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2024-05-24 15:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




“五个W”: who, when, where, what, why 一个H:how



Part 1:标题-简明准确地概括消息内容

Part 2:导语-最核心的内容(吸引读者) para.1(5Wh)

Part 3:主体-报道事实,繁简适度,层次分明,详略得当

Part 4:结语-小结式,启发式,号召式,展望式 para.3


假定你是李华,上周你校组织了一场交通安全知识讲座. 请你给校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括: 1.参加人员 2.讲座过程 3.活动意义


体裁格式:新闻报道(讲座类) 时态:一般过去时 人称:第三人称

定框架: 新闻标题

Para.1 导语: 题干背景+参与人员(5W)

Para.2 主体: 讲座过程(1H)

Para.3 结语: 活动的意义

●发散思维, 列全要点


Para.1参加人员: 学生

Para.2 讲座过程: 很精彩! 交通安全知识; 强调交通安全重要性

Para.3 讲座意义:很有意义; 学到了很多交通知识

主要问题:角度单一 ;思维不开阔;流水账式


多视角入手: 报道同一事物,应注意错开角度, 即寻找不同的侧重点.目的是使新闻主题既不与别报重复, 又报道了新闻事实.

角度: 主讲人&观众


①分享例子,解释交规 ②分享生活中的交通知识并运用到日常生活中

③与观众互动/测试环节 ④呼吁观众重视交通安全问题


①专心致志地听 ②重点内容做笔记

③积极参与现场互动 ④鼓掌致谢




(when, where, who, what)

Last Friday, a significant lecture was successfully organized by our school in the school hall. All the teachers and students in our school attended it.

(语态: 被动要比主动好)

▲中间段:讲座过程, 详细清晰

①演讲者展示了与交通安全有关的相关例子.(数字,图片,视频记录等)--确定演讲人身份: police; speaker, lecturer





1.演讲者展示了与交通安全有关的相关例子(数字,图片,视频录音等)---确定演讲人身份: police; speaker, lecturer

①The speaker first presented the shocking number of people who died in the

traffic accidents.

②The traffic police from our city showed us some pictures of typical traffic


③First of all, a fabulous video about traffic safety was played.

④The lecturer presented the audience with recordings about how neglected the

students were when they headed to and from school.


① He shared some traffic rules with us.

②Then the lecturer equipped/ provide audience with practical traffic rules.

Then came detailed instructions. (then提前的完全倒装)


①It came to the questioning/ interaction part. All people on the spot could ask

questions freely.

②Also there was a quiz to test relevant knowledge.


①He appealed to the audience to obey the traffic rules and cherish our lives.

It was strongly suggested that all people should strictly obey the traffic rules.



①It helped the audience have a better understanding of related traffic safety


②The audience acquire abundant knowledge about traffic safety from the lecture.


①The lecture undoubtedly impressed audience with the importance of traffic


②The lecture has successfully raised the listeners’ awareness of traffic safety.


①After the event, the audience knew how to handle emergent traffic problems

and ensure their safety.

②It improved the listeners’ ability to cope with the urgent traffic problems.

理清逻辑,任选1~2点, 句式合并




A Lecture on Traffic Safety

Last Friday, a significant lecture was successfully organized by our school in the school hall. . All the teachers and students in our school attended it.

During the lecture, the policeman first gave examples by showing some pictures. He then analyzed some key traffic rules and showed how to apply them to people’s daily life. Next, it came to the interaction part. Finally, he appealed to the audience to obey the traffic rules and cherish their lives. 中间段,流水账


The lecture undoubtedly impressed the audience with the importance of traffic safety and improved their ability to cope with the urgent traffic problems.



Last Friday, a significant lecture was successfully organized by our school in the school hall. . All the teachers and students in our school attended it.

Last Friday witnessed all the teachers and students in our school attended a

significant lecture on the traffic safety delivered by a local policeman.

witnessed 拟人修辞,表达生动delivered by a local policeman 分词短语作定语,高级表达


1.During the lecture, the policeman first gave examples by showing some pictures.


2.He then analyzed some key traffic rules and showed how to apply them to people’s daily life.


3.Next, it came to the interaction part.


4.Finally, he appealed to the audience to obey the traffic rules and cherish their lives.



The lecture undoubtedly impressed the audience with the importance of traffic safety and improved their ability to cope with the urgent traffic problems.

importance→significance 替换成高级词汇improved→bettered 替换成高级词汇 cope with→handle/tackle 替换成高级词汇


A Lecture on Traffic Safety

Last week witnessed all the teachers and students in our school attended a lecture on the traffic safety delivered by a local policeman.

During the lecture,

The lecture undoubtedly impressed the audience with the significance of traffic safety and bettered their ability to handle the urgent traffic problems.

How to polish language?




扩句法: 增添状语和解释句

●举一反三: 相关话题写作策略

1.假定你是李华是你校英文报的记者, 上周六你校学生会主办了一场英语经典作品朗诵比赛,请你以An English Recitation Competition为题写一篇英语报道, 内容包括:1.参赛选手 2.比赛过程 3.活动意义

注意:1. 词数80左右 2. 可适当增加细节使行文连贯



An English Recitation Competition

Last Saturday, our school held an English classic recitation competition at

the lecture hall to encourage our students to appreciate English culture.

