultural machinery, and agricultural robots and engineering applications)

4) Green Food Processing & Quality  Inspection

Major Fields of Ecological Environment & Green Development:

1) Safety Production of Agricultural Products

2) Interaction between Animals & Plants and Microorganisms

3) Animal (including aquatic species) Breeding & Healthy Breeding

4) Prevention & Control of Animal Disease and Veterinary Medicine Creation

5) Green Plant Protection

6) Cultivation & Utilization of Forestry Resources

7) Protection & Management of Agricultural Ecological Environment

8) Landscape Planning and Ecological Restoration

9) Protection and Utilization of Natural and Cultural Heritage

10) Technology & Equipment for Agricultural Biomass Conversion & Utilization

Major Fields of Humanities & Social Sciences:

1) Marxist Theory & Sinicization

2) Food, Nutrition & Health Economics

3) Agricultural Economics & Rural Development

4) Agriculture & Resource Economics

5) Agriculture & Development Economics

6) Agricultural Resources & Environment Economics

7) Business Management Associated with Agriculture

8) Enterprise Management

9) Agricultural Industry & Technical Economics

10) Rural Revitalization & Rural Governance

11) Social Transformation & Social Governance

12) Rural Poverty Reduction & Social Development

13) Social Security & Basic Public Services

14) Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt

15) The Rule of Law in China

16) Translation & International Communication

17) Area Studies

2. Recommended Applicants

1) Leading scientists of prestigious universities or research institutes;

2) Young scientists with post-doctoral research experiences or teaching & research experiences at universities or research institutes who have stable research orientations, representative high-quality academic publications and great academic potential;

3)High-end equipment developers and technicians with strong expertise, team-work spirit and service awareness.

3. Way of Application

Method 1: The organizer will send invitation directly to potential candidates according to the post demand.

Method 2: Please scan the QR code below to complete the online application. The organizer will confirm candidates for academic reports in time and send invitations in batches.


Application by phone(https://jinshuju.net/)

We warmly welcome your application and participation in this academic forum. In compliance with the local rules of Covid-19, we welcome domestic scholars to visit our campus in person. We will reimburse your round-trip travel expenses (airplane economy-class ticket or railway second-class ticket); we also provide board and lodging arrangements.

4.Contact Information

Pang Pai, Tong Pei, Human Resources Department

Phone: +86(27)8728-0957

Email: [email protected]

Institution contact information

5. Brief Introduction to HZAU

HZAU has been holding the core value of promoting China’s agricultural development since its founding in 1898. During its 124 years’ history, HZAUers adhering to the motto “learn and practice, achieve and help achieve” generation after generation. It is now a research-intensive university on the list of “First Class” initiative, with world-class dominant disciplines and distinctive characteristics and will be developing itself into a world-class university with distinctive features in 2048 upon its 150th anniversary.

Over the past decades, HZAU has achieved coordinated development of multi-disciplines of agriculture, science, engineering, humanities, law, economics, management, arts, etc. We strive to build a world-class university with a specialization in agriculture and life science, to improve the research impacts of all disciplines in HZAU. Currently, eleven disciplines have ranked among top 1% of ESI, including Plant Science & Zoology, Agricultural Science, Biology & Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Microbiology, Environmental Science & Ecology, Chemistry, Engineering Science, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Material Science, and Immunology, with Plant Science & Zoology and Agricultural Science ranking the top 1‰.

HZAU embraces National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, 3 national engineering (technology) research centers, 13 international scientific cooperation bases and is preparatory in building one National Key Major Scientific and Technological Infrastructure. The university has also 81 provincial key laboratories, centers or bases, and many research-sharing platforms, including Electron Microscope Platform, Proteomics Platform, Metabonomics Platform, Bioinformatics High Performance Computing Cluster, Physical and Chemical Analysis Platform, Flow Cell platform, Animal Biosafety Level III Laboratory, Experimental Animal Center, Field Scientific Observation and Research Station.

