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2023-09-04 09:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Motorola Solutions is one of the main promoters of the technology industry in Argentina. Since its start in the country, it has been one of the leading companies in innovation and development and has introduced great advances in the local industry positioning itself as one of the most recognized technology companies. The company entered Argentina in 1958, thanks to a production agreement with a local company, and since then has reached many milestones for telecommunications as the introduction of mobile telephony in the country. Our technology enables the coordination of communications in various public security forces and hundreds of enterprises. Motorola has led the way in the industry of telecommunications in Argentina, with a large presence through its network of partners throughout the national territory. The company is also leading important social responsibility initiatives in education, public safety and environmental protection, as well as initiatives to reduce the digital divide and continue to contribute to the technological development of the country. To cover the entire country with its products and services, Motorola Solutions has a strong distribution network. Through Partner Empower program, more than 200 authorized dealers are in constant training and specialization. Our channel partners serve different markets business such as retail, construction, manufacturing, logistics, transportation and catering, among others, and have increased their sales consistently every year, showing his maturity and reinforcing the culture of the use of technology in Argentina.




Work Environment

Working with us means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great culture. The company offers an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we offer our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep themÑand the people they supportÑstrong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.

Rewards Philosophy

Motorola Solutions employees have the opportunity to contribute their ideas in a diverse and inclusive environment. As supporters and advocates for an engaged, inclusive workforce our rewards philosophy helps employees contribute to their full potential. Motorola Solutions employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their exquisite results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we take care of our employees' comprehensive development and work-life balance. We also offer additional educational courses and provide training opportunities.

Oppurtunities in our offices

Senior sales executive Electrical engineer Systems engineer

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.




Motorola Solutions is a leading provider of mission-critical communication solutions for enterprise and government customers. With a heritage of more than 45 years in Australia and New Zealand, Motorola Solutions has been at the forefront of local innovation, designing and applying a range of hardware, software, consulting and technology service solutions for some of the region's most critical public safety and enterprise wireless communication networks. Our mission-critical technology forms the backbone of wireless communication solutions deployed by public safety agencies across every mainland State in Australia. We leverage this heritage in resilience and security to design solutions tailored for industries such as retail, minerals and energy, supply chain, transportation and logistics, healthcare and other commercial markets. Headquartered in Victoria, we employ a strong local workforce, and are significantly invested in the local economy. We contribute approximately AUD$200 million per annum to the Australian economy, and support a range of community programs that span professional and science education, disaster relief and employee volunteering efforts.


Work Environment

Working with us means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great culture. The company offers an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we offer our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep themÑand the people they supportÑstrong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.

Rewards Philosophy

Motorola Solutions employees have the opportunity to contribute their ideas in a diverse and inclusive environment. As supporters and advocates for an engaged, inclusive workforce our rewards philosophy helps employees contribute to their full potential. Motorola Solutions employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their exquisite results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we take care of our employees' comprehensive development and work-life balance. We also offer additional educational courses and provide training opportunities.

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.

Careers Areas

Sales Marketing Finance Product Planning & Design Project Management


There are 10 Motorola branches across Australia and New Zealand. Motorola head office is located in East Burwood Victoria: Australia Motorola Solutions 10 Wesley Court Tally Ho Business Park Burwood East Victoria 3151 Australia Telephone: +61 3 9847 7500




Motorola Solutions connects people through technology. Companies and government agencies worldwide seek the innovations of Motorola Solutions when they need fully connected teams to the information they need during their work in the moments that matter most. You can find the products and services of Motorola Solutions in various segments. From retail to wholesale, from a police station of a small town to the most protected government agencies, our products provide support to consumers that make up the global diversified economy. Our products support mobile transactions of all kinds, as well as the safety and security of citizens around the world. Motorola Solutions has been prominent in strategic projects both for private companies and federal and local government. To cover all the national territory with its products, Motorola Solutions has a strong distribution network. There are more than 300 authorized resellers which are constantly recycling, training and specializing. This channel serves different business markets, thus showing its ability to grow every year and reinforcing the culture of technology use in communication in Brazil. Our customers rely on the expertise, services and solutions we provide, supported by our extensive experience in invention and innovation. Partnerships with our customers and carefully watching how our products can help in specific sectors allow us to offer the best experience to our customers daily.


Motorola Solutions Ltda Av. Magalhães de Castro, 4800 – 7º andar Cidade Jardim – São Paulo – SP 05676-120 - Brazil +55 11 5171-9292.

