
您所在的位置:网站首页 xaml隐藏父类 WPF中ListBox的创建和多种绑定用法


2024-07-15 02:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Adding ListBox Items下面的代码是向ListBox控件中添加多项ListBoxItem集合。XAML代码如下:


运行后的界面如图 Figure 1:

                Figure 1

Adding ListBox Items Dynamically动态添加ListBox集合项。用一个文本框,一个按钮。当点击添加按钮向ListBox控件中添加用法输入文本框的值。XAML代码如下:

Add Item


运行后的界面如图Figure 2:

          Figure 2


private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { listBox1.Items.Add(textBox1.Text); }


当点击添加按钮,用户输入文本框的值,就会显示到ListBox中。界面如图Figure 3:

                Figure 3

Deleting ListBox Items我们可以用ListBox.Items.Remove 或者 ListBox.Items.RemoveAt方法移除ListBox集合中的一项。RemoveAt 方法是用集合中的下标。在XAML 代码中添加一个移除的按钮,代码如下:    Delete Item按钮事件中写移除的逻辑。

private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { listBox1.Items.RemoveAt (listBox1.Items.IndexOf(listBox1.SelectedItem)); }


Formatting and StylingFormatting ListBox Items格式ListBox项,设置ListBoxItem项的前景色和背景色。XAML中的代码如下:我们也可以设置ListBoxItem的字体样式。现在来统一设置一下ListBoxItems的属性:


运行后的界面如图Figure 4:

                Figure 4

Displaying Images in a ListBox在ListBoxItem 中放置图片和文本,让图片和文本在一条线上。因为ListBoxItem中只能添加一个文本,为了添加多个文本,

需要借助容器StackPanel 控件。下面的代码段,ListBoxItem中增加了一个图片和文字。


运行后的效果如图Figure 5:

                Figure 5

ListBox with CheckBoxes在ListBoxItem中添加复选框。复选框中添加图片和文本。XAML代码如下:


我改变ListBoxItems 中的代码向ListBoxItems 中添加CheckBox控件。设置CheckBox的Name属性,当点击图片或者



运行后的结果如图Figure 6:

              Figure 6Data Binding下面介绍ListBox跟对象,数据库,XML文件以及其他控件的绑定。Data Binding with ObjectsListBox 中的ItemsSource属性绑定到ArrayList集合上。

// Bind ArrayList with the ListBox LeftListBox.ItemsSource = LoadListBoxData(); private ArrayList LoadListBoxData() { ArrayList itemsList = new ArrayList(); itemsList.Add("Coffie"); itemsList.Add("Tea"); itemsList.Add("Orange Juice"); itemsList.Add("Milk"); itemsList.Add("Mango Shake"); itemsList.Add("Iced Tea"); itemsList.Add("Soda"); itemsList.Add("Water"); return itemsList; }



点击“Remove按钮”让右边选中的数据添加到左边的ListBox中。运行后的界面如图Figure 7:

                     Figure 7

XAML 代码如下:

Add ;; ;; Remove



private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Get data from somewhere and fill in my local ArrayList myDataList = LoadListBoxData(); // Bind ArrayList with the ListBox LeftListBox.ItemsSource = myDataList; } /// /// Generate data. This method can bring data from a database or XML file /// or from a Web service or generate data dynamically /// /// private ArrayList LoadListBoxData() { ArrayList itemsList = new ArrayList(); itemsList.Add("Coffie"); itemsList.Add("Tea"); itemsList.Add("Orange Juice"); itemsList.Add("Milk"); itemsList.Add("Mango Shake"); itemsList.Add("Iced Tea"); itemsList.Add("Soda"); itemsList.Add("Water"); return itemsList; }



private void AddButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Find the right item and it's value and index currentItemText = LeftListBox.SelectedValue.ToString(); currentItemIndex = LeftListBox.SelectedIndex; RightListBox.Items.Add(currentItemText); if (myDataList != null) { myDataList.RemoveAt(currentItemIndex); } // Refresh data binding ApplyDataBinding(); } /// /// Refreshes data binding /// private void ApplyDataBinding() { LeftListBox.ItemsSource = null; // Bind ArrayList with the ListBox LeftListBox.ItemsSource = myDataList; }



private void RemoveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Find the right item and it's value and index currentItemText = RightListBox.SelectedValue.ToString(); currentItemIndex = RightListBox.SelectedIndex; // Add RightListBox item to the ArrayList myDataList.Add(currentItemText); RightListBox.Items.RemoveAt(RightListBox.Items.IndexOf (RightListBox.SelectedItem)); // Refresh data binding ApplyDataBinding(); }


Data Binding with a DatabaseListBox跟SQL Server数据库中数据的绑定。先看SQL Server数据库中的表。如图Figure 9:

          Figure 9

在WPF中我们将读取数据库中的ContactName, Address, City, and Country字段。最终的ListBox显示如图Figure 10:

                Figure 10

现在来看XAML文件,这个例子我们要用到资源,在其中创建DataTemplate 模板叫做listBoxTemplate。模板里面有两个DockPanel控件。



现在让我们添加ListBox 控件并设置它的绑定源和绑定模板。再就是连接数据库,获得数据,已经绑定ListBox控件的后台代码。

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { BindData(); } private void BindData() { DataSet dtSet = new DataSet(); using (connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); connection.Open(); adapter.SelectCommand = command; adapter.Fill(dtSet, "Customers"); listBox1.DataContext = dtSet; } }


Data Binding with XML现在让我们来看看怎么绑定XML文件中的数据集到ListBox控件上。XML文件中的代码如下:

A Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET Learn how to write database applications usingADO.NET and C#. Mahesh Chand APress Graphics Programming with GDI+ Learn how to write graphics applications using GDI+and C#. Mahesh Chand Addison Wesley Visual C# Learn how to write C# applications. Mike Gold APress Introducing Microsoft .NET Programming .NET Mathew Cochran APress DBA Express DBA's Handbook Mahesh Chand Microsoft





运行后的界面如图Figure 11:

               Figure 11

Data Binding with Controls最后一个例子看看ListBox怎么样和别的控件绑定。我们先来看看运行后的界面Figure 12:

            Figure 12


Pick a color from below list Orange Green Blue Gray LightGray Red





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