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2024-07-12 01:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


第一章 总 则

   第一条 中国建设监理协会是由在中华人民共和国境内注册、从事建设工程监理、工程管理与咨询服务业务相关单位和个人自愿结成的全国性、行业性社会团体(以下简称本会)。

本会英文名称:China Association of Engineering Consultants,缩写:CAEC。


  第二条 本会的宗旨是:坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,贯彻新发展理念和国家经济发展战略,为政府、行业和会员提供服务,沟通会员与政府、社会的联系,恪守“公平、独立、诚信、科学”的职业准则,保障工程质量,提高投资效益,推进工程监理与咨询行业创新发展,为国民经济建设做出应有贡献。


  第三条 本会坚持中国共产党的全面领导,根据中国共产党章程的规定,设立中国共产党的组织,开展党的活动,为党组织的活动提供必要条件。



  第四条 本会负责人包括会长、副会长、秘书长。

  第五条 本会的住所设在北京市。


第二章 业务范围

  第六条 本会的业务范围有:













第三章 会 员

  第七条 本会的会员为单位会员、个人会员。

  第八条 拥护本会章程,符合下列条件的,可以自愿申请加入本会:






  第九条 会员入会的程序是:






  第十条 会员享有下列权利:






  第十一条 会员履行下列义务:







  第十二条 会员如有违反法律、法规和本会章程的行为,经理事会或常务理事会表决通过,给予下列处分:






  第十三条 会员退会须书面通知本会并交回会员证。

  第十四条 会员有下列情形之一的,自动丧失会员资格:






  第十五条 会员退会、被除名后或者自动丧失会员资格,其在本会相应的职务、权利、义务自动终止。 

  第十六条 本会置备会员名册,对会员情况进行记载。会员情况发生变动的,应及时修改会员名册,并向会员公告。本会负责妥善保存会员相关档案,以及会员代表大会、理事会、常务理事会、监事会决议等原始记录。

第四章 组织机构

  第一节 会员代表大会

  第十七条 会员代表大会是本会的最高权力机构,其职权是:











  第十八条 会员代表大会每届5年,每5年召开1次。因特殊情况需提前或者延期换届的,须由理事会表决通过,经党建工作机构审核同意后,报登记管理机关批准。延期换届最长不超过1年。



  第十九条 经理事会或本会70%以上的会员代表提议,应当召开临时会员代表大会。


  第二十条 会员代表大会须有2/3以上的会员代表出席方能召开,决议事项符合下列条件方能生效:






  第二节 理事会

  第二十一条 理事会是会员代表大会的执行机构,在会员代表大会闭会期间领导本会开展工作,对会员代表大会负责。

  理事人数最多不得超过 450人,且一般不得超过会员代表的1/3。








  第二十二条 理事的选举和罢免:







  第二十三条 每个理事单位只能选派一名代表履行理事职责。单位调整理事代表,由其书面通知本会,报理事会或者常务理事会备案。该单位同时为常务理事的,其代表一并调整。

  第二十四条 理事的权利是:





  第二十五条 理事应当遵守法律、法规和本章程的规定,忠实履行职责、维护本会利益,并履行以下义务:








  第二十六条 理事会的职权是:
















  第二十七条 理事会与会员代表大会任期相同,与会员代表大会同时换届。

  第二十八条 理事会会议须有2/3以上理事出席方能召开,其决议须经到会理事2/3以上表决通过方能生效。


  第二十九条 常务理事由理事会采取无记名投票方式从理事中选举产生。



  第三十条 选举常务理事、负责人,按得票数确定当选人员,但当选的得票数不得低于总票数的2/3。

  第三十一条 理事会每年至少召开1次会议,情况特殊的,可采用通讯形式召开。除视频会议外,其他通讯会议不得决定负责人的调整。

  第三十二条 经会长或者1/5的理事提议,应当召开临时理事会会议。


  第三节 常务理事会

  第三十三条 本会设立常务理事会。常务理事从理事中选举产生,人数不超过理事人数的1/3。在理事会闭会期间,常务理事会行使理事会第一、三、五、六、七、八、九、十、十一、十二、十四项的职权,对理事会负责。




  第三十四条 常务理事会至少每6个月召开1次会议,情况特殊的,可采用通讯形式召开。

  第三十五条 经会长或1/3以上的常务理事提议,应当召开临时常务理事会会议。


  第四节 负责人

  第三十六条 本会负责人包括会长1名,副会长25名,秘书长1名。











  第三十七条 本会负责人任期与理事会相同,连任不超过2届。因特殊情况需要延长任期的,须经会员代表大会2/3以上会员代表表决通过,报党建工作机构审核同意并经登记管理机关批准后方可任职。


