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2024-07-15 04:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Lu Dadao. Regional Development and Its Spatial Structure. Beijing: Science Press, 1995.

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[ 陆大道 . 区域发展及其空间结构. 北京: 科学出版社, 1995.]

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Fu Bojie .

Geography: From knowledge, science to decision making support

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(11):1923-1932.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201711001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Geography is a subject to explore spatial distribution, time evolution and regional characteristics of geographical elements or geographical complexes. Geography is unique in bridging social sciences and natural sciences, and has characteristics of comprehensiveness, interdisciplinary research and regionalism. With the development of geographical science technology and research methods, geography is in the gorgeous historical process towards geographical science. Research themes of geography are focusing on the comprehensive research on the earth surface. The research paradigms of geography are shifting from geography knowledge description, coupling pattern and process, to the simulation and prediction of complex human and earth system. The development of Chinese geography needs to be rooted in the major needs of national strategy, and plays important roles in the studies of urbanization development, coupling ecological processes and services, water resources management and geopolitics. Under the country's major needs, China's geography tends to achieve the geography theory innovation, new method and technology application and developed disciplinary system with Chinese characteristics, and make more contribution to national and global sustainable development.

[ 傅伯杰 .


地理学报, 2017,72(11):1923-1932.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201711001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Geography is a subject to explore spatial distribution, time evolution and regional characteristics of geographical elements or geographical complexes. Geography is unique in bridging social sciences and natural sciences, and has characteristics of comprehensiveness, interdisciplinary research and regionalism. With the development of geographical science technology and research methods, geography is in the gorgeous historical process towards geographical science. Research themes of geography are focusing on the comprehensive research on the earth surface. The research paradigms of geography are shifting from geography knowledge description, coupling pattern and process, to the simulation and prediction of complex human and earth system. The development of Chinese geography needs to be rooted in the major needs of national strategy, and plays important roles in the studies of urbanization development, coupling ecological processes and services, water resources management and geopolitics. Under the country's major needs, China's geography tends to achieve the geography theory innovation, new method and technology application and developed disciplinary system with Chinese characteristics, and make more contribution to national and global sustainable development.

Fan Jie .

Comprehensiveness of geography and integrated research on regional development

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004,59(Suppl.):33-40.

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[ 樊杰 .


地理学报, 2004,59(增刊):33-40.]

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Lu Dadao .

The changing humanistic and economic geography in china

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017,37(5):641-650.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.05.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

To determine the direction and the field of research is the soul of discipline development. Humanistic and Economic Geography is a subject changing in both research field and even research direction. Recognition of research fields and disciplines for Humanistic and Economic Geography is essential. On the basis of combing the main branch development stage of Humanistic and Economic Geography in China for decades, the paper summarized the response of Humanistic and Economic Geography to the transformation development background of the social. On the one hand, the intersectionality of the discipline should be insisted, with the theory of ‘man-land’system as the direction and the combination of theory with practice being adhered. Humanistic and Economic Geography scholars should be with a new attitude and new vision, to think about the future development of discipline key fields, the development idea and the innovation of the theory and method. For the major problems which disciplines involved in a long time, strategic and consultative, predictive and summative work will gradually increase. In the paper, the development trend of some important fields such as information and social space economic organization, the new pattern of regional economy and‘New Urbanization’were expounded; some new ideas about ‘international hot spots’and ‘international frontier’, the theory research and the relationship between the theory and practice were proposed; and then the author put forward the suggestion that‘Humanistic Geography’to be renamed as‘Humanistic and Economic Geography’.

[ 陆大道 .


地理科学, 2017,37(5):641-650.]

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.05.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

To determine the direction and the field of research is the soul of discipline development. Humanistic and Economic Geography is a subject changing in both research field and even research direction. Recognition of research fields and disciplines for Humanistic and Economic Geography is essential. On the basis of combing the main branch development stage of Humanistic and Economic Geography in China for decades, the paper summarized the response of Humanistic and Economic Geography to the transformation development background of the social. On the one hand, the intersectionality of the discipline should be insisted, with the theory of ‘man-land’system as the direction and the combination of theory with practice being adhered. Humanistic and Economic Geography scholars should be with a new attitude and new vision, to think about the future development of discipline key fields, the development idea and the innovation of the theory and method. For the major problems which disciplines involved in a long time, strategic and consultative, predictive and summative work will gradually increase. In the paper, the development trend of some important fields such as information and social space economic organization, the new pattern of regional economy and‘New Urbanization’were expounded; some new ideas about ‘international hot spots’and ‘international frontier’, the theory research and the relationship between the theory and practice were proposed; and then the author put forward the suggestion that‘Humanistic Geography’to be renamed as‘Humanistic and Economic Geography’.

Fan Jie .

The progress and characteristics of Chinese human geography over the past 70 years

Scientia Sinica Terrae, 2019,49(11):1697-1719.

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[ 樊杰 .


中国科学: 地球科学, 2019,49(11):1697-1719.

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Li Xiaojian, Fan Xinsheng, Luo Qing .

The development of Chinese economic geography: A review on papers published in Acta Geographica Sinica from 1934 to 2013

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014,69(8):1093-1108.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201408006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Papers published in Acta Geographica Sinica are academically regarded as of high quality, speciality and practice-oriented studies. Reviewing these papers can help us better sketch the contours of the development of economic geography in China. This article examined 421 economic geography papers published in Acta Geographica Sinica from 1934 to 2013 based on the number of papers, evolution tracks, research paradigm, topics, and the development of sub-disciplines, and concluded that economic geography research in China has made considerable progress. But this progress remains uneven among sub-disciplines of economic geography. It has shown a close link to new issues in economic development, changing from studies on economic growth to sustainable development, from studies pertinent to nature elements to those pertinent to anthropogenic elements, and the study areas having shifted from industries providing tangible goods to economic activities on services aspects. Sub-disciplines focused on regional, industrial, and agricultural studies before the 1980s, while a growing number of papers have since then been published on transportation, service industries, and urban studies. Research ideas in the 80 years originated from various sources, leading to research by using multiple spatial scales and dynamic quantificational methods. In summary, Chinese economic geographical research has always stood close to the nation's requirements, leaning towards macro studies, economic growth, and practical characteristics. However, studies at the micro scale, with comprehensive features and theoretical deductions are emerging increasingly.

[ 李小建, 樊新生, 罗庆 .


地理学报, 2014,69(8):1093-1108.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201408006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Papers published in Acta Geographica Sinica are academically regarded as of high quality, speciality and practice-oriented studies. Reviewing these papers can help us better sketch the contours of the development of economic geography in China. This article examined 421 economic geography papers published in Acta Geographica Sinica from 1934 to 2013 based on the number of papers, evolution tracks, research paradigm, topics, and the development of sub-disciplines, and concluded that economic geography research in China has made considerable progress. But this progress remains uneven among sub-disciplines of economic geography. It has shown a close link to new issues in economic development, changing from studies on economic growth to sustainable development, from studies pertinent to nature elements to those pertinent to anthropogenic elements, and the study areas having shifted from industries providing tangible goods to economic activities on services aspects. Sub-disciplines focused on regional, industrial, and agricultural studies before the 1980s, while a growing number of papers have since then been published on transportation, service industries, and urban studies. Research ideas in the 80 years originated from various sources, leading to research by using multiple spatial scales and dynamic quantificational methods. In summary, Chinese economic geographical research has always stood close to the nation's requirements, leaning towards macro studies, economic growth, and practical characteristics. However, studies at the micro scale, with comprehensive features and theoretical deductions are emerging increasingly.

Fan Jie, Zhou Kan, Sun Wei , et al.

Scientific values and research innovations of human-economic geography in construction of ecological civilization

Progress in Geography, 2013,32(2):147-160.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1033.2013.00147      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The achievements in the forward-looking human-economic geographic studies on the interactions between natural sphere and human sphere as well as the distribution and evolution mechanism of human living and production activities on the earth’s surface have been playing a prominent role in guiding the scientific decision- making and promoting the orderly territorial development. The Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China has put the optimization of spatial development pattern as the primary task of ecological civilization; this provides an unprecedented opportunity of development and huge demand for human-economic geography. Based on the analyses of the microscopic differentiation and humanizing tendency caused by the emphasis on mechanism and process studies, and the requirements of multidisciplinary supporting system for the construction of ecological civilization, this paper discusses the comprehensive values of human-economic geography as a research field, and re-recognizes the basic categories of the subject from the aspects of factors and mechanisms, interface and process, functions and structure, scale and its conversion. Specifically, this paper discusses the topics such as: (1) the Equilibrium Model for the balance between comprehensive benefits of economy, ecology and society and the stereo system of production, distribution and consumption; (2) carrying capacity evaluation method, oriented toward the interaction between human system and natural system; (3) the theory for the emergence of territorial functions and the identification method; (4) the research innovation by which the planar space of territorial functions is incorporated into the theoretical framework of spatial structures. Finally, in response to the challenges from the replacements among different subjects, four aspects of disciplinary development path are put forward for the future, including: paying equal attention to academic and ideological contents, making comprehensive use of computer methods and experimental methods, emphasizing on the unity of basic theories and applied research, and integrating the innovation of interdisciplinary researches and the dependence on classical paths.

[ 樊杰, 周侃, 孙威 , 等.


地理科学进展, 2013,32(2):147-160.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1033.2013.00147      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The achievements in the forward-looking human-economic geographic studies on the interactions between natural sphere and human sphere as well as the distribution and evolution mechanism of human living and production activities on the earth’s surface have been playing a prominent role in guiding the scientific decision- making and promoting the orderly territorial development. The Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China has put the optimization of spatial development pattern as the primary task of ecological civilization; this provides an unprecedented opportunity of development and huge demand for human-economic geography. Based on the analyses of the microscopic differentiation and humanizing tendency caused by the emphasis on mechanism and process studies, and the requirements of multidisciplinary supporting system for the construction of ecological civilization, this paper discusses the comprehensive values of human-economic geography as a research field, and re-recognizes the basic categories of the subject from the aspects of factors and mechanisms, interface and process, functions and structure, scale and its conversion. Specifically, this paper discusses the topics such as: (1) the Equilibrium Model for the balance between comprehensive benefits of economy, ecology and society and the stereo system of production, distribution and consumption; (2) carrying capacity evaluation method, oriented toward the interaction between human system and natural system; (3) the theory for the emergence of territorial functions and the identification method; (4) the research innovation by which the planar space of territorial functions is incorporated into the theoretical framework of spatial structures. Finally, in response to the challenges from the replacements among different subjects, four aspects of disciplinary development path are put forward for the future, including: paying equal attention to academic and ideological contents, making comprehensive use of computer methods and experimental methods, emphasizing on the unity of basic theories and applied research, and integrating the innovation of interdisciplinary researches and the dependence on classical paths.

Lu Dadao, Fan Jie .

The rise and effects of regional sustainable development studies in China

Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012,27(3):290-300, 319.

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[ 陆大道, 樊杰 .


中国科学院院刊, 2012,27(3):290-300, 319.]

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Fan Jie ,

Spatial organization pathway for territorial function-structure: Discussion on implementation of major function strategy in territorial spatial planning

Geographical Research, 2019,38(1):2373-2387.

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[ 樊杰 .

论地域功能—结构的空间组织途径: 对国土空间规划实施主体功能区战略的讨论

地理研究, 2019,38(1):2373-2387.]

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Fan Jie .

Frontier approach of the sustainable process and pattern of human-environment system

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014,69(8):1060-1068.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201408003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In combination with the author's review of frontier issues in human geography in recent years, this paper clarifies that uncovering the spatiotemporal difference rules of human-environment system interaction in the geographic pattern is the highest-level scientific puzzle in modern geography, and is the understanding of key issues which could decide the prospect of future geography. Four practical methods including "process induction, regional comparison, qualitative analysis, logical judgment" until now for integrated human-environment system researches are proposed. Aiming at four frontier fields including regional equilibrium, resources and environment carrying capacity, territorial function, and spatial structure, academic ideas including the driving forces of regional development pattern changes, the impact carrier of natural sphere on human activity sphere, the rules and methods for integrated geographic zoning, and the changing laws of "living-production-ecology" spatial structure, are discussed. Finally, this paper discusses the significance and key issues of regional sustainable development in the framework of "Future Earth", and presents that the integrated method system and basic theoretical system of comprehensive research in complexity science based on "integration of both natural and social sciences" and "interpenetration of both basic researches and decision-making application", will profoundly influence research progress of the process and framework of human-environment system.

[ 樊杰 .


地理学报, 2014,69(8):1060-1068.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201408003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In combination with the author's review of frontier issues in human geography in recent years, this paper clarifies that uncovering the spatiotemporal difference rules of human-environment system interaction in the geographic pattern is the highest-level scientific puzzle in modern geography, and is the understanding of key issues which could decide the prospect of future geography. Four practical methods including "process induction, regional comparison, qualitative analysis, logical judgment" until now for integrated human-environment system researches are proposed. Aiming at four frontier fields including regional equilibrium, resources and environment carrying capacity, territorial function, and spatial structure, academic ideas including the driving forces of regional development pattern changes, the impact carrier of natural sphere on human activity sphere, the rules and methods for integrated geographic zoning, and the changing laws of "living-production-ecology" spatial structure, are discussed. Finally, this paper discusses the significance and key issues of regional sustainable development in the framework of "Future Earth", and presents that the integrated method system and basic theoretical system of comprehensive research in complexity science based on "integration of both natural and social sciences" and "interpenetration of both basic researches and decision-making application", will profoundly influence research progress of the process and framework of human-environment system.

