雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Science 自然科学

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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Science 自然科学

2024-07-09 15:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Science 自然科学 这道Part1主要围绕自然科学展开,不过它并没有深入 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Science 自然科学


Do you like science? 你喜欢自然科学吗?

Yes, I do. Science satisfies my curiosity towards the principles underlying various natural phenomena and helps me gain a deeper understanding of how the university operates, like why we first see the lightning and then hear the thunder, and why the eclipse of the sun happens.


When did you start learning about science? 你什么时候开始了解自然科学的?

If my memory serves me right, it should be the first grade of my primary school. Back then, we had a subject simply called Science, which introduced basic theories in physics, chemistry, geography, biology and so on. But its primary aim was to arouse our interest rather than impart some tangible knowledge.


Which science subject is interesting to you? 你觉得哪一门科学课程有意思?

Almost all of them. But I am especially keen on chemistry. You know, compared to other subjects, chemical experiments are fascinating. After combining two components, you can get a brand new material. It is magic.


What kinds of interesting things have you done with science? 你用科学做过什么有趣的事情?

I have made a sky lantern by myself. It is like a smaller version of the fire balloon and can ascend high into the air, floating for quite a while. In it, I put a piece of paper, on which I had written down several of my wishes, hoping they could come true one day.


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