  第三十八条 会长为本会法定代表人。




  第三十九条 担任法定代表人的负责人被罢免或卸任后,应当由本会在其被罢免或卸任后的20日内,报党建工作机构审核同意后,向登记管理机关办理变更登记。


  第四十条 会长履行下列职责:





  第四十一条 副会长、秘书长协助会长开展工作。秘书长行使下列职责:









  第四十二条 会员代表大会、理事会、常务理事会会议应当制作会议纪要。形成决议的,应当制作书面决议,理事会、常务理事会决议同时由出席会议成员确认。会议纪要、会议决议应当以适当方式向会员通报并备会员查询,并至少保存30年。


  第五节 监事会

  第四十三条 本会设立监事会,监事任期与理事任期相同,期满可以连任。监事会由3名监事组成。监事会设监事长1名,监事2名,监事长由监事会推举产生。监事长最高任职年龄不超过70周岁,连任不超过2届。


  第四十四条 监事的选举和罢免:



  第四十五条  本会的负责人、理事、常务理事和财务管理人员不得兼任监事。

  第四十六条  监事会行使下列职权:








  第四十七条 监事应当遵守有关法律、法规和本会章程,忠实、勤勉履行职责。

  第四十八条 监事会可以对本会开展活动情况进行调查;必要时,可以聘请会计师事务所等协助其工作。监事会行使职权所必需的费用,由本会承担。

  第六节 分支机构、代表机构

  第四十九条 本会可以按照国家有关规定在本会宗旨和业务范围内,按照确有工作需要且与本会管理能力相适应的原则设立分支机构、代表机构。本会的分支机构依据会员组成特点、业务范围的划分等设立,代表机构依据本会授权在规定地域内代表本会开展联络、交流、调研活动。本会的分支机构、代表机构是本会的组成部分,不具有法人资格,不得另行制订章程,不得发放任何形式的登记证书,按照本章程规定的宗旨和业务范围,在本会授权的范围内开展活动,法律责任由本会承担。 

  第五十条 本会不设立地域性分支机构,不在分支机构、代表机构下再设立分支机构、代表机构。

  第五十一条 本会分支机构名称以“分会”、“专业委员会”、“工作委员会”、“专项基金管理委员会”等字样结束,代表机构名称以“代表处”、“办事处”等字样结束。分支机构、代表机构名称不以各类法人组织的名称命名,不在名称中冠以“中国”、“中华”、“全国”、“国家”等字样,对外开展活动,应当使用冠有本会名称的规范全称。

  第五十二条 分支机构、代表机构负责人的最高任职年龄不得超过70周岁,连任不超过2届。

  第五十三条 分支机构、代表机构的财务应当纳入本会法定账户统一管理,全部收支应当纳入本会财务统一核算。

  第五十四条 本会在年度工作报告中将分支机构、代表机构的有关情况报送登记管理机关。同时,将有关信息及时向社会公开,自觉接受社会监督。

  第七节 内部管理制度和矛盾解决机制

  第五十五条 本会建立各项内部管理制度,完善相关管理规程。建立《会员管理办法》、《会费管理办法》、《财务管理制度》、《分支机构管理办法》、《内部矛盾解决办法》等相关制度和文件。

  第五十六条 本会建立健全证书、印章、档案、文件等内部管理制度,并将以上物品和资料妥善保管于本会场所,任何单位、个人不得非法侵占。管理人员调动工作或者离职时,应当与接管人员办清交接手续。

  第五十七条 本会证书、印章遗失时,经理事会2/3以上理事表决通过,在公开发行的报刊上刊登遗失声明,按规定申请重新制发或刻制。如被个人非法侵占,应通过法律途径要求返还。

  第五十八条 本会建立民主协商和内部矛盾解决机制。如发生内部矛盾不能经过协商解决的,可以通过调解、诉讼等途径依法解决。

  第五章 资产管理、使用原则

  第五十九条 本会收入来源:







  第六十条 本会按照国家有关规定收取会员会费。

  第六十一条 本会的收入除用于与本会有关的、合理的支出外,全部用于本章程规定的业务范围。

  第六十二条 本会执行《民间非营利组织会计制度》,建立严格的财务管理制度,保证会计资料合法、真实、准确、完整。

  第六十三条 本会配备具有专业资格的会计人员。会计不得兼任出纳。会计人员应当进行会计核算,实行会计监督。会计人员调动工作或者离职时,应当与接管人员办清交接手续。

  第六十四条 本会的资产管理执行国家规定的财务管理制度,接受会员代表大会和有关部门的监督。资产来源属于国家拨款或者社会捐赠、资助的,应当接受审计机关的监督,并将有关情况以适当方式向社会公布。

  第六十五条 本会重大资产配置、处置须经过会员代表大会或理事会(常务理事会)审议。

  第六十六条 理事会(常务理事会)决议违反法律、法规或本章程规定,致使本会遭受损失的,参与审议的理事(常务理事)应当承担责任。但经证明在表决时反对并记载于会议记录的,该理事(常务理事)可免除责任。