The Hubei Hongshan Laboratory, designed primarily by HZAU, was one of the first independent legal institutions approved by the People's Government of Hubei Province with research grants. The laboratory focuses on the field of biological breeding, with the overall goal of providing food that is healthy for both human and the earth. Focusing on scientific and technological innovation of biological seed industry, the laboratory carries out basic and applied research on genetic improvement of agricultural organisms, so as to ensure food security and improve the well-being of Chinese people.

The university has set up a high-level talent training base and a scientific and technological innovation platform with “one college and three places”. The University has a Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and technology, which supports interdisciplinary, forward-looking, fundamental and strategic scientific and technological research. The institute is committed to solving major scientific problems and serving important strategic needs of the country, and supported by the special policy of “four separate, one centralized”. The Shennongjia Science and Technology Innovation Center will be jointly built with Shennongjia Forest District government to gather international and domestic leading innovative talents around the theme of Shennongjia’s “Great ecology”, “Great tourism” and “Great health”. It will accelerate the construction of emerging interdisciplinary subjects of ecological environment and green development of the university, to promote “great research”, establish a “great platform” and strive for “great achievements”. Xiangyang Modern Agricultural Research Institute has been jointly built by Xiangyang Municipal Government, with great supports of teaching and research conditions, living facilities, industrial buildings, scientific research experimental stations, comprehensive agricultural demonstration parks, etc. It becomes an important training base and modern agricultural research base for the university to strengthen and develop agriculture. Together with the people’s government of Shenzhen, the Shenzhen institute of nutrition and health has been established.Taken the opportunity, it provides supports and guidance for establishment ofShenzhen international food valley.The Shenzhen institute of nutrition and health consider the talent education, science and technology innovation, research and development of enterprise services and technology achievements transformation and enterprise incubation as the core business. It is a new type of research institutes guided by market mechanism and is becoming a world first-class research institutions.

HZAU is located in one of the major urban areas of Wuhan, Hubei province. Situating in Shizishan (Lion Mountain) and being surrounded by the South Lake, HZAU takes pride in its nine kilometers lake shoreline, five square kilometers campus with picturesque scenery, and ten kilometers “trails in forests”. Our campus is known as a “natural oxygen bar”, or garden-like school. It is the cultural atmosphere, architecture, and scenery that makes HZAU appealing. The subtropical climate, abundant vegetation and harmonious environment make it a beautiful garden rich in flora and oxygen. The living facilities, hospital and gymnasiums on campus are well-equipped. Its affiliated kindergarten, primary and secondary schools rank the top level among educational institutions in Wuhan. Adjacent to the Central Ring and subway lines, the campus is surrounded by commercial centers and well-known educational and scientific research institutions. Its convenient transportation and quiet environment make it an ideal place to work and live in.

We welcome scholars with research passions and interests to join us and promote and accelerate further development of the university. The recruitment is tailored for each candidate with sound supporting policies. With the reference to the corresponding positions in world-class universities, leading scholars and top talents will be employed as full professors and directly appraised as supervisors of doctoral and master students, with start-up funding, laboratory space and salary all negotiable and tailored for each individual. On-campus housing service will be provided. Young researchers will be integrated into the team of co-supervisors within the system of post-doctoral research management, and assigned scientific research as major task and teaching assistance as subordinate task. They will be employed as associate research fellows or research fellows with a competitive yearly income. Young researchers will also be provided with on-campus housing service and will be preferably recommended and considered when applying for a vacant teaching position of HZAU. Technicians with experimental expertise will be formal staff  of  HZAU and employed as the corresponding positions of professional technology. They will be offered with the corresponding salary and promotion channel of “Excellent Engineer”. The exceptionally good candidates may have negotiable payment.

HZAU’s official website: http://www.hzau.edu.cn/

We are grateful for your care about HZAU and look forward to meeting you at the Lion Mountain!




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