Fan Jie, Wang Yafei, Wang Chuangsheng , et al.

Reshaping the sustainable geographical pattern: A major function zoning model and its applications in China. Earth's

Future, 2019,7(1):25-42.

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Qi Yuanjing, Yang Yu, Jin Fengjun .

China's economic development stage and its patio-temporal evolution: A prefectural-level analysis

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013,68(4):517-531.

DOI:10.11821/xb201304007      URL     [本文引用: 2]

As important carriers of regional strategy and policy, prefecture-level regions have played an increasingly significant role in the development of China's economy. However, few studies have grasped the essence of economic development stage and spatio-temporal evolution process at a prefectural level. Thus they may lead to a biased policy and ineffective implementation. Based on Chenery's economic development theory, this paper identifies China's economic development stages at both national and prefectural levels. Both Global Moran's I index and Getis-Ord Gi* index are employed to investigate the spatial-temporal evolution of China's economic development from 1990 to 2010. Major conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) China's economic development is generally in the state of agglomeration. It stepped into primary production stage in 1990, and middle industrialized stage in 2010, with a ;balanced-unbalanced-gradually rebalanced; pattern in the process. (2) China's rapid economic growth experienced a spatial shift from coastal regions to inland regions. Most advanced cities in central and western China can be roughly categorized into regional hub cities and resource-dependent cities. (3) Hot-spots in China's economic development moved northward and westward. The interactions between cities and prefectures became weaker in eastern China, while cities and prefectures in central and western China were still on the stage of monomer development, with limited effects on the surrounding cities. (4) While the overall growth rate of China's economy gradually slowed down during the past two decades, the numbers of cities and prefectures in central and western China grew much faster than those in coastal areas. (5) Regions rich in resources, such as Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, became the new hot-spots of economic growth in recent years. For these regions, however, more attention should be paid to its unbalanced industrial structure and the lagging social development in the backdrop of the rapid economic growth driven predominantly by the exploitation of resources.

[ 齐元静, 杨宇, 金凤君 .


地理学报, 2013,68(4):517-531.]

DOI:10.11821/xb201304007      URL     [本文引用: 2]

As important carriers of regional strategy and policy, prefecture-level regions have played an increasingly significant role in the development of China's economy. However, few studies have grasped the essence of economic development stage and spatio-temporal evolution process at a prefectural level. Thus they may lead to a biased policy and ineffective implementation. Based on Chenery's economic development theory, this paper identifies China's economic development stages at both national and prefectural levels. Both Global Moran's I index and Getis-Ord Gi* index are employed to investigate the spatial-temporal evolution of China's economic development from 1990 to 2010. Major conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) China's economic development is generally in the state of agglomeration. It stepped into primary production stage in 1990, and middle industrialized stage in 2010, with a ;balanced-unbalanced-gradually rebalanced; pattern in the process. (2) China's rapid economic growth experienced a spatial shift from coastal regions to inland regions. Most advanced cities in central and western China can be roughly categorized into regional hub cities and resource-dependent cities. (3) Hot-spots in China's economic development moved northward and westward. The interactions between cities and prefectures became weaker in eastern China, while cities and prefectures in central and western China were still on the stage of monomer development, with limited effects on the surrounding cities. (4) While the overall growth rate of China's economy gradually slowed down during the past two decades, the numbers of cities and prefectures in central and western China grew much faster than those in coastal areas. (5) Regions rich in resources, such as Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, became the new hot-spots of economic growth in recent years. For these regions, however, more attention should be paid to its unbalanced industrial structure and the lagging social development in the backdrop of the rapid economic growth driven predominantly by the exploitation of resources.

Jin Cheng, Lu Yuqi .

Evolvement of spatial pattern of economy in Jiangsu Province at county level

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009,64(6):713-724.

DOI:10.11821/xb200906008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article, taking Jiangsu Province as an example, describes the spatial changes of the diverse economy of Jiangsu at county level since the 1990s through the related analysis of ESDA as well as other tools such as Moran's I, Getis-Ord General G, Getis-Ord Gi and the function of variogram and its amount of fractal dimension as scale index. Based on four time discontinuity surfaces, some conclusions are drawn as follows. (1) Considering the overall spatial economic framework, the county economy of Jiangsu province shows a strong trend of spatial natural correlation. The similar areas cluster in space. The space structure of the hotspot distribution tends to be the circular space structure centered on Wuxi and Suzhou. (2) The development of the spatial economic growth framework is likely to be more stochastic and unstable in the aspect of spatial distribution. Hotspot areas are changing frequently without obvious appearance of geographical concentration. (3) According to the space-time mechanism, the Jiangsu spatial economic framework tends to be more continuous and self-organized, the random of the spatial differential pattern keeps decreasing and the mechanism of the structural differentiation caused by natural correlation in space is becoming more and more remarkable. The homogeneousness of economic development in the direction of northeast-southwest is typical for its relatively small spatial difference. As to the opposite direction, the spatial difference is great. (4) The driving force of the evolvement of Jiangsu economic framework can be identified through the following aspects: the basis of historical development, the economic location and the policies on regional development.

[ 靳诚, 陆玉麒 .


地理学报, 2009,64(6):713-724.]

DOI:10.11821/xb200906008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article, taking Jiangsu Province as an example, describes the spatial changes of the diverse economy of Jiangsu at county level since the 1990s through the related analysis of ESDA as well as other tools such as Moran's I, Getis-Ord General G, Getis-Ord Gi and the function of variogram and its amount of fractal dimension as scale index. Based on four time discontinuity surfaces, some conclusions are drawn as follows. (1) Considering the overall spatial economic framework, the county economy of Jiangsu province shows a strong trend of spatial natural correlation. The similar areas cluster in space. The space structure of the hotspot distribution tends to be the circular space structure centered on Wuxi and Suzhou. (2) The development of the spatial economic growth framework is likely to be more stochastic and unstable in the aspect of spatial distribution. Hotspot areas are changing frequently without obvious appearance of geographical concentration. (3) According to the space-time mechanism, the Jiangsu spatial economic framework tends to be more continuous and self-organized, the random of the spatial differential pattern keeps decreasing and the mechanism of the structural differentiation caused by natural correlation in space is becoming more and more remarkable. The homogeneousness of economic development in the direction of northeast-southwest is typical for its relatively small spatial difference. As to the opposite direction, the spatial difference is great. (4) The driving force of the evolvement of Jiangsu economic framework can be identified through the following aspects: the basis of historical development, the economic location and the policies on regional development.

Liu Yong .

A study on zoning "new three macro-regional development zones" of regional economy of China

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005,60(3):361-370.

DOI:10.11821/xb200503002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

With fast development of regional economy and society of China, the ;Three Macro-Regional Development Zones;, which is still in effect, is now hard to meet the requirements of the new situation under the guidance of integrated-considering regional development. According to the demands of the scientific viewpoint of development and the ;five-integrated-considerations;, after introducing what is a full regional economic system and the actual full four-layer regional economic system of USA, this paper puts forward a new zoning project of the ;Three Macro-Regional Development Zones; and the 10 comprehensive economic districts of the regional economy of China: the ;New Three Macro-Regional Development Zones; include the Northeast and East Coastal developing zone, the Middle and Near-Reach-West developing zone, and the Far-Reach-West developing zone; the 10 comprehensive economic districts are composed of the Northeast District, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei-Shandong Coastal District, the Shanghai-Jiangsu-Zhejiang Coastal District, the Guangdong-Fujian-Hainan Coastal District, the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yellow River District, the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River District, the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Pearl River District, Inner Mongolia District, Xinjiang District, and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau District.

[ 刘勇 .


地理学报, 2005,60(3):361-370.]

DOI:10.11821/xb200503002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

With fast development of regional economy and society of China, the ;Three Macro-Regional Development Zones;, which is still in effect, is now hard to meet the requirements of the new situation under the guidance of integrated-considering regional development. According to the demands of the scientific viewpoint of development and the ;five-integrated-considerations;, after introducing what is a full regional economic system and the actual full four-layer regional economic system of USA, this paper puts forward a new zoning project of the ;Three Macro-Regional Development Zones; and the 10 comprehensive economic districts of the regional economy of China: the ;New Three Macro-Regional Development Zones; include the Northeast and East Coastal developing zone, the Middle and Near-Reach-West developing zone, and the Far-Reach-West developing zone; the 10 comprehensive economic districts are composed of the Northeast District, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei-Shandong Coastal District, the Shanghai-Jiangsu-Zhejiang Coastal District, the Guangdong-Fujian-Hainan Coastal District, the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yellow River District, the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River District, the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Pearl River District, Inner Mongolia District, Xinjiang District, and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau District.

Chen Mingxing, Lu Dadao, Zhang Hua .

Comprehensive evaluation and the driving factors of China's urbanization

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009,64(4):387-398.

DOI:10.11821/xb200904001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

From the essential meaning of urbanization, this paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation index system, including four aspects changing: population, economy, society and land. Based on the method of entropy, the measure and evolution of China's urbanization are analyzed since 1981. The results show that China's comprehensive urbanization level continues improving. Economic growth and geographical landscape are the main features of rapid evolution of urbanization, followed by the population urbanization, and the medical care level of social urbanization is the least advanced. The evolution of all the four subsystems has unique characteristics. The analysis of multiple regression model shows that the driving factors have been diversified. The market force is the most powerful driving force of China's urbanization, followed by intrinsic force, administration force, exterior force. From different stages of urbanization, the effects of market force, exterior force and the administration force on urbanization are increasing, while intrinsic force is decreasing. China's urbanization is the main endogenous process, hence more policies should be formulated to strengthen the market economy reform and coordinate urban and rural development.

[ 陈明星, 陆大道, 张华 .


地理学报, 2009,64(4):387-398.]

DOI:10.11821/xb200904001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

From the essential meaning of urbanization, this paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation index system, including four aspects changing: population, economy, society and land. Based on the method of entropy, the measure and evolution of China's urbanization are analyzed since 1981. The results show that China's comprehensive urbanization level continues improving. Economic growth and geographical landscape are the main features of rapid evolution of urbanization, followed by the population urbanization, and the medical care level of social urbanization is the least advanced. The evolution of all the four subsystems has unique characteristics. The analysis of multiple regression model shows that the driving factors have been diversified. The market force is the most powerful driving force of China's urbanization, followed by intrinsic force, administration force, exterior force. From different stages of urbanization, the effects of market force, exterior force and the administration force on urbanization are increasing, while intrinsic force is decreasing. China's urbanization is the main endogenous process, hence more policies should be formulated to strengthen the market economy reform and coordinate urban and rural development.

Zhang Xiaoxu, Feng Zongxian .

Spatial correlation and regional convergence in per-capita GDP in China: 1978-2003

China Economic Quarterly, 2008,7(2):399-417.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 张晓旭, 冯宗宪 .

中国人均GDP 的空间相关与地区收敛: 1978-2003

经济学, 2008,7(2):399-417.]

[本文引用: 1]

Hong Guozhi, Hu Huaying, Li Xun .

Analysis of regional growth convergence with spatial econometrics in China

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010,65(12):1548-1558.

DOI:10.11821/xb201012010      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper proposes to combine the standard analysis method of economic convergence with spatial econometrics to explore regional convergence based on a total of 240 cities in China. To investigate the kind of spatial autocorrelation and agglomeration, the Moran's I statistic is used, finding that the existence of strongly positive global autocorrelation of GDP per capita and what's more, the local spatial structure is rather stable. The findings suggest that the non-spatial models applied to analyse β-convergence suffer from the risk of misspecification and a spatial model is competent. The results based on the spatial models indicate the existence of absolute convergence between cities. Taking into account effects results in a significant faster rate of convergence. The sensitivity test of the absolute convergence with respect to assumption of a common steady state and robustness over space suggest that the finding of absolute convergence is not stable. The mechanism of diminishing return and technology spillover is both important for absolute convergence. Finally, a set of regional policies are discussed.

[ 洪国志, 胡华颖, 李郇 .


地理学报, 2010,65(12):1548-1558.]

DOI:10.11821/xb201012010      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper proposes to combine the standard analysis method of economic convergence with spatial econometrics to explore regional convergence based on a total of 240 cities in China. To investigate the kind of spatial autocorrelation and agglomeration, the Moran's I statistic is used, finding that the existence of strongly positive global autocorrelation of GDP per capita and what's more, the local spatial structure is rather stable. The findings suggest that the non-spatial models applied to analyse β-convergence suffer from the risk of misspecification and a spatial model is competent. The results based on the spatial models indicate the existence of absolute convergence between cities. Taking into account effects results in a significant faster rate of convergence. The sensitivity test of the absolute convergence with respect to assumption of a common steady state and robustness over space suggest that the finding of absolute convergence is not stable. The mechanism of diminishing return and technology spillover is both important for absolute convergence. Finally, a set of regional policies are discussed.

Chen Dong, Fan Jie .

Interregional capital flows and regional development gap: Analysis of the inter-bank credit flows

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011,66(6):723-731.