  第六十七条 本会换届或者更换法定代表人之前应当进行财务审计。


  第六十八条 本会的全部资产及其增值为本会所有,任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分和挪用,也不得在会员中分配。

  第六章 信息公开与信用承诺

  第六十九条 本会依据有关法规政策,履行信息公开义务,建立信息公开制度,及时向会员公开年度工作报告、第三方机构出具的报告、会费收支情况以及经理事会研究认为有必要公开的其他信息,及时向社会公开登记事项、章程、组织机构、接受捐赠、信用承诺、承接政府转移或委托事项、可提供服务事项及运行情况等信息。

  第七十条 本会建立新闻发言人制度,经理事会或常务理事会通过,任命或指定1-2名负责人作为新闻发言人,就本会的重要活动、重大事件或热点问题,通过定期或不定期举行新闻发布会、吹风会、接受采访等形式主动回应社会关切。新闻发布内容应由本会法定代表人或主要负责人审定,确保正确的舆论导向。

  第七十一条 本会建立年度报告制度,年度报告内容及时向社会公开,接受公众监督。

  第七十二条 本会重点围绕服务内容、服务方式、服务对象和收费标准等建立信用承诺制度,并向社会公开信用承诺内容。

  第七章 章程的修改程序

  第七十三条 对本会章程的修改,由理事会表决通过,提交会员代表大会审议。

  第七十四条 本会修改的章程,经会员代表大会到会会员代表2/3以上表决通过后,报党建工作机构审核,经同意,在30日内报登记管理机关核准。

  第八章 终止程序及终止后的财产处理

  第七十五条 本会终止动议由理事会或常务理事会提出,报会员代表大会表决通过。

  第七十六条 本会终止前,应当依法成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理善后事宜。清算期间,不开展清算以外的活动。

  第七十七条 本会清算后的剩余财产,在党建工作机构和登记管理机关的监督下,按照国家有关规定,用于发展与本会宗旨相关的事业,或者捐赠给宗旨相近的社会组织。

  第七十八条 本会经登记管理机关办理注销登记手续后即为终止。

  第九章 附 则

  第七十九条 本章程经2023年12月25日第七届第一次会员代表大会表决通过。

  第八十条 本章程的解释权属本会的理事会。

  第八十一条 本章程自登记管理机关核准之日起生效。


Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 China Association of Engineering Consultants(CAEC)is a national , industrial and non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by enterprises registered in the People’s republic of China and individuals engaging in construction project management and project management business. Member distribution and activity area of the Association are nationwide. Article 2 The objective of Association is to, adhere to the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, provide services for the government, industry and members, communicate the connections between members and the government and society, abide by the "fairness, independence, integrity, science" professional standards, ensure the project quality, improve the investment benefit, promote construction project management and project management industry innovation and development, to make due contribution for the national economic construction. The Association abides by the constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, practices the core socialist values, promotes patriotism, abides by social morality, and consciously strengthens the construction of integrity and self-discipline. Article 3 The Association adheres to the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China and, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, establishes an organization of the Communist Party of China to carry out the activities of the Party and provides the necessary conditions for the activities of the Party organization. The registration authority of the Association is the Ministry of Civil Affairs, PRC, and the Party Building Leading Authority is the Working Committee for Central Party and State Institutions. The Association is subject to professional guidance and supervision of the registration administrative authority, the Party Building Leading Authority and relevant industry management departments. Article 4 Leaders of the Association include the president, vice president and secretary general. Article 5 The Association is located in Beijing. Website:

Chapter 2 Service Scope Article 6 Service Scope 1.Organize studies of theories and policies of construction project management and project management. 2.Organize the formulation of standards, codes and specifications on construction project management and project management. 3.Carry out investigation and research, analyze industry trends and issue industry situation reports,provide related government institution with information and recommendations, and assist the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in the formulation of construction project management and project management laws and regulations and industry development programs. 4.Strengthen credibility systems construction of construction project management industry, improve the industry restraint and punishment mechanism, issue group standards, carry out member credit evaluation and other work. 5.Safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the members, reflect members' requests, convey members’ requests and suggestions to the relevant government departments, assist government departments study and formulate guidelines and policies conducive to the development of industries and enterprises. 6.Carry out industry personnel training, operational exchanges, advanced experience promotion, provide policy consultation and legal aid, and assist members to develop construction project management and project management business at home and abroad. 7.Organize the compilation and issuance of teaching materials, books and periodicals, related audio-visual materials for construction project management project management in accordance with relevant regulations, free for individual members to provide network study, develop and promote application software for construction project management. 8.In accordance with relevant regulations, responsible for organizing the compilation of the journal "China Construction Project Management and Consulting", the operation of WeChat official account and the website of the Association, approved by relevant government departments, publicize construction project management by various means of communication, exhibition, display etc., so as to provide information services for members. 9.Strengthen the professional link between domestic and overseas organizations, organize members to review foreign construction project management and related business, and explore international exchanges and cooperation. 10.Hold seminars and forums and other activities in accordance with relevant regulations, guide enterprises to carry out IT-based management and intelligent services. 11.Accomplish the related construction project management works entrusted by the government. 12.Carry out business activities in accordance with the law. Service scope of the matters that need to be approved by the laws and regulations, to carried out after approval in accordance with the law.

