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2024-07-07 20:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”在公共场合好行为“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Good behavior in public。以下是关于在公共场合好行为专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Good behavior in public

Many people do not obey the rules in public places. They make noise, litter, jump in line, iore traffic rules, n scratch in toist attractions and leave traces in scenic spots. On the one hand, it is very important to treat people politely in public places.

Uncivilized behaviors in public places bng inconvenience to others, pollute the envinment, make people unwelcome or n disgusted; on the other hand, when a person is in the When he performs well in public places, he can always win the fendship and respect of others. Therefore, he is likely to win in the fierce competition in order to a harmonious society. We should show oselves in public as the Chinese say, and don't do things you don't want to do to others.

If we can be considerate and behave pperly in public, the world will be a better living envinment.




In terms of expression , candidates may have their own ideas and ideas. As long as reasonable and gous expression is needed, they can wte this article. Remember the set of questions, just like Guangdong's composition this year, they can't put down the suite.

"This is the biggest pblem that students should wte in the composition mateals. The mateal composition is based on the mateals. Starting fm the students themselves, it encoages students to wte their own hearts to a certain extent.




Politeness is very important to all of us, especially in public. Howr, some people don't pay much attention to their own behavior. Sometimes they oke in public places or make loud noises to please themselves.

But I think that as students, we should pay attention to o behavior anytime and anywhere. Only when ryone realizes this can we have a good envinment.



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