
您所在的位置:网站首页 一只猫咪英语 悠米(英雄联盟)


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魔法猫咪 悠米是一只来自班德尔城的神奇猫咪,语音有明显的猫咪特征,与魔典以及猫咪喜欢的要素有关。 目录 1 选择英雄 1.1 选用 1.2 禁用 2 移动 2.1 首次移动 2.2 在河道移动 2.3 首次遇见敌方英雄 3 互动 3.1 聊天 3.2 嘲讽 3.3 大笑 3.4 跳舞 4 死亡 4.1 附身友军死亡 5 复活 6 普通攻击 7 攻击敌方英雄时 8 击杀英雄时 9 攻击敌方防御塔时 10 释放技能 10.1 释放Q技能摸鱼飞弹 10.2 释放W技能悠米出动! 10.2.1 W开始 10.2.2 w结束 10.3 释放E技能旺盛精力 10.4 释放R技能魔典终章 11 插眼 12 回城 13 彩蛋 13.1 遇见特定英雄 13.2 对特定英雄释放W 13.3 五杀 13.4 跟随友方英雄传送 选择英雄 选用 Media:Yuumi Select.mp3Media:Yuumi Select_zh.mp3 You and me, we got this! 有我有你,一鼓作气! 禁用 Media:Yuumi Ban.mp3Media:Yuumi Ban_zh.mp3 More of a dog person, huh? 更喜欢狗是吗? 移动 Media:Yuumi.move1.mp3Media:Yuumi.move1_zh.mp3 Ooh, you smell good! Did you recently fish? 唔哦~你真好闻,你最近钓过鱼吗? Media:Yuumi.move2.mp3Media:Yuumi.move2_zh.mp3 Is it time to save our friends again? (哈欠)又要去拯救我们的朋友了吗? Media:Yuumi.move3.mp3Media:Yuumi.move3_zh.mp3 I'm like your ghost! WooOOooh! 你被我鬼上身了,wooo~ Media:Yuumi.move4.mp3Media:Yuumi.move4_zh.mp3 I bet we'll be friends forever! Well, unless you wander into the brush with your face. 我们会成为永远的好朋友!呃..除非..你打算用脸探草丛 Media:Yuumi.move5.mp3Media:Yuumi.move5_zh.mp3 If I didn't have to protect Book, I'd just be a normal magical cat floating around Bandle City! Okay, napping around Bandle City. 要是我不需要保护这本魔典,我就只是班德尔城里一只飞来飞去的神奇猫咪。好吧,是在城里睡来睡去 Media:Yuumi.move7.mp3Media:Yuumi.move7_zh.mp3 You can pet me on my chin and back! Nowhere else. Mrow. 你可以摸我的下巴,还有背上,其他地方别碰。喵~~ Media:Yuumi.move8.mp3Media:Yuumi.move8_zh.mp3 I am the brains, you are the brawn, Book... is Book! 我出主意,你出力气,书嘛,出现就好啦 Media:Yuumi.move9.mp3Media:Yuumi.move9_zh.mp3 If we find a rat, I call dibs! Or a bug. Or a FISH! 要是我们找到了老鼠,就归我了,虫子也是,还有鱼。 Media:Yuumi.move10.mp3Media:Yuumi.move10_zh.mp3 The expert huntress stalks the battlefield. 最专业的猎手,已经踏进了战场 Media:Yuumi.move11.mp3Media:Yuumi.move11_zh.mp3 Hey Book, do you ever take a nap? ...You can't?! What do you do all day?! 喂,你会打盹吗?不会,那你成天都在干什么啊? Media:Yuumi.move12.mp3Media:Yuumi.move12_zh.mp3 Hey, new friend? Uh, warn me if you're going to do something crazy, okay? 你好,新来的朋友,你要是打算浪一点,提前和我说,行吗? Media:Yuumi.move13.mp3Media:Yuumi.move13_zh.mp3 Someone scratched out the page that led here! That's right, Book. Someone! We'll never know who. 有人撕掉了一页书,把我们传到了这里,对了,是谁干的呢?我们永远也猜不到 Media:Yuumi.move14.mp3Media:Yuumi.move14_zh.mp3 I'm descended from lions! And you're descended from trees! We're in our element, Book! 我是狮子的后代,你是树的后代,我们在这儿如鱼得水 Media:Yuumi.move15.mp3Media:Yuumi.move15_zh.mp3 Do you know what "vexatious" means? Book called me that and I think it might be mean. 你知道无理取闹是什么意思吗?魔典这么说我来着,我觉得这话很难听 Media:Yuumi.move16.mp3Media:Yuumi.move16_zh.mp3 If I ever lost you, Book, the fabric of the spirit realm would get all torn up! And I'd lose my best friend. 