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2017年英语四级作文预测:移动支付 字典 |

2017-11-05 12:12




【 liuxue86.com - 英语作文 】




  Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Mobile Payment following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  1. 现在移动支付(手机支付)已经成为一种时尚;

  2. 移动支付有很多好处,但也有安全隐患;

  3. 我的建议。


  Mobile Payment

  Driven by the explosive growth of online shopping as well as Internet financial services, mobile payment is becoming more and more popular. It is believed that a majority of you have benefited from mobile payment apps such as Alipay and Wechat payment.

  Mobile payment is both fast and convenient. It allows users to make instant online, in-store and vending machine payments, and generally go about their daily lives without needing to carry cash or a physical wallet. As for businesses, especially small businesses, mobile payment enable them to keep thier operating costs low, increase sales volume, and give their customers the convenient experience and payment flexibility to compete with larger retailers. Despite all the advantages presented above, mobile payment systems are prone to fraud. If the users’ personal and financial information falls into the possession of fraudsters, then they can defraud the users of their money.

  Therefore, high security risk is the key factor users should take into consideration when making mobile payments. They should pay attention to carefully protect their payment accounts and passwords. Meanwhile, governments should develop a supportive regulatory environment in order to effectively manage the potential risks.



  Alipay和Wechat payment都是手机支付的常用APP,分别指支付宝和微信支付;go about one’s daily lives意为“忙于日常生活”; be prone to sth.意为“易于受……的影响;有……的倾向”;fall into the possession of sb.意为“被某人占有; 落入某人手中”;fraudster意为“行骗者”;defraud sb. of sth.意为“从某人处骗取某物”;high security risk意为“高度的安全风险”;take sth. into consideration意为“考虑到,顾及”;payment accounts and passwords意为“支付账号和密码”。supportive regulatory environment意为“有力的监管环境”。




  英语四级 | 英语六级


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本文来源:https://english.liuxue86.com/e/3459920.html 热门标签: sat考试 英语美文 职称英语证书领取 职称英语 四六级成绩查询时间 英语演讲 voa 六级成绩查询 英语诗歌 bbc 上一篇:2017年12月英语四级范文:询问信 下一篇:2017年英语四级写作题材:帮助陌生人


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