宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

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宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

2024-07-12 23:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我步入丛林,因为我希望生活有意义。我希望活得深刻,并吸取生命中所有的精华!——《瓦尔登湖》梭罗I walked into the jungle,Because I wanted life to be meaningful.

I wanted to live deep,And absorbed all the essence of life!– “Walden” Thoreau

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

▼城市印象City impression宿迁,简称“宿”,别称水城。城市印象,山水之城。坐拥骆马湖,洪泽湖两大淡水湖,是“华东的一块净土,江苏的两湖清水,淮海经济区的一片森林与黄淮海地区最大氧吧”。生态水韵之城,正是这座城市的真实写照和魅力所在。历史悠久、文化繁荣,是西楚霸王项羽的故乡,京杭大运河穿境而过。自古便有“北望齐鲁、南接江淮,居两水(即黄河、长江)中道、扼二京(即北京、南京)咽喉”之称。

Suqian, referred to as “Su”, also known as the Water City. City impression, a city of mountains and rivers. Sitting on the two major freshwater lakes of Luoma Lake and Hongze Lake, the city of ecological water charm is the true portrayal and charm of this city. With a long history and prosperous culture, it is the hometown of Xiang Yu, king of Western Chu, and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal passes through it.

▼场地资源与限制条件Site resources and restrictions

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗


The design focuses on adapting measures to local conditions, reorganizing and integrating the constraints of the site with existing resources to explore the best landscape and spatial experience.

▼景观思考Landscape thinking

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗


Proceeding from the spirit of the site, it integrates modern art into the natural ecological urban environment. The green of the trees and the white of the landscape texture together reflect the pure fragmentation and authenticity of the space, creating a low-key and quiet place.

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

▼设计概念Concept of design

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗



The concept at the initial stage of the design was an art life museum floating on the water, until it merged with modern art and natural artistic conception to present a forest art museum. When meeting forest, life is the most perfect work of art, a square modern building. Incorporate into the natural mood of lingering water.

Relying on water, surrounded by forests,The floating forest art museum was born.

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗▲潺潺流动的水幕,涓涓细流又彰显灵动空间,宛如大自然的轻声呓语,悦耳、舒适。嶙峋的怪石置卧其右,艺术装置随水流缓缓旋转。

The gurgling water curtain, the trickle and the smart space, are just like the soft whispers of nature, pleasant and comfortable. With rugged stone, the art installation slowly rotates with the current.

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗▲入口水景的动与松坡的静形成鲜明对比,打造动静结合相生的景观体验,将城市的喧闹和繁杂与内部的静谧安适隔离开来,开启一场回归自然的艺术馆旅程。

The movement of the entrance waterscape is in sharp contrast with the tranquility of Songpa, creating a landscape experience that combines dynamic and scenery to isolate the noise and complexity of the city from the tranquility and comfort of the interior, opening a journey back to nature in the art gallery.

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗▲“松下问童子,言师采药去。只在此山中,云深不知处”场景再现,在连廊入口处种植松树,置一与鸟戏耍的童子坐孤木上的雕塑。

“Matsushita asks the boy, the teacher gathers medicine. Only in this mountain, the clouds do not know where is deep” scene is reproduced, planting pine trees at the entrance of the corridor, and placing a sculpture of a boy playing with birds sitting on a lone wood.

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗▼延入林下空间,一片乌桕,层次起伏,造一方空间独韵,惬意至极,廊尽头植一古树,以寻隐者造访深林,颇有归林之境。

Extending into the space under the forest, a piece of tallow trees, with ups and downs, creates a unique space and is extremely cozy. An ancient tree is planted at the end of the corridor to visit the deep forest for recluse seekers.

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗


Return to the scene into the deep forest, re-photograph on the moss. The corridor evolved from the mountain trails, turning natural curves into straight lines, creating a more vivid light and shadow experience. The white aluminum plate is used on the top to express the realm of deep mountains surrounded by white clouds, and the tortuous pine posture creates a serene atmosphere with winding paths.

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗▲形似桂花的艺术装置悬吊在半空中,几何化桂花形态,模拟桂花散落开合的姿态,塑造清静悠闲的氛围感。

An art installation that resembles an osmanthus flower is suspended in mid-air, geometrical the shape of the osmanthus flower, simulating the opening and closing of the osmanthus flower, creating a quiet and leisurely atmosphere.

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗▼湖水一平如镜,天光与日色在其中交汇,倒映的建筑与景墙相映成趣。几何构成的雕塑与建筑体块线条相呼应,凸显艺术沉静的水院感受。

The water of the lake is as flat as a mirror, and the sky and the sun meet in it. The geometrical sculptures echo the lines of the building blocks, highlighting the artistic and calm water courtyard feeling.

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗▲水景光影,掬一捧诗意时光,与美相遇。

Waterscape, light and shadow, holding a handful of poetic time, meeting beauty.

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗

宿迁 钟吾正荣府 景观设计 / 英斯佛朗


After reaching the gallery, the space opens up, resembling the “open mountains and wide open land”. The wide-open lawn space and the surrounding plant communities combine, and the green trees are like clouds gathering from a distance. Green bamboo and flowers are reflected in the house, forming an artistic conception of a paradise.



我们应当做到也必须做到 —— 原址景观资源的保留与巧借,建筑神态的分解与提炼,空间光影的转圜与对比,情感品味的递进与回味!—— 蔡沁亮

项目概况项目名称:钟吾正荣府项目地址:江苏省宿迁市青海湖路项目面积:7200㎡完成时间:2020.09甲方团队:吴寅、王乐乐(正荣总部)成骏、杨彬、蔡沁亮、钱玉国、李金明、江飞、刘鸿瑶、张雯冉(南京区域)景观设计:MBDI 英斯佛朗设计指导:徐荣方案设计团队:洪丽、郭海峰、吴凯、李怡然施工图设计团队:王亮、薛方亮、姜浩东、余梦雅、杜诗婷植物设计团队:朱楠楠、尹绍静建筑设计:上海柏涛建筑设计有限公司园林施工:苏州森彩绿化有限公司摄影:VIEW建筑摄影


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