我要是把你弄丢了,精神领域就会乱成一团,我也就失去了最好的朋友 Media:Yuumi.move17.mp3Media:Yuumi.move17_zh.mp3 If someone told you to jump in a lake, would you do it? Just 'cause... I go where you go. 如果有人让你跳进湖里,你会跳吗?我问这个是因为,你去哪儿,我就得去哪儿 Media:Yuumi.move18.mp3Media:Yuumi.move18_zh.mp3 Don't tell anyone but... I love hugs. 千万别和人说,我喜欢抱抱 Media:Yuumi.move19.mp3Media:Yuumi.move19_zh.mp3 (Yuumi sings.) Where's my fishy fish fish dish? Meow! 我最最最喜欢的鱼鱼在哪儿? Media:Yuumi.move20.mp3Media:Yuumi.move20_zh.mp3 Mush, mush! Wheeeeheehee! 驾,驾,吁~ Media:Yuumi.move21.mp3Media:Yuumi.move21_zh.mp3 Where's my fishy fishy fish for my dishy dishy dish? 我最最最最喜欢的鱼在哪呢? Media:Yuumi.move22.mp3Media:Yuumi.move22_zh.mp3 Do you have snacks in your pocket? How 'bout now? ...How 'bout now?! 你口袋里装着零食吗?有吗?有吗? Media:Yuumi.move23.mp3Media:Yuumi.move23_zh.mp3 Don't get too attached, Book! This one looks reckless... 咱们还是别靠太近,这人好像很莽 Media:Yuumi.move24.mp3Media:Yuumi.move24_zh.mp3 Okay, it's time to prowl! You do know how to prowl, right? 好了,准备开始潜行,你知道怎么潜行的,对吧? Media:Yuumi.move25.mp3Media:Yuumi.move25_zh.mp3 Hmm, today should I follow my head? Or my nose, or.. OH! Sunbeam ahead! Let's chase that! 嗯,今天,我该跟着自己的脑子,还是鼻子,还是,太阳光斑,跟着那个好了 Media:Yuumi.move26.mp3Media:Yuumi.move26_zh.mp3 This way! No THIS way! Woah-kay, that way it is. 走这边,不对,这边,哦,行吧,那边也行 Media:Yuumi.move27.mp3Media:Yuumi.move27_zh.mp3 Rubbing my head on you means you're mine! 摸过我的脑袋,就意味着你是我的人了(呼噜) Media:Yuumi.move28.mp3Media:Yuumi.move28_zh.mp3 Don't worry, I'll be here through thick or thin! Unless I smell fish. Gasp- Do you have fish?! 别担心,无论好坏,我都在这儿,除非闻见了鱼腥,你有鱼吗? Media:Yuumi.move29.mp3Media:Yuumi.move29_zh.mp3 The only thing standing between us and lunch is... our enemies. 害我们吃不上午饭的东西就是,我们的敌人 Media:Yuumi.move30.mp3Media:Yuumi.move30_zh.mp3 Do you ever get so sleepy you fall asleep sitting up? Just me? 你会不会,困到坐着就能睡着?还是只有我? Media:Yuumi.move31.mp3Media:Yuumi.move31_zh.mp3 Faster! Faster! 再快点,再快点 Media:Yuumi.move32.mp3Media:Yuumi.move32_zh.mp3 Naps make my magic stronger! It's true! Look!" Yuumi snores and pretends to sleeptalk. "I'm so strong, mmh, so strong 打盹能让我的魔力更强,是真的,你看,(呼噜)我变强了,超强的 Media:Yuumi.move33.mp3Media:Yuumi.move33_zh.mp3 I've read all of Book. Well, most of Book. I like the pictures of fish... of which there are none, Book!" Yuumi meows disapprovingly 书我已经全看完了,或者说,看完了大部分,我喜欢有鱼的画,可你一幅也没有 Media:Yuumi.move34.mp3Media:Yuumi.move34_zh.mp3 Book, sometimes I pretend you're just a nice comfy box! ...What? That's a compliment! 有时候,我会把你当成一个特别舒服的盒子,真的吗?真会夸人 Media:Yuumi.move35.mp3Media:Yuumi.move35_zh.mp3 Where to, Book? 你说,去哪儿? Media:Yuumi.move36.mp3Media:Yuumi.move36_zh.mp3 I save my friends? No one notices. I open a teensy portal to the spirit realm? Everyone is up in my fur! 