外研版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 6 Not Just Tasty! 课件(60张PPT)+素材

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外研版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 6 Not Just Tasty! 课件(60张PPT)+素材

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(共60张PPT)英英语语Unit 6Not Just Tasty!You’ll be able to:order food and drinks;talk about different food and cultures;write a recipe.Look at the picture and discuss:1. What food can you see in the picture 2. What’s your favourite food 目录Contents01Warming up02Listening & Speaking03Reading & Writing04For Better Performance05Around the World06Fun Time07My Progress Check01 Warming up01Warming up1. Listen and match. 听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。sandwichdumplingspizzanoodles012. Look and choose. 看图,选出你喜欢的就餐地点。Warming up01buffet restauranttheme restaurantsnack baroutdoor cafe02 Listening & Speaking02Listening & Speaking1. Listen and choose. 听录音,选出对话双方接下来的活动。Have dinnerSee a film

02Listening & Speaking2. Listen again and choose. 再听录音,选出挑选饭店时常考虑的因素。听力原文 food review atmosphere service price location

02Joe: Hi, Lyn. Would you like to join me for dinner tonight Lyn: Sure. Where shall we go Joe: How about the new theme restaurant down the street Lyn: The one down the street I heard that the specialties there are really tasty.Joe: Yes, indeed. You’ll also like the service and atmosphere there.Lyn: What about the price Joe: It is good value for money.Lyn: Sounds great. Let’s book a table now.中文翻译Listening & SpeakingGrammar in use在口语中,有时会省略一些句子成分,但是并不影响理解句意。你能找出本段对话中的省略句吗?02乔:嗨,琳恩。今晚你想和我一起吃晚餐吗?琳恩:好啊。我们去哪儿吃?乔:这条街上那家新开的主题餐厅怎么样?琳恩:沿着街道那家吗?我听说那里的特色菜味道特别好。乔:是的,确实。你也会爱上那里的服务和就餐氛围的。琳恩:价格怎么样?乔:物有所值。琳恩:听起来不错。那我们现在订个桌位吧。题目Listening & Speaking02Listening & Speaking023. Work in pairs. 两人一组,根据提示练习推荐饭店。Listening & Speakingthe staff, friendly and welcoming;serve food, quicklythe atmosphere, relaxing and comfortable;the food, tasty024. Listen and complete. 听录音,填写琳恩和乔的点餐单。听力原文Listening & SpeakingTable B1Starters:vegetable soup 1____________________________Main courses:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Drinks:________________________________________________________cream of mushroom soup 1roast beef 1a burger with extra cheese 1onion rings 1a potato salad 1a glass of orange juice 1a large soda 102Waiter: Good evening. Could I take your order now Lyn: Yes. I’d like the vegetable soup to start with.Joe: Um… for me, the cream of mushroom soup.Waiter: What would you like as the main course Lyn: Roast beef, please.Joe: I’d like a burger with extra cheese, onion rings and a potato salad.Waiter: What would you like to drink Lyn: Just a glass of orange juice.Joe: I’d like a large soda, please.中文翻译Listening & Speaking吃西餐的顺序和中餐很不一样,你注意到了吗?T I P02服务员:晚上好。现在开始点菜吗?琳恩:是的。我想先要一份蔬菜汤。乔:嗯……我想要一份奶油蘑菇汤。服务员:主菜两位需要什么?琳恩:烤牛肉,谢谢。乔:我想要一个汉堡,多加奶酪,洋葱圈,还要一份土豆沙拉。服务员:两位想喝点什么?琳恩:一杯橙汁就好。乔:请给我一大杯苏打水。题目Listening & Speaking02Listening & Speaking02Listening & Speaking5.Work in pairs. 两人一组,根据下列菜单练习点餐。MENUCOLD DISHESSTAPLESHOT DISHESDRINKSCucumber in Sauce 8.00Fried Peanuts 10.00Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes 12.00Mapo Tofu 18.00Kung Pao Chicken 25.00Sweet-and-sour Pork 28.00Rice 2.00Dumplings 20.00Cola 8.00Tea 10.00Juice 12.00Milk 10.0003 Reading & Writing03Reading & Writing1. What’s the text about 2. Why do Chinese people eat jiaozi during the Chinese New Year 3. Could you list more foods that have special meanings 1.Read and answer. 读下面关于食物的文章,回答问题。中文翻译We all need food to live. However, food is more than just fuel for our bodies. All around the world, food and drinks play an important part in the culture of a country.food 一般用作不可数名词,但在指一种或多种食物时也可用作可数名词。