Opportunities in our offices

Senior sales executive Engineer in electronics Systems engineer Electrical engineer Systems engineer Support technician

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.


Mainland China


MMotorola established a representative office in Mainland China in 1987 and led the first major wave of multinationals to invest in reform-era Mainland  China. In 1993, Motorola established a software Research and Development (R&D) facility in Mainland China, one of the first of its kind in the country. To date, the company has continuously made substantial investments in Mainland China, including a major R&D center in Chengdu

Motorola Solutions continues to deliver new ways for governments and businesses to connect. Our secure mobile solutions are tailored for industries such as retail, energy and utilities, transportation and logistics, manufacturing and supply chain, healthcare and other commercial markets. Our mission-critical solutions such as the TETRA digital trunking systems and two-way radios are trusted by governments, public safety agencies, and strategic infrastructure operators. Along with this portfolio, Motorola Solutions offers support tools and services to businesses in different scales, and a large range of additional vertical markets by offering its distinctive reach into an extensive network of channel partners. Motorola Solutions has strong commitment to the Mainland China market, and to local partners and customers.


Work Environment

Working with us means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great culture. The company offers an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we offer our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep themÑand the people they supportÑstrong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.



Since 1992, the company has strengthened its business vision as strategic partner of the country, and over the course of 21 years has managed to realize this vision through significant contributions to industry, commerce, government, and society of Colombia. After two decades the company has become a reference in the country in technology solutions for Government and security forces public growing in different divisions of business and number of employees; necessary to support the prosperous and consolidated operation. Moreover, the development of the national infrastructure of communication opened at Motorola Solutions the opportunity to contribute to their development and bringing cutting-edge technology and developed, efficient and modern communication equipment. Motorola Solutions has been important in the operations of Colombia focus to be a key market for its great strength in public security and entrepreneurship of its workforce. It has its central sales office in Bogota. As part of our corporate responsibility program, Motorola Solutions has established education programs in public schools in Colombia and also offers scholarships for soldiers victims of anti-personnel landmines.



Opportunities in our offices

Business executives Electronic, systems, electrical, and industrial engineers Professionals in management, marketing, finance, psychology and communications

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.



Motorola Solutions gehört weltweit zu den führenden Anbietern von geschäfts- und sicherheitskritischen Kommunikationslösungen für Wirtschaftsunternehmen und Kunden aus dem öffentlichen Sektor. Das Geschäftsfeld in Deutschland umfasst Funkgeräte und -systeme für die sicherheitskritische Kommunikation, mobile Computer, Barcodescanner, WLAN-Technologien, RFID-Systeme sowie entsprechende Services und Solutions.

Die deutsche Motorola Solutions Germany GmbH erzielte 2014 einen Umsatz von 591,2 Mio Euro und beschäftigt rund 500 Mitarbeiter an den Standorten Idstein, Berlin und Alsdorf.

Standort Berlin: Als ein führender Anbieter von Kommunikationslösungen für Behörden mit Sicherheitsaufgaben konzipieren und entwickeln wir u.a. Funkgeräte (TETRA-Standard) und die hierfür erforderliche Infrastruktur. In Berlin befindet sich das weltweite Motorola Kompetenzzentrum für den TETRA-Digitalfunk. Hier erstellt und liefert Motorola TETRA-Funksysteme in die ganze Welt. Neben den Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben vertrauen auch Unternehmen des Öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs (ÖPNV) wie Rheinbahn, Energieversorger wie Vattenfall oder Unternehmen wie der Flughafen München auf Motorola TETRA-Lösungen. Darüber hinaus befindet sich das Europäische Reparaturzentrum in Berlin sowie Projektmanagement- und Servicebereiche und verwaltende Funktionen. Standort Idstein: In Idstein befindet sich der Haupsitz der Motorola Solutions Germany GmbH. Dort ist insbesondere unsere Vertriebsorganisation erfolgreich tätig und betreut Kunden aus dem öffentlichen Sektor sowie internationale Wirtschaftsunternehmen, unter anderem aus den Bereichen Fertigung, Einzelhandel, Transport und Logistik. Darüber hinaus befinden sich verschiedene unterstützende und verwaltende Funktionen am Standort Idstein. Standort Alsdorf: Unser Europäisches Logistikzentrum in Alsdorf sorgt für eine auftragsgemäße, optimale und reibungslose Auslieferung an unsere Kunden. Wir arbeiten bei Motorola Solutions eng mit weltweiten Logistik-Partnern zusammen.