我救了我的朋友,可没人注意到,我打开了一扇通往精神领域的小传送门,大家都靠我了 Media:Yuumi.move37.mp3Media:Yuumi.move37_zh.mp3 Ah, I miss the way my yordle scratched between my ears. ...Being read from cover to cover sounds nice too. 啊~,我喜欢主人给我挠痒痒的感觉,被他从头翻到尾,听起来也挺不错的 Media:Yuumi.move38.mp3Media:Yuumi.move38_zh.mp3 I could tell you wanted a brave and powerful warrior by your side. 我知道,你需要的,正是一个勇敢又强壮的伙伴 Media:Yuumi.move39.mp3Media:Yuumi.move39_zh.mp3 Hey. Hey. Hey. HEY! ...Huh? Oh no, I don't need anything! 喂,喂,喂,喂,喂,没有?我没事 Media:Yuumi.move41.mp3Media:Yuumi.move41_zh.mp3 Today we are destroyers! 今天,我们就是毁灭者 Media:Yuumi.move42.mp3Media:Yuumi.move42_zh.mp3 The Book-keeper is a great role for someone as responsible as me! ...What? 像我这么负责,担任守典人真是再合适不过了,你说什么? Media:Yuumi.move43.mp3Media:Yuumi.move43_zh.mp3 You hungry? I stuck a leftover rat on page 237! Mew! 你饿了吗?我在第237页藏了半只老鼠,喵 Media:Yuumi.move44.mp3Media:Yuumi.move44_zh.mp3 Wherever you go, I go! Just... don't go somewhere bad. 你去哪儿,我就去哪儿,只是,不要去太糟糕的地方 Media:Yuumi.move45.mp3Media:Yuumi.move45_zh.mp3 Book, float us that-a-way! 魔典,我们往那儿飞吧 Media:Yuumi.move46.mp3Media:Yuumi.move46_zh.mp3 Keep an eye out for red dot, Book! It's gotta be here somewhere. 你可得把我盯紧了,我感觉红点点就在附近 Media:Yuumi.move47.mp3Media:Yuumi.move47_zh.mp3 They aren't ready for the ferocious team of... US! 他们没有料到,我们来了 Media:Yuumi.move55.mp3Media:Yuumi.move55_zh.mp3 I won't lose you, Book! Not after losing Master. 我绝不会弄丢你的,我已经,把主人弄丢了 Media:Yuumi.move56.mp3Media:Yuumi.move56_zh.mp3 In case you're wondering what that smell is, it's Book. Smells like old trees. 要是你想问那是什么味道,是魔典,跟大树一个气味 首次移动 Media:Yuumi.move48.mp3Media:Yuumi.move48_zh.mp3 Cats make great companions! Just ask my master... who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. 猫是最好的伙伴,不信,就去问问我的主人,可他神秘的消失了 Media:Yuumi.move49.mp3Media:Yuumi.move49_zh.mp3 Tell me the game plan again. Wait. Fish! Someone has fish! Where is it? 再跟我说说计划是什么,等一下,鱼,有人带着鱼来的,在哪儿? Media:Yuumi.move50.mp3Media:Yuumi.move50_zh.mp3 So, who wants to be my best friend? ...Book, I know you're already my best friend! 好,谁想要做我最好的朋友,行了,我知道了,你已经是了 Media:Yuumi.move51.mp3Media:Yuumi.move51_zh.mp3 Who's ready to risk our lives, defeat our foes, and maybe knock over some cups? 要赌上性命,击败敌人,再推倒几个杯子,谁准备好了? Media:Yuumi.move52.mp3Media:Yuumi.move52_zh.mp3 Alright! Which one of you's got great aim, and is good at chin scritches? 那么,你们谁的志气最大,而且,最会挠痒痒 在河道移动 Media:Yuumi.move53.mp3Media:Yuumi.move53_zh.mp3 Do not drop me! Do not drop me! 别让我掉下去,别让我掉下去 Media:Yuumi.move54.mp3Media:Yuumi.move54_zh.mp3 A river? Uh-uh! Book hates water! 一条河,哦,不,书不能沾水的 首次遇见敌方英雄 Media:Yuumi.move57.mp3Media:Yuumi.move57_zh.mp3 Get ready to face the mighty Yuumi! Oh, and Book. 