Chapter 3 Members Article 7 The members of the Association are enterprise members and individual members. Article 8 Uphold the Constitution of the Association, Satisfy the following conditions, can join the Association voluntarily. 1.Have a willingness to join the Association. 2.Uphold the Constitution of the Association, fulfill the obligations stipulated in the Constitution, willing to participate in the activities of the Association, and have a good social reputation. 3.Legally registered in the People’s Republic of China, Associations of engineering consultants of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and vice-provincial cities as well as relevant industry associations,and enterprises registered in the People’s Republic of China and engaged in construction project management and project management business with the corresponding qualification certificates can apply for enterprise members. 4.Mainland residents who have qualification certificate of registered project management engineer, professor, associate professor, research fellow, associate research fellow or senior engineer can apply for individual members. Article 9 Member admission process: 1.Submit application form. 2.Submit relevant supporting materials,including: a. The enterprise introduction, resume and related certificates. b. Enterprise and individual credit information. 3.By the council or the standing council discussion and approval. 4.The Association issues member certificate, and make a public announcement. Article 10 Member rights: 1.The right to elect, to be elected and to vote. 2.The right to know, to suggest and to supervise. 3.To participate in our activities and get priority in our services. 4.Through the Association to carry out investigations and studies on issues of common concern to the industry, the right to propose policy opinions to the relevant government departments. 5.Membership voluntary and withdrawal freely. Article 11 Member obligations: 1.Abide by the rules and regulations. 2.Implement the resolution. 3.Pay the membership fee by the regulation. 4.Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association. 5.Reflect the situation to the Association and provide relevant materials and information. 6.Complete the work assigned by the Association. Article 12 Members if there is any violation of laws and regulations and the Constitution of the Association, approved by the council or the standing council vote, given the following sanctions. 1.Questioning. 2.Warning. 3.Informed criticism. 4.Suspension of member rights. 5.Removed from the Association. Article 13 Members withdraw from the Association must be written notice to the Association and return the member certificate. Article 14 The member shall be automatically disqualified under any of the following circumstances: 1.2 years of failure to pay dues as stipulated. 2.2 years not to participate in the Association activities as required. 3.No longer eligible for member conditions. 4.Loss of civil capacity, the qualification of the enterprise was revoked. 5.Individual members are deprived of political rights, their registration certificates are revoked by administrative departments. Article 15 Members who withdraw or are removed from the Association will automatically lose their member rights, and their corresponding positions, rights and obligations in the Association will automatically terminate. Article 16 The Association keeps a list of members to record the status of members. In case of any change in the status of members, the list of members shall be amended in time and announced to the members.

Chapter 4 Organization Section 1 Member Representative Assembly Article 17 Member Representative Assembly is the highest authority organ of the Association, Its functions and powers are: 1.To formulate and amend constitution. 2.To decide on the work objectives and development plans of the Association. 3.To formulate and amend the methods for the selection of member representatives, council members, standing council members and responsible persons,and then report them to the  Party Building Leading Authority for the record. 4.To elect and remove directors and supervisors. 5.To formulate and modify the membership fee standard. 6.To review work reports and financial reports of the council. 7.To review the work report of the board of supervisors. 8.To decide on the name change. 9.To decide to terminate. 10.To decide other important matters. Article 18 The member representative assembly for each session is 5 years, and convened once every 5 years. Advanced or deferrable time required due to special circumstances, should by the council voted, after approved by the Party Building Leading Authority, submitted to the registration authority for approval. The longest deferrable time can not surpass for 1 year. The Association shall inform the member representatives of the topics 15 days in advance of the meeting. The Association shall inform the member representatives of the topics 15 days in advance of the meeting. Article 19 Upon the proposal of the board of directors or representatives of more than 70% of the members of the Association, the provisional member representative assembly shall be convened. The provisional member representative assembly is presided over by President. If President cannot preside, the proposed council or member representative recommends a responsible person to preside. Article 20 The member representative assembly shall be convened by more than 2/3 of the members' representatives attend. The resolution shall take effect only if it meets the following conditions. 1.To formulate and amend the Constitution of Association and decide the termination of the Association, it must be approved by 2/3 or more votes of the representatives of the members present. 2.To elect directors, the votes of the elected directors shall not be less than 1/2 of the votes of the member representatives at the meeting. Recall directors, it must be approved by 2/3 or more votes of the member representatives present. 3.To formulate and modify the membership fee standard, it must be approved by the member representatives vote more than 1/2 the secret ballot way. 4.Other resolutions, it must be approved by 1/2 or more votes of the member representatives present.