Unsere Arbeitsplätze

Wir bieten unseren MitarbeiterInnen einen anspruchsvollen und interessanten Arbeitsplatz in einem global agierenden, modernen und sich stetig entwickelnden Arbeitsumfeld - mit Kollegen, die hinter ihrer Arbeit stehen, Spaß an Leistung und Innovationen haben und respektvoll zusammen arbeiten. Unsere Arbeitsplätze sind mit neuester Kommunikationstechnik ausgestattet, die das effiziente Agieren im internationalen Rahmen ermöglicht.

Entwicklung, Vergütung & Anerkennung

Der Erfolg unseres Unternehmens liegt in den Händen unserer MitarbeiterInnen. Daher belohnen wir Leistung und bieten ein umfangreiches, wettbewerbsfähiges Vergütungssystem mit attraktiven Gehalts- und Sozialleistungen. Darüber hinaus  fördern wir unsere MitarbeiterInnen durch umfangreiche, individuelle Entwicklungsmaßnahmen, z.B. durch gezielte Fach- und Führungskräftetrainings bis hin zum Coaching. Flexible Arbeitszeiten, Gesundheitsprogramme uvm. befähigen unsere MitarbeiterInnen, ihre Balance zwischen Arbeit, Karriere und persönlicher Lebensplanung zu finden.

Unsere Mission

Unser Fokus sind unsere Kunden

Jeder einzelne Moment ist wichtig - für jemanden irgendwo auf der Welt. Und in jedem Moment spielen die innovativen Technologien, Produkte und Services von Motorola Solutions eine wichtige Rolle im Leben von Menschen. Hierbei  ermöglichen wir Feuerwehrleuten und Polizisten eine bessere Reaktionsfähigkeit in Gebäuden und auf der Straße. Auch Logistikketten für Einzelhändler und Stromnetze für Wartungspersonal machen wir transparent. Unsere Firma unterstützt Einsatzkräfte, im Notfall die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen und hilft unseren Kunden, ihre Waren pünktlich zu liefern.  Dies erreichen wir, indem wir Menschen mit Kommunikationsnetzen, Anwendungen und Services nahtlos verbinden, ihnen Informationen in Echtzeit zur Verfügung stellen und intuitive sowie praktisch unzerstörbare mobile Geräte an die Hand geben.  Wir arbeiten bei Motorola Solutions eng mit unseren weltweiten Channel-Partnern zusammen und können dadurch einen sehr breiten Kundenstamm versorgen – von kleinen Firmen bis hin zu Fortune-500-Unternehmen. Dabei konzentrieren wir uns vor allem auf die Entwicklung von End-to-End-Lösungen, die Kunden eine deutliche Kapitalrendite (Return on Investment, ROI) bieten. Zudem versetzen unsere Produkte die Anwender in die Lage, ihre Aufgaben durch nahtlose Konnektivität optimal zu erfüllen.  Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie ihr Fachwissen bei Motorola Solutions einsetzen können, und ermöglichen Sie so, dass Menschen überall auf der Welt ihr Bestes geben können. Die Arbeit, die Sie bei uns ausüben, ist bedeutungsvoll, wirkungsvoll und nachhaltig.

Karriere bei MOTOROLA

Karriere in den Bereichen: Vertrieb  Services / Projektmanagement / Field Services  Supply Chain  Engineering Marketing Produktplanung & Design  Finanzwesen Allgemeines Management  verschiedene Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten wie z.B. studentische Praktika, Studentenjobs Motorola Solutions sucht zielgerichtete, motivierte Visionäre wie Sie, die unsere Teams verstärken. Bei uns können Sie die ganze Bandbreite von interessanten und anspruchsvollen Praktika, Berufsausbildung, Einsteigerpositionen bis hin zu spannenden und herausfordernden Positionen für Berufserfahrene und Führungskräfte in Telekommunikations- und Verwaltungsberufen finden. Ihre Bewerbung über unseren online-Stellenmarkt www.motorolasolutions.com/careers wird nach Eingang von einem erfahrenen HR-Recruitmentteam gesichtet und gemeinsam mit dem Fachbereich wird dann eine Vorauswahl getroffen. Die ausgewählten Kandidaten werden direkt kontaktiert und zu einem Telefoninterview oder einem persönlichen Bewerbungsgespräch eingeladen. Selbstverständlich übernehmen wir die entstehenden Reisekosten.

Wir helfen Menschen, in den entscheidenden Momenten ihr Bestes zu geben. Das ist unsere Aufgabe.