见证神奇猫咪,哦,还有这本书 Media:Yuumi.move6.mp3Media:Yuumi.move6_zh.mp3 RAWR! (Yuumi coughs) Excuse me. Rua~咳咳……不好意思 互动 聊天 Media:Yuumi.talk1.mp3Media:Yuumi.talk1_zh.mp3 Fishy fishy fish! Mmph- 鱼啊鱼啊鱼 嘲讽 Media:Yuumi.taunt1.mp3Media:Yuumi.taunt1_zh.mp3 Want a book thrown at your head?! Don't worry, Book. I would never do that. 你想不想试试,被书砸到头的滋味?魔典别害怕,我就是吓唬吓唬他 Media:Yuumi.taunt2.mp3Media:Yuumi.taunt2_zh.mp3 You look like unscratched furniture! 你看起来,像还没被抓花的家具 大笑 Media:Yuumi.laugh1.mp3Media:Yuumi.laugh1_zh.mp3 (Yuumi laughs and then coughs up a furball.) (猫之大笑) 跳舞 Media:Yuumi.dance1.mp3Media:Yuumi.dance1_zh.mp3 Well, this is embarrassing! 哦,这可太尴尬了 死亡 Media:Yuumi.death1.mp3Media:Yuumi.death1_zh.mp3 Book, what's happening to you? 魔典,你怎么了 Media:Yuumi.death2.mp3Media:Yuumi.death2_zh.mp3 No, no, no! We can fix this! 不要不要不要,我们能挺过去 Media:Yuumi.death3.mp3Media:Yuumi.death3_zh.mp3 Book, keep your light on! 魔典,快亮起来 Media:Yuumi.death4.mp3Media:Yuumi.death4_zh.mp3 (Yuumi yelps) (叫声) Media:Yuumi.death5.mp3Media:Yuumi.death5_zh.mp3 (Yuumi yelps) (叫声) 附身友军死亡 Media:Yuumi.death6.mp3Media:Yuumi.death6_zh.mp3 Ouch! See you in your next life! 哦,下一条命再见 Media:Yuumi.death7.mp3Media:Yuumi.death7_zh.mp3 On to the next friend. 去找下一个朋友吧 复活 Media:Yuumi.respawn1.mp3Media:Yuumi.respawn1_zh.mp3 Is it time to save the world again? 又要拯救世界了吗? Media:Yuumi.respawn2.mp3Media:Yuumi.respawn2_zh.mp3 It's okay, we've got 6 left... or was it 5? 没关系,我们还剩六条命,还是五条? 普通攻击 Media:Yuumi.attack5.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack5_zh.mp3 (Yuumi grunts) (攻击声) Media:Yuumi.attack7.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack7_zh.mp3 (Yuumi grunts) 哈! Media:Yuumi.attack20.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack20_zh.mp3 Hiyah! (攻击声) Media:Yuumi.attack28.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack28_zh.mp3 (Yuumi grunts) 耶! 攻击敌方英雄时 Media:Yuumi.attack1.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack1_zh.mp3 We got this? We got this. 我们能行嘛?我们能行! Media:Yuumi.attack2.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack2_zh.mp3 Use your claws! Your CLAWS! 用你的爪子啊,爪子! Media:Yuumi.attack3.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack3_zh.mp3 Book doesn't like you. 魔典不喜欢你! Media:Yuumi.attack4.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack4_zh.mp3 (Yuumi yowls.) (炸毛声) Media:Yuumi.attack6.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack6_zh.mp3 Cat-tack! 猫猫拳! Media:Yuumi.attack8.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack8_zh.mp3 Ooh! Ooh! Get him! Ooh!! 哦哦,揍他们,耶 Media:Yuumi.attack9.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack9_zh.mp3 Like a tiger. 