Section 2 the Council Article 21 The council is an executive organ of the member representative assembly. It develops routine work when the member representative assembly is not in session and is responsible to the member representative assembly. The maximum number of directors shall not exceed 376 and shall not be from the same enterprise. The directors of the Association shall meet the following conditions: 1.Adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and resolutely implement the party's line, principles and policies. 2.Concerned about the construction of the industry, enthusiastic about the work of the Association, have the energy and ability to participate in dealing with the affairs of the Association. 3.In the field of construction project management and related services for outstanding achievement or contribution. 4.Having not been subjected to criminal punishment of deprivation of political rights and having full capacity for civil conduct. 5.Other circumstances that are not prescribed by laws, regulations or state policies. Article 22 Election and removal of directors: 1.The first term of directors shall be nominated by the sponsors and the members at the time of the application, and shall be elected by the member representative assembly after being approved by the Party Building Leading Authority. 2.For the change of the term of the council, a leading group composed of representatives of the council members, the supervisors, party organizations and the members shall be established by the nomination of the council, 3 months before the opening of the member representative assembly. The council cannot convene, more than 1/5 of the directors, board of supervisors, party organizations of the Association or liaison members shall apply to the Party Building Leading Authority, led by the Party Building Leading Authority established leading group, responsible for the general election. The leading group works out the plan of election, report the plan to the Party Building Leading Authority for examination and approval 2 months before the member representative assembly. With the consent of the Party Building Leading Authority, the member representative assembly shall be convened, and then elect and remove directors. 3.According to the authorization of the member representative assembly, the council may add or recall some directors at their term, the maximum of which shall not exceed 1/5 of the total number of directors. Article 23 The director of enterprise can only appoint one representative as the director. If the enterprise adjusts the representative of the director, it shall notify the Association in writing and report to the council or the standing council for the record. If the enterprise is a standing director at the same time, its representatives shall be adjusted together. Article 24 Director's rights: 1.The right to vote and stand for election in the council. 2.The Association work situation, financial situation and major matters of the right to know, suggests and supervision. 3.Participate in the formulation of internal management system, and put forward opinions and suggestions. 4.The right to propose interim meetings to the president or the council. Article 25 The directors shall abide by the provisions of laws, regulations and the Constitution of Association, faithfully perform their duties, safeguard the interests of the Association, and fulfill the following obligations. 1.Attend council meetings and implement council resolutions. 2.Exercise your power within the scope of your responsibilities and do not exceed your authority. 3.Does not take advantage of the authority of the director to seek improper interests. 4.Do not engage in activities that harm the legitimate interests of the Association. 5.Directors shall not disclose confidential information relating to the Association obtained during their tenure, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations 6.Be careful, earnest, diligent and independent in exercising the rights legally granted. 7.Accept the lawful supervision and reasonable suggestions of the supervisors on their performance of duties. Article 26 The council authority: 1.To implement the resolutions of the member representative assembly. 2.To elect and recall the standing director and responsible person. 3.To prepare and convene the member representative assembly, and to be responsible for the work of election. 4.Report work and financial status to the member representative assembly. 5.Deciding on the establishment, alteration and termination of branches, representative offices, offices and other affiliates. 6.To decide on the selection of vice secretaries-general and the responsible persons of the affiliates. 7.To lead the work of the affiliates of the Association. 8.Review annual work report and work plan. 9.Review annual financial budget and final accounts. 10.Formulate important management systems such as information disclosure measures and branch management measures. 11.To decide on the assessment and salary management measures for responsible persons and staffs of the Association. 12.To decide other important event. Article 27 The term of the council shall be the same as that of the member representative assembly and shall be changed at the same time as that of the member representative assembly. Article 28 The council meeting shall be convened only when more than 2/3 of the directors present, and the resolution shall take effect only when more than 2/3 of the directors present are voted through. Director who fails to attend the council meeting for 3 times, will automatically lose qualification as a director. Article 29 Standing director of the council shall be elected from the directors by secret ballot. Responsible person shall be elected from the standing directors by secret ballot. The recall of the standing director and responsible person shall be approved by more than 2/3 of the directors present. Article 30 The standing director and responsible person shall be elected on the basis of the number of votes obtained, provided that the number of votes obtained shall not be less than 2/3 of the total number of votes. Article 29 Standing director of the council shall be elected from the directors by secret ballot. Responsible person shall be elected from the standing directors by secret ballot. The recall of the standing director and responsible person shall be approved by more than 2/3 of the directors present. Article 30 The standing director and responsible person shall be elected on the basis of the number of votes obtained, provided that the number of votes obtained shall not be less than 2/3 of the total number of votes. Article 31 The council meeting shall be convened at least once a year. Special circumstances may be convened by means of communication. The communications meeting shall not decide on the adjustment of responsible person. Article 32 Upon the proposal of the president or 1/5 of the directors, a Interim meeting of the council shall be convened. The president shall not preside over the interim council meeting. The convener shall appoint a person of the council to preside over the meeting.

