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2024-07-10 22:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”缺少睡眠原因与危害“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The cse and harm of lack of sleep。以下是关于缺少睡眠原因与危害托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The cse and harm of lack of sleep

Most agers need about eight and a half hos to sleep a night. For those who want to do well in exams or do sports without tpping over their feet, pper sleep is essential. Unfortunately, many agers only get enough sleep until recently ; why are agers not getting enough sleep until recently, adolescents were often cticized for staying up late, oversleeping at school, and falling asleep in class, but recent studies have shown that the sleep patterns of adolescents are actually different fm those of s or children.

These studies show that in adolescence, the body's circadian rhythm (a bit like an internal clock) is temporaly reset to tell a person to go to bed late and get up late. This circadian change seems to be due to the fact that melatonin is pduced later in the night in adolescents than in children and s, which may make it difficult for adolescents to fall asleep in order to go to bed early these changes in the body's physiological rhythm, and it's hard to live without studying hard. Teers also have other time requirements, fm sports and other extraccular activities to taking part-time jobs to save money on college.

Some schools start school early may also be a cse of lack of sleep. Teers who fall asleep after midnight may still have to get up and get up early for school, which means they may be able to squeeze in time or a few hos of sleep a night. A few hos less sleep a night does not seem to be a big pblem, but as time goes on, it will cse obvious lack of sleep.


大多数青少年每晚需要大约8个半小时到更长时间睡眠对于那些想在考试中取得好成绩或进行体育运动而不绊倒脚人来说,适当睡眠是必不可少不幸是,许多青少年直到最近才获得足够睡眠 为什么青少年睡眠不足 直到最近,青少年经常因为熬夜、上学睡过头、上课时睡着而受到批评,但最近研究表明,青少年睡眠模式实际上不同于或儿童睡眠模式。这些研究表明,在青少年时期,人体昼夜节律(有点像一个内部生物钟)被暂时重置,告诉一个人晚睡晚起。这种昼夜节律变化似乎是由于这样,即青少年大脑褪黑激素在晚上比儿童和产生时间晚,这可能会使青少年更难入睡为了早睡 身体生理节奏这些变化,而且,不努力学习就很难过子,青少年也有其他时间要求,从体育和其他课外活动到参加兼职工作以节省上大学钱。



When it comes to sleep, people have different opinions. Some people think that we should sleep as much as possible to keep o consciousness. Some people think that we should not sleep too much becse long sleep can make people fall asleep.

In my opinion, pper sleep can not only invigorate us, but also make us energetic in the first place. Enough sleep can make us energetic and tired after a day's work. Therefore, adequate sleep can people recover fm fatigue.

Second, getting enough sleep can prnt disease. According to the svey, insomnia patients are likely to get sick than people who get enough sleep. Third, enough sleep is good for o brain.

According to researchers in the United States and France, only when people go into deep sleep do sharp fluctuations in the brain responsible for enhancing memory appear. If we sleep enough, o memory will impve, thus learning effectively. Adequate sleep makes us energetic, beneficial to o brain, and also s us In order to avoid getting sick, people should have enough sleep.





Modern people are busy with work and fierce competition. When you go home fm work, yo children, parents and many housework are waiting for you. The presse of busy work and life always makes you feel that you have no way to go and no place to rest.

There are too many people working crazily regardless of rest. This phenomenon exists not only in China, but all over the world. As a health related phenomenon, sleep insecity is closely related to ryone's sleep insecity.

According to the research of pfessors, sleep should account for about one-third of people's life. Howr, insufficient sleep csed by lack of outdoor activities in work or entertainment activities has become the most common and seous pblem endangeng people's health. With the highly dloped mateal and cultal life, people prefer to sleep in a om with air conditioning, television and comr.

They go out by car, far away fm the sun and fresh air, and always keep depressed. Therefore, they should take at least one ho to the countryside to bask in the sun, breathe the fresh air with high negative oxygen ions, and stay away fm the noisy city. Therefore, it is conducive to the regulation of the nervous .




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