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关于”星星的句子“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Star sentence。以下是关于星星的句子的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Star sentence

1、It’s Monday (Or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saay, or Sunday). 今天是星期一 (星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五、星期六或星期天)。我的地盘我做主!

2、Leo's royal star Regulus and red planet Mars appear in a colorful pairing just above the horizon in this starry skyscape. 狮子座的王者之星轩辕十四和红色行星火星,在这地平线上繁星闪耀的天空中交相辉映。

3、Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky. 天上有无数的星星。

4、Neutron stars and quark stars are currently two kinds of speculated subjects when one is modeling observed pulsars. 关于观测到脉冲星的本质目前存在两种看法:中子星和夸克星。

5、This is called the accretor and this is called the donor. 这是供体星,在供体星和中子星。

6、Tonight's moon shines in front of the constellation Gemini, in the vicinity of Gemini's two brightest stars: Castor and Pollux. 今晚的月亮会在双子座的上方出现,在双子座附近有两颗特别明亮的星星——北二河和双子座星。

7、They are also taught to identify various constellations, such as the Big Dipper, Cygnus the Swan, Sagittarius the Archer, and the twelve stars that form Lumides the Pants Salesman. 也教他们辨认不同的星座,如北斗七星、天鹅星座、人马星座以及组成裤子推销员鲁米德斯的12颗星星。

8、The holding period for the Swatch Girls Pro (go Darci! ) is the Wednesday through Sunday, so it looks like the best days would be Wednesday through Friday. 女子长板赛定在星期三到星期日,看来最好的几天是星期三到星期五。

9、Look, take the argument of the planets, the Morning Star and the Evening Star example. 拿行星的论证,晨星和昏星的那个例子来说

10、Please enjoy Count the stars. 请欣赏亲子舞蹈《数星星》。

11、The next big day to watch will be Sunday, March 7, when Mercury will conjoin Jupiter. 下一个需要注意的日子是3月7日星期天,那时水星将会连结木星。

12、In other words, the remoter planets are attracted by the sun with less force than those nearer to him. 换句话说,那些距离遥远的行星受到太阳的引力要比近处的行星较小。

13、These atoms clumped first into galaxies, then stars, inside whose fiery furnaces all the other elements were forged. 轻原子组成星系,接着是星球,在炙热的星系中所有的元素依次形成。

14、There were woods and few houses along the way. 路旁是一片树林,还有零零星星的几所房子。

15、Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo. 轩辕十四是狮子座中最亮的星星。

16、This idea led the scientists to wonder if wormholes might exist in otherwise ordinary stars and neutron stars. 这项最新研究观点使科学家们置疑是否虫洞可能存在于不同的普通恒星和中子星。比如:那些正常的恒星和中子星。

17、She wore a conspicuous red dress with stars in the form of a constellation. 她穿着一条星星点点的鲜红裙子,那些星星形如星座。

18、The sky was spangled with stars. 天空闪烁着星星。

19、A distant, pulsating star is often interpreted as a binary star. 一颗遥远的脉动星常被解释为双子星。

20、The sky was ling with stars. 天空星星闪闪发光。

21、More thanhalf of all stars are binary stars, or two stars that are bound by their mutualgravitational attraction, with each star orbiting around the center of mass. 有超过一半的恒星以双子星形式存在。双子星是指两颗因相互间引力吸引而彼此束缚的恒星,系统内的每一颗恒星均绕质心运行。

22、So here's an example uh, Hesperus and Phosphorus are ancient names for Venus. 这儿有个例子,长庚星和启明星在古代都是金星的别称。

23、Grandson of Samsung founder Lee Byung-chul, son of current chairman Lee Kun-hee. 三星集团创始人李秉喆的孙子,三星现任总裁李健熙的儿子。

24、Sun Saturn conjunction will be located at 14 Leo and Neptune will be at 18 Aquarius . 太阳土星契合将位于14狮子星座并且海王星将是在18宝瓶星座。

25、Venus escapes the cup. The Dark Twin escapes the cup. 金星逃离了“杯子”,黑暗孪星也逃脱了杯子。


26、The stars faded from the sky. 星星从天边消失。

27、Each pulsar or neutron star is the fast-rotating, dead heart of a once-massive star. 每一颗脉冲星或中子星都曾是大质量恒星死后快速旋转的核心。

28、Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury, and Capricorn is ruled by the Planet Saturn. 双子受到水星管辖,魔羯的主星是土星。

29、The bigger star exploded, leaving behind a neutron star. 较大的恒星爆炸后,产生了一颗中子星;

30、What do the stars look like in the space? 在空间站看星星象的样子是什么?