我是老虎! Media:Yuumi.attack10.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack10_zh.mp3 Claws out! 让我挠你! Media:Yuumi.attack11.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack11_zh.mp3 The ol' pounce and scratch! 等我扑过去挠死你! Media:Yuumi.attack12.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack12_zh.mp3 We'll bite you! 我们咬死你。 Media:Yuumi.attack13.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack13_zh.mp3 Get your own book! 别打这本书的主意 Media:Yuumi.attack14.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack14_zh.mp3 (Yuumi hisses) (威胁声) Media:Yuumi.attack15.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack15_zh.mp3 Swat, swat! 打你打你! Media:Yuumi.attack16.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack16_zh.mp3 Bop! 我们来啦。 Media:Yuumi.attack17.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack17_zh.mp3 Yeah! What they said! 耶,这就对了 Media:Yuumi.attack18.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack18_zh.mp3 Scritchy scratch! 我爪子可利了 Media:Yuumi.attack19.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack19_zh.mp3 You're in bite range! 我随时能咬到你 Media:Yuumi.attack21.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack21_zh.mp3 Quick, lay on your back and kick 'em! 快,躺下来,然后踢他们 Media:Yuumi.attack22.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack22_zh.mp3 Attack-pounce! 猛扑! Media:Yuumi.attack23.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack23_zh.mp3 Now kill 'em! KILL 'EM! 杀掉他们,杀掉! Media:Yuumi.attack24.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack24_zh.mp3 Do the secret five claw technique! 用那一招,五爪长拳 Media:Yuumi.attack25.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack25_zh.mp3 Do the bite-y thing! Yeah, that one! 咬他们啊,对嘛 Media:Yuumi.attack26.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack26_zh.mp3 Lets slice 'em! 撕碎他们 Media:Yuumi.attack27.mp3Media:Yuumi.attack27_zh.mp3 Watch out for us! 接招! 击杀英雄时 Media:Yuumi.kill1.mp3Media:Yuumi.kill1_zh.mp3 Squashed like a bug! 拍死了一只小虫子 Media:Yuumi.kill2.mp3Media:Yuumi.kill2_zh.mp3 I did it! I knocked it over! 我做到了,我把他打倒了 Media:Yuumi.kill3.mp3Media:Yuumi.kill3_zh.mp3 We're killing buddies! 我们是杀手搭档 Media:Yuumi.kill4.mp3Media:Yuumi.kill4_zh.mp3 Oh! I thought we were playing! Are you DEAD?! 啊,我以为我们在闹着玩呢,你死了吗? Media:Yuumi.kill5.mp3Media:Yuumi.kill5_zh.mp3 Woohoo! Now I can bat around the body! 哦吼,现在我可以在尸体旁边打滚了 Media:Yuumi.kill6.mp3Media:Yuumi.kill6_zh.mp3 Do you want me to bury that? 你希望我把它埋起来吗? Media:Yuumi.kill7.mp3Media:Yuumi.kill7_zh.mp3 We did it! We knocked 'em over! 我们成功了,我们打赢了 攻击敌方防御塔时 Media:Yuumi.turret1.mp3Media:Yuumi.turret1_zh.mp3 I hiss at you, giant pile of stones! Hiss! 