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2024-07-12 14:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




中小学生:了解英语不仅是“I am a student.My name is XXX.”,而是真正用于学习数学、学习知识的工具。





1. 加减乘除

"+"当作运算符 加号时读作 plus,比如:

1+2 ➡️ one plus two

当"+"放在数字前表示 正数时,读作 positive,比如:

+4 ➡️ positive four

同样, “-”也有 minus和 negative两种读法,分别是 减号和 负数。

"×" 两种读法都可以,国外的教授会常常读成 times,可能因为比较简单吧,比如:

9x6 ➡️ nine times six

“÷”只有一种读法 divided by,就是被…分成几份

15÷3 ➡️ fifteen is divided by three

2. 比较运算符

比较运算符用来比较两个表达式的大小关系,比如:1+4>3 ➡️ one plus four is greater thanthree

为什么用 is? 这里one plus four 是介词plus 连接两个名词,但是one plus four 作为一个整体当作主语,因此不用are,而是is

4+5=9 ➡️ four plus five equalsnine 或 four plus five is equal tonine


3. 括号

括号是最常见的数学符号了。 英语里小括号,中括号,大括号这三个词也是没有一点相似,分别是:parenthesis,bracket,brace.(太不科学了!)

左括号叫做l eft或open, 右括号叫做 right或closed. 下次碰到了就大胆地说出来吧!

4. 级数表示

哇~到中学数学了~这张表里的 “a”是变量,而不是冠词“一个”的意思哦。

|a|是 a 的绝对值或绝对值 a , 英文读作 absolute value of a , 非常好理解。

a'是什么? a撇就是与 a 相关又不想重复的时候会用一下, 英语里读成aprime, 同样有 两撇adouble prime, 三撇a triple prime …

但是注意了,如果 a'表示时间分秒里的分,或者其他有具体意义的时候,就要按照具体意义读了。

是 a 的 n 次方, 是n 个a 相乘的结果,读作a super n 或者ato the n

这两个初中代数就出现了,读作 abar和 astar . Bar就是 杆的意思。 a 上面有个杆。中文怎么读? a 杠, a 星。

square是数学里的平方, cube是立方, root是根号,这几个词用于表示 开方

是最常出现的了,读作 asub n ,一定要记住了!!在数学上大量出现。 根号 a 和 三次方 a 读作 square root of a 和 cube root of a

5. 微分和偏微分


这是什么鬼?这是一个变量对 x 微分或偏微分的运算符,符号后面还要加上某一个变量。 首先,小伙伴知道中文怎么念吗?

嘿嘿, d 比 d x ?英文读作 dby d x ,严谨地读作 the derivative with respect to x , with respect to是 关于的意思,就是关于 x 的微分。

偏 比偏x?英文读作the partial derivative with respect to x 或者简单地读作partial over partial x ,partial是部分的意思。

顺便显摆一下, 微分是单变量时候叫法,如果是多变量就是偏微分喽!看咱这数学是不是杠杠滴!

6. 其他数学符号

目前国内绝大部分的英语学习,仍然停留在日常交流和一些常识性知识的英语。 说的直白一些,口语练的再棒,英语水平也仅相当于英语国家受教育程度低的人的英语水平。


° degree 度

′ minute 分

″ second 秒

℃ Celsius system 摄氏度

{ open brace, open curly 左花括号

} close brace, close curly 右花括号

( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号

) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号

brakets/ parentheses 括号

[ open bracket 左方括号

] close bracket 右方括号

[] square brackets 方括号

. period, dot 句号,点

| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线

& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用

* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针

/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号

// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符

# pound 井号

backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符

~ tilde 波浪符

. full stop 句号

, comma 逗号

: colon 冒号

; semicolon 分号

? question mark 问号

! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)

' apostrophe 撇号

- hyphen 连字号

-- dash 破折号

... dots/ ellipsis 省略号

" single quotation marks 单引号

"" double quotation marks 双引号

‖ parallel 双线号

& ampersand = and

~ swung dash 代字号

§ section; division 分节号

→ arrow 箭号;参见号


At my school, there are many Chinese and other Asians. They all seem to be great at math.I always feel guilty and stupid for getting a lower grade. I do not want to be racist. I am just curious to know if all Chinese are really good at maths.


No, but they have a small advantage that can turn into a big one: their language.


In Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, the Story of Success, he discusses how a small advantage at the start can lead to a huge one down the line.


The kid born right after the hockey cut-off date will be a little bit older, and therefore bigger, than a lot of his peers.


Eventually, that small advantage means that he makes the team more often, gets selected into higher and higher leagues and teams, until you end up with a majority of Canadian hockey players born in the first few months of the year.


A small advantage at the start can compound, until it becomes a crushing one.


Now when it comes to math, the Chinese language is RIDICULOUSLY logical. And I’m comparing to the other end of the spectrum, France, where the word for 97 is “four-twenty-seventeen”. For China, 97 is 九十七 - literally nine, ten, seven - nine tens and a seven.


583 is five, hundred, eight, ten, three. Five hundreds, eight tens, and three. And so on and so forth (until you get to 100,000 where it gets slightly more complicated)


You only need to know 13 characters to count up to 99,999! And people say Chinese is hard ^^


Understanding how the numbers work suddenly becomes a lot easier - it’s IN THE LANGUAGE. Chinese provides the explanation.


And this is even more apparent when it comes to fractions. Five seventeenths? Eight twelfths? How many kids have started to cry because they didn’t understand fractions?


Meanwhile, in Chinese 8/12ths would be 十二分之八 - from 12 pieces, take eight. Again, the language itself makes it easier to understand a complex mathematical concept.

与此同时汉语中8/12的表达方式就是“十二分之八”——在 12份之中选取8份。汉语本身的表达方式让理解一个复杂的数学概念变得简单的事实再次得到了验证。

Now I’m not saying that all Chinese people are great at math. But I am saying that, perhaps, the logical nature of their language allows them to have a small step up at the start.


And that can compound into incredible results.


Edit: OK, after fifty million comments of: “but I’m Chinese and I’m not good at math” or “But [insert nationality] is great at math” .let me attempt to clarify this post.


This does not mean EVERY SINGLE CHINESE automatically becomes great at math. Or the best at math. All it does is give a small helping factor at the start. On the scale of an average population, I would say this would translate into a slight boost in the AVERAGE level. Again, not talking about extremes here.


Obviously, this is only one of many factors at play. The fact that SE Asian immigrants tend to adopt cultural codes of success and pass them on to their children (think the piano and the violin) definitely plays a role.


Cultural choices also play - the French EXCEL at fundamental math, because math is seen as the royal choice when it comes to school, and compared to Anglo-Saxons, we put a higher value on fundamental, but not immediately applicable, research. The average level of the math population is not necessarily higher though - but there’s a very high variance.


Finally - the number of characters is for oral, not written. In English we have eleven, twelve, thirteen, …, nineteen, twenty, thirty, … ninety - that are additional levels of complexity and completely non-intuitive (compared to Chinese).

最后我想说——数字字符是用来口头表达的而不是书写的。英语中我们用“eleven, twelve, thirteen, …, nineteen, twenty, thirty, … ninety ”——与汉语相比,这种表达方式显得格外复杂且不直观。



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