Motorola Solutions connects people through technology. Public safety and commercial customers around the world turn to Motorola Solutions innovations when they want highly connected teams that have the information they need throughout their workdays and in the moments that matter most to them. Our customers rely on us for the expertise, services and solutions we provide, trusting our years of invention and innovation experience. By partnering with customers and observing how our products can help in their specific industries, we are able to enhance our customers’ experience every day. Motorola Solutions India serves the government customers with core markets in public safety government agencies

In India we have our registered corporate office in Gurgaon along with the sales office in Mumbai. 


Work Environment

Working with us means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great culture. The company offers an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we offer our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep themÑand the people they supportÑstrong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.

Rewards Philosophy

Motorola Solutions employees have the opportunity to contribute their ideas in a diverse and inclusive environment. As supporters and advocates for an engaged, inclusive workforce our rewards philosophy helps employees contribute to their full potential. Motorola Solutions employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their exquisite results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we take care of our employees' comprehensive development and work-life balance. We also offer additional educational courses and provide training opportunities.

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.

Careers Areas

Software Engineer Test Engineer Quality Engineer


Motorola Solutions India Private Limited Regd. Off.: Motorola Excellence Centre, 415/2, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, Sector-14, Gurgaon  122001, Haryana. India



Motorola Israel Ltd. was established in 1948, and has since 1964 been a wholly owned subsidiary of Motorola Inc., a multinational communications corporation headquarter in the United States. In January 2011, Motorola Inc. was divided into two separate companies: Motorola Solutions and Motorola Mobility. Following the separation, Motorola Israel remained unchanged (with the exception of the cellular unit) as Motorola Solutions Israel, a part of Motorola Solutions Inc. Motorola Israel was Motorola Inc.'s first branch outside the United States, and the first company to establish a design and development center in Israel. The company develops and provides communications solutions based on advanced technologies to government and public safety bodies, courier companies and to a variety of commercial entities in Israel and around the world. Motorola Solutions Israel includes the R&D center and several business groups:

R&D Center

At the Center, Motorola designs and develops a diverse range of communication products and net work management systems, which are sold in Israel and across the world. The Design Center is an industry leader in implementing prestigious global projects such as developing broadband (LTE) subscriber units for emergency, public safety and security organizations, the global courier industry and commercial enterprises. The Center led the introduction of the MOTOBRIDGE system, providing fully integrated communications solutions to first responders, security and public safety organizations around the world. The Center also plays a significant overall role in developing Motorola's extensive range of products marketed globally, such as the TETRA and ASTRO communications net works for the public safety market, Safe City command and control solutions, and more.

Business Groups:

Israel Market

The group markets and sells communication products and solutions to the military and security forces, emergency and rescue organizations, government bodies, public institutions and commercial enterprises. The main technological trends include developing a national emergency communications network ser vying public safety bodies in routine conditions and during emergencies; broadband communication for the emergency and rescue forces; communication system encryption; homeland emergencies security; and "Safe City" systems, which have been installed in several cities in Israel. Motorola Centers - Motostores are distributed throughout Israel and provide services to some 600,000 Motorola clients annually. A diverse range of products are offered for sales at the centers including TALK ABOUT walkie-talkies, professional communications, multimedia devices and more.

Export Market

The group provides communications solutions and systems for the public safety sector and is responsible for marketing and sales activities to some 40 countries, primarily in Africa. The group's clientele includes security forces, governments, ministries, oil companies, utilities and transport and logistics companies.

Service and Integration

The Services group is responsible for planning and implementing solutions and systems for all customers in Israel and in the export markets and for providing support, maintenance and added value services to all the customers. The group employs dozens of engineers and technicians that establish and maintain its diverse solutions and systems, which include digital communication systems complying with various standards, broadband systems, command and control systems and more.


Work Environment

Working with us means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great culture. The company offers an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we offer our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep them and the people they support strong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.

Rewards Philosophy

In Motorola Solutions we believe that building a compensation plan that allows managers to recruit, retain and motivate the best employees, leads to excellent performance and leverage the company's vision. Total compensation package is designed to contribute to the well-being and economic safety of our employees and their families, present and future. Motorola Solutions employees enjoy variety of benefits which include: pension insurance package and independent pension advice, health and dental insurance and periodic medical examinations, car program, subsidized meals, restricted stock plans (RSUs), a variety of social activities and more.