DOI:10.11821/xb201106001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

It is commonly believed that so far as countries at the early stage of economic development are concerned, capital usually flows from areas with unfavorable conditions to those with favorable conditions, which leads to the Matthew effect and the widening of regional development gap. Inter-bank credit flows are an important form of inter-regional capital flows. This paper used a measuring method to disclose the direction of the inter-bank credit flows between eastern China which has favorable conditions and central and western China which have unfavorable conditions during the period of widening of regional development gaps (1978-2003), and analyzed the causes. It was found that in the years of inter-regional capital flows, no net credit outflows from the underdeveloped areas to the developed areas but the reverse patterns were found. This indicated that the inter-bank credit flow narrowed rather than widened the regional development gap at least to some extent. Further analysis found that the credit control by the Central Government and the changes of market environments formed two periods of inter-bank credit flows before and after 1994 respectively.

[ 陈东, 樊杰 .

区际资本流动与区域发展差距: 对中国银行间信贷资本流动的分析

地理学报, 2011,66(6):723-731.]

DOI:10.11821/xb201106001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

It is commonly believed that so far as countries at the early stage of economic development are concerned, capital usually flows from areas with unfavorable conditions to those with favorable conditions, which leads to the Matthew effect and the widening of regional development gap. Inter-bank credit flows are an important form of inter-regional capital flows. This paper used a measuring method to disclose the direction of the inter-bank credit flows between eastern China which has favorable conditions and central and western China which have unfavorable conditions during the period of widening of regional development gaps (1978-2003), and analyzed the causes. It was found that in the years of inter-regional capital flows, no net credit outflows from the underdeveloped areas to the developed areas but the reverse patterns were found. This indicated that the inter-bank credit flow narrowed rather than widened the regional development gap at least to some extent. Further analysis found that the credit control by the Central Government and the changes of market environments formed two periods of inter-bank credit flows before and after 1994 respectively.

Li Jingjing, Miao Changhong .

Impact of population flow on regional economic disparities in the Yangtze River economic belt

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(2):197-212.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201702002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

With the implementation and deepening of household registration reform and liberalizing of factors flow under market economy system, the imbalance in regional development is becoming increasingly complex. Thus it is significant to conduct research on the impact of population flow on regional economic disparities. This paper selected the Yangtze River economic belt as a case study, and used population flow ratio (to divide the difference between resident population and registered population by resident population) to represent the migration size. Based on the county-level data of registered population and resident population in China's fourth, fifth and sixth censuses, we analyzed the spatial-temporal patterns of economic disparities and population flow, and explored population mobility effect on economic inequalities in the Yangtze River economic belt. With the Theil index, spatial analysis and regression modeling methods, the following conclusions could be drawn: (1) The economic disparities based on resident population were smaller than those besed on registered population. The former was shrinking with the elapse of time, while the latter was expanding. (2) The eastern zone showed the megalopolis characteristic and a center-periphery spatial economic structure, with the spatial aggregation of developed counties in the Yangtze River Delta as the planar core area, while there were several sub-center-periphery structures with center city as point core area in the central and western zones. (3) The impact of population flow on economic growth was significantly different between inflow and outflow counties. The increase of population flow rate promoted the economic growth of inflow areas remarkably in 2000 and 2010. While it retarded the economic growth of outflow areas in 2000, and enhanced it slowly in 2010. The county economic gaps in the Yangtze River economic belt was widening. (4) The impact of population flow on regional economy disparities was prominently weakened with the provincial and regional factors taken into account. (5) Population flow was the most prominent factor which affects the regional economic disparities, followed by economic structure embodied in the level of industrialization. The other factors were human capital, fiscal decentralization and regional strategy. Emphasizing labor return, promoting family migration and speeding up industrialization are key policies to prevent and even narrow the regional economic gaps in outflow areas.

[ 李晶晶, 苗长虹 .


地理学报, 2017,72(2):197-212.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201702002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

With the implementation and deepening of household registration reform and liberalizing of factors flow under market economy system, the imbalance in regional development is becoming increasingly complex. Thus it is significant to conduct research on the impact of population flow on regional economic disparities. This paper selected the Yangtze River economic belt as a case study, and used population flow ratio (to divide the difference between resident population and registered population by resident population) to represent the migration size. Based on the county-level data of registered population and resident population in China's fourth, fifth and sixth censuses, we analyzed the spatial-temporal patterns of economic disparities and population flow, and explored population mobility effect on economic inequalities in the Yangtze River economic belt. With the Theil index, spatial analysis and regression modeling methods, the following conclusions could be drawn: (1) The economic disparities based on resident population were smaller than those besed on registered population. The former was shrinking with the elapse of time, while the latter was expanding. (2) The eastern zone showed the megalopolis characteristic and a center-periphery spatial economic structure, with the spatial aggregation of developed counties in the Yangtze River Delta as the planar core area, while there were several sub-center-periphery structures with center city as point core area in the central and western zones. (3) The impact of population flow on economic growth was significantly different between inflow and outflow counties. The increase of population flow rate promoted the economic growth of inflow areas remarkably in 2000 and 2010. While it retarded the economic growth of outflow areas in 2000, and enhanced it slowly in 2010. The county economic gaps in the Yangtze River economic belt was widening. (4) The impact of population flow on regional economy disparities was prominently weakened with the provincial and regional factors taken into account. (5) Population flow was the most prominent factor which affects the regional economic disparities, followed by economic structure embodied in the level of industrialization. The other factors were human capital, fiscal decentralization and regional strategy. Emphasizing labor return, promoting family migration and speeding up industrialization are key policies to prevent and even narrow the regional economic gaps in outflow areas.

Shi Minjun, Jin Fengjun, Li Na , et al.

Interregional economic linkage and regional development driving forces based on an interregional input-output analysis of China

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006,61(6):593-603.

DOI:10.11821/xb200606003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Interregional input-output analysis may depict accurately interregional economic linkage and driving forces of regional development. This paper focuses upon the driving forces of regional industrial development since the 1990s based on analysis of China interregional input-output model. The results show that most of the industries in the coastal areas depend upon external market. The industries with degree of dependence on induced output of external demand exceed 50%, accounting for more than 60% of the total in the coastal areas. On the contrary, in inland areas, most of the industries depend upon the internal market as driving forces of industrial development. The differences in driving forces of industrial development lead to differentiation in potential of industrial development and spatial concentration of industries, and thus many industries gather into the coastal areas. This indicates that development of western areas, revival of northeast industrial bases and growing-up of the midland face many challenges in fostering industrial competitiveness. Hence, the policy of regional development must pay more attention to upgrading of industrial competitiveness in these areas. In view of the external trade, the degree of industrial internationalization in the coastal areas has reached a rather high level. Therefore, the fluctuation of international market will directly influence industrial development, or bring more opportunities to the industrial development in the coastal areas.

[ 石敏俊, 金凤君, 李娜 , 等.


地理学报, 2006,61(6):593-603.]

DOI:10.11821/xb200606003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Interregional input-output analysis may depict accurately interregional economic linkage and driving forces of regional development. This paper focuses upon the driving forces of regional industrial development since the 1990s based on analysis of China interregional input-output model. The results show that most of the industries in the coastal areas depend upon external market. The industries with degree of dependence on induced output of external demand exceed 50%, accounting for more than 60% of the total in the coastal areas. On the contrary, in inland areas, most of the industries depend upon the internal market as driving forces of industrial development. The differences in driving forces of industrial development lead to differentiation in potential of industrial development and spatial concentration of industries, and thus many industries gather into the coastal areas. This indicates that development of western areas, revival of northeast industrial bases and growing-up of the midland face many challenges in fostering industrial competitiveness. Hence, the policy of regional development must pay more attention to upgrading of industrial competitiveness in these areas. In view of the external trade, the degree of industrial internationalization in the coastal areas has reached a rather high level. Therefore, the fluctuation of international market will directly influence industrial development, or bring more opportunities to the industrial development in the coastal areas.

Li Guosheng, Guo Zhaocheng, Liao Heping .

Methods to evaluate the impacts of physio-geographical pattern on spatio-temporal disparity of regional development

Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2008,18(2):225-236.

DOI:10.1007/s11442-008-0225-z      URL     [本文引用: 1]

With the rapid economic development during the last 30 years in China, more and more disparities have emerged among different regions. It has been one of the hot topics in the fields of physical geography and economic geography, and also has been the task for Chinese government to handle. Nevertheless, to quantitatively assess the impacts of physio-geographical patterns (PGP) on the regional development disparity has been ignored for a long time. In this paper, a quantitative method was adopted to assess the marginal effects of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity using the partial determination coefficients. The paper described the construction of the evaluation model step by step following its key scientific thinking. Total GDP, per capita GDP, primary industrial output value and secondary industrial output value were employed in this study as the indicators to reflect the impacts of PGP on the regional development disparity. Based on the evaluation methods built by researchers, this study firstly analyzed the temporal impacts of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity of the regional development in China during the past 50 years, and then explained the spatial differences at each development stage. The results show that the spatio-temporal disparity in China is highly related to the PGP, and that the marginal contribution rate could be employed as an effective way to quantitatively assess the impact of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity of the regional development.

Fan Jie, Tao Anjun, Lv Chen .

The coupling mechanism of the centroids of economic gravity and population gravity and its effect on the regional gap in China

Progress in Geography, 2010,29(1):87-95.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.01.012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Regional gap is an important problem that the regional development of China is facing. The distribution of economy and population, as an embodiment of the spatial equilibrium process of regional development, has a close relation with the state of regional gap. Using gravity models, it works out the center of economic gravity and population gravity (abbr. CEG and CPG), illustrates the coupling process by measuring the overlapping of two centers of gravity and the consistency of their movement, and proves that the coupling process has a high correlation with the evolution of regional gap. Then, a model of the coupling mechanism of CEG and CPG is built. Based on the model, it illustrates the spatial equilibrium process of regional development by the transition of equilibrium location and the conversion of regional potential energy difference, and reveals how the internal and external factors affect the process. Therefore, the authors advance a “multistage inverted-U-curve evolution law” of regional gap. Finally, it analyses the mechanism of the periodic variation of regional gap in China since 1952, and brings up a discussion of the path to coordinating the regional development of China.

[ 樊杰, 陶岸君, 吕晨 .


地理科学进展, 2010,29(1):87-95.]

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.01.012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Regional gap is an important problem that the regional development of China is facing. The distribution of economy and population, as an embodiment of the spatial equilibrium process of regional development, has a close relation with the state of regional gap. Using gravity models, it works out the center of economic gravity and population gravity (abbr. CEG and CPG), illustrates the coupling process by measuring the overlapping of two centers of gravity and the consistency of their movement, and proves that the coupling process has a high correlation with the evolution of regional gap. Then, a model of the coupling mechanism of CEG and CPG is built. Based on the model, it illustrates the spatial equilibrium process of regional development by the transition of equilibrium location and the conversion of regional potential energy difference, and reveals how the internal and external factors affect the process. Therefore, the authors advance a “multistage inverted-U-curve evolution law” of regional gap. Finally, it analyses the mechanism of the periodic variation of regional gap in China since 1952, and brings up a discussion of the path to coordinating the regional development of China.

Li Na, Shi Minjun, Yuan Yongna .

Impacts of carbon tax policy on regional development in China: A dynamic simulation based on a multi-regional CGE mode

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010,65(12):1569-1580.

DOI:10.11821/xb201012012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Low-carbon economy has become a worldwide trend. This paper applies a dynamic multi-regional computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to conduct research into the impacts of carbon tax policy on regional economic development in China based on a China Interregional Input-Output Table 2002. Simulation results show that different regions endure different impacts when a uniform carbon tax policy is implemented. It exerts negative influences on less developed regions and positive economic influences on coastal areas, which will widen regional economic disparity. Regional differentiated carbon tax policies may alleviate differences of impacts of CO2 emission reduction on regional economy and then help to marrow regional economic gap. Therefore, regional differentiated carbon tax policies, from the viewpoint of efficiency and equality, may be a win-win choice for developing low-carbon economy and promoting harmonious development of regional economy in China.

[ 李娜, 石敏俊, 袁永娜 .

低碳经济政策对区域发展格局演进的影响: 基于动态多区域CGE模型的模拟分析

地理学报, 2010,65(12):1569-1580.]

DOI:10.11821/xb201012012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Low-carbon economy has become a worldwide trend. This paper applies a dynamic multi-regional computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to conduct research into the impacts of carbon tax policy on regional economic development in China based on a China Interregional Input-Output Table 2002. Simulation results show that different regions endure different impacts when a uniform carbon tax policy is implemented. It exerts negative influences on less developed regions and positive economic influences on coastal areas, which will widen regional economic disparity. Regional differentiated carbon tax policies may alleviate differences of impacts of CO2 emission reduction on regional economy and then help to marrow regional economic gap. Therefore, regional differentiated carbon tax policies, from the viewpoint of efficiency and equality, may be a win-win choice for developing low-carbon economy and promoting harmonious development of regional economy in China.

Liao Zhijie, Liu Yue .

Comprehensive indexes and spatial distribution characteristics of the regional sustainable development of China

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2000,67(2):139-150.

