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2024-07-15 14:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



> starting gun 发令枪

> step on accelerator 踩油门

> impetuous 冲动的

> altruism 利他主义

> still on the topic but with a little twist 仍在讨论中,但略有一点不同

> rush hour 赶时间

> impromptu speach 即兴演讲

> hybrid car 混合动力车

> the think is evidently sound 想法显然是合理的

> part with 放弃,交出,卖掉(贵重物品或舍不得的东西)

> for the sake of 为了

> be obliged to 有义务做某事

> back up my point 支持我的观点

> retrad 阻碍

> expenditure 费用

> revamp 更新,翻新

> stock 提供货物,备有


Ji Xiaojun:Now please welcome contestant No.14 Zou Yun from Beijing University of Technology.

Liu Xin:Let's welcome her.Are you ready?

Zou Yun:Sure.

Liu Xin:Please go ahead.






Zou Yun:Okay.Ladies and gentleman,Beijing is a world-famous city,It's noticed for its long history,rich culture heritage and friendly citizens.But it also famous for more,I better say,notorious for its severe traffic jam.Many people attribute traffic jam to the increased number of cars,unreasonable city planing and undeveloped public transportation,which I totally agree,but,there is something we should not ignore,the green light.Actually,the green light itself hasn't change much,what people's attitudes towards them have changed dramatically.A green light is supposed to be a traffic signal which give cars permission to proceed,but many people nowadays,it has become a starting gun,immediately after it turn red to green,most drivers are step on the accelerator,rushing to be the frist one to go through as if the green light is screaming,"run!run as fast as you can!"A green light should be good,but when people began treating them starting gun,it is not good.It is not good to the traffic because they rush after the green light always leads to serious order and terrible chaos.It is not good to people,after those crazy rushes,many people lose their patience and happy mood for the whole day.More importantly,a starting gun green light sends people a warning signal,which reveals people's attitudes towards life has become impatient and impetuous.In those crazy rushes,we may have saved a few seconds,but we have lost something more valuable,such as the joy of driving,the sincerity of patience and the virtue of altruism.

Ladies and gentleman,let's treat the green light as a green light, instead of the starting gun,and let green be good.Thank you.




Liu Xin:Thank you very much.Now back to the traffic light issue,but with a slight different twist.

ChallengeNo.1:Okay,well  you talk about two things,one is the Beijing being notoriously having  traffic jam,and secondly you talk about the joy of driving,so can you  put these two things together and help us to understand how can we enjoy  the joy of driving in a city like Beijing which is notorious for traffic  jam?

Zou Yun:Okay,thank you for the question.

ChallengeNo.1:I rush hour, of course.






Zou Yun:Okay,now  I think that many people are holding these I hate to wait attitude,now  people just rush to do everything,you know,in order to save time,but  fact is,they are very good at saving time,but not very good at using or  spending the time that we have saved,now we begin to choose fast  food instead of enjoying dinner,now we begin,we choose to rush,instead  of waiting for the green light or you know obey the rules,so my suggestion is,please save a little time long in you schedule,don't make  your schedule too tight or too demanding,you know,wait,saving a little  time,for they,you know waiting time in your road,and you know,it's not  only a time for waiting and being patient, I think it is time for you,you know,when you are driving a car and waiting for the green light and the red light,you need time to calm down,and to think  sorrowly about you life,instead of thinking superficially,you know,at  the same time,you could enjoy every story of the,every world story,you  know,you could listen to a lot of music,and enjoy every subtle changes  in the our city,you know,in the life around you.



Ji Xiaojun:Thank you,got your point.Red light means this is time for you to think about you life deeply.Thank you for that.And now we move on to impromtu speach,pick a number please.

Zou Yun:I'd like to choose No.5.




Vedio:Chinese auto-maker BYD has an ambious plan to become one of the world's leading manufactures of hybrid electric cars.The thinking is evidently sound,since these enviromentally friendly vehicles using little or no petrol and causing little or no pollution clearly represents the future of car industry,the problem is cost,a green vehicle is typically twice as expensive as one that runs on petrol.Persuating potiential buyers to part with extra money for the sake of greater good,would it argued be easier if the government would set an example.

Our question is:Should State institutions be obliged to purchase green vehicles?




Liu Xin:Fifteen seconds to think about it.

Zou Yun:Okay.

Ji Xiaojun:Here you go.





Zou Yun:My answer is yes.I think the State institutions should be obliged to purchase those green vehicles.I have two reasons to back up my point.First of all,it is the most efficient way for government to do in order to improve environment,because nowadays the pollution of the environment has become one of the most severe and tough topic that government is facing.And some people suggested that maybe we should close those heavy  polluted industry,but that's just something so hard to do.So I think that maybe focusing them to forcing them to buy green vehicles is the most efficient as easier way to improve the environment.And seconed thing,let's talk about the role of the government.A government is the leader,the guide of the country,it tells country where to go and to  extent can we go,therefore if the government purchase those green  vehicles first,I believe that the public will follow what the government had done and each individual will make their efforts to maker our world a greener and better place.Thank you.



