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2024-06-30 13:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

铤而走险的英文:[Literal Meaning] rush/aux./go to/risk to rush into a dangerous situation and ready to take all risks

[解释] 指在无路可走的时候采取冒险行动。

[Explanation] to risk danger in desperation

[例子] 囚犯们决定铤而走险,在新年的夜里进行越狱。

[Example] The prisoners decided to risk danger in desperation and broke out of the jail at the new year's eve.

[英文等价词] neck or nothing

参考例句:Take a bear by the tooth铤而走险His failure made him desperate.他因失败而铤而走险。His failure made him desperate他因失败而铤而走险。Fools rush in where angels fear to tread智者裹足不前,愚者铤而走险There is no need for us to take the bear by the tooth into the real estate industry.我们不必铤而走险专攻房地产。In many cases the troops had yield to these desperate pleas. 在许多情况下,部队同意了这些铤而走险的请求。 Disruptions borne of desperation are cropping up in food-deficit areas.由于绝望而铤而走险的破坏活动,常发生在粮食不足地区。 Turning on Israel over oil would have been a self-defeating act of desperation以石油禁运为理由而对以色列施加压力是一种铤而走险、自招失败的行动。






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