《唐宫夜宴》出圈 带火河南博物院

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《唐宫夜宴》出圈 带火河南博物院

2024-05-10 13:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

《唐宫夜宴》出圈 带火河南博物院

中国日报网 2021-02-23 13:04

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The classical dance program Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty created by Zhengzhou Song & Dance Theater has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms and won much acclaim from netizens after its debut at the 2021 Henan TV Spring Festival Gala. 由郑州歌舞剧院创作的古典舞《唐宫夜宴》亮相2021年河南春晚后在社交媒体平台上走红,受到网友的广泛赞誉。


这里的acclaim用作名词,表示“(公开的)赞誉,称赞,赞扬”,上文中的搭配win acclaim from someone就是“受到某人的赞誉”,我们还可以说someone deserves the acclaim he/she has received(某人受到的赞誉是当之无愧的)。此外,acclaim也可以直接用作动词表示“称赞,赞誉”,相当于praise或applaud,上文的表述也可以改写为the program was widely acclaimed by netizens。


The program presents a banquet at which plump and lovable girls in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) sometimes dress themselves up and sometimes play together. Many say it is pretty much like walking in an ancient painting scroll which shows the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty in an incisive and vivid way.节目中,参加夜宴的唐朝少女们“圆润讨喜”,她们时而梳妆打扮、时而嬉笑打闹,如同在古画中穿梭行走,将大唐盛世的繁华景象展现得淋漓尽致。


Plump在这里是一个形容词,表示“having a full rounded usually pleasing form”,用中文来表述就是“圆润的,丰腴的(身材)”,是一个比较积极正面的词。我们熟知的fat如果用来形容别人的身材,则有一些冒犯之意,要慎用。Overweight和obese则是在健康领域常用的两个词,客观形容某个人“超重”或“肥胖”。


Fourteen dancers wearing jumpsuits filled with sponge and with special cotton in their mouths recreate the plump figures of Tang Dynasty females. Besides, crescent-shaped makeup and costumes resembling Tang tri-colored pottery make audiences feel like travelling to the Tang Dynasty 1,300 years ago.为体现丰腴的唐俑形象,演员们穿着塞海绵的连体衣,嘴里含着棉花登台演出,而月牙形的妆容和仿唐三彩陶器的服装,让观众仿佛穿越回1300多年前的唐朝。


据河南春晚总导演陈雷介绍,《唐宫夜宴》由2020年郑州歌舞剧院在第十二届中国舞蹈荷花奖中的参赛作品《唐俑》改编而来(adapted from an entry in the 12th Chinese Dance Lotus Award in 2020)。

Modern digital technology such as 3D and AR are used to produce a combination of virtual scene with real stage, along with nifty dance moves of actresses and demonstration of national treasures, have all made the show impressive .3D和AR等现代电子技术的运用让虚拟场景和真实舞台结合,配上演员们俏皮的舞蹈动作以及一些国宝的展示,让整个节目得以精彩呈现。


Fu Hao Xiao Zun (Bronze wine vessel in the shape of owl)妇好鸮尊

Lian He Fang Hu (Rectangular wine vessel with lotus and crane)莲鹤方壶

the Jiahu Bone Flutes 贾湖骨笛


Chinese classical dance is deeply rooted in the nation's excellent traditional culture, we visit many museums every year, trying to get some inspiration for our creation. When we saw the distinctive Tang Dynasty singing and dancing figurines at Henan Museum and Luoyang Museum, we began to think how to recreate such scenes in our dance work with artistic skills.古典舞深深根植于中国优秀传统文化,我们每年都会去很多博物馆进行采风创作,当在河南博物院、洛阳博物馆看到极具特点的唐代乐舞俑造型后,我们就开始思考如何用艺术的手法将唐代的乐舞场景在舞蹈作品中呈现。






春晚 the Spring Festival Gala

元宵节 the Lantern Festival

古典舞 classical dance

中国传统文化 traditional Chinese culture

文物 cultural relics


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)





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