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在QS最新發布的2024世界大學排名, 網羅全球排名1000學府;Top 200 中,加拿大共有九所大進入排行榜。


加拿大大學在QS前1000 排行榜

Top 1000 中,加拿大總共有27間大學進入2024QS世界大學排行榜(2024 QS World University Rankings)。全部入榜的30間大學有:

2024排名 2023排名 學校 中文名 21 34= University of Toronto 多倫多大學 30 31 McGill University 麥基爾大學 34= 47 University of British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞大學 111 110 University of Alberta 阿爾伯塔大學 112 154 University of Waterloo 滑鐵盧大學 114 172= Western University 西安大略大學 141= 116= Université de Montréal 蒙特婁大學 182 242 University of Calgary 卡加利大學 189= 152 McMaster University 麥克馬斯特大學 203= 237= University of Ottawa 渥太華大學 209 246= Queen’s University 皇后大學 298 308= Dalhousie University 戴爾豪斯大學 318 328= Simon Fraser University 西門菲莎大學 322 359= University of Victoria 維多利亞大學 345= 473= University of Saskatchewan 薩克其萬大學 353 456 York University 約克大學 387= 551-560 Concordia University 康考迪亞大學 441= 433= Laval University 拉瓦爾大學 486= 591-600 University of Guelph 貴湖大學 641-650 751-800 Memorial University of Newfoundland 紐芬蘭紀念大學 641-650 751-800 University of Windsor 溫莎大學 671-680 601-650 Carleton University 卡爾頓大學 671-680 651-700 University of Manitoba 曼尼托巴大學 711-720 701-750 University of New Brunswick 紐布朗斯維克大學 751-760 571-580 Université du Québec 魁北克大學 801-850 751-800 Université de Sherbrooke 舍布魯克大學 851-900 801-1000 Toronto Metropolitan University 多倫多都市大學 1001-1200 1001-1200 University of Regina 雷吉納大學 1001-1200 1001-1200 Vancouver Island University 溫哥華島大學 1001-1200 1001-1200 Brock University 布洛克大學

進入加拿大世界級大學的機會 Langara 2+2

QS世界大學排名準則 Methodology of QS World University Rankings

指標 比重 簡述 學術互評 40% 衡量全球學者意見 師生比 20% 衡量教學素質 教職員引文量 20% 衡量研究實力 僱主評價 10% 僱主對院校畢業生之意見 國際生比例 5% 衡量學生的多元化程度 國際教職員比例 5% 衡量教師的多元化程度


台灣進榜 QS Top 1000 學校名單

最後附上2024年台灣進入Top 1000排行榜共15間。全部入榜的學校共27間:

2024排名 2023排名 學校 中文名 69 77 National Taiwan University 國立臺灣大學 217 202 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University 國立陽明交通大學 228 224= National Cheng Kung University 國立成功大學 233= 177 National Tsing Hua University 國立清華大學 387= 327 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 國立臺灣科技大學 431= 436= National Taipei University of Technology 國立台北科技大學 431= 332 National Taiwan Normal University 國立臺灣師範大學 505= 428= National Sun Yat-sen University 國立中山大學 567= 601-650 National Chengchi University 國立政治大學 577= 384= Taipei Medical University 台北醫學大學 611-620 581-590 National Central University 國立中央大學 621-630 475= Chang Gung University 長庚大學 661-670 651-700 National Chung Hsing University 國立中興大學 901-950 1001-1200 Asia University Taiwan 亞洲大學 901-950 801-1000 National Chung Cheng University 國立中正大學 1001-1200 801-1000 Chang Jung Christian University 長榮大學 1001-1200 1201-1400 Chung Yuan Christian University 中原大學 1201-1400 Chaoyang University of Technology 朝陽科技大學 1201-1400 1201-1400 Feng Chia University 逢甲大學 1201-1400 1201-1400 Fu Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學 1201-1400 1201-1400 National Dong Hwa University 國立東華大學 1201-1400 1201-1400 National Taipei University 國立臺北大學 1201-1400 1001-1200 National Taiwan Ocean University 國立臺灣海洋大學 1201-1400 1201-1400 Tamkang University 淡江大學 1201-1400 1201-1400 Tunghai University 東海大學 1201-1400 1201-1400 Yuan Ze University 元智大學 1401+ 1201-1400 Soochow University (Taiwan) 東吳大學

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(1)學術互評(Academic peer review,40%):基於來自94000多名學者的調查問卷回覆;

This is the most controversial part of the methodology. Using a combination of purchased mailing lists and applications and suggestions, this survey asks active academicians across the world about the top universities in their specialist fields. QS has published the job titles and geographical distribution of the participants.