DOI:10.11821/xb200002002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The sustainable development pattern of China, calculated by province from the databases of the Population, Environment and Sustainable Development Atlas of China (PESDAC), are expressed by six indexes and their maps visually. The spatial distribution characteristics are described according to the indexes and the maps. The paper is organized as follows. Firstly, the research situaction on Chinese Sustainable Development by home and abroad is introduced. Then, the dessipative structure theory is applied to the research on evolution of regional Population, Resource, Environment and Development (PRED) system. A comprehensive index named SDI is put forward with its non-linear model. Thirdly, based on the databases of the PESDAC, the indexes of population, resource, environment, development of economy and society by province are derived quantitatively. Fourthly, they are visualized into six maps. Next, a spatial analysis of the pattern of China’s sustainable development is made. Finally, the causes are analyzed and some answers to the question are given. The conclusions are drawn as follows on the overall spatial characteristics of the sustainable development of China. The social and economic development pattern is divided into three zones from east to west obviously. The ecology and environment situation is related to regional economy closely. There is a difference between North China and South China because of their natural condition; The natural resource lies mainly in the west of China. It is short relatively in the middle of China. But the resource per capita is least in the east of China;The distribution of SDI has the same pattern as the attraction to population, its shape is like two circles with the same center in Hubei province. But there is a slight difference between SDI and the attraction to population, it reflects a value deflection by which people decide to migrate nowadays. Poverty scatters mainly in the middle of China, but there is one third of poverty population not living in the counties assigned by government.

[ 廖志杰, 刘岳 .


地理学报, 2000,67(2):139-150.]

DOI:10.11821/xb200002002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The sustainable development pattern of China, calculated by province from the databases of the Population, Environment and Sustainable Development Atlas of China (PESDAC), are expressed by six indexes and their maps visually. The spatial distribution characteristics are described according to the indexes and the maps. The paper is organized as follows. Firstly, the research situaction on Chinese Sustainable Development by home and abroad is introduced. Then, the dessipative structure theory is applied to the research on evolution of regional Population, Resource, Environment and Development (PRED) system. A comprehensive index named SDI is put forward with its non-linear model. Thirdly, based on the databases of the PESDAC, the indexes of population, resource, environment, development of economy and society by province are derived quantitatively. Fourthly, they are visualized into six maps. Next, a spatial analysis of the pattern of China’s sustainable development is made. Finally, the causes are analyzed and some answers to the question are given. The conclusions are drawn as follows on the overall spatial characteristics of the sustainable development of China. The social and economic development pattern is divided into three zones from east to west obviously. The ecology and environment situation is related to regional economy closely. There is a difference between North China and South China because of their natural condition; The natural resource lies mainly in the west of China. It is short relatively in the middle of China. But the resource per capita is least in the east of China;The distribution of SDI has the same pattern as the attraction to population, its shape is like two circles with the same center in Hubei province. But there is a slight difference between SDI and the attraction to population, it reflects a value deflection by which people decide to migrate nowadays. Poverty scatters mainly in the middle of China, but there is one third of poverty population not living in the counties assigned by government.

Fan Xingang, Zhong Juntao, Yang Meiling , et al.

Construction of an emergy and exergy coupling model for the analysis of regional sustainable development capability

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019,74(10):2062-2077.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201910008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Methods for the evaluation of sustainable development capability are important and highly sought after tools for identifying the synergistic relationship between humans and the environment and guiding scientific decision-making for the implementation of ecological and environmental protection measures. Compared to traditional methods such as ecological footprint, environmental sustainability index, and human development index, emergy analysis and exergy analysis result in smaller errors and are more objective. These two methods can directly convert materials and services into energy units, without evaluation indicators and weight settings, and do not require raw dimensionless data. Exploring the coupling of emergy analysis and exergy analysis can provide a new perspective on and method for the analysis of regional sustainable development capabilities. Based on a literature review, a theoretical analysis framework was constructed. This study proposes an emergy and exergy coupling model for the analysis of sustainable development capability based on a thermodynamic theory. This analytical model has three indices, namely, self-organizing capability index (SO), ecological pressure index (EP), and sustainable development capability index (SC). The emergy and exergy input and output values of 17 typical developed countries in 1985 were screened via meta-analysis to calculate the SO and EP thresholds of the model, based on which sustainable development capability was divided into four stages. The model was tested via a comparative analysis of the sustainable development capability of China and the USA in 1985-2015. The results show that China was in the low self-organizing capacity and low ecological pressure stage before 2005. After 2005, it entered the low self-organizing capability and high ecological pressure stage. It has had low eco-efficiency and scale expansion driving characteristics. The USA is always in the high self-organizing capacity and high ecological pressure stage, and is characterized by high ecological efficiency, and economic and ecological decoupling. These results are consistent with the findings of the World Ecological Footprint Network and World Wildlife Fund, indicating that the proposed model is adaptive and reliable. In addition, the study results indicate that this model can express the ecological efficiency of an economic and social system in terms of "total annual exergy amount used/annual emergy input amount". Moreover, it can express the ecological pressure as "annual exergy loss of an economic and social system/annual eco-exergy produced by an ecosystem." This model connects the entropy path of an economic and social system to the ecosystem. Furthermore, it can identify sustainable development stage and analyze changes in sustainable development level and factors driving these changes. From an anthropological and ecological perspective, the model expresses the ecological efficiency of an economic and social system, evaluates the proportion of ecological space occupied, and can combine macroscopic scale with microscopic efficiency analysis, which is an improvement over conventional methods.

[ 樊新刚, 仲俊涛, 杨美玲 , 等.


地理学报, 2019,74(10):2062-2077.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201910008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Methods for the evaluation of sustainable development capability are important and highly sought after tools for identifying the synergistic relationship between humans and the environment and guiding scientific decision-making for the implementation of ecological and environmental protection measures. Compared to traditional methods such as ecological footprint, environmental sustainability index, and human development index, emergy analysis and exergy analysis result in smaller errors and are more objective. These two methods can directly convert materials and services into energy units, without evaluation indicators and weight settings, and do not require raw dimensionless data. Exploring the coupling of emergy analysis and exergy analysis can provide a new perspective on and method for the analysis of regional sustainable development capabilities. Based on a literature review, a theoretical analysis framework was constructed. This study proposes an emergy and exergy coupling model for the analysis of sustainable development capability based on a thermodynamic theory. This analytical model has three indices, namely, self-organizing capability index (SO), ecological pressure index (EP), and sustainable development capability index (SC). The emergy and exergy input and output values of 17 typical developed countries in 1985 were screened via meta-analysis to calculate the SO and EP thresholds of the model, based on which sustainable development capability was divided into four stages. The model was tested via a comparative analysis of the sustainable development capability of China and the USA in 1985-2015. The results show that China was in the low self-organizing capacity and low ecological pressure stage before 2005. After 2005, it entered the low self-organizing capability and high ecological pressure stage. It has had low eco-efficiency and scale expansion driving characteristics. The USA is always in the high self-organizing capacity and high ecological pressure stage, and is characterized by high ecological efficiency, and economic and ecological decoupling. These results are consistent with the findings of the World Ecological Footprint Network and World Wildlife Fund, indicating that the proposed model is adaptive and reliable. In addition, the study results indicate that this model can express the ecological efficiency of an economic and social system in terms of "total annual exergy amount used/annual emergy input amount". Moreover, it can express the ecological pressure as "annual exergy loss of an economic and social system/annual eco-exergy produced by an ecosystem." This model connects the entropy path of an economic and social system to the ecosystem. Furthermore, it can identify sustainable development stage and analyze changes in sustainable development level and factors driving these changes. From an anthropological and ecological perspective, the model expresses the ecological efficiency of an economic and social system, evaluates the proportion of ecological space occupied, and can combine macroscopic scale with microscopic efficiency analysis, which is an improvement over conventional methods.

Li Yurui, Wang Jing, Liu Yansui , et al.

Spatial pattern and influencing factors of the coordination development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization in China: A prefecture level exploratory spatial data analysis

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014,69(2):199-212.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201402005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The coordination development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization (so called "Sihua Tongbu" in Chinese, and hereinafter referred to as "new four modernizations"; China first put forward the term of "four modernizations" in the early 1960s, targeting the fields of industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology) is practical need and strategic direction of integrating urban-rural development and regional development in recent China. This study mainly aims to explore the spatial pattern and influencing factors of coordination development of new four modernizations of China's prefecture-level regions. Firstly, we established a comprehensive evaluation index system to reveal the spatial pattern of coordination development of new four modernizations. And then, Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the relationship between the coordinating degrees of new four modernizations and main indicators reflecting regional development state. Thirdly, a spatial econometric model was employed to explore the factors affecting the coordination development of the new four modernizations. Moreover, a set of rules based on the coordination development level of the new four modernizations has been established to identify the problematic region. The main contents and results were summed up as follows: (1) the respective development level of the new four modernizations and the coupling degree and coordinating degree of the new four modernizations shows obvious spatial difference. (2) The coordinating degree of new four modernizations is at relatively low level, and has significant positive correlation with per capita net income of farmers and per capita gross domestic product, and in contrast, it has significant negative correlation with both the income gap and consumption gap between urban and rural residents. (3) Socio-economic conditions, traffic location and physical geography conditions show obvious impacts on the coordinating state of new four modernizations, especially, on social investment, financial investment and financial support on agriculture and rural areas, as well as development level of large and medium-sized enterprise, road infrastructure density and social consumption, have robust and positive impacts on the coordinating state of new four modernizations. (4) A total of 145 prefecture-level cities have been identified as problematic regions according to their coordinating states of new four modernizations. These cities are mainly located in the traditional agricultural zones of central China, hilly areas of southwest China and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Our findings may contribute to the knowledge of coordination development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization in the new era of urban-rural transformation development. To promote the coordination development of new four modernizations needs for top-level design, common institutional innovation, and regional policy innovation specifically for problematic regions. In addition, more social investment, financial investment and financial support for agricultural and rural development should be encouraged, and more attention should be paid to expand domestic demand actively, optimize the export-oriented economic development strategy, and enhance the efficiency of the investment in urban construction and education development.

[ 李裕瑞, 王婧, 刘彦随 , 等.


地理学报, 2014,69(2):199-212.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201402005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The coordination development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization (so called "Sihua Tongbu" in Chinese, and hereinafter referred to as "new four modernizations"; China first put forward the term of "four modernizations" in the early 1960s, targeting the fields of industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology) is practical need and strategic direction of integrating urban-rural development and regional development in recent China. This study mainly aims to explore the spatial pattern and influencing factors of coordination development of new four modernizations of China's prefecture-level regions. Firstly, we established a comprehensive evaluation index system to reveal the spatial pattern of coordination development of new four modernizations. And then, Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the relationship between the coordinating degrees of new four modernizations and main indicators reflecting regional development state. Thirdly, a spatial econometric model was employed to explore the factors affecting the coordination development of the new four modernizations. Moreover, a set of rules based on the coordination development level of the new four modernizations has been established to identify the problematic region. The main contents and results were summed up as follows: (1) the respective development level of the new four modernizations and the coupling degree and coordinating degree of the new four modernizations shows obvious spatial difference. (2) The coordinating degree of new four modernizations is at relatively low level, and has significant positive correlation with per capita net income of farmers and per capita gross domestic product, and in contrast, it has significant negative correlation with both the income gap and consumption gap between urban and rural residents. (3) Socio-economic conditions, traffic location and physical geography conditions show obvious impacts on the coordinating state of new four modernizations, especially, on social investment, financial investment and financial support on agriculture and rural areas, as well as development level of large and medium-sized enterprise, road infrastructure density and social consumption, have robust and positive impacts on the coordinating state of new four modernizations. (4) A total of 145 prefecture-level cities have been identified as problematic regions according to their coordinating states of new four modernizations. These cities are mainly located in the traditional agricultural zones of central China, hilly areas of southwest China and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Our findings may contribute to the knowledge of coordination development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization in the new era of urban-rural transformation development. To promote the coordination development of new four modernizations needs for top-level design, common institutional innovation, and regional policy innovation specifically for problematic regions. In addition, more social investment, financial investment and financial support for agricultural and rural development should be encouraged, and more attention should be paid to expand domestic demand actively, optimize the export-oriented economic development strategy, and enhance the efficiency of the investment in urban construction and education development.

Washington, Report 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography

Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2009.

[本文引用: 1]

Fan Jie .

A resear ch on the impor tance and significance of major function oriented zoning based upon the analysis on the restr ictive factor s of regional coordinative development

Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007,22(3):194-201.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 樊杰 .


中国科学院院刊, 2007,22(3):194-201.]

[本文引用: 1]

Fan Jie .

The scientific foundation of Major Function Oriented Zoning in China

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2007,62(4):339-350.

DOI:10.11821/xb200704001      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Major function oriented zoning (MFOZ hereafter) is the guideline for optimizing the spatial pattern of regional development in China, which entails both theoretical and methodological innovation in the academic field of economic geography. This study analyzes the basic features of territorial function and puts forward a spatially equilibrium model for regional development. It argues that there exists a trend of regional convergence in almost any indicator measuring the average level of regional development status. Based on this finding, the study illustrates that the formation of functional zone should be conducive to the reduction of regional inequality and that free flow of resources across region is the prerequisite to spatial equilibrium. It also investigates the impact of territorial functional evolution on spatial processes of equilibrium and suggests that the benefit to be derived from zoning proposal is contingent upon the method of regional division and correct understanding of temporal change of territorial function. After that, this study goes to examine the scientific foundation of several issues concerning the reconciliation of contradictory functions of development and protection, the selection of indicators and the spatial and temporal features of MFOZ. It is then followed by an interrogation of the rationality of achieving dual goals of efficiency and equality simultaneously through three-dimensional flow and spatial equilibrium. The paper ends with a discussion of the position, implementation and coordination of MFOZ from the perspective of institutional arrangements of spatial governance including law, planning and government policy.

