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2017年12月六级真题答案解析(三套) 2017-12-22 17:37:31来源:网络 【好课】 新东方英语六级精品课 | 【优惠】六级名师网课 | 六级名师免费课 【六级报考】 六级考试报名时间|入口 | 六级准考证打印时间|入口 | 六级成绩查询时间|入口 【六级备考】 六级阅读技巧大全 | 六级翻译技巧大全 | 六级作文精选汇总 | 历年六级真题及答案


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  一. 整体评述




  二. 写作解析





  Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need

  A profound notion has lasted for years regarding that “Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need .” It is known by us all that giving others a hand is a crucial process through one’s whole life. Personally, I side with the notion, in the belief that helping others will contribute to getting help in the current situation.

  The implication underlying this sentence is rather conspicuous: giving a hand to others is of extremely significance in modern society. Why should we place such a high value on it? First and foremost, helping others enables people to acquire assistance and complete their mission more smoothly and rapidly; because those who are willing to help others are more likely to get helped from others when trapped in trouble. In addition, helping others is one of the most indispensable behaviors that people should learn in China. Without the process, people can hardly have a better understanding of relationship between others.

  In order to achieve more help, people are supposed to devote to others first. Only in this way, can they open their mind and enjoy a comforting life.

  Seek to understand others, and you will be understand

  As the saying has it,“Seek to understand others, and you will be understand”. In other words, people can hardly be understood if they can not make themselves understood at the first step. Simple as the saying may sound, it conveys a thought-provoking notion that understanding others first is an absolutely imperative process of achieving mutual understanding.

  The implication underlying this sentence is rather conspicuous: understanding others is of extremely significance in modern society. Why should we place such a high value on it? First and foremost, interpersonal comprehension enables people to achieve their goals and realize their dreams more smoothly and rapidly; because people with such a spirit are more likely to seize fleeting opportunity. In addition, understanding others is one of the most indispensable behaviors that people should learn in China. Without the process, people can hardly learn others’ situation.

  In order to make a better communication, people are supposed to understand others’ situation. Only in this way, can they open their mind and enjoy a comforting life.

  Respect others, and you will be respected

  An important notion has lasted for years regarding that “Respect others, and you will be respected.” It is known by us all that respecting others is a crucial process through whole life. Personally, I side with the notion, in the belief that showing respect to others in daily life is advisable in the current situation.

  The implication underlying this sentence is rather conspicuous: showing respect to others is of extremely significance in modern society. Why should we place such a high value on it? First and foremost, respecting others enables people to achieve their goals and realize their dreams more smoothly and rapidly; because people with the spirit are more likely to seize fleeting opportunity.

  In addition, respecting others is one of the most indispensable behaviors that people should learn in China. Without the process, people can hardly have a better understanding of life.

  In order to make a better communication, people are supposed to show respect to others. Only in this way, can they open their mind and enjoy a comforting life.



  Taihu Lake , a freshwater lake in the East of China ,covering an area of 2,250 square kilometers , is the third largest freshwater lake in China, which is only second to the Poyang Lake and the Dongting Lake. There are about 90 islands in Taihu Lake with the size ranging from a few square meters to a few square kilometers. It is well-known for its unique “Taihu stone”, which is often used to decorate traditional Chinese gardens. It is also famous for its high-yield fishing industry. Since the late 1970s, fishing for fish and crab is of great importance for residents living along the lake, making a great contribution to the economy in the surrounding areas. The area of the Taihu Lake is one of China's ceramics industry bases, and in this area, the pottery ceramic manufacturers in Yixing produce the world-famous Yixing clay teapots.



  Section A

  In the past 12 months,Nigeria….

  26.C emergency

  27.D feeding

  28.K reproduces

  29.I originate

  30.G handful

  31.F halted

  32.L security

  33.O untouched

  34.A dependent

  35.J reduction

  Section B

  36.E. 题干:Online services are

  37.L. 题干:The author admits

  38.I. 题干:Checking phones at

  39.O. 题干:To make proper

  40.B. 题干:Most of us

  41.J. 题干:When one person

  42.F. 题干:The great majority

  43.D. 题干:The internet

  44.L. 题干:I have

  45.G. 题干:White-collar workers

  Section C

  Passage One

  46. D. he risked braking local law to make a drink with coca leaves.

  47. C. Many were shipped to Europe in the late 19th century for medicinal use

  48. A. Cocaine had become notorious

  49. D. It has remained virtually unchanged since its creation

  50. A. The evolution of coca-cola

  Passage Two

  51. C There was a clear divide between large and small cities.

  52. B They have seen a rise in property prices.

  53. D looked deserted in the evenings

  54. C Modernized housing and improved infrastructure.

  55. D Better job opportunities.

  本篇以“Who Really Addicting You to Technology”为题的段落信息匹配题难度中等,段落数量符合六级标准的15段文章,5段为废段,无重选段。





  1. C. They facilitate the donation of unsold food to the needy.

  2.B.It passed a law aiming to stop overproduction.

  3. D.It has banned supermarkets from dumping edible food.

  4.A.The confusion over food expiration labels.

  5.B.It has just launched its annual anniversary sales.

  6.D.Price adjustments within seven days of purchase.

  7. C.Credit it to her account.

  8.D.Complimentary tailoring.

  9.A.They are thin, tall and unlike real human beings.

  10.D.Their body shapes have not changed much.

  11. C. On the Internet.

  12.A.Moveable metal type began to be used in printing.

  13. B. It was the biggest printer in the 16th century.

  14. B. It boosted the circulation of popular works.

  15.D.It promoted the growth of national languages.

  16. D. They choose a job without thinking it through.

  17. B. Find out why job choices are available.

  18. A. The qualifications you have.

  19. B. It is cultural festival founded for African-Americans.

  20. C. To help African-Americans to realize their goals.

  21. B. The first fruits of the harvest.

  22. A) They recite a principle.

  23. A) It is one of the world’s most healthy diets.

  24. C) It is regarded as one of the greatest researchers of its kind.

  26. D) They have lower mortality rates.

  这次听力考试与前三次的答题技巧几乎一致,没有太大的波动。预测依旧是重头戏,尤其针对听力能力比较弱的同学;长对话依旧要找好的是切分点,每个问题之间的间隔——疑问词和语气都需要注意,听懂大意还是比较容易的,再加上答案位置也比较“听话”比如第一篇长对话的第一题选项A“They reward businesses that eliminate food waste.”就出现在题目的开头位置,中间题也几乎是原文重现,第2题的B选项“It passed a law aiming to stop overproduction.”、第3题的“It has penalized businesses that kept overproducing foods.”都较为明显;篇章部分也是按部就班的呈现,开头和结尾这种超级明显的位置大家还是不难找到答案的;讲座部分的选项较往年考试比较简单,答案位置还是“老样子”,原文重现还是占到相当大的比例,比如第16题的答案“They choose a job without thinking it through.”、19题“It is cultural festival founded for African-Americans.”、23题的“It is one of the world’s most healthy diets.”就是之前在课上讲的对应开头题的部分,运用我们上课所讲的解题方法,做到有条不紊,在这部分得到12分还是较为轻松的。因此,只要大家在考场上按照步骤一气呵成的听完,保持对每篇文章的新鲜感,听力部分160分还是不难拿到的。



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