Recruitment Process

We see the importance of our human capital, as a key part in the success of the entire organization and leading it forward. We are looking for creative people, which will help us to create solutions that will provide a response to the challenges of business organizations and governments worldwide. Motorola Solutions recruitment process includes several steps: professional interview and behavioral interview, reliability test, and further tests as necessary. We recruit a wide variety of roles such as engineers, salesmen, etc. Our aim is to conduct a recruiting process as quickly and efficiently as possible, while providing personal attention to each candidate nominated in the process. Motorola Solutions Israel Ltd. 2 Negev st., Airport City 70199, Israel



Motorola Solutions has more than 80 years of global leadership in mission-critical communication solutions for government and enterprise customers in more than 65 countries. For more than 50 years in Asia Pacific including Japan and the Middle East, the company serves a diversified customer base. Helping its customers to be their best in the moments that matter, Motorola Solutions achieves this with its public safety solutions, mobile computing technology, advanced data capture, integrated command and control communications, WLAN solutions and advanced services.

With more than 40 years of corporate presence in Malaysia, Motorola Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd has established itself as a leading provider of mission critical communication for government customers.

Also housed in Penang is a full fledged R&D center that design and develop two way radios in the region. The facility is one of the few design centers that provide end to end two way radio communication solutions. Motorola Solutions employees have a history of exploding possibility across the planet, innovating smarter, more flexible and more insightful ideas. Our employees enable industries worldwide to thrive, achieve and do their best work. They create indispensable, indestructible tools to help more people in more businesses in more places to be their best. They do it to better serve the government, health, public safety and other businesses for which we've created clear and confident communications solutions for more than 80 years. The work they do is meaningful, impactful and ongoing. And we need driven, motivated visionaries like you to join us.


Work Environment

Working with us means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great culture. The company offers an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we offer our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep themÑand the people they supportÑstrong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.

Rewards Philosophy

Motorola Solutions employees have the opportunity to contribute their ideas in a diverse and inclusive environment. As supporters and advocates for an engaged, inclusive workforce our rewards philosophy helps employees contribute to their full potential. Motorola Solutions employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their exquisite results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we take care of our employees' comprehensive development and work-life balance. We also offer additional educational courses and provide training opportunities.

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.

Careers Areas in Research & Development:

Software Engineer Electrical Engineer Mechanical Engineer Technical Writer

Careers Areas in Manufacturing & Distributions:

NPI Engineer Process Engineer Test Engineer Quality Engineer System Engineer Buyer/Planner Logistic Coordinator IT Analyst, Scheduler

Careers Areas in Finance Shared Service Centre:

Accountant Financial Analyst Account Receivable Specialist Account Payable Specialist Financial Auditor

Careers Areas in Global Support Solutions:

Technical Support Specialist Customer Support Specialist Network Specialist


Motorola Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd Plot 2, Bayan Lepas Industrial Park Mukim 12 SWD, 11900 Bayan Lepas Penang, Malaysia



In 1956, Dr. Dan Noble, then Vice President of Motorola Inc., traveled to Mexico to inspect systems for two-way radio installed by Motorola Solutions in the country. In particular, the development of the national infrastructure of communication provided Motorola Solutions the unique opportunity to contribute to their development through contributions of cutting-edge technology and the most modern, effective and developed communication equipment. Since 1960, the company has chosen to conduct its business vision as strategic partner of the country, and in the course of these 50 years has managed to realize this vision through significant contributions to industry, commerce, government and society in Mexico. Motorola Solutions has focuses on Mexico as a key market due to its proximity to the United States and the performance of its work force. Thanks to the growth in the country, the company leads the deployment of communications infrastructure, telecommunications and public security. Since 2010, Motorola Solutions manufactures several products in Reynosa, Tamaulipas. The company employs more than 1,400 people in the country and has sales offices in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey.



Opportunities in our offices

Senior sales executive Engineer in electronics Systems engineer Electrical engineer Systems engineer Quality assurance engineer Support technician Auditor

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.

New Zealand


Motorola Solutions is a leading provider of mission-critical communication solutions for enterprise and government customers. With a heritage of more than 45 years in Australia and New Zealand, Motorola Solutions has been at the forefront of local innovation, designing and applying a range of hardware, software, consulting and technology service solutions for some of the region's most critical public safety and enterprise wireless communication networks. Our mission-critical technology forms the backbone of wireless communication solutions deployed by public safety agencies across every mainland State in Australia. We leverage this heritage in resilience and security to design solutions tailored for industries such as retail, minerals and energy, supply chain, transportation and logistics, healthcare and other commercial markets. Headquartered in Victoria, we employ a strong local workforce, and are significantly invested in the local economy. We contribute approximately AUD$200 million per annum to the Australian economy, and support a range of community programs that span professional and science education, disaster relief and employee volunteering efforts.