[ 樊杰 .


地理学报, 2007,62(4):339-350.]

DOI:10.11821/xb200704001      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Major function oriented zoning (MFOZ hereafter) is the guideline for optimizing the spatial pattern of regional development in China, which entails both theoretical and methodological innovation in the academic field of economic geography. This study analyzes the basic features of territorial function and puts forward a spatially equilibrium model for regional development. It argues that there exists a trend of regional convergence in almost any indicator measuring the average level of regional development status. Based on this finding, the study illustrates that the formation of functional zone should be conducive to the reduction of regional inequality and that free flow of resources across region is the prerequisite to spatial equilibrium. It also investigates the impact of territorial functional evolution on spatial processes of equilibrium and suggests that the benefit to be derived from zoning proposal is contingent upon the method of regional division and correct understanding of temporal change of territorial function. After that, this study goes to examine the scientific foundation of several issues concerning the reconciliation of contradictory functions of development and protection, the selection of indicators and the spatial and temporal features of MFOZ. It is then followed by an interrogation of the rationality of achieving dual goals of efficiency and equality simultaneously through three-dimensional flow and spatial equilibrium. The paper ends with a discussion of the position, implementation and coordination of MFOZ from the perspective of institutional arrangements of spatial governance including law, planning and government policy.

United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN),

SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2018


URL     [本文引用: 1]

Fan Jie, Wang Yafei, Tang Qing , et al.

Academic thought and technical progress of monitoring and early-warning of the national resources and environment carrying capaciity (2014)

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015,35(1):1-10.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

It is an innovative work of comprehensive deepening reforms of China to establish the mechanism of monitoring and early-warning of carrying capacity. Based on the scientific connotation of the carrying capacity of national resources and environment and oriented to regional sustainable development, this article explores the;pressure-state-response; process of the interaction between the carrying body: the natural foundation (which consists of resources, environment, ecology and disasters) with the carrying object: the human production and life activities, and presents the academic thought that the early-warning of the national resources and environment carrying capacity is an overload early-warning according to the cap of the constraints of resources and environment or the population and economic rational scales or other key thresholds, and also presents a process early-warning in terms of the changes of the natural basic conditions or the tendencies of the impact of resource utilization and environmental changes. According to the exploration on the principles of early-warning carrying capacity, this article constructs the differential indicator system and the overall technical process of early-warning of marine and terrestrial resources and environment carrying capacity. Land resources stress index, water resources use intensity index, environmental stress strength index and vegetation coverage change range index are chosen as basic indicators to conduct an overall regional evaluation, and different specific indicators, such as the pollution level of dust-haze, the increase and decrease of arable land, equilibrium index of grass and livestock and the variation of eco-environmental quality, are chosen to conduct the specific evaluation respectively for the urbanized areas, major grain producing areas, pastoral and semi-pastoral areas and ecological function areas, and then the key thresholds of these indicators are determined to conduct classifying evaluation. Finally, this article integrates all the evaluations and puts forward an evaluation method which shows the differentials in terms of major function oriented zone and evaluation results of consistent expression, and then carries out the process evaluation using two indexes of resource utilization efficiency and environment pollution pressure to reflect auxiliary the early-warning state of China's resources and environment carrying capacity and sustainable development abilities, thus providing a scientific basis for the proposed recommendations for restrictive measures and the improvement of monitoring and early-warning mechanisms.

[ 樊杰, 王亚飞, 汤青 , 等.


地理科学, 2015,35(1):1-10.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]

It is an innovative work of comprehensive deepening reforms of China to establish the mechanism of monitoring and early-warning of carrying capacity. Based on the scientific connotation of the carrying capacity of national resources and environment and oriented to regional sustainable development, this article explores the;pressure-state-response; process of the interaction between the carrying body: the natural foundation (which consists of resources, environment, ecology and disasters) with the carrying object: the human production and life activities, and presents the academic thought that the early-warning of the national resources and environment carrying capacity is an overload early-warning according to the cap of the constraints of resources and environment or the population and economic rational scales or other key thresholds, and also presents a process early-warning in terms of the changes of the natural basic conditions or the tendencies of the impact of resource utilization and environmental changes. According to the exploration on the principles of early-warning carrying capacity, this article constructs the differential indicator system and the overall technical process of early-warning of marine and terrestrial resources and environment carrying capacity. Land resources stress index, water resources use intensity index, environmental stress strength index and vegetation coverage change range index are chosen as basic indicators to conduct an overall regional evaluation, and different specific indicators, such as the pollution level of dust-haze, the increase and decrease of arable land, equilibrium index of grass and livestock and the variation of eco-environmental quality, are chosen to conduct the specific evaluation respectively for the urbanized areas, major grain producing areas, pastoral and semi-pastoral areas and ecological function areas, and then the key thresholds of these indicators are determined to conduct classifying evaluation. Finally, this article integrates all the evaluations and puts forward an evaluation method which shows the differentials in terms of major function oriented zone and evaluation results of consistent expression, and then carries out the process evaluation using two indexes of resource utilization efficiency and environment pollution pressure to reflect auxiliary the early-warning state of China's resources and environment carrying capacity and sustainable development abilities, thus providing a scientific basis for the proposed recommendations for restrictive measures and the improvement of monitoring and early-warning mechanisms.

Fan Jie, Wang Yafei, Ouyang Zhiyun , et al.

Risk forewarning of regional development sustainability based on a natural resources and environmental carrying index in China. Earth's

Future, 2017,5(2):196-213

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Gao Peiyong .

Comprehending, grasping, and promoting high-quality economic development

Economic Perspective, 2019(8):3-9.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 高培勇 .


经济学动态, 2019(8):3-9.]

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Fan Jie, Wang Yafei ,

Pattern evolution of China's economic geography in the past 40 years and regional coordinated development in the new era

Economic Geography, 2019,39(1):1-7.

DOI:10.2307/142491      URL     [本文引用: 1]

[ 樊杰, 王亚飞 .


经济地理, 2019,39(1):1-7.]

DOI:10.2307/142491      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Clark W C .

Sustainability science: A room of its own

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2007,104(6):1737-1738.

[本文引用: 1]

Kates R W .

What kind of a science is sustainability science?

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011,108(49):19449-19450.

[本文引用: 1]

Fan Jie .

"Territorial System of Human-environment Interaction": A theoretical cornerstone for comprehensive research on formation and evolution of the geographical pattern

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(4):597-607.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201804001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Compared with the increasingly obvious humanistic tendency in foreign human geography, China's human and economic geography still follows Academician Wu Chuanjun's theory, with human and economic geography as an interdisciplinary subject which is the study of the formation and evolution of the distribution pattern of human activities under the interaction of natural circle and human circle. And China's mainstream school on human and economic geography has been formed with studies on spatio-temporal rule of sustainable development on territories with different space scales, territories with important production and living, and territories with typical geospatial patterns as the main research points. "Territorial System of Human-environment Interaction", developed by Academician Wu Chuanjun, is the important theoretical foundation not only for human and economic geography, but also for the comprehensive research on geography. The essence of the theory, which includes territorial functional, system structured, orderly process for spatio-temporal variation, and the difference and controllability of human-environment interaction system effect, is entirely harmonious with the forefront of thought of the "Future Earth" studies program. In recent decade, with scientific mode of urbanization, major function oriented zoning, road map for the Belt and Road Initiative, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, rural hollowing and targeted poverty alleviation, revitalization of Northeast China and transformation of resource-based cities, and administrative area optimization as the main research objects, theoretical methods have been developed in the aspects of important sustainable process of human and economic geography, territorial function formation and ordering rules for comprehensive geographical pattern, formation and evolution mechanism of urban agglomeration and its resources and environmental effects, sustainable life cycle and the revitalization of the path for problem areas, the interaction between geopolitics, geo-economy and regions, and effect of cultural boundaries on sustainable development. China's human and economic geography has made great progress in discipline development, and the application results have produced profound influences on the ecological civilization construction and sustainable development in recent years. With decades of hard work, China's human and economic geography has reached a world-class advanced level, so as to console the soul and spirit of Wu Chuanjun on the occasion of commemoration of the centenary of his birth.

[ 樊杰 .


地理学报, 2018,73(4):597-607.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201804001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Compared with the increasingly obvious humanistic tendency in foreign human geography, China's human and economic geography still follows Academician Wu Chuanjun's theory, with human and economic geography as an interdisciplinary subject which is the study of the formation and evolution of the distribution pattern of human activities under the interaction of natural circle and human circle. And China's mainstream school on human and economic geography has been formed with studies on spatio-temporal rule of sustainable development on territories with different space scales, territories with important production and living, and territories with typical geospatial patterns as the main research points. "Territorial System of Human-environment Interaction", developed by Academician Wu Chuanjun, is the important theoretical foundation not only for human and economic geography, but also for the comprehensive research on geography. The essence of the theory, which includes territorial functional, system structured, orderly process for spatio-temporal variation, and the difference and controllability of human-environment interaction system effect, is entirely harmonious with the forefront of thought of the "Future Earth" studies program. In recent decade, with scientific mode of urbanization, major function oriented zoning, road map for the Belt and Road Initiative, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, rural hollowing and targeted poverty alleviation, revitalization of Northeast China and transformation of resource-based cities, and administrative area optimization as the main research objects, theoretical methods have been developed in the aspects of important sustainable process of human and economic geography, territorial function formation and ordering rules for comprehensive geographical pattern, formation and evolution mechanism of urban agglomeration and its resources and environmental effects, sustainable life cycle and the revitalization of the path for problem areas, the interaction between geopolitics, geo-economy and regions, and effect of cultural boundaries on sustainable development. China's human and economic geography has made great progress in discipline development, and the application results have produced profound influences on the ecological civilization construction and sustainable development in recent years. With decades of hard work, China's human and economic geography has reached a world-class advanced level, so as to console the soul and spirit of Wu Chuanjun on the occasion of commemoration of the centenary of his birth.

Wang Yafei, Fan Jie, Zhou Kan .

Territorial function optimization regionalization based on the integration of "Double Evaluation"

Geographical Research, 2019,38(10):2415-2429.

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[ 王亚飞, 樊杰, 周侃 .


地理研究, 2019,38(10):2415-2429.]

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Fan Jie .

Draft of major function oriented zoning of China

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015,70(2):186-201.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201502002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Major Function Oriented Zoning (MFOZ) is the blueprint for the future developmnt and protection pattern of China's territory, and has been raised to from major function zones planning to major function zoning strategy and major function zoning institution. From 2004 to 2014, the author organized a series of research projects to compose MFOZ for the country, studied basic theory of regional function and MFOZ technical process, and proposed that space controlling zones of national and provincial scales can be divided into four types: urbanized zones, foodstuff-security zones, ecological safety zones, cultural and natural heritage zones. On this basis, major function zones of county scale should be transferred to optimized, prioritized, restricted, and prohibited zones. In this paper, a regional function identification index system comprising nine quantitative indicators (including water resources, land resources, ecological importance, ecological fragility, environment capacity, disaster risk, economic development level, population concentration and transport superiority) and one qualitative indicator of strategic choice is developed. Based on the single index evaluation, comprehensive evaluation using regional function suitability evaluation index is conducted, aiming at testing several key parameters including lower limit of protection zones and upper limit of development zones at the provincial level. In addition, a planning-oriented zoning method of major function zones is also discussed, which has brought the first MFOZ planning in China. According to the MFOZ caliber, it is forecasted that national spatial development intensity will rise from 3.48% in 2010 to 3.91% in 2020. Furthermore, according to caliber of the provincial integrated MFOZ planning, the area of optimized, prioritized and restricted zones accounts for 1.48%, 13.60% and 84.92%, respectively, and that of urbanized, foodstuff-security and ecological safety zones accounts for 15.08%, 26.11% and 58.81%, respectively. In combination of analyses of development level, resources and environmental carrying status and quality of the people's livelihood, the main characteristics of MFOZ were identified. Through verification, MFOZ draft of national and provincial scales, which is interactively accomplished with "MFOZ Technical Process" put forward by the author, is mostly above 80% identical with what have been forecasted.

[ 樊杰 .