一堆破石头,我在吼你呢,rua~ Media:Yuumi.turret2.mp3Media:Yuumi.turret2_zh.mp3 Oh, I am SO knocking that over! 哈哈,我一推它就要倒啦 Media:Yuumi.turret3.mp3Media:Yuumi.turret3_zh.mp3 Grr, stupid overgrown scratching post! 呃,好傻的猫抓柱,还长这么大 释放技能 释放Q技能摸鱼飞弹 Media:Yuumi.q1.mp3Media:Yuumi.q1_zh.mp3 Zoooooom! 唔哦哦哦哦~ Media:Yuumi.q2.mp3Media:Yuumi.q2_zh.mp3 I have the best aim in the spirit realm! 精神领域里,我的眼神最好。 释放W技能悠米出动! W开始 Media:Yuumi.w1.mp3Media:Yuumi.w1_zh.mp3 I'll protect you with my wild and furious... meow! 我会保护你,用我狂野又愤怒的,喵呜~ Media:Yuumi.w2.mp3Media:Yuumi.w2_zh.mp3 Book, meet new friend! 魔典,新朋友来了 Media:Yuumi.w3.mp3Media:Yuumi.w3_zh.mp3 I love keeping my friends alive. 我喜欢看到朋友能活下来 Media:Yuumi.w4.mp3Media:Yuumi.w4_zh.mp3 I've got a good feeling about this one, Book! 我感觉这个人很不错 Media:Yuumi.w5.mp3Media:Yuumi.w5_zh.mp3 So, you need a new shield buddy? 是你要来个盾吗? Media:Yuumi.w6.mp3Media:Yuumi.w6_zh.mp3 I'm Yuumi, and you're warm! 我叫悠米,你真暖和 w结束 Media:Yuumi.w7.mp3Media:Yuumi.w7_zh.mp3 I'm an independent cat. 我是一只独立的猫 Media:Yuumi.w8.mp3Media:Yuumi.w8_zh.mp3 Time to find a new friend! 该去找找新朋友了 Media:Yuumi.w9.mp3Media:Yuumi.w9_zh.mp3 Back on my own! Meow! 又是我一个人了,喵 Media:Yuumi.w10.mp3Media:Yuumi.w10_zh.mp3 It's just you and me, Book! 魔典,现在就剩下你和我了 释放E技能旺盛精力 Media:Yuumi.e1.mp3Media:Yuumi.e1_zh.mp3 Now you're ready to prowl! 现在,你可以加速了 Media:Yuumi.e2.mp3Media:Yuumi.e2_zh.mp3 We got the zoomies! 跑起来吧 释放R技能魔典终章 Media:Yuumi.ult1.mp3Media:Yuumi.ult1_zh.mp3 I am TOTALLY doing this! 我要高兴死啦! Media:Yuumi.ult2.mp3Media:Yuumi.ult2_zh.mp3 I AM THE MOST MAGIIIIC! 我是最神奇的猫咪!! Media:Yuumi.ult3.mp3Media:Yuumi.ult3_zh.mp3 THIS IS MY FAVORITE CHAPTER!! 这是我最喜欢的一章! Media:Yuumi.ult4.mp3Media:Yuumi.ult4_zh.mp3 Woooo~ 芜~ Media:Yuumi.ult5.mp3Media:Yuumi.ult5_zh.mp3 Go go go go GO GO GO! 冲呀冲呀冲呀! 插眼 Media:Yuumi.ward1.mp3Media:Yuumi.ward1_zh.mp3 Wow, even brighter than my shinylight! 哇,甚至比我的小灯还亮 Media:Yuumi.ward2.mp3Media:Yuumi.ward2_zh.mp3 Heehee! They're never gonna see us coming! (笑)他们可没料到这一手 Media:Yuumi.ward3.mp3Media:Yuumi.ward3_zh.mp3 Goodbye to the darkness! 跟黑暗说再见吧 回城 Media:Yuumi.B1.mp3Media:Yuumi.B1_zh.mp3 I tried your thing, Book. Now let's try my thing: napping! 魔典,我试过你那招了,现在换我,我要打盹了 Media:Yuumi.B2.mp3Media:Yuumi.B2_zh.mp3 Ever pretend you're part of the floor? I do. 你有没有试过假装自己是一块地板,我试过 Media:Yuumi.B3.mp3Media:Yuumi.B3_zh.mp3 I'll stick with you! 我跟定你了 Media:Yuumi.B4.mp3Media:Yuumi.B4_zh.mp3 I guess we're going this-a-way. 这样走,我猜我们要这样走 彩蛋 遇见特定英雄 Media:Yuumi.sp1.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp1_zh.mp3 Wow, so you're in charge of the giant litter box, huh, bird guy? 哇哦鸟头怪,听说你管着一个巨大的猫砂盆,对吗? (阿兹尔) Media:Yuumi.sp2.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp2_zh.mp3 My purr is louder than your growl, dog. 