Work Environment

Working with us means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great culture. The company offers an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we offer our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep themÑand the people they supportÑstrong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.

Rewards Philosophy

Motorola Solutions employees have the opportunity to contribute their ideas in a diverse and inclusive environment. As supporters and advocates for an engaged, inclusive workforce our rewards philosophy helps employees contribute to their full potential. Motorola Solutions employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their exquisite results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we take care of our employees' comprehensive development and work-life balance. We also offer additional educational courses and provide training opportunities.

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.

Careers Areas

Sales Marketing Finance Product Planning & Design Project Management


There are 10 Motorola branches across Australia and New Zealand. Motorola head office is located in East Burwood Victoria: Australia Motorola Solutions 10 Wesley Court Tally Ho Business Park Burwood East Victoria 3151 Australia Telephone: +61 3 9847 7500



Our local organization has a very multi cultural environment. Our employees comprise more than 20 different nationalities. English and Norwegian are our two main languages. The Oslo office is  centre of all our activities, Roll Out, Oprations & Maintenance  and sales . Nødnett Project Motorola Solutions is the prime contractor of Nødnett, the new nationwide digital TETRA radio communication system for Norwegian emergency agencies. The customer is the Norwegian state, represented by the Directorate of Emergency Communication (DNK), a subordinate to the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Security. The Nødnett project scope included deployment of a nationwide TETRA radio network, a redundant core network with multiple switching locations, over 300 control rooms for the emergency agencies and the delivery of TETRA radio terminals in parts of the country. The rollout of the nation wide TETRA radio network has been completed in December 2015, and is fully operational. Main activity of  Motorola Solutions Norway today is to maintain and operate the Nødnett network . Sales organization Our sales organization is responsible for sales and development revenues of all Motorola Solutions' devices related to the government market.


Work Environment

Working with us means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great culture. The company offers an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we offer our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep them and the people they support strong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.

Rewards Philosophy

Motorola Solutions employees have the opportunity to contribute their ideas in a diverse and inclusive environment. As supporters and advocates for an engaged, inclusive workforce our rewards philosophy helps employees contribute to their full potential. Motorola Solutions employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their exquisite results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we take care of our employees' comprehensive development and work-life balance. We also offer additional educational courses and provide training opportunities.

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you a first orientation F2F or by phone . 2nd face will Then we will be a face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.

Careers Areas within Nødnett Project

Project Manager System Engineers/ OSS Support Engineers Tetra System Architect Operator Network Operations Centre Fault Management Engineers


Kabelgata 34, 0580 Oslo



In Poland, Motorola Solutions headquarters are located in Krakow and Warsaw. The trade office and EMEA System Integration are located in the capital city. The Global R&D Center, Finance Shared Service Center, Supply Chain,  Learning and Solutions Support Center are located in Krakow. The Global R&D Centre in Krakow is the second largest center of Motorola Solutions worldwide and employs more than 900 specialists.The Krakow R&D Center was established in 1998 and its operations are focused on APCO 25/TETRA/LTE radio network and subscriber software development. Projects in this space cover software development for radio infrastructure, network management solutions for radio network and subscriber terminals. Within the scope of development, operations deliver also applications using radio network communication protocols to deliver range of services for end users. We hire the best graduates of IT/telecommunications-related majors and experienced professionals who bring their ideas and innovations to the company. The Krakow Finance Shared Service Center is a part of our global network of finance centers which provide world-class finance, accounting and purchasing services to Motorola branches globally. The Center started its operations in 2007. The Center currently employs about 250  people in the field of general ledger, payroll, revenue cycle, treasury, financial analysis and other. We speak various languages like English, German, Spanish, Russian, Hebrew or French.

The Krakow Supply Chain is responsible for the delivery of products to our customers.It is done through a wide range of processes, out of which Order Management, Demand Planning, Supply Planning and New Product Introduction are performed from Krakow. 

The Krakow Learning is a team responsible for creating professional content that will inform our customers how to use innovative products & services offered by Motorola Solutions. The team in Krakow hires technical & training content developers, information architects and graphic support specialists.

Engineers in EA Solutions Support Center team provide technical support throughout the EMEA region. Dedicated and professional support team utilizes extensive lab to reproduce customer issues. It operates during usual business hours as well as provide 24x7 restoration service.

A part of the Solutions Support Centre is Motorola Service Desk, working closely with Marketing, Channel Sales & Operations. The Motorola Service Desk is a single point of contact team for Motorola Solutions throughout Europe, Israel and Africa, providing multi-lingual call, chat and email support for prospects, customers and partners.