Section 3 the Standing Council Article 33 The Association establishes the standing council. The standing directors are elected from the council members and the number of them is 51. When the council is not in session, the standing council exercises the functions and powers of item 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the council, and is responsible to the council. The term of the standing council shall be the same as that of the council and shall be changed at the same time as that of the council. The meeting of the standing council shall be convened only when more than 2/3 of the standing directors present, and the resolution shall take effect only when more than 2/3 of the standing directors present are voted through. The standing director who fails to attend the meeting of the standing council for 4 times will automatically lose qualification as a standing director. Article 34 The meeting of the standing council shall be convened at least once every 6 months, special circumstances may be convened by means of communication. Article 35 Upon the proposal of the president or 1/3 of the standing directors, a Interim meeting of the standing council shall be convened. The president shall not preside over the interim meeting of the standing council. The convener shall appoint a responsible person of the standing council to preside over the meeting.

Section 4 the Responsible Person Article 36 The responsible persons of the Association include 1 president, 1-22 vice presidents and 1 secretary-general. The responsible persons of the Association shall meet the following conditions: 1.Uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China, uphold socialism with Chinese characteristics, firmly implement the Party's line, principles and policies, and have good political quality. 2.Abide by the law, diligence, and good personal social credit record. 3.Have the corresponding professional knowledge, experience and ability, familiar with the industry situation, and have a great influence in the business field of the Association. 4.In good health, able to perform duties normally, under the age of 70, the secretary-general is full-time. 5.With full capacity for civil conduct. 6.Be able to faithfully and diligently perform duties and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association and its members. 7.Other circumstances that are not prescribed by laws, regulations or state policies. The president and the secretary general shall not concurrently serve as the president and the secretary general of other social organizations. The president and the secretary general shall not be the same person, and shall not come from the same enterprise. Article 37 The term of responsible persons of the Association is the same as that of the council, and the term shall not exceed 2 terms. The candidates for the new responsible persons shall be publicized to all members 15 days before the change of office, and the publicity period shall be 7 days. The term of the secretary-general appointed or publicly recruited shall be unlimited and shall not go through the process of democratic election. Article 38 The President is the legal representative of the Association. In special circumstances, the vice president or the secretary general may act as the legal representative after being recommended by the president, agreed by the council, examined and approved by the Party Building Leading Authority and approved by the registration authority. The secretary-general appointed or publicly recruited shall not be the legal representative of the Association. The legal representative signed important documents on behalf of the Association. The legal representative of the Association shall not concurrently serve as the legal representative of other associations. Article 39 The legal representative shall no longer perform the functions and powers of the Association after being recalled or removed from office. Within 20 days after the legal representative is removed from office, it shall report to the Party Building Leading Authority for examination and approval and register the change with the registration authority. If the original legal representative refuses to cooperate in handling the registration of the change of legal representative, the Association may, according to the resolution of the council agreeing to the change, report to the Party Building Leading Authority for examination and approval, and apply for the registration of the change to the registration authority. Article 40 The President shall perform the following duties: 1.Convene and preside over the council and the standing council. 2.Check the implementation of the resolutions of the member representative assembly, the council and the standing council. 3.Report the work to the member representative assembly, the council and the standing council. The President shall report annually to the council. If the President is unable to perform his duties, he shall appoint or the council or the standing council shall elect a vice President to perform the duties on his behalf. Article 41 The Association establishes the president's office meeting to exercise the following functions and powers: 1.Implement the resolutions of the member representative assembly, the council and the standing council. 2.Supervise the implementation of rules and regulations, annual work plan and annual budget. 3.A subject for recommendation to the council or the standing council. The executive meeting of the President is composed of the president, the vice president and the secretary general. The executive meeting of the President is decided by the president and can be convened only when more than 2/3 of the members are present. The resolution shall be valid only when more than 2/3 of the members present vote to pass it. Article 42 The vice president and secretary general shall assist the president in his work. The secretary-general performs the following functions: 1.Coordinate the work of various agencies. 2.To take charge of the daily work of the office. 3.To nominate vice secretaries-general and the responsible persons of the affiliates, and submit it to the council or the standing council for decision. 4.To decide on the employment of full-time staff. 5.To prepare annual work reports and work plans and submit them to the council or the standing council for decision. 6.To prepare annual financial budget and final account report and submit them to the council or the standing council for decision. 7.To formulate internal management system and submit it to council or standing council for approval. 8.Handle other daily tasks. Article 43 Meeting minutes shall be prepared for meetings of the member representative assembly, the council and the standing council. If a resolution is formed, a written resolution shall be made signed by the members present at the meeting. Meeting minutes and resolutions shall be notified to members in appropriate ways or for reference and shall be kept for at least 10 years. The election results of directors, standing directors and responsible persons shall be reported to the Party Building Leading Authority for examination and approval within 20 days. Upon approval, the election results shall be filed with the registration authority and notified to members or for future reference.

