【伊索寓言】 The Boy Who Cried Wolf 狼来了

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【伊索寓言】 The Boy Who Cried Wolf 狼来了

2024-06-09 20:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

亲子 英文原版童话故事 第42期 2018-07-03 创建 播放:31481次

介绍: 公众号:MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑;【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理: Leeven


故事文本: When I was a lad, my father used ...

介绍: 公众号:MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑;【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理: Leeven


故事文本: When I was a lad, my father used to send me out to the fields each day to watch over his sheep. Hey now! There are worse jobs than sitting out in the fresh air all day, but it was boring work for a lad. 当我还是孩子时,我父亲每天都让我去田地里放羊。但对于小伙子来说没有比整天在空气中干坐着更糟糕的工作了。

I longed to be running around with my friends, playing ball, or making boyish mischief. 我渴望与朋友一起跑来跑去,打球,或者做出孩子气的恶作剧。

“Can’t the sheep look after themselves?” I asked my father. “After all, they know how to bleat and munch grass, but there isn’t much else that they do.” “那些羊不能自己照顾自己吗?”我问父亲。“毕竟,他们知道如何吃草,但他们除此之外并没什么做了。”

Father said it was important work, and most importantly of all, I must keep my eyes peeled for the wolf – in case he came sneaking into the fields and grabbed one of the spring lambs. 我父亲说放羊是一件很重要的工作,是所有中最重要的,我必须紧盯着有没有狼的出没以防他偷偷溜进田野并抓走正在吃草的羊羔。 I couldn’t even go to sleep. I had to sit and keep a sharp look out. After a few 星期 of this, I got so bored that I began to wish that the wolf would show up and give me something to do. 我甚至不能睡觉,我必须坐着并时刻保持着敏锐的目光。几周之后,我无聊到希望狼能出现并能带来一些事情做。

Then I got thinking to myself: “Let’s liven things up a bit,” I thought. “Let’s play a trick on the villagers.” So I got up and ran as fast as I could into the village shouting at the top of my voice: “Wolf! Wolf! WOOOOOOOOLF!” 然后我陷入沉思:“让我们活跃一下,”我想“让我们一起来捉弄村民们。”所以我站起来并尽全力往前跑进村庄并大声喊:“狼来了!狼来了!狼~”

The villagers grabbed sticks, rolling pins, and pitchforks and came running up to the field to chase away the wolf. 农夫们听到喊叫声急忙拿着锄头和镰刀往田地里赶去赶走狼。

But when they got there, all was peaceful. The lambs were frolicking as usual, quite unmolested. I laughed: “Ha ha! Fooled you all!” 但是当他们到达那里时,一切都很和平。羔羊像往常一样嬉戏,不受外界的干扰。我笑着说:“哈哈,骗了你们所有人。”

None of the villagers laughed with me. Some of them grumbled and the blacksmith became quite angry and shouted at me – but he was just a bad sport who couldn’t see the funny side of my joke. 没有一个村民是和我一起笑的。他们中的一些人发牢骚,而且铁匠对我很生气并大声喊道--这是一个不好的乐趣,看不到我的恶作剧的另一面。 A week later I did the same thing again, only this time I put on an even better act. I daubed red paint on my arm, and pretended that the wolf had bitten me. This fooled even the blacksmith, who was on his guard after the last trick I had played. 一个星期后,我又做了同样的事情,只不过这次我表演得更好。我在手臂上涂上红色油漆假装我被狼给咬了。这甚至瞒过了自上次的恶作剧而处处防备的铁匠。

When they all arrived breathless in the field, I again called out: “Ha ha! Fooled you!” 当他们气喘吁吁的赶到田地里时,我再次说到:“哈哈!我是骗你们的。”

This time, quite a few of the villagers were angry with me, and I got quite an ear-wigging from the blacksmith, the teacher, and the iron-monger. When I got home, my father was furious and told me that I had a stupid sense of humour. But I thought it was funny – and so did my friends. 这一次,不少村民都对我很生气。我从铁匠、老师和卖铁处听到很多耳旁风。当我回到家时,父亲非常愤怒。他告诉我,我这是一种愚蠢的幽默感。但我和我朋友都觉得这很有趣。

About a week after that, I was sitting up on the hill watching my father’s sheep as usual. It was getting on for evening, and the sun was setting behind the forest. I would have to spend the night out there, and oh, how lonely and bored was I. Then all of a sudden the sheep dogs started to bark and the flock was running around and bleating like they had all gone mad. Only they hadn’t; there was a wolf among the sheep and he had seized a lamb. 一个星期以后,我像往常一样坐在山上看着父亲的羊。接近傍晚的时候,太阳快落山了,我得在那过夜,那将会多么的孤单和无聊啊。然后突然间羊狗开始狂吠,羊群四处奔跑,就像他们都疯了一样。只有他们没有,羊群中有一只狼而且他已经抓到了一只羊羔。

“Wolf! Wolf! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLF!” I called out and I ran into the village to get help. “狼!狼”我大声喊叫并跑进村里寻求帮助。

But nobody came. Not one villager. They carried on doing whatever they were doing. Eating supper, drinking ale, or finishing off their work for the day. 但没有人来,一个村民都没有。他们继续做着他们手上做着的事,吃饭的吃饭,喝酒的喝酒,或完成他们本日的工作。

“Please,” I said to the blacksmith. “This time it’s true. There really is a wolf.” But he just shrugged his shoulders. “拜托,”我对铁匠说。 “这次是真的。 真的有一只狼。“但他也只是耸了耸肩。

You see nobody believes a liar, even when he’s speaking the truth… And that’s why you should never cry wolf unless you really mean it. 你看,没有人会相信一个骗子,即使他说的是真相......这就是为什么你永远不应该叫狼来了,除非确有此事。





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