[詞彙Q&A] life, lives (life的複數), live (v.) 的區別 – The Bilingual Lens 雙語視界

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[詞彙Q&A] life, lives (life的複數), live (v.) 的區別 – The Bilingual Lens 雙語視界

#[詞彙Q&A] life, lives (life的複數), live (v.) 的區別 – The Bilingual Lens 雙語視界| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

life, lives (life的複數), live (v.) 的區別 our life, our lives 的區別live (v.)主要用法是動詞或副詞

live用在動詞時是”住”或是”過著”的意思 例: I live in Taipei. 我住台北 I live happily. 我過得很快樂

live是副詞時 最常見到的用法是”現場地”或”即時地” 例: The reporter is interviewing the singer live. 這位記者即時(也就是現場連線那樣)訪問那位歌星

life是名詞 是生活的意思 例: I have a good life. 我有著不錯的生活

Life is full of stress. 生活中充滿了壓力 你有時候會聽見兩個字一起用: I live a good life. 我過著很好的生活

life, lives (life的複數) 的區別

life 可「泛指人生/生命/生活」(uncountable)。 例如:The man shows no sign of life. I believe he’s dead.


life指一人的生命(life)時,是singular。 life指多人的生命(lives)時,是plural。

例如:Our life 是「我們的生活,強調的是我們生活裡共同的東西」,Our life in Hong Kong指「我們在香港的生活」。

相反,Our lives是「我們各自的生命/生命/生活」,Our lives in Hong Kong(我們各人在香港各自的生活)。例如:We had a great time of our lives during our two-week stay in Hong Kong(我們在香港逗留的兩周,是我們人生裡的美好時光。)。

E.g. Their life together is a happy one. Their lives are very different because they live in different countries. Their life quality (生活品質) is high! The quality (品質) of their lives (他們各自的生命/生活) is high!

Sources: http://englishwizard.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=2509250 http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1306050803759 http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/77176/when-to-use-lives-as-a-plural-of-life http://www.englishforums.com/English/TheirLifeOrTheirLives/xwkdz/post.htm http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/life




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