Section 5 Board of Supervisors Article 44 The Association establishes the board of supervisors, whose term is the same as that of the director of the council, and can be reappointed upon expiration. The board of supervisors consists of 3 supervisors. The board of supervisors shall have 1 chief supervisor and 2 supervisors. The chief supervisor shall be elected by the board of supervisors, with an age of 70 years old and no more than 2 consecutive terms. The Association accepts and supports the supervision and guidance of the appointed supervisors. Article 45 Election and removal of supervisors: 1.To be elected by the member representative assembly. 2.Supervisors shall be removed in accordance with their procedures. Article 46 Responsible persons, the directors, the standing directors and the financial management personnel of the Association shall not concurrently serve as the supervisor. Article 47 The board of supervisors shall exercise the following functions and powers: 1.To participate in the meetings of the council and the standing council and to raise questions or suggestions on matters resolved. 2.Supervise the behaviors of directors, standing directors and responsible persons in performing the duties of the Association, and put forward suggestions to recall the personnel who seriously violate the constitution of the Association or the resolutions of the member representative assembly. 3.To inspect the financial reports of the Association, report to the member representative assembly on the work of the board of supervisors and make proposals. 4.To require responsible person, director, standing director and financial management personnel to timely correct any behavior that harms the interests of the Association. 5.Report the problems existing in the work of the Association to the Party Building Leading Authority, industry management departments, registration authority, the department of accounting and the tax department. 6.To decide other matters to be considered by the board of supervisors. The meeting of the board of supervisors shall be convened at least once every 6 months. The meeting of the board of supervisors shall be convened only when more than 2/3 of the supervisors are present, and the resolution shall be effective only when more than 1/2 of the supervisors present are adopted. Article 48 The supervisors shall abide by the relevant laws and regulations and the Constitution of Association, and perform their duties faithfully and diligently. Article 49 The Board of Supervisors may investigate the activities of the Association. When necessary, it may employ an accounting firm to assist it in its work. The expenses necessary for the exercise of functions and powers of the board of Supervisors shall be borne by the Association.

Section 6 Branches and Representative Offices Article 50 Within the objective and service scope stipulated in the Constitution of Association, the Association shall set up branches and representative offices according to work needs. Branches and representative offices of the Association are part of the Association and do not have the legal representative status. They shall not formulate Constitution or issue any form of registration certificate. They shall carry out activities and develop members within the scope authorized by the Association, and the legal responsibility shall be borne by the Association. Activities carried out by branches and representative offices shall use the full name of the Association and shall not exceed the service scope of the Association. Article 51 The Association is not established regional branches, not in the branches and representative offices to set up branches, representative offices. Article 52 The names of the branches and representative offices of the Association shall not be named with the names of various legal representatives, and shall not be preceded by the words "China",  "National", etc., and shall end with the words "branch", "Professional Committee", "Working Committee", "Special Fund Management Committee", "Representative Office", "office", etc.. Article 53 The responsible person of a branch or representative office shall not be over the age of 70 and shall serve no more than 2 consecutive terms. Article 54 The financial affairs of branches and representative offices must be brought into the legal accounts of the Association for management. Article 55 The relevant information of the branches and representative offices shall be submitted to the registration authority in the annual work report. At the same time, the relevant information will be open to the public in a timely manner and consciously accept social supervision.

Section 7 Internal Management System and Contradiction Resolution Mechanism Article 56 The Association has established various internal management systems and improved relevant management procedures. Establish "Member management", "membership Fee management", "branch management" and other relevant systems and documents. Article 57 The Association shall establish and improve the internal management system of certificates, seals, files, documents etc., and keep the above articles and materials in the Association properly. No enterprise or individual may illegally seize them. When the management personnel are transferred or leave their jobs, they must go through the handover procedures with the take-over personnel. Article 58 In case of loss of certificates and seals of the Association, a declaration of loss shall be published in the published newspapers and periodicals through the vote of more than 2/3 of the directors, and the registration authority may apply for re-making or engraving. If it is illegally occupied by an individual, it should be returned through legal channels. Article 59 The Association establishes democratic consultation and internal contradiction resolution mechanism. If internal conflicts cannot be resolved through consultation, they may be resolved according to law through mediation, litigation and other channels.