狗崽子,我打呼噜都比你叫得响(沃里克) Media:Yuumi.sp3.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp3_zh.mp3 Book, you've got it backward. You said Nasus was a god! But he's just a dog. 魔典,你搞错了吧,你说内瑟斯是一个天神,可它明明是一条狗啊(内瑟斯) Media:Yuumi.sp4.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp4_zh.mp3 You can't have Book, large metal cat! 你这只铁皮大猫,别想偷书(莫德凯撒) Media:Yuumi.sp5.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp5_zh.mp3 Hey, Kog'Maw! I like coughing things up too! 喂,克格莫,我也喜欢吐东西(克格莫) Media:Yuumi.sp8.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp8_zh.mp3 RAWR! That's how bears talk. rua~熊是这样说话的(沃利贝尔) Media:Yuumi.sp9.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp9_zh.mp3 Rats? I'm against them. Extremely bad. 老鼠,我跟这个物种合不来,非常合不来(图奇) Media:Yuumi.sp10.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp10_zh.mp3 I'm gonna eat all your leaves and throw 'em up! 我要把你的叶子全吃光,再吐出来。(植物系英雄) Media:Yuumi.sp11.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp11_zh.mp3 Make your shinylight glow, Vel'Koz! I wanna chase it! 维克兹,你快点发光呀,我要追(维克兹) Media:Yuumi.sp12.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp12_zh.mp3 Oh, so you're Xayah's pet! 啊,所以你是霞的宠物。(洛) Media:Yuumi.sp13.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp13_zh.mp3 The red... dot... belongs to YOU?! 红点点,是你弄的?(维克托) Media:Yuumi.sp14.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp14_zh.mp3 Oh wow, hook man! Someone who can actually fish! 哇哦,你有钩子,你会钓鱼(派克) Media:Yuumi.sp15.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp15_zh.mp3 Yeah, you birds can fly! Well, so can cats! This cat. 是啊,你们鸟儿会飞,猫也会,是我这只猫(鸟类英雄) Media:Yuumi.sp16.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp16_zh.mp3 Teemo?" I bet I can eat that guy! Bet I can eat him. 提莫,我能一口吃掉它,就一口(提莫) Media:Yuumi.sp17.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp17_zh.mp3 Have you seen my master? She's about your size. 你们见过我的主人吗?和你们差不多个头(约德尔人) Media:Yuumi.sp18.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp18_zh.mp3 Here, fishy fishy fishy! Meow! 啊,你来啦,小鱼小鱼小鱼,喵(水系英雄) Media:Yuumi.sp20.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp20_zh.mp3 Tell me, Rengar! How do you groom all that fur? 喂,雷恩加尔,你那么多毛,到底怎么梳啊?(雷恩加尔) 对特定英雄释放W Media:Yuumi.sp21.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp21_zh.mp3 Just two cats, out on the town. 两只猫?一起出城啦!(奈德丽) Media:Yuumi.sp22.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp22_zh.mp3 Grr! I'm a mountain lion! rua~我是一只山地狮!(墨菲特) Media:Yuumi.sp23.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp23_zh.mp3 You smell kinda like my Yordle! 你的味道,像我的约德尔主人(约德尔人) Media:Yuumi.sp24.