T I P各国食物的背后蕴含着丰富的文化,我们不能只学习语言,还要了解其背后的文化。Learning strategy03Reading & Writing中文翻译Many foods have special meanings. In China, jiaozi (dumpling), is one of the main foods during the Chinese New Year. People consider jiaozi a symbol of wealth. In Spain, people eat 12 grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Each grape symbolises a lucky month in the coming year. Italians also have a dish that represents wealth and success: green lentils with sausage. Argentinians eat beans on New Year’s Day. This stands for keeping a current job or finding a better one in the new year. How interesting these food traditions are! Do you know of any more 03我们都需要食物才能生存。不过,食物不仅仅是我们身体的燃料。在世界各地,饮食在一个国家的文化中都起着重要的作用。许多食物都有着特殊的含义。饺子是中国新年时人们所吃的主要食物中的一种。人们将饺子视为财富的象征。在西班牙,人们会在新年前夜的午夜吃12颗葡萄。每颗葡萄都代表来年的一个幸运月。意大利人也有一道象征财富和成功的菜:兵豆香肠。阿根廷人在新年会吃豆子,代表在新的一年里保住现有的工作,或者找到更好的工作。这些饮食传统多么有趣啊!你还知道其他的饮食传统吗?原文Reading & Writing031. What’s the text about ____________________________________________________2. Why do Chinese people eat jiaozi during the Chinese New Year ____________________________________________________3. Could you list more foods that have special meanings ____________________________________________________It is about food and culture.Because Chinese people consider jiaozi a symbol of wealth.In Chinese culture, the moon cake is a symbol of family unity and harmony, and Laba Porridge stands for reunion, good fortune, long life and fruitful harvest.Reading & Writing03Reading & Writing2. Read again and complete. 再读上文,填写下图。Food&cultureFoodCountrySpecial meaningjiaoziChinagreen lentilswith sausageArgentinawealth12 grapesSpain12 lucky months in the coming yearItalywealth and successbeanskeeping a current job or finding a better one in the new year033. Read and learn. 读下文,学习粽子的制作步骤。Reading & WritingZongzi is a traditional Chinese food eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival. Do you know how to make zongzi You need:bamboo leaves sticky rice filling (red dates, pork, egg yolk etc) stringsSteps:Prepare the sticky rice, filling, bamboo leaves and strings.13Boil the bamboo leaves.Roll the leaf to make a funnel.2在组织信息、描述事件时,可借助一些副词进行衔接,如表示时间顺序、因果关系、递进、转折等。Learning strategy03Reading & WritingAdd the rice and filling into the funnel.456Wrap and tie up the leaf with a piece of stringBoil zongzi for about an hour (depending on the filling).Grammar in use说明步骤或给出指令时多使用祈使句。你知道为什么祈使句中没有主语吗?034. Discuss and write. 讨论,根据下列提示写出粽子的制作步骤。firstReading & WritingnextthenfinallyGrammar in Use Elliptical sentenceFind the rules● Sure.● The one down the street ● Sounds great.在英语中,特别是在口语中,在上下文意思清楚的情况下,有些句子可以省略一些句子成分,这些句子叫作省略句。1. 省略句中可被省略的部分包括主语、全部或部分谓语、宾语等。如:(I) Hope to see you again.(Does) Anybody want to go —He’s such a kind man. —I know (that he is a kind man).2. 在回答别人的问题或对别人的话做出反应时也可以用到省略句。如:—Will you join us —Well, I’d like to (join you).—That’s a good idea. —Sure (, it is)Do you knowWrite the complete form of the following sentences according to the context in this unit.(1) Sounds great._______________________________________________________________(2) Um… for me, the cream of mushroom soup._______________________________________________________________(3) Roast beef, please._______________________________________________________________(4) Yes, indeed._______________________________________________________________(5) Just a glass of orange juice._______________________________________________________________Grammar in UseFor more practiceIt sounds great.Um...for me, I’d like the cream of mushroom soup to start with.I’d like roast beef as the main course, please.Yes, the specialties there are indeed tasty.I just like a glass of orange juice to drink.