More than 1,300 employees, who work at Kraków in the Software Design Center, Finance Shared Service Center, Supply Chain,Learning and Solutions Support Center  each day enable industries worldwide to thrive, achieve and do their best work.


Work Environment

Being part of our team - means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great workplace culture. At Motorola Solutions we offer an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. We care for our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep them and the people they support strong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.

Rewards Philosophy

At Motorola Solutions passion, potential and engagement are appreciated. 

Our employees are recognized for innovations and are given other formal or informal awards for their exquisite results and performance. In Motorola Solutions we take care of our employees' comprehensive development and work-life balance. The company supports completion of additional educational courses, provides online trainings and access to library on-site.

Professional development

We take care of our employees' comprehensive development and work-life balance. The company supports completion of additional educational courses, provides online trainings and access to library on-site.

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.

Careers Areas in Software Design Center:

Software Engineer C/C++ Software Engineer Embedded C/C++ Software Engineer Java Platform Engineer WINDOX/UNIX Network Engineer Web Developer System Test Engineer Test Engineer Intern

Careers Areas in Finance Shared Service Center:

Financial Accountant Accounts Receivable Specialist Accounts Payable Specialist Financial Analyst Payroll Administrator Intern

Careers Areas in Supply Chain Center:

Supply Chain Specialist Order Management Specialist

Other profiles:  Customer Support Specialist Technical Support Engineer Product Quality Assurance Engineer Technical Writer Training Content Developer http://www.linkedin.com/company/motorolasolutions


KRAKÓW Ul. Czerwone Maki 82 30-392 Krakow

WARSZAWA Wołowska 5 02-672 Warszawa

Motorola Solutions Krakow



Motorola Solutions is an industry leader. It serves both enterprise and government customers with core markets in public safety government agencies and commercial enterprises. Our leadership in these areas includes public safety communications from infrastructure to applications and devices such as radios. We make professional and commercial two-way radios for a variety of markets. Our customers rely on us for the expertise, services and solutions we provide, trusting our years of invention and innovation experience. By partnering with customers and observing how our products can help in their specific industries, we are able to enhance our customers' experience every day. As an industry leader in government and public safety, we design and develop devices including radios and the infrastructure that supports them. Our mission-critical design philosophy led to our new High Velocity Human Factors investigation, an area of cognitive research that helps us develop products for first responders by working with them in crisis situations to study their communication needs. We take what we learn in the field and bring it back to the lab to create products that will function under extreme conditions and networks that will reliably support those products. Working with our global channel partner community, Motorola Solutions reaches an extensive customer base, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Our focus is on developing integrated end-to-end solutions that deliver a clear return on investment, and our products empower individuals through seamless connectivity.

Sites in Russia

There are two Motorola Solutions' offices in Russia. A sales and product support office is located in Moscow and an engineering operation in Saint Petersburg.


Motorola Solutions' Moscow office sells and supports Motorola products and systems for the Russian Federation. The Moscow office began operations in 1993 with the goal of furthering development of sales in both business and mission-critical communication solutions for enterprise and government customers in the Russian market. Motorola Solutions sells products in this region through more than 130 subsidiaries and distributors.

Saint Petersburg

The Saint Petersburg Software Design Center, established in 1994, is a Center of Excellence in wireless communications and mobile radio infrastructure.

The Telecom engineering team in the Saint Petersburg Software Design Center focuses on Telecom infrastructure and subscriber software development for enterprise and public safety customers worldwide. The Telecom infrastructure engineering team develops and supports professional software for mobile transceiver stations, base site controllers, mobile IT bridges and enterprise grade PTT solution for radio interoperability and extension to broadband networks and devices.

The Chief Technology Office (CTO) Software Solutions team in the Saint Petersburg Software Design Center creates next-generation solutions for public safety and business customers. The team focuses on developing and applying analytics technology in innovative proof-of-concept prototypes to solve real-world problems and enable new business opportunities. 

The team's expertise includes multi-networking and connectivity (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GNSS, NFC, etc.), next generation public safety, mobile applications, UI/UX, natural language processing, managed services, cloud computing and big data analytics.

We hire the best graduates in Computer Science related majors and experienced professionals who bring their ideas and innovations to Motorola Solutions.


Work Environment

Our offices in Moscow and Saint Petersburg are situated in modern and ecological buildings. We take care of employees’ health and safety and work-life balance. Working for us means interesting projects, international environment and great team of professionals. 