Liu Xin:Thank you very much.Now please face up the challenges from the challengers.

Zou Yun:Okay.

ChallengeNo.2:Your first point,was that this is the most efficient way to improve environment.

Zou Yun:Yeah.






ChallengeNo.2:The government is paying double the market value of the car for these cars,and they're getting in return marginal improvement to the environment.Isn't there more effective manners to actually improve the environment?The government could raise standards on factories,they could increase purchasing of alternative fuels for large scale production,they could invest in new clear fuel to power electricity great.How,is something that is double the market price with the fact is incredibly minimal on the large scale issue of pollution be most efficient actions the government can take?



Zou Yun:Thank you for the question.First of the thing,I think this is the most efficient way because it is much better than close these heavy polluted industries,because that will increase the unemployment rate and will retrad the economy development,and as you just said,that we should maybe invest money to some new industries,but you know that is something more expensive,and you could never know,how well that develop,but you know,if we purchase those green vehicles,it is something we know they will have future,brilliant future,because it is the trend that requires,just as you talked about money,you think is the government paying too much money to buy only those green cars,which is twice expensive than the usual cars,but that is worthwhile,because when we are buying those green vehicles we are not only buying the cars,we are buying people's health,and even people's life,because now the pollution which caused by,sorry,people's disease that caused by the environment pollution was threatening people,so I think the life is the most precious thing in life,are you saying that we should just save a little money and you know on the cars people's like,of course that should not be what a responsible government do.



ChallengerNo.2:Well I'm looking more alternative,we are talking about great expenditure to revamp the entire line of the government own vehicles,of course country which would be millions of US dollars and multiple millions of RMB.The government has other ways to spend their money,shouldn't they invest that money in improving large scale factories,that will provide more labor,large scale of facatories provide more power and lower cost to a lot of citizens,why are they raise taxes or spend valuable tax revenue on this particular item and not other more large scale projects that could be accomplished?



Zou Yun:Just as I mentioned before,why this is the most efficient way because first of all,this is something we have tried before,because during the 2008 Olympics,all the cars which were taken by authorities were those green vehicles,they are called environmentally friendly cars,so we have a very good example,very succesfull example that we could follow,but you know we have no,we don't have much experiences in investing money in those new industries or fuels,that is just so risky,so,if we think about the money,or you know the feedbacks,the results,if I'm the government,I would probably choose something that's safer but will get a better results,don't you think that if we force State institutions buy those green cars,it's also a way to encourage them to make more inventions in this field,you know in the car,you know the manufacture industries,it is the way,of encourage people to do that.



ChallengeNo.3:My concern is that if we have the opposite fact if that will be anti-compatitive,if we give BYD enourmous contracts from the government,they have captive the whole market and they are opt to not fill compatitive presures that will help them to be successful international companies,like copies of BYD,aren't you worry that by handing them this enormous market,it will actually be cripping the electric car industry,which is one of the most promising industries globally for China right now.



Zou Yun:No,I think that because during the process of the globlization,many Chinese company have been damaging and hurt because of the threaten by the group of  other countries,so I think this is the very good challenge for those national industries to creat more inventions in this field.Of course it's challenge,but I think challenges bring us the chance to change,it might cost money,but only by doing this,by setting a good examples of doing something green,can the government,Chinese government be called the government of the people,fight people and for the people.Thank you!



Liu Xin:Wow,thank you,Zou Yun,thank you,you did a good job,I think this is one of the few time when the challengers listened more than talked.

Ji Xiaojun:And I guess this is the time when the challengers were facing the red light and thinking about their life deeply.

Liu Xin:Taken a moment over a reflection on your life,yes.Now,the judgers are making up their minds about Zou Yun's performance,and some comments?Maybe from the challengers?





ChallengerNo.2:I think you're very good,I think that you laid out your argurment incrediblely concisely.And the opening,and I think you stock to a lot of you main points and not getting drawn of target,your ablitity to sort of,keep us asking too many questions is an interesting strategic choice,I think it's actually someone beneficial to you,kept focusing on your argument and not on ours.

ChallengerNo.3:I think it's a very good strategy,if you give us too much time to ask you question,you're getting in trouble.




Zou Yun:Thank you.

Liu Xin:Let's see what the judgers think of your performance.

Ji Xiaojun:Not bad.

Liu Xin:the highest and the lowest taking out.Zou Yun has a final 95.929.Congratulations!

Zou Yun:Thank you so much.











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