The 2017/18 rankings made use of responses from 75,015 people from over 140 nations for its Academic Reputation indicator, including votes from the previous five years rolled forward provided there was no more recent information available from the same individual. Participants can nominate up to 30 universities but are not able to vote for their own. They tend to nominate a median of about 20, which means that this survey includes over 500,000 data points. The average respondent possesses 20.4 years of academic experience, while 81% of respondents have over a decade of experience in the academic world.

In 2004, when the rankings first appeared, academic peer review accounted for half of a university’s possible score. In 2005, its share was cut to 40 per cent because of the introduction of the Employer Reputation Survey.

(2)師生比(Faculty/Student ratio,10%):根據44000多名雇主對各大學畢業生就業能力的調查問卷回覆;

This indicator accounts for 20 per cent of a university’s possible score in the rankings. It is a classic measure used in various ranking systems as a proxy for teaching commitment, but QS has admitted that it is less than satisfactory

(3)教職員引文量(Citations per faculty,20%):用於衡量學術研究影響力,計算方法為將各大學五年內的研究論文引用總數除以各大學的教師數量;

Citations of published research are among the most widely used inputs to national and global university rankings. The QS World University Rankings used citations data from Thomson (now Thomson Reuters) from 2004 to 2007, and since then has used data from Scopus, part of Elsevier. The total number of citations for a five-year period is divided by the number of academics in a university to yield the score for this measure, which accounts for 20 per cent of a university’s possible score in the Rankings.

QS has explained that it uses this approach, rather than the citations per paper preferred for other systems, because it reduces the effect of biomedical science on the overall picture – bio-medicine has a ferocious “publish or perish” culture. Instead QS attempts to measure the density of research-active staff at each institution. But issues still remain about the use of citations in ranking systems, especially the fact that the arts and humanities generate comparatively few citations.

However, since 2015, QS have made methodological enhancements designed to remove the advantage institutions specializing in the Natural Sciences or Medicine previously received. This enhancement is termed faculty area normalization, and ensures that an institution’s citations count in each of QS’s five key Faculty Areas is weighted to account for 20% of the final citations score.

QS has conceded the presence of some data collection errors regarding citations per faculty in previous years’ rankings.

One interesting issue is the difference between the Scopus and Thomson Reuters databases. For major world universities, the two systems capture more or less the same publications and citations. For less mainstream institutions, Scopus has more non-English language and smaller-circulation journals in its database. But as the papers there are less heavily cited, this can also mean fewer citations per paper for the universities that publish in them. This area has been criticized for undermining universities which do not use English as their primary language. Citations and publications in a language different from English are harder to come across. The English language is the most internationalized language and therefore is also the most popular when citing.

(4)僱主評價(Employer reputation,20%):用於衡量學校的教學能力,計算方法為將學生數量除以教師數 ,該指標可方便學生在選校時更好地了解教學規模;

This part of the ranking is obtained by a similar method to the Academic Peer Review, except that it samples recruiters who hire graduates on a global or significant national scale. The numbers are smaller – 40,455 responses from over 130 countries in the 2016 Rankings – and are used to produce 10 per cent of any university’s possible score. This survey was introduced in 2005 in the belief that employers track graduate quality, making this a barometer of teaching quality, a famously problematic thing to measure. University standing here is of special interest to potential students, and acknowledging this was the impetus behind the inaugural QS Graduate Employability Rankings, published in November 2015.

(5)國際生比例( International student ratio,5%):QS的兩項國際化指標之一,該指標衡量了各大學非國內教師比例;

(6)國際教職員比例(International staff ratio,5%):QS的兩項國際化指標中的第二項,它衡量各大學中非國內學生的比例。這也表明了大學吸引世界各地人才的能力。

The final ten per cent of a university’s possible score is derived from measures intended to capture their internationalism: five percent from their percentage of international students, and another five percent from their percentage of international staff. This is of interest partly because it shows whether a university is putting effort into being global, but also because it tells us whether it is taken seriously enough by students and academics around the world for them to want to be there.

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