31、You are a Gemini, and both are traveling in Aries, a fire sign that blends beautifully with yours. 火星和金星将在白羊相会,该火象星座和双子的风象完美结合。

32、Bickford's own research predicts that other planets, including Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Ur, should have similar antiproton belts. 根据自己的研究,比克福德其他的行星包括木星、土星、海王星和天王星也应该有类似的反质子带。

33、The stars in the night sky are innumerable. 星星在晴朗的夜空闪亮。

34、Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. 从占星学角度来说,我观察到土星的位子处于狮子座。

35、A Sun Saturn conjunction will be located at 14 Leo and Neptune will be at 18 Aquarius. 太阳土星契合将位于14狮子星座并且海王星将是在18 宝瓶星座。

36、Eight planets officially remain: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ur and Neptune. 余下的八大行星为:水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星。

37、During the radiation stars will develop in turn into main sequence stars, red giants, white dwarfs or neutron stars, etc. 在历经主序星、红巨星和白矮星或中子星后演化为致密星体而结束一生。

38、Showing my 2-year-old the clear starry sky. 带我那两岁的孩子看星星布满的夜空。

39、Its flag has stars and strips. 它的旗子有星星和线条图纹。

40、So can not help talking with their children: 'In the past countless stars of heaven, and now stars of heaven, there was no question. 于是不由自主地同孩子讲:“以前天上星星数不清,现在天上星星数不着。”

41、We consider that comets would evolve from the surviving planetesimals in Jupiter-Neptune region. Such planetesimals make of both the rocky and icy materials and may be called as eometesimals. 作者认为,彗星是木星到海王星这个区域中的残存星子演变而成的。

42、Other particles within the disk collided and stuck together to form asteroid-sized objects named as planetesimals, some of which combined to become the asteroids, comets, moons and planets. 其它在盘状星云中的物质相互碰撞合并,形成小行星尺寸的星体,称为“星子”,一些星子相互结合,形成小行星、彗星、卫星和行星。

43、Count blessings like children count stars. 细数幸福,就像孩子数星星一样。

44、We were at the courtyard looking at the stars. 我们当时都在院子里看星星。

45、The classical planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ur and Neptune. 类地行星是水星、星、球和火星。四类木行星木星、星、王星和海王星。

46、The meteors are called Leonids because they appear to come from the direction of the constellation Leo. 这些 流星之所以被命名为“ 狮子座 流星”,是因为它们是从狮子星座的方向飞来的。

47、The star, SGR 1806-20, is a magnetar, a type of neutron star that has a powerful magnetic field. 这颗SGR 1806-20是一颗磁星。磁星是中子星的一种,它具有强大的磁场。

48、A sub-satellite of the Saturnian moon would explain two of the most puzzling features of Iapetus. 土星卫星的子卫星将解释Iapetus的两个最使人迷惑的特征。

49、My bamboo brush paints the moon by holding many a star. 我的竹刷子通过举着很多星星的方式来画月亮。

50、Showing my 2-year-old the clear starry sky. 带我那两岁的孩子看布满星星的夜空。


51、The smaller Rocky worlds are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The four huge gas planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Ur and Neptune. 类地行星是水星、星、球和火星。四类木行星木星、星、王星和海王星。

52、The nine major planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ur, Neptune and Pluto. 九大行星分别是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星。

53、Sliding your cursor over the picture will identify the planets, the stars of Leo, and a long-recognized star cer in Coma Berenices. 对照图标出了狮子座的恒星,行星火星和土星,和早为人知的后发座星团。

54、The sky was bespangled with stars. 满天星星闪烁发光。

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