指数平滑方法(一次指数平滑、二次指数平滑、三次指数平滑):理论、代码、参数 介绍(全)

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指数平滑方法(一次指数平滑、二次指数平滑、三次指数平滑):理论、代码、参数 介绍(全)

2024-07-11 06:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

@创建于:20210324 @修改于:20210324

文章目录 特别说明参考来源包版本号 1、简介2、一次指数平滑2.1 理论介绍2.2 代码展示2.3 参数介绍 3、 二次指数平滑3.1 理论介绍3.1.1 Holt’s linear trend method3.1.2 Damped trend methods 3.2 代码展示3.3 参数介绍 4、 三次指数平滑4.1 理论介绍4.1.1 Holt-Winters’ additive method4.1.2 Holt-Winters’ multiplicative method4.1.3 Holt-Winters’ damped method 4.2 代码展示4.3 参数介绍 5、参数优化和模型选择理论——AIC BIC6、 与 ARIMA 的关系

特别说明 参考来源


指数平滑方法简介 个人博客 指数平滑方法简介 简书指数平滑方法简介 CSDN 包版本号


python 3.8.5statsmodels 0.12.2pandas 1.2.2 1、简介

指数平滑(Exponential smoothing)是除了 ARIMA 之外的另一种被广泛使用的时间序列预测方法。 指数平滑即指数移动平均(exponential moving average),是以指数式递减加权的移动平均。各数值的权重随时间指数式递减,越近期的数据权重越高。常用的指数平滑方法有一次指数平滑、二次指数平滑和三次指数平滑。

2、一次指数平滑 2.1 理论介绍

一次指数平滑又叫简单指数平滑(simple exponential smoothing, SES),适合用来预测没有明显趋势和季节性的时间序列。其预测结果是一条水平的直线。模型形如: 在这里插入图片描述

2.2 代码展示

使用 python 的 statsmodels 可以方便地应用该模型:

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def ses(): from statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters import SimpleExpSmoothing number = 30 x1 = np.round(np.linspace(0, 1, number), 4) y1 = pd.Series(np.multiply(x1, (x1 - 0.5)) + np.random.randn(number)) # fitted部分是直线或者是曲线,受到原始数据影响。 # 多次测试显示,直线的概率高。 # ets1 = SimpleExpSmoothing(endog=y1, initialization_method='estimated') ets1 = SimpleExpSmoothing(endog=y1, initialization_method='heuristic') r1 = ets1.fit() pred1 = r1.predict(start=len(y1), end=len(y1) + len(y1)//2) pd.DataFrame({ 'origin': y1, 'fitted': r1.fittedvalues, 'pred': pred1 }).plot() plt.savefig('ses.png') ses()


2.3 参数介绍 Simple Exponential Smoothing Parameters ---------- endog : array_like The time series to model. initialization_method : str, optional Method for initialize the recursions. One of: * None * 'estimated' * 'heuristic' * 'legacy-heuristic' * 'known' None defaults to the pre-0.12 behavior where initial values are passed as part of ``fit``. If any of the other values are passed, then the initial values must also be set when constructing the model. If 'known' initialization is used, then `initial_level` must be passed, as well as `initial_trend` and `initial_seasonal` if applicable. Default is 'estimated'. "legacy-heuristic" uses the same values that were used in statsmodels 0.11 and earlier. initial_level : float, optional The initial level component. Required if estimation method is "known". If set using either "estimated" or "heuristic" this value is used. This allows one or more of the initial values to be set while deferring to the heuristic for others or estimating the unset parameters. Fit the model Parameters ---------- smoothing_level : float, optional The smoothing_level value of the simple exponential smoothing, if the value is set then this value will be used as the value. optimized : bool, optional Estimate model parameters by maximizing the log-likelihood. start_params : ndarray, optional Starting values to used when optimizing the fit. If not provided, starting values are determined using a combination of grid search and reasonable values based on the initial values of the data. initial_level : float, optional Value to use when initializing the fitted level. use_brute : bool, optional Search for good starting values using a brute force (grid) optimizer. If False, a naive set of starting values is used. use_boxcox : {True, False, 'log', float}, optional Should the Box-Cox transform be applied to the data first? If 'log' then apply the log. If float then use the value as lambda. remove_bias : bool, optional Remove bias from forecast values and fitted values by enforcing that the average residual is equal to zero. method : str, default "L-BFGS-B" The minimizer used. Valid options are "L-BFGS-B" (default), "TNC", "SLSQP", "Powell", "trust-constr", "basinhopping" (also "bh") and "least_squares" (also "ls"). basinhopping tries multiple starting values in an attempt to find a global minimizer in non-convex problems, and so is slower than the others. minimize_kwargs : dict[str, Any] A dictionary of keyword arguments passed to SciPy's minimize function if method is one of "L-BFGS-B" (default), "TNC", "SLSQP", "Powell", or "trust-constr", or SciPy's basinhopping or least_squares. The valid keywords are optimizer specific. Consult SciPy's documentation for the full set of options. Returns ------- HoltWintersResults See statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.HoltWintersResults. 3、 二次指数平滑 3.1 理论介绍 3.1.1 Holt’s linear trend method

Holt 扩展了简单指数平滑,使其可以用来预测带有趋势的时间序列。直观地看,就是对平滑值的一阶差分(可以理解为斜率)也作一次平滑。模型的预测结果是一条斜率不为0的直线。模型形如:


3.1.2 Damped trend methods

Holt’s linear trend method 得到的预测结果是一条直线,即认为未来的趋势是固定的。对于短期有趋势、长期趋于稳定的序列,可以引入一个阻尼系数 0




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