● Prepare the sticky rice, filling, bamboo leaves and strings.● Boil the bamboo leaves.● Wrap and tie up the leaf with a piece of stringFind the rules当请求、建议或命令对方做某事时,可以使用祈使句。说明步骤或指令也多用祈使句。1. 因为对象(即主语)常为第二人称,所以祈使句通常省略主语。如:Look at the blackboard, please.Pass me the book.2. 祈使句的否定式通常是在谓语动词前加 Do not/Don’t。如:Don’t worry.Do not be late again.Do you knowGrammar in Use Imperative sentenceTranslate the following sentences into English.1. 吃饭的时候不要玩手机。(play with/mobile phone)_______________________________________________________________2. 别忘记准备包粽子的材料。(prepare/material)_______________________________________________________________3. 请把盐递给我。(pass/salt)_______________________________________________________________4. 别忘记加糖。(add/sugar)_______________________________________________________________5. 请仔细阅读说明。(read/instructions)_______________________________________________________________For more practiceGrammar in UseDon’t play with the mobile phone while eating.Don’t forget to prepare the material to make zongzi.Please pass me the salt.Don’t forget add some sugar.Please read the instrucions carefully.04 For Better Performance04For Better Performance1. Listen and choose. 听录音,选出萨拉点的食物和饮料。听力原文 French fries vegetable salad water pasta cola dessert steak juice

04Joe: Hey, Sarah, do you want some French fries They’re really tasty!Sarah: No, thanks. I am trying to lose weight.Joe: Why You look good.Sarah: Well, I want to look better.Joe: Oh, I see. How about the vegetable salad Sarah: Not a bad idea.Joe: Then for the main course Today’s special is steak.Sarah: Hmm… could I share one with you Joe: No problem. What would you like to drink Cola Sarah: No, I prefer water. But I want some dessert.Joe: Dessert Shouldn’t you avoid sweets Sarah: Dessert makes me happy. How can I refuse 中文翻译For Better Performance乔:嘿,萨拉,要来点炸薯条吗?真的很好吃!萨拉:不了,谢谢。我正努力减肥呢。乔:为什么啊?你看起来也不胖啊。萨拉:嗯,我想看起来更好看一些。乔:噢,我知道了。那蔬菜沙拉怎么样?萨拉:这是个不错的主意。乔:主菜呢?今天的特色菜是牛排。萨拉:嗯……我能和你吃一份吗?乔:没问题。你想喝什么?可乐?萨拉:不,我还是喝水好了。不过我还想要些甜点。乔:甜点?你不是应该戒了甜食吗?萨拉:甜点让我快乐。我怎么能拒绝呢?04题目For Better Performance042. Discuss and share. 讨论并分享哪些食物使你感到快乐。For Better Performancechocolateice creamnutsfruityoghurtpudding04For Better PerformanceEating chocolate makes me happy. It can help me feel relaxed before an exam.Eating ice cream makes me happy. It can help me feel cool in hot summer.04For Better Performance3. Read and circle. 读烹饪俱乐部的通知,圈出相应信息。As the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, the theme of this week’s activity is “Food and Love”. We will make zongzi together next Wednesday at Happy Café. As usual, all the zongzi made on that day will be taken to the nursing home nearby.This activity helps to express our love for food and people in need. Everyone interested is welcome.For more information, please log on to our official website.Reply by next Monday, 7 June.Cookery Club4 June 2021NOTICE中文翻译04For Better Performance端午将至,本周活动的主题为“美食与爱”。下周三我们将在幸福咖啡馆一起包粽子。和之前一样,所有包好的粽子都会送到附近的养老院。本次活动不仅表达了我们对食物的热爱,也传达了我们对需要帮助的人的关爱。如有兴趣,欢迎参加。更多信息请登录我们的官方网站。请在6月7日(下周一)前回复。烹饪俱乐部2020年6月4日通知原 文044. Discuss and write. 讨论并为烹饪俱乐部的下期活动写一则通知。For Better PerformanceTheme of the activity: Food and MemoryActivity: Share your stories about foodTime: 25 JulyHow to join: Log on to the club’s official website044. Discuss and write. 讨论并为烹饪俱乐部的下期活动写一则通知。