(获奖示范课) Unit 6 Shopping Part A Let's learn课件+ 教案 +flash素材+反思(31ppt)

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(获奖示范课) Unit 6 Shopping Part A Let's learn课件+ 教案 +flash素材+反思(31ppt)

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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台Unit 6 Shopping【概 述】本课是PEP教材四年级下册Unit 6 Shopping本单元一共6课时,本课为第1课时【设计理念】以言语交际为中心,借助现代信息技术,努力为学生创设理想的英语学习环境,渗透任务型教学,能让学生把所学的内容联系实际,在生活中运用,提供丰富的网络资源,倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式。【教学目标】1.听、说、认读4个生活用品单词:sunglasses, gloves, scarf, umbrella。2.能够听懂并会用句型“Can I help you The gloves are nice. Can I try them on Sure.”来模拟购物。3.学生通过Complete and say写出适合冷、热不同天气的衣服的单词,并运用示范句型It’s hot.4.学生能够根据情景,结合以前学过的内容和本节课新内容,模拟购物。【教学重点和难点】教学重点:听、说、认读4个生活用品单词:sunglasses, gloves, scarf, umbrella。教学难点:4个生活用品单词sunglasses, gloves, scarf, umbrella的复数,以及能够根据情景,结合以前学过的内容和本节课新内容,模拟购物。教具准备:1.英语资源。2. PPT课件。【教学过程】Step 1.热身(Warm up)Let's sing时装秀开始了!Model work:3.Which one do you like I like that / those ________.(设计意图:通过复习旧知同时导入新课。)Step2.新课展示(Presentation)Lead in:John is shopping today.What does he want to buy Let's go and see!The gloves are nice.Can I try them on 学习glovesThe sunglasses are nice.Can I try them on 学习sunglassesThe scarf is nice.Can I try it on 学习scarfThe umbrella is nice.Can I try it on 学习 umbrella小松鼠找花生Let’s help Guang Touqiang!It’s raining! What does he need It’s hot! What does he need It’s cold! What does he need 11.I can remember…6.播放Let’s Learn动画7.This is my shop.8.Complete and say9.What does the wind take (设计意图:通过由简到难分层教学,降低新授难度。)Step4.Extending :连线题。火眼金睛选不同。3.选词填空。(设计意图:通过练习。让学生做与本课相关知识点的题,巩固所学知识,丰富学生的语言知识)Step5: Summary:(设计意图:让学生固所学知识。)Step6: Homework:(设计意图:通过学生感兴趣的事物来巩固新知。)板书设计:Unit 6 ShoppingPart A Let’s learn & Complete and saysunglasses,gloves,scarf,umbrellaCan I help you The gloves are nice. Can I try them on 【教学反思】 本课时以单词教学为主。教师在教授新单词的过程中,以旅游为话题,创设外出游玩而去购买生活用品的情景,通过电话,创设情境教授单词,让学生带着任务学习。并结合语音教学法、拼读法加深学生对单词音形义的理解。新知识的学习必定要伴有适量的练习。学生说唱并自编新的顺口溜,既起到了巩固新知识的目的,又让学生在紧张之余得到了片刻的放松。设计一些有意义的任务,让学生去运用、实践。在完成任务的过程中帮助学生理解对话,巩固单词,达到运用语言进行交流的目的。PAGE4(共31张PPT)Let’s learn & Complete and sayUnit 6 ShoppingPEP·四年级下册点击播放动画.Let's singpink hatyellow hatwhite dressgreen dressorange dressred skirtyellow skirtblue pantspurple pantsLet's reviewI like that / those ________.Which one do you like Free talkLead inJohn is shopping today.shoppingLet's go and see!Let's learnCan I help you The gloves are nice.Can I try them on glovesLet's learnCan I help you The sunglasses are nice.Can I try them on sunglasses+sunglasses=sunglasses+=Let's learnCan I help you The scarf is nice.Can I try it on scarf+=Let's learnCan I help you The umbrella is nice.Can I try it on umbrella+=


Let’s readumbrellasunglassesscarf1gloves

2What does the wind take

3PracticeCan I help you The _______ is/are nice. Can I try it/them on Let’s help Guang Touqiang!

umbrellaLet's talk

Let's talk

glovesscarfLet's talk

Thank you!I can remember…sunglassesscarfglovesumbrella

sunglassesglovesscarfumbrellaCan I help you The gloves are nice. Can I try them on Sure.Let’s Learn

模拟购物Watch and follow.This is my shop.A: Can I help you B: The is/are nice. Can I try it/them on A: Sure .欢迎来到我的小店。socksT-shirtIt’s hot, so I put on my _______.It’s cold, so I put on my _______.sunglassesscarfshortssweatercoatdressskirthatComplete and sayA: Can I help you B: Yes, The is nice.Can I try it on A: Sure.B: How much is itA: yuan.B: OK.Model work:(根据自己的图片自编对话)A: Can I help you B: Yes, The are nice.Can I try them on A: Sure.B: How much are they A: yuan.B: OK.193020101870课堂练习一、连线题。sunglasses umbrella scarf gloves二、火眼金睛选不同。1. A. scarf B. clothes C. skirt2. A. shirt B. coat C. umbrella3. A. gloves B. scarf C. cold4. A. sunny B. sunglasses C. hat三、选词填空。1. _____ (Can / Do) I help you 2. Can I try _____ (they / them) on 3. It's cold. So I put on my ______(hat / gloves).CanthemglovesWhat did we learn Homework1.做单词卡片。2.和同桌自编对话,模拟售货员和顾客谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员?欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!!详情请看:https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php






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