地理学报, 2015,70(2):186-201.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201502002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Major Function Oriented Zoning (MFOZ) is the blueprint for the future developmnt and protection pattern of China's territory, and has been raised to from major function zones planning to major function zoning strategy and major function zoning institution. From 2004 to 2014, the author organized a series of research projects to compose MFOZ for the country, studied basic theory of regional function and MFOZ technical process, and proposed that space controlling zones of national and provincial scales can be divided into four types: urbanized zones, foodstuff-security zones, ecological safety zones, cultural and natural heritage zones. On this basis, major function zones of county scale should be transferred to optimized, prioritized, restricted, and prohibited zones. In this paper, a regional function identification index system comprising nine quantitative indicators (including water resources, land resources, ecological importance, ecological fragility, environment capacity, disaster risk, economic development level, population concentration and transport superiority) and one qualitative indicator of strategic choice is developed. Based on the single index evaluation, comprehensive evaluation using regional function suitability evaluation index is conducted, aiming at testing several key parameters including lower limit of protection zones and upper limit of development zones at the provincial level. In addition, a planning-oriented zoning method of major function zones is also discussed, which has brought the first MFOZ planning in China. According to the MFOZ caliber, it is forecasted that national spatial development intensity will rise from 3.48% in 2010 to 3.91% in 2020. Furthermore, according to caliber of the provincial integrated MFOZ planning, the area of optimized, prioritized and restricted zones accounts for 1.48%, 13.60% and 84.92%, respectively, and that of urbanized, foodstuff-security and ecological safety zones accounts for 15.08%, 26.11% and 58.81%, respectively. In combination of analyses of development level, resources and environmental carrying status and quality of the people's livelihood, the main characteristics of MFOZ were identified. Through verification, MFOZ draft of national and provincial scales, which is interactively accomplished with "MFOZ Technical Process" put forward by the author, is mostly above 80% identical with what have been forecasted.

Wang Yafei, Fan Jie .

Analysis of the core-periphery structure of major function oriented zones in China

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019,74(4):710-722.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201904007      URL     [本文引用: 2]

China's Major Function Zoning, a prospective map comprehensively envisioning China's future conservation and development pattern, actually tells how urbanization areas, agricultural development areas and ecological security areas coordinate and evolve together to maintain the territorial development order in China, right in accordance with certain principles and rules. In this paper, the overall pattern and internal differences of the core-periphery structure are gauged by a feature point-axis-area-vector method in the proportion of the three areas, with an analysis in physiographical spatial differentiation, socio-economic spatial organization and interactions between the function zones. The result shows that the core-periphery structure is prevalent in all provinces of China: the local proportions of urbanization areas, agricultural development areas and ecological security areas follow a circling layer pattern spatially differentiated against the distances to the regional core, while the structure is complicated by differences in core location, axis direction, function attribute of edge area and internal function proportion. Through analysis of relevant factors, it can be concluded that the core-periphery structure of major function zones develops out of combined effects of physiographical spatial differentiation, socio-economic spatial organization and regional spatial connection. The core-periphery of the provinces of western China is greatly influenced by the main physiographical boundaries, while that of the eastern plains is primarily affected by existing urban system structure, socio-economic layout, and inter-regional connection strength. Where the natural geographical constraint is weaker, local socio-economic development and regional spatial connection affect the region more significantly.

[ 王亚飞, 樊杰 .


地理学报, 2019,74(4):710-722.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201904007      URL     [本文引用: 2]

China's Major Function Zoning, a prospective map comprehensively envisioning China's future conservation and development pattern, actually tells how urbanization areas, agricultural development areas and ecological security areas coordinate and evolve together to maintain the territorial development order in China, right in accordance with certain principles and rules. In this paper, the overall pattern and internal differences of the core-periphery structure are gauged by a feature point-axis-area-vector method in the proportion of the three areas, with an analysis in physiographical spatial differentiation, socio-economic spatial organization and interactions between the function zones. The result shows that the core-periphery structure is prevalent in all provinces of China: the local proportions of urbanization areas, agricultural development areas and ecological security areas follow a circling layer pattern spatially differentiated against the distances to the regional core, while the structure is complicated by differences in core location, axis direction, function attribute of edge area and internal function proportion. Through analysis of relevant factors, it can be concluded that the core-periphery structure of major function zones develops out of combined effects of physiographical spatial differentiation, socio-economic spatial organization and regional spatial connection. The core-periphery of the provinces of western China is greatly influenced by the main physiographical boundaries, while that of the eastern plains is primarily affected by existing urban system structure, socio-economic layout, and inter-regional connection strength. Where the natural geographical constraint is weaker, local socio-economic development and regional spatial connection affect the region more significantly.

Xi Jinping.

Several opinions on perfecting the strategy and system of major function zones

The 38th meeting of the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Leading Group, 2017-08-29

URL     [本文引用: 1]

[ 习近平 .


中央全面深化改革领导小组第三十八次会议, 2017-08-29.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]

1 1995 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 1 1995 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 地理学:从知识、科学到决策 1 2017 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 地理学:从知识、科学到决策 1 2017 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 地理学的综合性与区域发展的集成研究 1 2004 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 地理学的综合性与区域发展的集成研究 1 2004 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 变化发展中的中国人文与经济地理学 1 2017 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 变化发展中的中国人文与经济地理学 1 2017 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 中国人文地理学70年创新发展与学术特色 1 2019 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 中国人文地理学70年创新发展与学术特色 1 2019 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 从《地理学报》看80年的中国经济地理学发展 1 2014 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 从《地理学报》看80年的中国经济地理学发展 1 2014 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 人文—经济地理学在生态文明建设中的学科价值与学术创新 1 2013 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 人文—经济地理学在生态文明建设中的学科价值与学术创新 1 2013 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 区域可持续发展研究的兴起与作用 1 2012 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 区域可持续发展研究的兴起与作用 1 2012 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 论地域功能—结构的空间组织途径: 对国土空间规划实施主体功能区战略的讨论 1 2019 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 论地域功能—结构的空间组织途径: 对国土空间规划实施主体功能区战略的讨论 1 2019 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 人地系统可持续过程、格局的前沿探索 1 2014 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 人地系统可持续过程、格局的前沿探索 1 2014 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... Reshaping the sustainable geographical pattern: A major function zoning model and its applications in China. Earth's 1 2019 ... 区域研究是地理学永恒的一个主题[1,2,3].在地理学发展史上,区域研究一度被轻视,地理学的基本学科属性和核心价值随之受到很大影响.近年区域研究的复兴,对地理学的复兴起到了推动作用[4,5].在工业文明时期,区域发展的研究局限于区域经济增长及其相关方面,主要是经济地理学关注的领域[6,7].随着区域发展内涵的扩大,特别是可持续发展目标指向的区域发展、生态文明建设的区域发展、全面实现现代化过程中的区域发展,区域发展研究正在成为综合地理学研究的主题,这也使地理学不同学科领域从不同视角研究区域发展成为可能、也成为必然[8,9].高质量区域发展无疑将成为中国地理学在新时代研究区域、彰显和提升地理学价值的经典但具有全新内涵的方向,其核心命题仍将是区域发展的格局和过程,或者说是可持续地理过程和格局[10,11]. ... 中国经济发展阶段及其时空格局演变特征 2 2013 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ...

... [12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国经济发展阶段及其时空格局演变特征 2 2013 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ...

... [12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 基于县域单元的江苏省经济空间格局演化 1 2009 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 基于县域单元的江苏省经济空间格局演化 1 2009 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国新三大地带宏观区域格局的划分 1 2005 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国新三大地带宏观区域格局的划分 1 2005 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国城市化水平的综合测度及其动力因子分析 1 2009 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国城市化水平的综合测度及其动力因子分析 1 2009 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国人均GDP 的空间相关与地区收敛: 1978-2003 1 2008 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国人均GDP 的空间相关与地区收敛: 1978-2003 1 2008 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国区域经济发展收敛的空间计量分析 1 2010 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国区域经济发展收敛的空间计量分析 1 2010 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 区际资本流动与区域发展差距: 对中国银行间信贷资本流动的分析 1 2011 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 区际资本流动与区域发展差距: 对中国银行间信贷资本流动的分析 1 2011 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 长江经济带人口流动对区域经济差异的影响 1 2017 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 长江经济带人口流动对区域经济差异的影响 1 2017 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国地区间经济联系与区域发展驱动力分析 1 2006 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国地区间经济联系与区域发展驱动力分析 1 2006 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... Methods to evaluate the impacts of physio-geographical pattern on spatio-temporal disparity of regional development 1 2008 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国经济与人口重心的耦合态势及其对区域发展的影响 1 2010 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国经济与人口重心的耦合态势及其对区域发展的影响 1 2010 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 低碳经济政策对区域发展格局演进的影响: 基于动态多区域CGE模型的模拟分析 1 2010 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 低碳经济政策对区域发展格局演进的影响: 基于动态多区域CGE模型的模拟分析 1 2010 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国区域可持续发展水平及其空间分布特征 1 2000 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国区域可持续发展水平及其空间分布特征 1 2000 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 区域可持续发展能力的能值与?耦合分析模型构建 1 2019 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 区域可持续发展能力的能值与?耦合分析模型构建 1 2019 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国“四化”协调发展的区域格局及其影响因素 1 2014 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... 中国“四化”协调发展的区域格局及其影响因素 1 2014 ... 现有侧重于国家、省级层面等宏观尺度的区域发展的格局和过程研究,普遍采用人均GDP[12,13]、人口或城镇化率[14,15]等指标,主要关注区域发展阶段划分[12]、空间相关与区域收敛[16,17]、区域差距的演变[18,19]、区域经济驱动力分析[20]等.一些学者从自然地理分 异[21]、经济与人口重心的耦合态势[22]、低碳经济政策[23]等方面分析不同因素对区域发展格局演化的影响.这些研究通常局限于区域经济维度,缺少社会、生态等维度的综合分析.当区域可持续发展兴起以及区域协调发展战略提出以后,区域发展的可持续性、协调性的测度与解析受到广泛关注,社会、生态等综合分析逐渐被纳入其中[24,25,26].但这些研究往往忽略了区域的功能定位以及区域发展模式的分异,在解析、调控未来高质量区域发展时就显得相对薄弱. ... Washington, Report 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography 1 2009 ... 1978-2018年,中国区域发展迅猛、格局变化剧烈,成为全球地表经济地理格局发生变化程度最大、对全球经济地理格局影响最大的区域[27].40年来,从人口集聚过程看,城镇人口由1.72亿人增加到8.13亿人;从经济发展过程来看,地表承载的经济产出密度由1.56×104美元/km2增加到1.25×106美元/km2,经济总量在全球的占比由1.75%上升到15.4%,人均国民总收入(GNI)的排序由全球第175位提高到第68位;从基础设施布局来看,铁路营业里程从5.17×104 km增加到1.27×105 km,高速公路从无到有,2018年增长到1.36×105 km;从资源开发程度来看,全国城市建成区面积5.4×104 km2,比1981年末增长6.7倍;从对环境扰动程度来看,2018年碳排放总量接近100亿t,较1980年增长7倍.中国区域发展深刻地改变着全球经济地理格局(图2). ... 解析我国区域协调发展的制约因素探究全国主体功能区规划的重要作用 1 2007 ... 在过去40年,中国区域发展的方针是“让一部分地区先富起来”,尽管在跨入21世纪后试图通过区域发展总体战略①(①区域发展总体战略:由“西部大开发、东北及老工业基地振兴、中部崛起、东部率先发展”构成)调整这一方针,试图采取“先富起来带动欠发达地区,实现区域协调发展”,但总体上说效果并不显著.2007年樊杰在中共中央政治局集体学习讲解“国外区域发展情况与中国区域协调发展”时,对区域协调发展给出了4个内涵的定义[28,29]:即人均GDP的区域差距趋于缩小,区域经济发展与自然承载力相适应,区域经济发展的比较优势得以发挥,区域间基本公共服务均等化.尽管该时的区域发展内涵已经扩大,但在这个发展阶段,用人均GDP衡量区域差距依然是关键指标,先富起来的地区与欠发达地区之间的经济发展差距仍在持续扩大(图3).2010年开始实施主体功能区规划,明确承担不同功能的区域发展应是“经济社会生态效益相统一” ②(②《生态文明建设总体方案》确定的国土空间开发原则是:“人口资源环境相均衡,经济社会生态效益相统一”,后者是指,无论承担何种主体功能的区域,不能只强调某一方面的效益,重点生态功能区也要有相应的经济效益.按照综合空间均衡理论[29],经济效益应达到使该类型区实现与其他功能区平衡的水平),但居民收入水平之间的差距依然在扩大.用经典的经济地理学理论阐释,过去中国区域发展正在经历着区域发展差距变化的倒“U”字型曲线的前半段,各种生产要素依然向获取更多收益的区域集聚,而人口集聚过程滞后于经济集聚过程,从而导致区域经济差距尚未达到最大值、依然处于不断拉大的过程中. ... 解析我国区域协调发展的制约因素探究全国主体功能区规划的重要作用 1 2007 ... 在过去40年,中国区域发展的方针是“让一部分地区先富起来”,尽管在跨入21世纪后试图通过区域发展总体战略①(①区域发展总体战略:由“西部大开发、东北及老工业基地振兴、中部崛起、东部率先发展”构成)调整这一方针,试图采取“先富起来带动欠发达地区,实现区域协调发展”,但总体上说效果并不显著.2007年樊杰在中共中央政治局集体学习讲解“国外区域发展情况与中国区域协调发展”时,对区域协调发展给出了4个内涵的定义[28,29]:即人均GDP的区域差距趋于缩小,区域经济发展与自然承载力相适应,区域经济发展的比较优势得以发挥,区域间基本公共服务均等化.尽管该时的区域发展内涵已经扩大,但在这个发展阶段,用人均GDP衡量区域差距依然是关键指标,先富起来的地区与欠发达地区之间的经济发展差距仍在持续扩大(图3).2010年开始实施主体功能区规划,明确承担不同功能的区域发展应是“经济社会生态效益相统一” ②(②《生态文明建设总体方案》确定的国土空间开发原则是:“人口资源环境相均衡,经济社会生态效益相统一”,后者是指,无论承担何种主体功能的区域,不能只强调某一方面的效益,重点生态功能区也要有相应的经济效益.按照综合空间均衡理论[29],经济效益应达到使该类型区实现与其他功能区平衡的水平),但居民收入水平之间的差距依然在扩大.用经典的经济地理学理论阐释,过去中国区域发展正在经历着区域发展差距变化的倒“U”字型曲线的前半段,各种生产要素依然向获取更多收益的区域集聚,而人口集聚过程滞后于经济集聚过程,从而导致区域经济差距尚未达到最大值、依然处于不断拉大的过程中. ... 我国主体功能区划的科学基础 2 2007 ... 在过去40年,中国区域发展的方针是“让一部分地区先富起来”,尽管在跨入21世纪后试图通过区域发展总体战略①(①区域发展总体战略:由“西部大开发、东北及老工业基地振兴、中部崛起、东部率先发展”构成)调整这一方针,试图采取“先富起来带动欠发达地区,实现区域协调发展”,但总体上说效果并不显著.2007年樊杰在中共中央政治局集体学习讲解“国外区域发展情况与中国区域协调发展”时,对区域协调发展给出了4个内涵的定义[28,29]:即人均GDP的区域差距趋于缩小,区域经济发展与自然承载力相适应,区域经济发展的比较优势得以发挥,区域间基本公共服务均等化.尽管该时的区域发展内涵已经扩大,但在这个发展阶段,用人均GDP衡量区域差距依然是关键指标,先富起来的地区与欠发达地区之间的经济发展差距仍在持续扩大(图3).2010年开始实施主体功能区规划,明确承担不同功能的区域发展应是“经济社会生态效益相统一” ②(②《生态文明建设总体方案》确定的国土空间开发原则是:“人口资源环境相均衡,经济社会生态效益相统一”,后者是指,无论承担何种主体功能的区域,不能只强调某一方面的效益,重点生态功能区也要有相应的经济效益.按照综合空间均衡理论[29],经济效益应达到使该类型区实现与其他功能区平衡的水平),但居民收入水平之间的差距依然在扩大.用经典的经济地理学理论阐释,过去中国区域发展正在经历着区域发展差距变化的倒“U”字型曲线的前半段,各种生产要素依然向获取更多收益的区域集聚,而人口集聚过程滞后于经济集聚过程,从而导致区域经济差距尚未达到最大值、依然处于不断拉大的过程中. ...