Chapter 5 Principles of Asset Management and Use Article 60 Source of income of the Association: 1.Membership fee. 2.Donations. 3.Government subsidies. 4.Income from activities carried out and services provided within the approved service scope. 5.Interest. 6.Other lawful income. Article 61 The Association collects membership fee according to relevant national regulations. Article 62 All the income of the Association shall be used for the service scope and non-profit undertakings stipulated in the Constitution of Association except for the reasonable expenditure related to the Association. Article 63 The Association implements the "Accounting System for Non-governmental Non-profit Organizations" and establishes strict financial management system to ensure that accounting materials are legal, true, accurate and complete. Article 64 The Association is staffed with accountants with professional qualifications. An accountant may not concurrently serve as a cashier. Accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision. When accounting personnel transfer or leave their jobs, they must go through the handover procedures with the take-over personnel. Article 64 The Association is staffed with accountants with professional qualifications. An accountant may not concurrently serve as a cashier. Accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision. When accounting personnel transfer or leave their jobs, they must go through the handover procedures with the take-over personnel. Article 65 The assets management of the Association shall follow the financial management system stipulated by the state and be subject to the supervision of the member representative assembly and relevant departments. Those whose assets come from state appropriations, donations or financial aid from the public must be subject to the supervision of audit institutions and the relevant information shall be made public in an appropriate way. Article 66 The significant asset allocation and disposal of the Association shall be reviewed by the member representative assembly or the council or the standing council. Article 67 If the resolution of the council or the standing council violates the provisions of laws, regulations or Constitution of Association and causes losses to the council, the directors or standing directors who participate in the deliberation shall be liable. However, the director or the standing director shall be exempted from liability if it is proved that he opposed it in the vote and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Article 68 The financial audit shall be conducted before the change of the term or legal representative. If the legal representative violates the Regulations on The Registration and Administration of Social Organizations and the Constitution of Association during his/her term, the legal representative shall bear relevant responsibilities. If the legal representative is dereliction of duty, which leads to any illegal act or property loss, the legal representative shall bear personal responsibility. Article 69 All the assets of the Association and appreciation are owned by the Association, and enterprises or individuals may not embezzle, privately divide or misappropriate them, nor shall they be distributed among members.

Chapter 6 Information Disclosure and Credit Commitment Article 70 In accordance with the relevant policies and regulations, the Association shall fulfill the obligation of information disclosure, establish the information disclosure system, and timely disclose to members the annual work report, the report issued by the third party organizations, the income and expenditure of membership fee and other information deemed necessary by the council. The information of registered items, Constitution of Association, organizations, donation acceptance, credit commitment, government transfer or entrusted items, services available and operation conditions shall be disclosed to the society in a timely manner. The Association establishes a news spokesman system, through the approval of the council or the standing council, to appoint or designate 1-2 responsible persons as the news spokesman, to actively respond to social concerns through regular or irregular press conferences, briefings, interviews and other forms regarding the important activities, major events or hot issues of the Association. The content of the press release shall be approved by the legal representative or the main responsible person of the Association to ensure the correct guidance of public opinion. Article 71 The annual report system will be established, and the contents of the annual report will be open to the public in time for public supervision. Article 72 The Association focuses on the establishment of credit commitment system centering on service content, service mode, service object and fee standard, etc., and the contents of credit commitment are publicized to the society.

Chapter 7 Procedure for the Amendment of Constitution Article 73 The amendments to the Constitution of Association shall be voted by the council and submitted to the member representative assembly for deliberation. Article 74 The amendments to the Constitution of Association, after more than 2/3 of member representative assembly members vote to pass it to the Party Building Leading Authority, agreed and submitted to the registration authority for approval within 30 days.

Chapter 8 Termination Procedure and Disposition of Property after Termination Article 75 The termination proposal of the Association shall be put forward by the council or the standing council and submitted to the member representative assembly for voting and approval. Article 76 Before the termination of the Association, a liquidation organization shall be established in accordance with the law to clear up the claims and debts and deal with the subsequent matters. During the liquidation period, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out. Article 77 The Association shall be terminated upon cancellation of registration by the registration authority. Article 78 After the termination of the Association, the remaining property shall be used for the development of undertakings related to the purposes of the Association, or donated to social organizations with similar purposes under the supervision of the Party Building Leading Authority and the registration authority in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions Article 79 The Constitution of Association were approved by the third Session of the sixth the member representative assembly on March 17, 2021. Article 80 The council of the Association shall have the right to interpret the Constitution of Association. Article 81 The Constitution of Association shall come into force on the date of approval by the registration authority.




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