Representatives of each class took an active part in the competition. 导语: 5w

Participants were required to recite an English classic within five minutes. Many classic works were recited, among which poems were the most popular choice. After fierce competition, the first eight winners were chosen and given prizes. 过程:how

2.假定你是李华,你校上周举办了以 “庆祝建党100周年” (Celebrating the 100 Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC)为主题的作文大赛, 请你为你校英文报写一则报道。内容包括:1.活动目的 2.举办情况 3.活动反响

注意:1.字数80字左右 2.可适当增加细节使行文连贯

比较:本文为活动类报道, 与讲座类报道相比, 突出活动目的、活动情况(包括参与人员、活动安排、活动内容等),活动反响(与活动意义有所不同),文笔激情热烈尤佳 !

Celebrating the 100 Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC

On June 26, a writing competition was successfully held in our school with the theme of celebrating the 100 anniversary of the founding of the CPC. 导语: 5w

The competition was aimed at reminding students to remember the tough times that the CPC went through and honor the great dedication of our pioneers. It was met with such a great enthusiasm that more than 300 original works were received. After careful selection by the judge, the top 20 were posted on the school WeChat Official Accounts. 活动目的+举办情况

3.假定你是校英语报李华,上周你校开展了读“一本英语原著活动”, 请你写一篇报道,内容如下:1.活动目的 2.活动内容 3.活动成效

注意:1.词数80左右 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯

比较:本文为无标题类活动报道,与有标题类报道相比, 难度稍大,需要综合概括;但也可以 “一次难忘的活动+主题” 构成标题(基本通用)

An Unforgettable Activity -Reading an Original English Work

Aimed at getting our students interested in English and motivating them to learn English more efficiently, an activity named “Reading an original English work” was held in our school last week. 导语:5w

It was required that every student should read a native work of English and write a book review in this week. This Friday afternoon witnessed students shared their book reviews either by giving speeches or making presentations in the school hall.Afterwards came heated discussions, making students present deeply impressed.



A Lecture on Traffic Safety

Last Friday, our school 1._______(success) organized a significant lecture in the school hall, which won the fierce praise of both teachers and students. All the students and the teachers participated in the lecture delivered by a 2._______( distinguish) traffic policeman.

During the lecture, the speaker first presented the shocking number of people 3.____died in the traffic accidents due to their 4._______(disobey) traffic regulations. Then it was about specific traffic rules, which are bound 5._______(follow) when going out. 6._______(last), 7.____ impressed the listeners most was his appeal 8.______ everyone should obey the traffic rules and cherish lives.

Not only 9._______(do) the audience acquire abundant knowledge about traffic 10._______(safe) from the lecture, but they also were aware of the importance of obeying traffic rules.




1.In order to raise students' awareness of earthquake emergency evacuation, all the students, with the guide of the teachers, engaged in an evacuation drill organized by our school in the school playground.


2.Aiming to build up health, students from HongXing Middle School participated in a mountain-climbing activity organized by the Students' Union last Monday morning.


3.Organized by our school, all the students paid a visit to Xiwang Agricultural Ecology Garden on the morning of April 29th, aiming to savor the experience of nature and broaden their horizons.



1.As scheduled, the activity started at 8 am on Saturday morning and it lasted for three hours.


2.As scheduled, we assembled outside the school gate at 8:00 a.m. and headed for the destination in high spirits.


3.All the way we were chatting, singing and laughing, enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery.


4.It was not until half past six in the evening that the activity came to an end.


On arriving at the destination, students, guided by the owner, were taken to

admire the breathtaking beauty of various plants, followed by a quiz about

distinguishing the name of the plants. After that, they embarked on operating the planting machine by themselves.



1.From this activity, we learned how to cooperate with each other and came to realize the importance of teamwork.


2.The exhibition turned out to be a great hit. Not only has it brought joy to us but also broadened our horizons. Every participant expects another one.


3.This activity proved to be a success, strengthening our willpower and making us more confident about our future study.


4.Through this activity, students gained a better understanding of modern

agriculture, broadening their horizons, and raised their awareness of green life as well.


5.Undoubtedly / Unquestionably, this activity proved meaningful and beneficial for students to get involved in.


6.By uniting their purposes and efforts to tackle concrete project, students

become increasingly aware of the significance of cooperation and teamwork.


总的来说,写好活动类型的新闻报道,注意好开头段的引入要全面,结尾段的升华也要注意一下结构的使用,而中间段最好不用大段的套话空话,写实在点的,过渡词用副词或者介词等小词就足够。比如after that, then, followed by....






注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.题目已给出,不计入总词数。



注意:1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

3.假定你是校英文报小记者,上周日,你校学生会带领交换生参观了陕西历史博物馆。请你以A Visit to the History Museum为题写一篇新闻报道。

要点如下: 1.参加人员; 2.活动经过; 3.活动意义。

注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







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