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp24_zh.mp3 Spirit realm, here we come! 精神领域,我们来了(慎) Media:Yuumi.sp25.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp25_zh.mp3 Ah, I see you have the loud thing, to scare off the enemy! 哈,我看到你有两个,很吵的东西,可以吓跑敌人(厄运小姐) Media:Yuumi.sp26.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp26_zh.mp3 You smell tasty! (嗅)你闻起来很美味(水系英雄) Media:Yuumi.sp27.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp27_zh.mp3 Ooh, can I climb up on your spike thingies? 哦,我可不可以爬上你的刺?(科加斯) Media:Yuumi.sp28.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp28_zh.mp3 Ooh, you're warm! ...Anyone smell burning fur? 啊,你好暖和,有人闻到毛皮的糊味吗?(布兰德) Media:Yuumi.sp29.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp29_zh.mp3 Don't worry! Specters have nothing on magic cats. 别担心,恶灵对神奇猫咪不起作用(卢锡安) Media:Yuumi.sp30.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp30_zh.mp3 Okay, okay... we can make this work! 好吧,好吧,咱们尽量克服(图奇) Media:Yuumi.sp31.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp31_zh.mp3 Ugh! You smell like dog! 哦,你身上有狗味儿(内瑟斯) Media:Yuumi.sp32.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp32_zh.mp3 Did somebody say FISHbone? 说啥?鱼骨头(金克丝) Media:Yuumi.sp33.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp33_zh.mp3 Book, meet giant scroll! 魔典,快来看大卷轴(瑞兹) Media:Yuumi.sp34.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp34_zh.mp3 So does your gauntlet help you pet more cats? 你的手套,可以抱起多几只宠物吗?(有手套的英雄) Media:Yuumi.sp35.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp35_zh.mp3 Has there ever been a cat Aspect, Pantheon? 潘森,有猫咪星灵吗?(潘森) Media:Yuumi.sp36.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp36_zh.mp3 I hear you're red dot's master! 我听说,你就是红点点的主人(凯特琳) Media:Yuumi.sp7.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp7_zh.mp3 After this, can you play the piano while I nap, Jhin? 烬,等打完了仗,你可以在我打盹的时候弹钢琴吗?(烬) 五杀 Media:Yuumi.sp37.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp37_zh.mp3 The power of friendship! 友谊的力量! Media:Yuumi.sp38.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp38_zh.mp3 I bopped them all! 是我把他们全干趴下的! 跟随友方英雄传送


Media:Yuumi.sp39.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp39_zh.mp3 Hang on, Book. ...I am hanging on! wooo~我们走咯 Media:Yuumi.sp40.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp40_zh.mp3 I love this paaaaaaaart! 我喜欢这一招 Media:Yuumi.sp41.mp3Media:Yuumi.sp41_zh.mp3 Woo! Here we goooooooo! 抓紧魔典,我已经抓紧了


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2.本来一直不知道猫咪E技能的zoomies作何解,后来碰巧看到了知乎一篇文章,讲的是猫狗等宠物的FRAP(Frenetic随机活动周期),中间就把猫狗的“突然疾驰奔跑几分钟”的行为称作zoomies。还真是旺盛精力呢(笑 固定链接




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