For Better PerformanceNOTICEFood is more than just fuel for our bodies. It is an important part of life. The theme of the activity is “Food and Memory” We will share our stories about food together on 25 July at Happy Café.This activity helps us to recall some special and unforgettable memories of food. Everyone interested is welcome.For more information, please log on to our official website.Reply by 21 July.Cookery Club15 July 202105 Around the World05Around the WorldWhat’s your favourite food Why do you like it Hotpot, ChinaHotpot is one of the most popular dishes in China. People can choose to add whatever they like, for example, beef, mutton, cabbage etc, to the broth in a heated metal pot. Hotpot has a long history of over 1,000 years in China. It used to be eaten only in winter, but in recent years, hotpot has been a popular dish all year round.中文翻译05中国火锅火锅是中国最受欢迎的菜肴之一。人们可以在煮着汤的金属锅里加入任何喜欢的食材,比如牛肉、羊肉、白菜等。火锅在中国有1000多年的历史。过去人们只在冬天吃火锅,但近些年来它一年四季都很受欢迎。原文Around the World05Around the WorldPaella, SpainPaella always stands out as a typical Spanish dish. Types of paella include vegetable paella, seafood paella, mixed paella etc. Among these, the most famous is probably seafood paella, combining shrimp, fish, lobster, crab, and/or mussels, with various herbs, oil and salt—giving flavours that will transport you immediately to Spain!中文翻译05西班牙什锦饭西班牙什锦饭是一道典型的西班牙菜。西班牙什锦饭的种类包括蔬菜什锦饭、海鲜什锦饭、杂烩什锦饭等。其中最著名的可能要数海鲜什锦饭了。海鲜什锦饭中有虾、鱼、龙虾、蟹、以及/或贻贝,搭配各种香草、油、盐混合而成,其味道能让你感觉立刻来到了西班牙。原文Around the World05Around the World中文翻译Wurst (Sausage), GermanyOne thing that comes to mind when talking about Germany is wurst. There are more than 1,500 types of wurst in that country. Each German consumes about 67 pounds of pork and sausage products on average per year.05德国香肠说起德国,立刻浮现在脑海中的就是香肠。德国有1500多种香肠。每名德国人平均每年会吃掉大约67磅猪肉和香肠制品。原文Around the World06 Fun Time06Fun Time/ei/An apple a day keeps the doctor away./ai/Diet cures more than doctors.Proverbs07 My Progress Check07My Progress CheckWords and expressions I have learnt in this unit:□ pizza□ tasty□ extra□ pork□ sausage□ boil□ roast beef□ snack□ indeed□ cheese□ fuel□ current□ roll□ onion ring□ bar□ staff□ sauce□ symbol□ tradition□ dessert□ stand for□ specialty□ mushroom□ sweet-and-sour□ represent□ string□ main course□ tie up07Sentences I have learnt in this unit: Would you like to join me for dinner tonight Could I take your order now I’d like the vegetable soup to start with. People consider jiaozi a symbol of wealth.My Progress Check07I can:□ order food and drinks;□ talk about different food and cultures;□ write a recipe.I can even:□ talk about healthy diets;□ write a notice.My Progress Check08Words and Expressionsrecipe n. 食谱pizza n. 比萨饼buffet n. 自助餐snack n. 小吃bar n. 酒吧specialty n. 特色食品tasty adj. 好吃的indeed adv. 当然;确实atmosphere n. 氛围book v. 预订location n. 地点;位置staff n. 员工relaxing adj. 使人放松的waiter n. 男服务员mushroom n. 蘑菇main course 主菜roast beef 烤牛肉extra adj. 额外的;另外的08Words and Expressionscheese n. 奶酪onion ring 洋葱圈soda n. 苏打水sauce n. 调味汁;酱汁staple n. 主食;基本食物tofu n. 豆腐sweet-and-sour adj. 糖醋的;甜酸的pork n. 猪肉cola n. 可乐fuel n. 燃料play a(n)... part in 在……起……作用symbol n. 象征symbolise v. 象征;代表represent v. 代表;意味着lentil n. 小扁豆sausage n. 香肠stand for 代表current adj. 当前的;现时的08Words and Expressionstradition n. 传统Dragon Boat Festival 端午节sticky rice 糯米filling n. (馅饼、三明治等的)馅date n. 枣yolk n. 蛋黄string n. 线;细绳boil v. (用开水)煮roll v. 卷起;滚动funnel n. 漏斗wrap v. 包;裹tie up 包扎;绑好lose weight 减肥special n. 特价steak n. 牛排dessert n. 甜点sweet n. [英](餐后的)甜食pasta n. 意大利面08Words and Expressionsice cream 冰激凌nut n. 坚果yoghurt n. 酸奶pudding n. 布丁nursing home 养老院nearby adv. 附近log on 登录official adj. 官方的;正式的Website n. 网站memory n. 记忆;记性SEE YOU NEXT UNIT!






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