... [29],经济效益应达到使该类型区实现与其他功能区平衡的水平),但居民收入水平之间的差距依然在扩大.用经典的经济地理学理论阐释,过去中国区域发展正在经历着区域发展差距变化的倒“U”字型曲线的前半段,各种生产要素依然向获取更多收益的区域集聚,而人口集聚过程滞后于经济集聚过程,从而导致区域经济差距尚未达到最大值、依然处于不断拉大的过程中. ... 我国主体功能区划的科学基础 2 2007 ... 在过去40年,中国区域发展的方针是“让一部分地区先富起来”,尽管在跨入21世纪后试图通过区域发展总体战略①(①区域发展总体战略:由“西部大开发、东北及老工业基地振兴、中部崛起、东部率先发展”构成)调整这一方针,试图采取“先富起来带动欠发达地区,实现区域协调发展”,但总体上说效果并不显著.2007年樊杰在中共中央政治局集体学习讲解“国外区域发展情况与中国区域协调发展”时,对区域协调发展给出了4个内涵的定义[28,29]:即人均GDP的区域差距趋于缩小,区域经济发展与自然承载力相适应,区域经济发展的比较优势得以发挥,区域间基本公共服务均等化.尽管该时的区域发展内涵已经扩大,但在这个发展阶段,用人均GDP衡量区域差距依然是关键指标,先富起来的地区与欠发达地区之间的经济发展差距仍在持续扩大(图3).2010年开始实施主体功能区规划,明确承担不同功能的区域发展应是“经济社会生态效益相统一” ②(②《生态文明建设总体方案》确定的国土空间开发原则是:“人口资源环境相均衡,经济社会生态效益相统一”,后者是指,无论承担何种主体功能的区域,不能只强调某一方面的效益,重点生态功能区也要有相应的经济效益.按照综合空间均衡理论[29],经济效益应达到使该类型区实现与其他功能区平衡的水平),但居民收入水平之间的差距依然在扩大.用经典的经济地理学理论阐释,过去中国区域发展正在经历着区域发展差距变化的倒“U”字型曲线的前半段,各种生产要素依然向获取更多收益的区域集聚,而人口集聚过程滞后于经济集聚过程,从而导致区域经济差距尚未达到最大值、依然处于不断拉大的过程中. ...

... [29],经济效益应达到使该类型区实现与其他功能区平衡的水平),但居民收入水平之间的差距依然在扩大.用经典的经济地理学理论阐释,过去中国区域发展正在经历着区域发展差距变化的倒“U”字型曲线的前半段,各种生产要素依然向获取更多收益的区域集聚,而人口集聚过程滞后于经济集聚过程,从而导致区域经济差距尚未达到最大值、依然处于不断拉大的过程中. ... SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2018 1 ... 过去40年中国区域发展格局变化的核心问题在于以人均GDP表征的区域差距绝对值仍在不断拉大,在此过程中最为突出的表现是人口集聚明显滞后于经济集聚.2018年区域发展处于上游的省区GDP占全国的比重为44.20%,远高于29.59%的人口比重.尽管人口与经济格局变动并未同步,但其方向仍为一致,与自然承载力、尤其是与考虑到地理区位以及系统整体性的地域功能适宜性的格局趋于一致.但离高质量的区域发展要求仍有较大差距,表现为生态环境、社会福祉的提升明显滞后于经济发展.2018年《可持续发展目标指数和指示板全球报告》指出,中国与经济发展相关的消除贫困和促进经济增长可持续目标位于前列,而城市可持续发展、减少不平等、保护陆地和海洋生态等与环境、社会相关的目标排名均位于中后位[30].明确高质量区域发展的科学内涵,探索功能指向的高质量区域发展模式以及空间治理体系,是扭转拐点之前区域差距不断扩大的重要基础. ... 全国资源环境承载能力监测预警(2014版)学术思路与总体技术流程 1 2015 ... 高质量区域发展是以区间效益等值为基本目标,立足功能分异的区域模式,兼顾长期与短期效益最优的发展方式.其核心内涵主要包括(图8):首先,高质量区域发展追求区间效益等值,要求缩小经济差距且将生态、社会价值化,其重要标志是人均差距的不断缩小.与拐点之前性质不同的是,这种人均差距是指人均综合效益的差距,由经济效益、社会效益和生态效益共同构成[31,32].其次,高质量区域发展既要寻求短期效益最优,又要顾及长远效益最优.区域作为人地关系地域系统,其发展状态取决于人类社会与自然环境两大系统的耦合状态,高质量区域发展首先要建立在人类社会与自然环境两大系统的可持续发展之上,在短期侧重于增强经济竞争力的同时,也要促进生态系统的可持续性以及社会公平性[33,34]. ... 全国资源环境承载能力监测预警(2014版)学术思路与总体技术流程 1 2015 ... 高质量区域发展是以区间效益等值为基本目标,立足功能分异的区域模式,兼顾长期与短期效益最优的发展方式.其核心内涵主要包括(图8):首先,高质量区域发展追求区间效益等值,要求缩小经济差距且将生态、社会价值化,其重要标志是人均差距的不断缩小.与拐点之前性质不同的是,这种人均差距是指人均综合效益的差距,由经济效益、社会效益和生态效益共同构成[31,32].其次,高质量区域发展既要寻求短期效益最优,又要顾及长远效益最优.区域作为人地关系地域系统,其发展状态取决于人类社会与自然环境两大系统的耦合状态,高质量区域发展首先要建立在人类社会与自然环境两大系统的可持续发展之上,在短期侧重于增强经济竞争力的同时,也要促进生态系统的可持续性以及社会公平性[33,34]. ... Risk forewarning of regional development sustainability based on a natural resources and environmental carrying index in China. Earth's 1 2017 ... 高质量区域发展是以区间效益等值为基本目标,立足功能分异的区域模式,兼顾长期与短期效益最优的发展方式.其核心内涵主要包括(图8):首先,高质量区域发展追求区间效益等值,要求缩小经济差距且将生态、社会价值化,其重要标志是人均差距的不断缩小.与拐点之前性质不同的是,这种人均差距是指人均综合效益的差距,由经济效益、社会效益和生态效益共同构成[31,32].其次,高质量区域发展既要寻求短期效益最优,又要顾及长远效益最优.区域作为人地关系地域系统,其发展状态取决于人类社会与自然环境两大系统的耦合状态,高质量区域发展首先要建立在人类社会与自然环境两大系统的可持续发展之上,在短期侧重于增强经济竞争力的同时,也要促进生态系统的可持续性以及社会公平性[33,34]. ... 理解、把握和推动经济高质量发展 1 2019 ... 高质量区域发展是以区间效益等值为基本目标,立足功能分异的区域模式,兼顾长期与短期效益最优的发展方式.其核心内涵主要包括(图8):首先,高质量区域发展追求区间效益等值,要求缩小经济差距且将生态、社会价值化,其重要标志是人均差距的不断缩小.与拐点之前性质不同的是,这种人均差距是指人均综合效益的差距,由经济效益、社会效益和生态效益共同构成[31,32].其次,高质量区域发展既要寻求短期效益最优,又要顾及长远效益最优.区域作为人地关系地域系统,其发展状态取决于人类社会与自然环境两大系统的耦合状态,高质量区域发展首先要建立在人类社会与自然环境两大系统的可持续发展之上,在短期侧重于增强经济竞争力的同时,也要促进生态系统的可持续性以及社会公平性[33,34]. ... 理解、把握和推动经济高质量发展 1 2019 ... 高质量区域发展是以区间效益等值为基本目标,立足功能分异的区域模式,兼顾长期与短期效益最优的发展方式.其核心内涵主要包括(图8):首先,高质量区域发展追求区间效益等值,要求缩小经济差距且将生态、社会价值化,其重要标志是人均差距的不断缩小.与拐点之前性质不同的是,这种人均差距是指人均综合效益的差距,由经济效益、社会效益和生态效益共同构成[31,32].其次,高质量区域发展既要寻求短期效益最优,又要顾及长远效益最优.区域作为人地关系地域系统,其发展状态取决于人类社会与自然环境两大系统的耦合状态,高质量区域发展首先要建立在人类社会与自然环境两大系统的可持续发展之上,在短期侧重于增强经济竞争力的同时,也要促进生态系统的可持续性以及社会公平性[33,34]. ... 40年来中国经济地理格局变化及新时代区域协调发展 1 2019 ... 高质量区域发展是以区间效益等值为基本目标,立足功能分异的区域模式,兼顾长期与短期效益最优的发展方式.其核心内涵主要包括(图8):首先,高质量区域发展追求区间效益等值,要求缩小经济差距且将生态、社会价值化,其重要标志是人均差距的不断缩小.与拐点之前性质不同的是,这种人均差距是指人均综合效益的差距,由经济效益、社会效益和生态效益共同构成[31,32].其次,高质量区域发展既要寻求短期效益最优,又要顾及长远效益最优.区域作为人地关系地域系统,其发展状态取决于人类社会与自然环境两大系统的耦合状态,高质量区域发展首先要建立在人类社会与自然环境两大系统的可持续发展之上,在短期侧重于增强经济竞争力的同时,也要促进生态系统的可持续性以及社会公平性[33,34]. ... 40年来中国经济地理格局变化及新时代区域协调发展 1 2019 ... 高质量区域发展是以区间效益等值为基本目标,立足功能分异的区域模式,兼顾长期与短期效益最优的发展方式.其核心内涵主要包括(图8):首先,高质量区域发展追求区间效益等值,要求缩小经济差距且将生态、社会价值化,其重要标志是人均差距的不断缩小.与拐点之前性质不同的是,这种人均差距是指人均综合效益的差距,由经济效益、社会效益和生态效益共同构成[31,32].其次,高质量区域发展既要寻求短期效益最优,又要顾及长远效益最优.区域作为人地关系地域系统,其发展状态取决于人类社会与自然环境两大系统的耦合状态,高质量区域发展首先要建立在人类社会与自然环境两大系统的可持续发展之上,在短期侧重于增强经济竞争力的同时,也要促进生态系统的可持续性以及社会公平性[33,34]. ... Sustainability science: A room of its own 1 2007 ... 显然,任何长短期以牺牲生态效益或社会效益实现区域经济效益持续增长的弱可持续或不可持续的方式,都是非高质量的区域发展(图9a).高质量区域发展在短期和长期均要求实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的同向发展(图9b),这与强可持续的观点在一定程度上保持了一致[35,36,37,38].更为重要的是,高质量区域发展综合效益的实现建立在与区域相适应的功能导向的基础上,根据资源环境承载能力、发展基础和未来潜力,明确各区域在全国层面的主体功能定位[39,40].针对主体功能定位,发挥区域比较优势,采用不同区域发展模式,从而实现国家层面远期人均综合效益的最大化.在近期无法有效消除不同功能区域间人均差距的前提下,采用基本公共服务均等化方式促进区域高质量发展. ... What kind of a science is sustainability science? 1 2011 ... 显然,任何长短期以牺牲生态效益或社会效益实现区域经济效益持续增长的弱可持续或不可持续的方式,都是非高质量的区域发展(图9a).高质量区域发展在短期和长期均要求实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的同向发展(图9b),这与强可持续的观点在一定程度上保持了一致[35,36,37,38].更为重要的是,高质量区域发展综合效益的实现建立在与区域相适应的功能导向的基础上,根据资源环境承载能力、发展基础和未来潜力,明确各区域在全国层面的主体功能定位[39,40].针对主体功能定位,发挥区域比较优势,采用不同区域发展模式,从而实现国家层面远期人均综合效益的最大化.在近期无法有效消除不同功能区域间人均差距的前提下,采用基本公共服务均等化方式促进区域高质量发展. ... “人地关系地域系统”是综合研究地理格局形成与演变规律的理论基石 1 2018 ... 显然,任何长短期以牺牲生态效益或社会效益实现区域经济效益持续增长的弱可持续或不可持续的方式,都是非高质量的区域发展(图9a).高质量区域发展在短期和长期均要求实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的同向发展(图9b),这与强可持续的观点在一定程度上保持了一致[35,36,37,38].更为重要的是,高质量区域发展综合效益的实现建立在与区域相适应的功能导向的基础上,根据资源环境承载能力、发展基础和未来潜力,明确各区域在全国层面的主体功能定位[39,40].针对主体功能定位,发挥区域比较优势,采用不同区域发展模式,从而实现国家层面远期人均综合效益的最大化.在近期无法有效消除不同功能区域间人均差距的前提下,采用基本公共服务均等化方式促进区域高质量发展. ... “人地关系地域系统”是综合研究地理格局形成与演变规律的理论基石 1 2018 ... 显然,任何长短期以牺牲生态效益或社会效益实现区域经济效益持续增长的弱可持续或不可持续的方式,都是非高质量的区域发展(图9a).高质量区域发展在短期和长期均要求实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的同向发展(图9b),这与强可持续的观点在一定程度上保持了一致[35,36,37,38].更为重要的是,高质量区域发展综合效益的实现建立在与区域相适应的功能导向的基础上,根据资源环境承载能力、发展基础和未来潜力,明确各区域在全国层面的主体功能定位[39,40].针对主体功能定位,发挥区域比较优势,采用不同区域发展模式,从而实现国家层面远期人均综合效益的最大化.在近期无法有效消除不同功能区域间人均差距的前提下,采用基本公共服务均等化方式促进区域高质量发展. ... 基于“双评价”集成的国土空间地域功能优化分区 1 2019 ... 显然,任何长短期以牺牲生态效益或社会效益实现区域经济效益持续增长的弱可持续或不可持续的方式,都是非高质量的区域发展(图9a).高质量区域发展在短期和长期均要求实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的同向发展(图9b),这与强可持续的观点在一定程度上保持了一致[35,36,37,38].更为重要的是,高质量区域发展综合效益的实现建立在与区域相适应的功能导向的基础上,根据资源环境承载能力、发展基础和未来潜力,明确各区域在全国层面的主体功能定位[39,40].针对主体功能定位,发挥区域比较优势,采用不同区域发展模式,从而实现国家层面远期人均综合效益的最大化.在近期无法有效消除不同功能区域间人均差距的前提下,采用基本公共服务均等化方式促进区域高质量发展. ... 基于“双评价”集成的国土空间地域功能优化分区 1 2019 ... 显然,任何长短期以牺牲生态效益或社会效益实现区域经济效益持续增长的弱可持续或不可持续的方式,都是非高质量的区域发展(图9a).高质量区域发展在短期和长期均要求实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的同向发展(图9b),这与强可持续的观点在一定程度上保持了一致[35,36,37,38].更为重要的是,高质量区域发展综合效益的实现建立在与区域相适应的功能导向的基础上,根据资源环境承载能力、发展基础和未来潜力,明确各区域在全国层面的主体功能定位[39,40].针对主体功能定位,发挥区域比较优势,采用不同区域发展模式,从而实现国家层面远期人均综合效益的最大化.在近期无法有效消除不同功能区域间人均差距的前提下,采用基本公共服务均等化方式促进区域高质量发展. ... 中国主体功能区划方案 1 2015 ... 显然,任何长短期以牺牲生态效益或社会效益实现区域经济效益持续增长的弱可持续或不可持续的方式,都是非高质量的区域发展(图9a).高质量区域发展在短期和长期均要求实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的同向发展(图9b),这与强可持续的观点在一定程度上保持了一致[35,36,37,38].更为重要的是,高质量区域发展综合效益的实现建立在与区域相适应的功能导向的基础上,根据资源环境承载能力、发展基础和未来潜力,明确各区域在全国层面的主体功能定位[39,40].针对主体功能定位,发挥区域比较优势,采用不同区域发展模式,从而实现国家层面远期人均综合效益的最大化.在近期无法有效消除不同功能区域间人均差距的前提下,采用基本公共服务均等化方式促进区域高质量发展. ... 中国主体功能区划方案 1 2015 ... 显然,任何长短期以牺牲生态效益或社会效益实现区域经济效益持续增长的弱可持续或不可持续的方式,都是非高质量的区域发展(图9a).高质量区域发展在短期和长期均要求实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的同向发展(图9b),这与强可持续的观点在一定程度上保持了一致[35,36,37,38].更为重要的是,高质量区域发展综合效益的实现建立在与区域相适应的功能导向的基础上,根据资源环境承载能力、发展基础和未来潜力,明确各区域在全国层面的主体功能定位[39,40].针对主体功能定位,发挥区域比较优势,采用不同区域发展模式,从而实现国家层面远期人均综合效益的最大化.在近期无法有效消除不同功能区域间人均差距的前提下,采用基本公共服务均等化方式促进区域高质量发展. ... 中国主体功能区核心—边缘结构解析 2 2019 ... 显然,任何长短期以牺牲生态效益或社会效益实现区域经济效益持续增长的弱可持续或不可持续的方式,都是非高质量的区域发展(图9a).高质量区域发展在短期和长期均要求实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的同向发展(图9b),这与强可持续的观点在一定程度上保持了一致[35,36,37,38].更为重要的是,高质量区域发展综合效益的实现建立在与区域相适应的功能导向的基础上,根据资源环境承载能力、发展基础和未来潜力,明确各区域在全国层面的主体功能定位[39,40].针对主体功能定位,发挥区域比较优势,采用不同区域发展模式,从而实现国家层面远期人均综合效益的最大化.在近期无法有效消除不同功能区域间人均差距的前提下,采用基本公共服务均等化方式促进区域高质量发展. ...