Rewards Philosophy

Our employees are recognized for innovations and are given other formal or informal awards for their exquisite results and performance. In Motorola Solutions we take care of our employees' comprehensive development. The company supports completion of additional educational courses, provides online trainings and access to library on-site.

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the HR and/or technical interview to verify your professional knowledge and skills.. Then we will ask you to come for the interview with hiring manager/project managers. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.

Careers Areas in Software Design Center:

- Software Engineer JAVA/Android - Software Engineer iOS - Test Engineer - Intern

Careers Areas in Sales:

- Account Manager - Channel Manager - Project Manager - Service Engineer



Motorola Solutions has more than 80 years of global leadership in mission-critical communication solutions for government and enterprise customers in more than 65 countries. For more than 50 years, Motorola Solutions has market presence across Asia Pacific and the Middle East, including Japan, Libya and Egypt. Since 1983, Singapore has been the company's headquarters for the region. Helping its customers to be their best in the moments that matter, Motorola Solutions offers its highly diversified customer base with a portfolio of public safety solutions, mobile computing technology, advanced data capture, integrated command and control communications, WLAN solutions and advanced support and services. While continuous innovation brings cutting-edge communications technology to its customers, Motorola Solutions also uses this technology to serve the welfare of communities. Through the Motorola Solutions Foundation, the charitable and philanthropic arm of Motorola Solutions, the company has collaborated with tertiary institutions and public safety agencies to foster programs that improve public safety and support educational causes.


Work Environment

Working with us means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great culture. The company offers an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we offer our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep themÑand the people they supportÑstrong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.

Rewards Philosophy

Motorola Solutions employees have the opportunity to contribute their ideas in a diverse and inclusive environment. As supporters and advocates for an engaged, inclusive workforce our rewards philosophy helps employees contribute to their full potential. Motorola Solutions employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their exquisite results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we take care of our employees' comprehensive development and work-life balance. We also offer additional educational courses and provide training opportunities.

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies. The chosen candidates are presented the job offer.

Careers Areas

Sales Marketing Finance Project Management


Motorola Solutions Singapore Pte Ltd UE BizHub Central, #07-01 Block A 12 Ang Mo Kio, Street 64 Singapore 569088



Motorola Solutions is a leading provider of mission-critical communications solutions for government and enterprise customers. With more than 30 years of leadership in Taiwan, Motorola Solutions continues to addresses mission-critical wireless communications for government agencies and public safety first responders. Our dedication and experience in the integrated radio communications and information solutions aids more than 200 customers in the public safety agencies like the police, fire, railway, highway, MRT, airport, seaport, energy and natural resources. Among the adopters, some groups rely on MotorolaÕs products and systems, including SCADA RTU system and radio products. Helping its customers to be their best in the moments that matter, Motorola Solutions also offers its highly diversified customer base with a portfolio beyond public safety solutions: from mobile computing technology, advanced data capture, WLAN solutions to advanced support and services where we design solutions tailored for industries such as manufacturing, retail, hospitality, healthcare, transportation and logistics.


Work Environment

Working with us means you'll focus on interesting projects, work in an international environment and a great culture. The company offers an attractive compensation and competitive benefits. Our employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we offer our employees' professional development opportunities. Bring your perspective to Motorola Solutions and see what, and whom, you might influence. Give yourself the opportunity to see how far you can go. When you work with us, you're creating the mission-critical solutions necessary to keep the government and public safety sectors, and businesses running smoothly. Through your innovations, you'll keep themÑand the people they supportÑstrong, connected and efficient. You'll take on much more than a job at Motorola Solutions, because the work we do is literally life-changing for people and businesses around the world. It's a focus that relies on your passion, potential and abilities. You'll get recognized for your talents and be supported with the education, resources and visibility you're looking for.

Rewards Philosophy

Motorola Solutions employees have the opportunity to contribute their ideas in a diverse and inclusive environment. As supporters and advocates for an engaged, inclusive workforce our rewards philosophy helps employees contribute to their full potential. Motorola Solutions employees are recognized for innovation and are given formal or informal awards for their exquisite results and performance. At Motorola Solutions we take care of our employees' comprehensive development and work-life balance. We also offer additional educational courses and provide training opportunities.

Selection Process

We treat each candidate individually and make sure they feel comfortable within the whole recruitment process. The selection process consists of a few stages. First we would usually invite you to the phone interview. Then we will ask you to come for the face to face interview with our specialists and managers, in order to verify your professional knowledge and interpersonal competencies.

Careers Areas

Engineering Sales


8F No.9 Songgao Rd. Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan




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