
您所在的位置:网站首页 与distant相关的短语 英语中“与.....有关(无关)”常见表达


2024-07-17 06:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(一)译为have something(或nothing,anything,much,not much,a lot,a great deal etc.)to do with somebody or something。例如:

1.那件事与我无关。It has nothing to do withme. 2.风和大气有着密切的关系。Winds have much to do with the atmosphere.

(二)译为connection或与其同根词有关的短语 就词的内涵意义而论,relation和connection(或connexion)都是汉语名词"关系"的最直接的等值对应词,故而,与这两个词有关的表达法也就顺理成章地成为首选对象了。例如:

1.我们同那家公司无业务关系。We have no business connection with that company.

2.下一次我将给你们举一些与英语学习有关的例子。Next time I'll give you some examples in connection with English study.

(三)译为:1)have a bearing on...与……有关;2)have no bearing on...与……无关;3) have some bearing on...与……有某些关系。例如:

1.他讲的话与本议题无关。What he said has no bearing on the subject. 这句话还可译为:What he said is not connected with the subject.

2.他讲的话与本议题有关系。What he said has some bearing on this subject.  (四)译为下列表达法之一:1.relative to...; 2.relating to...;3.have relation to...;have no relation to...;4.relate to...

视语境之不同,上述表达法都能同汉语"与……有关(无关)"形成概念意义上的等值对应关系,并多见于书面语体中。同connection一样,relation也是一个在内涵意义上最接近"关系"的英语对应词。例如: 1.我们必须研究与此问题有关的全部事实。We must study all the facts relative to this problem. 2.那同中国的风俗无关。That has no relation to Chinese custom. 3.这份报告与农业有关。The report has relation to agriculture.

(五)译为惯用短语 be allied to...

与本文列举的种种表达法相比,be allied to在深层含义上有自己的特色,即多指"与事物起源相关或在性质上有因果联系的关系"。例如:

1.暴力案件的增加与失业的增加有关。The increase in violent crimes is allied to the rise in unemployment.(注:暴力案件的增加与失业人数的增加有明显的因果关系。)

2.重工业与轻工业有着密切关系。Heavy industry is closely allied to light industry.(注:重工业和轻工业在事物起源上是相通的。) 练习:翻译下列句子。 1.他在家里所做的一切与老师无关。 2.他正是那个与人所共知的罪犯有关系的人。 3.此人也许掌握着与本案有关的一些情况。 4.与此事有关的信昨天不翼而飞了。 5.下周我们将讨论与考试有关的全部细节。 参考答案: 1.What he does at home has nothing to do with his teacher. 2.He is just the man connected with the known criminal. 3.The man might have some information that has a bearing on the case. 4.The letter relative to this matter was lost yesterday. 5.Next week we are going to discuss all the details relating to the examination.  





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