... 此外,围绕以上3个重点调控的区域类型,协调区域间相互作用关系,也是区域发展格局优化不可或缺的内容.① 把引导人口合理流动作为区域间互动的关键,实现人口与经济空间均衡.国家尺度上建立疏解超载区域人口的机制,重点提升疏解人口迁徙能力和再就业能力的培育.省级尺度上应合理配置人口的空间分布,按照主体功能定位形成人口分布的中心—边缘模式[40].城乡间建立人口相互流动机制,带动城乡一体化发展.② 把经济收益分配作为空间均衡政策的重要抓手,建立生态与农业产品的国家购买和生态农产品补偿制度,在动态调控中助推农业和生态区域实现生态、社会与经济效益相统一.③ 启用市场机制,通过洁净能源配额制、碳排放市场交易、生态安全体系建构的共同责任分担机制等,实现生态产品的价值化和市场交易过程.④ 发挥社会主义制度优越性,在继续强化省区市间横向对口支援的互动渠道的同时,将各种类型的所有制企业纳入支援的网络系统,形成先富带后富的新格局. ... 中国主体功能区核心—边缘结构解析 2 2019 ... 显然,任何长短期以牺牲生态效益或社会效益实现区域经济效益持续增长的弱可持续或不可持续的方式,都是非高质量的区域发展(图9a).高质量区域发展在短期和长期均要求实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的同向发展(图9b),这与强可持续的观点在一定程度上保持了一致[35,36,37,38].更为重要的是,高质量区域发展综合效益的实现建立在与区域相适应的功能导向的基础上,根据资源环境承载能力、发展基础和未来潜力,明确各区域在全国层面的主体功能定位[39,40].针对主体功能定位,发挥区域比较优势,采用不同区域发展模式,从而实现国家层面远期人均综合效益的最大化.在近期无法有效消除不同功能区域间人均差距的前提下,采用基本公共服务均等化方式促进区域高质量发展. ...

... 此外,围绕以上3个重点调控的区域类型,协调区域间相互作用关系,也是区域发展格局优化不可或缺的内容.① 把引导人口合理流动作为区域间互动的关键,实现人口与经济空间均衡.国家尺度上建立疏解超载区域人口的机制,重点提升疏解人口迁徙能力和再就业能力的培育.省级尺度上应合理配置人口的空间分布,按照主体功能定位形成人口分布的中心—边缘模式[40].城乡间建立人口相互流动机制,带动城乡一体化发展.② 把经济收益分配作为空间均衡政策的重要抓手,建立生态与农业产品的国家购买和生态农产品补偿制度,在动态调控中助推农业和生态区域实现生态、社会与经济效益相统一.③ 启用市场机制,通过洁净能源配额制、碳排放市场交易、生态安全体系建构的共同责任分担机制等,实现生态产品的价值化和市场交易过程.④ 发挥社会主义制度优越性,在继续强化省区市间横向对口支援的互动渠道的同时,将各种类型的所有制企业纳入支援的网络系统,形成先富带后富的新格局. ... 关于完善主体功能区战略和制度的若干意见 1 2017 ... 在中国的治理能力和治理体系现代化建设中,空间治理是相对薄弱和落后的.未来,应以主体功能区的“区划—战略—规划—制度”为主线,健全空间治理体系,提升空间治理能力.目前,主体功能区是唯一能够纵向自国家到地方、横向涉及几乎所有与国土空间利用相关部门的空间治理手段,顶层有着对全国国土空间的总体结构设计和指引,在基层对每个县域有着主体功能定位和约束的基础制度,同时又给出了从国家层面管控中国国土有序开发和保护的总体蓝图.① 区域发展格局是一个复杂、开放和动态的系统,优化和调控需要科学依据、需要对格局形成与演变规律有准确的把握.主体功能区划是科学认知国土空间开发保护格局的成果,具有规划属性,可作为空间治理的基础底图和基本依据.② 主体功能区是中国经济发展和生态环境保护的大战略[41],主体功能区三大战略格局具有顶层设计、长周期稳定的特征,在各类空间布局规划和方针政策制定中,特别是对降尺度的各层级地域单元确定发展战略和规划部署时,具有了指引作用.应发挥主体功能区战略作为发展规划与空间规划之间旋转门的职能,从而实现发展规划和发展战略对空间规划有效的上位指引.③ 通过健全国土空间规划体系,推动主体功能区战略的精准落地.把主体功能区规划作为国土空间规划的有机组成部分和空间治理的上位规划内容,通过国土空间规划体系,将主体功能定位有效传导、精准落地,传导的方式是功能—结构,而且可以成为总规与专项规划、总体布局图与专项布局总图的衔接基础,也是未来动态监测和实施评估的主要依据.④ 充分发挥主体功能区基础性制度的作用,成为各类区域政策的基本遵循,具体内容包括: ... 关于完善主体功能区战略和制度的若干意见 1 2017 ... 在中国的治理能力和治理体系现代化建设中,空间治理是相对薄弱和落后的.未来,应以主体功能区的“区划—战略—规划—制度”为主线,健全空间治理体系,提升空间治理能力.目前,主体功能区是唯一能够纵向自国家到地方、横向涉及几乎所有与国土空间利用相关部门的空间治理手段,顶层有着对全国国土空间的总体结构设计和指引,在基层对每个县域有着主体功能定位和约束的基础制度,同时又给出了从国家层面管控中国国土有序开发和保护的总体蓝图.① 区域发展格局是一个复杂、开放和动态的系统,优化和调控需要科学依据、需要对格局形成与演变规律有准确的把握.主体功能区划是科学认知国土空间开发保护格局的成果,具有规划属性,可作为空间治理的基础底图和基本依据.② 主体功能区是中国经济发展和生态环境保护的大战略[41],主体功能区三大战略格局具有顶层设计、长周期稳定的特征,在各类空间布局规划和方针政策制定中,特别是对降尺度的各层级地域单元确定发展战略和规划部署时,具有了指引作用.应发挥主体功能区战略作为发展规划与空间规划之间旋转门的职能,从而实现发展规划和发展战略对空间规划有效的上位指引.③ 通过健全国土空间规划体系,推动主体功能区战略的精准落地.把主体功能区规划作为国土空间规划的有机组成部分和空间治理的上位规划内容,通过国土空间规划体系,将主体功能定位有效传导、精准落地,传导的方式是功能—结构,而且可以成为总规与专项规划、总体布局图与专项布局总图的衔接基础,也是未来动态监测和实施评估的主要依据.④ 充分发挥主体功能区基础性制度的作用,成为各类区域政策的基本遵循,具体内容包括: ...




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