drawers是什么意思 drawers的中文翻译、读音、例句

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drawers是什么意思 drawers的中文翻译、读音、例句

#drawers是什么意思 drawers的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: drawers的中文解释是"内裤 、厨柜",drawers是什么意思 drawers的中文翻译、读音、例句,在英美地区还有"内裤"的意思,发音音标为[dr'ɔ:əz],drawers常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到74个与drawers相关的释义和例句。




1. He opened the top drawer of his desk and took out a pen.


2. She folded her clothes neatly and placed them in the bottom drawer of the wardrobe.





例句:I gets the drawers. I gets the booty. (让我告诉你吧 这是另一个热浪指数 又是破纪录的一天)


例句:He loves to run his mouth when his drawers getting worked on. (他喜欢跑他的嘴时,他的抽屉里得到工作的。)


例句:That is: normal Roman clothing included under-tunics and breast bands, but not underpants, drawers, briefs. (这就是说:正规的罗马服饰包含长袍和胸带,而不包括衬裤、长、三角裤。)


drawers一般作为名词使用,如在junk drawers(杂物抽屉)、nest of drawers((18世纪制造的摆放在桌面上的)微型抽屉柜)、maggie's drawers([俚语](靶场上打靶未中时记分员用来)挥动的红旗)等常见短语中出现较多。

junk drawers杂物抽屉nest of drawers(18世纪制造的摆放在桌面上的)微型抽屉柜maggie's drawers[俚语](靶场上打靶未中时记分员用来)挥动的红旗multiple cash drawers[经] 多路现金抽屉例句

1. That is: normal Roman clothing included under-tunics and breast bands, but not underpants, drawers, briefs. (翻译:这就是说:正规的罗马服饰包含长袍和胸带,而不包括衬裤、长、三角裤。)

2. It is quite like tidying up drawers. (翻译:这就像整理抽屉一样。)

3. The drawers slide in and out easily. (翻译:这几个抽屉好推好拉。)

4. -The idea that mila dropped her drawers in front of you makes me want to upchuck in my mouth. (翻译:那米拉放弃了这个想法 她在你面前的抽屉 让我想upchuck 在我嘴里。)

5. If you let him have it, you'll be ironing his drawers. (翻译:假如你让他吃了, 接下来你就要帮他熨了)

6. -Then he pulled out the drawers. -Sergeant, obviously the man's crazy. (翻译:他把所有的抽屉都拉了出来 那家伙显然是疯了)

7. This guy comes in here... he's got his drawers stuffed with jewelry and he asks me: (翻译:这家伙来到这儿 里塞了一把珠宝 问我)

8. You can tell a lot about a person by the kind of drawers they wear. (翻译:你可以从一个人穿什么 就可以看出他的个性.)

9. 8 antique tables, 9 bedsheets, 10 gold rings, 1 sofa, and 5 chests of drawers. (翻译:九长床单,还有十只金戒指 还有一张沙发,五个五斗柜)

10. But I think you put it there, 'cause I find weird stuff in these drawers all the time. (翻译:但是我认为是你放的 因为我一直都能在 柜子里找到这些奇怪的东西)

11. Ms. Swanson, have them open the drawers and give the men the money. Now. (翻译:史旺森, 让他们打开抽屉 把钱都拿出来)

12. I was in my drawers and my T-shirt. (翻译:我穿着我的和T恤。)

13. Dude, she did the drawers. (翻译:she did the drawers.)

14. Start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers the knick-knacks, the collectibles. (翻译:从小的开始,架子上的、抽屉里的小摆设,各种收集来的物品。)

15. Toiletries in the bathroom. You're in the drawers on the left. (翻译:盥洗用具在浴室 你们的个人用品在左边抽屉里)



1. 词的意思:drawers是复数形式,指“抽屉”,通常指柜子、桌子或其他家具中的储物空间。

2. 词性:名词,复数形式。

3. 常用场景:在家庭、办公室、商店等生活场景中,drawers是常见的储物空间,用来存放衣物、文具、工具、食品等物品。

4. 词组搭配:常见的搭配包括:

- chest of drawers:带有几个抽屉的储物柜。

- desk drawers:桌子上的抽屉。

- file drawers:文件柜的抽屉。

- kitchen drawers:厨房里储物的抽屉。

5. 相关短语:与drawers相关的短语包括:

- pull out the drawers:抽出抽屉。

- open/close the drawers:打开/关闭抽屉。

- organize the drawers:整理抽屉。

- empty the drawers:清空抽屉。

6. 发音拼写:[drɔrz],注意复数形式的读音。

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