
您所在的位置:网站首页 关于put的所有短语词组 初中英语


2024-07-09 10:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.Put a cork in it!

Definition: Be quiet安静下来

Could you please put a cork in it?!能请你安静一下吗?!

Tom, put a cork in it! I can't hear what Mary is saying.汤姆,安静下来!我都听不清玛丽在说什么了。

2.Put down

Definition: criticize someone批评某人

Jack put him down.杰克批评了他。

Don't put me down!别批评我!

3.Put (stick) one's nose in

Definition: interfere in someone's business干涉某人的工作

I wish he wouldn't put his nose inwhere it's not wanted.我希望他不会干涉不该他管的事。

Mary is putting her nose in their affairs.玛丽在干涉他们的事。

4.Put on the Ritz/dog

Definition: make everything special for someone else在别人面前摆架子

They really put on the Ritz for us last weekend.上周末,他们在我们面前耀武扬威。

Let's put on the dog for the Wilson's.在威尔逊一家面前摆摆架子吧。

5.Put some distance between someone and someone/something

Definition: move far away from远离

He put some distance between himself and his ex-wife.他远离了前妻。

Let's put some distance between us and this city.让我们远离这座城市。

6.Put someone away

Definition: put in prison关进监狱

They put him away for twenty years.他们把他关在监狱20年。

Jason was put away for life in prison.杰森被判终身监禁。

7.Put someone on

Definition: fool, tease someone欺骗、取笑某人

He put Jerry on about his new job.他取笑了杰瑞的新工作。

I don't believe anything you say. You're putting me on! 你说的话我都不相信。你是在欺骗我!

8.Put someone up

Definition: provide accommodation提供住宿

We put them up last week as they couldn't find a hotel.上周,因为他们找不到旅馆,我们就为他们提供住宿。

Could you put me up for the night?你能收留我一晚吗?

9.Put something away

Definition: eat or drink something吃或喝某物

He put the whole pizza away in fifteen minutes! 他十五分钟就吃掉了整张匹萨!

We put away six beers.我们喝了六杯啤酒。

10.Put something through something

Definition: do something that creates difficulty for another person使某人经受麻烦

She put him through hell and then left him.她给他带来一堆麻烦,然后离开了他。

Don't put me through that. It's just too difficult for one person.别给我惹麻烦。这对于一个人来说太困难了。

11.Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Definition: Phrase meaning: You see! Take that!你瞧!面对现实吧!

You're wrong! Now put that in your pipe and smoke it! 你是错的!现在改面对现实了!

I don't agree with you. Put that in your pipe and smoke it! 我不同意你的意见。你承认现实吧。

12.Put the bite on someone

Definition: try to get money from someone试图从某人那里得到金钱

I put the bite on Tim but he didn't have any money.我想从蒂姆那儿弄点钱,但他身无分文。

She put the bite on me for $50.她从我那要了50美元。

13.Put the finger on someone

Definition: identify someone认出某人

The victim put the finger on the criminal.受害者认出了罪犯。

She put the finger on her boss for the crime.她指认老板就是犯人。

14.Put the heat/screws on someone

Definition: pressure someone to do something强迫某人做某事

He's putting the heat on me to finish the report.他强迫我完成报告。

Janet's really putting the screws on her husband to get a new car.珍妮特缠着她老公买一辆新车。

15.Put the moves on someone

Definition: try to seduce someone试图诱惑某人

He was putting the moves on Mary last night.昨晚,他诱惑了玛丽。

Hey! Are you trying to put the moves on me?!嘿!你是在对我暗送秋波吗?!





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