
您所在的位置:网站首页 前来参观用英语怎么说 “参观”英语怎么说


2024-07-04 21:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1. show somebody something: to show someone a house, building, or other place by walking with them around it and telling them about it


Let me show you the garden. (我带你参观一下公园。)

It's worth asking a local guide to show you the sights. (花钱请个当地导游带你游览是很值的。)

The real estate agent showed them house after house, but they couldn't find one they liked. (地产中介带他们看了一个又一个房子,但他们就是找不到中意的。)


2. show somebody around: to show someone the interesting or important parts of a place or building when they first visit it

备注:英式英语中常用''show somebody round''。


She'd never been to Oxford before, so I offered to show her round. (她从没来过牛津,所以我自告奋勇当她导游。)

Later, he showed Margaret all around his new house. (稍后,他带玛格丽特参观了他的新家。)

In the afternoon, we were shown around the Kennedy Space Center. (下午,我们参观了肯尼迪航天中心。)


3. conduct: to show someone a building or place on an official tour


conduct around

The visitors were conducted around the factory by senior managers. (访客们在公司高管的带领下参观了工厂。)

An officer was sent to conduct the journalists around the shattered building. (他们派了个官员带领记者去大楼废墟里转了转。)


4. take somebody on a tour: to show someone a city, museum, house etc., and tell them about all the important or interesting parts of it


Gregory took us on a riverboat tour down the Volga. (格雷戈里带我们坐船沿伏尔加河看沿途风景。 )

Officials were taken on a tour of the one-time maximum security prison. (他们带领官员们参观曾经监管最严的监狱。)



1. visit:


Every year thousands of tourists visit Turkey. (每年有上万名游客来土耳其。)

We spent the day visiting temples and other historic buildings. (我们一整天都在参观寺庙和其他历史遗迹。)


2. pay a visit: to visit a place, especially because you are near it


We were near Edinburgh, so we decided to pay a visit. (我们离爱丁堡不远,所以我们决定去游览一下爱丁堡。)

pay a visit to

We paid a quick visit to New York before flying home. (在飞回家之前,我们草草逛了逛纽约。)


3. go to see/go and see: to visit a well-known place or building while you are in a city or country

备注:美式英语口语中还才常用''go see''。


If you're in Paris, you must go to see the Pompidou Center. (如果去巴黎,就一定要去参观蓬皮杜中心。)

Let's go and see the cathedral. (我们去参观大教堂吧。)

Why don't we go see the Statue of Liberty? (我们何不去参观自由女神像?)


4. see the sights: to visit a city or country and look at the famous and interesting places there


I wanted to look round Moscow and see the sights. (我想在莫斯科四处转转,参观一下景点。)

see the sights of

We're going on a bus tour today, to see the sights of Copenhagen. (我们今天打算坐公车游览哥本哈根,看沿途风景。)


5. sightseeing: the activity of visiting and traveling around a place to look at the famous and interesting places there


After an afternoon's sightseeing we were all exhausted. (参观了一整个下午,我们都累坏了。)

We spent the days sightseeing and the evenings sitting in cozy bars drinking the local wine. (我们白天参观景点,晚上在小酒馆里品当地酒。)

go sightseeing

Why don't we go sightseeing tomorrow? (我们明天何不去景点参观参观?)


6. do: to visit a particular famous place while you are on holiday



I think we ought to do St Paul's while we're in London. (我们应该趁还在伦敦去参观一下圣保罗大教堂。)

We did the Eiffel Tower yesterday. (我们昨天参观了埃菲尔铁塔。)


6. take in: to visit a place while you are in the area 


They continued a few miles further to take in the museum. (他们又走了几英里,去参观了博物馆。)




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