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2024-07-11 21:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”对于出国旅游看法“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Views on traveling abad。以下是关于对于出国旅游看法六级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on traveling abad

Recently, I watched a video about the views of foreiers on Chinese toists with the rapid dlopment of China's economy and the substantial impvement of living standards. Many people have the money to travel abad. Forei media reported the crazy situation d by Chinese toists.

They bought a lot of things, which pmoted the economy in the eyes of foreiers. Chinese toists are very ch, but at the same time, they are also interested in China Some of them think that when we are abad, toist attractions and some people will spit anytime and anywhere. What we do reflects the image of o motherland to some extent.

So it is very important to behave politely. We need to change bad habits and become gentlemen and ladies.




In recent years, and citizens choose to travel abad, and the number of people who choose to travel abad has nearly quadrupled. On the basis of the fther increase in the number of people, there are sral reasons to shock people. The impvement of living standards makes it and practical to travel abad.

In addition, convenient transportation facilities make it possible for toist destinations to visit China After the most famous scenic spots, forei culte seems to be and popular with many citizens. They begin to take traveling abad as a new fashion. This trend is beneficial for Chinese people.

On the one hand, it is a very interesting and mantic way to take a holiday; on the other hand, it expands people's hozons by observing what happens in different countes.




]In this part, you can wte a short article entitled "travel abad" in minutes. You should wte at least a few words according to the chart and outline given below: the number of people going abad in city x in recent years and the number of people in city x who want to travel abad in recent years The impvement of economic conditions may be the main reason why people don't need to travel abad. After visiting the famous scenic spots in China, people's wores about food and other necessities of life have changed.

With sufficient financial support, the impvement of personal ability has become and important People who have made greater achiments in economic and social dlopment require science and technolo. Citizens begin to use different forei pducts and education. Becse most citizens are used to living in China, traveling abad has become one of the st ways to directly contact forei cultes.

Overseas toi may bng us many benefits, and it may also bng many unfavorable factors Many elites who have traveled abad may be attracted by better living and research conditions abad and will nr retn. This is a pity for o country. Traveling abad may be a seous decision.

Think ice before you act.



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