数据输入 Data Entry

您所在的位置:网站首页 vue穿梭框获取选中的值 数据输入 Data Entry

数据输入 Data Entry

2024-07-12 12:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



何时使用 需要在多个可选项中进行多选时。比起 Select 和 TreeSelect,穿梭框占据更大的空间,可以展示可选项的更多信息。


选择一个或以上的选项后,点击对应的方向键,可以把选中的选项移动到另一栏。其中,左边一栏为 source,右边一栏为 target,API 的设计也反映了这两个概念。



最基本的用法,展示了 dataSource、targetKeys、每行的渲染函数 render 以及回调函数 change selectChange scroll 的用法。

export default { data() { const mockData = []; for (let i = 0; i 1).map(item => item.key); return { mockData, targetKeys: oriTargetKeys, selectedKeys: ['1', '4'], disabled: false, }; }, methods: { handleChange(nextTargetKeys, direction, moveKeys) { this.targetKeys = nextTargetKeys; console.log('targetKeys: ', nextTargetKeys); console.log('direction: ', direction); console.log('moveKeys: ', moveKeys); }, handleSelectChange(sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys) { this.selectedKeys = [...sourceSelectedKeys, ...targetSelectedKeys]; console.log('sourceSelectedKeys: ', sourceSelectedKeys); console.log('targetSelectedKeys: ', targetSelectedKeys); }, handleScroll(direction, e) { console.log('direction:', direction); console.log('target:', e.target); }, handleDisable(disabled) { this.disabled = disabled; }, }, };



export default { data() { return { mockData: [], targetKeys: [], }; }, mounted() { this.getMock(); }, methods: { getMock() { const targetKeys = []; const mockData = []; for (let i = 0; i 1, }; if (data.chosen) { targetKeys.push(data.key); } mockData.push(data); } this.mockData = mockData; this.targetKeys = targetKeys; }, filterOption(inputValue, option) { return option.description.indexOf(inputValue) > -1; }, handleChange(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys) { console.log(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys); this.targetKeys = targetKeys; }, handleSearch(dir, value) { console.log('search:', dir, value); }, }, };



reload 没数据 export default { data() { return { mockData: [], targetKeys: [], }; }, mounted() { this.getMock(); }, methods: { getMock() { const targetKeys = []; const mockData = []; for (let i = 0; i 1, }; if (data.chosen) { targetKeys.push(data.key); } mockData.push(data); } this.mockData = mockData; this.targetKeys = targetKeys; }, handleChange(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys) { console.log(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys); this.targetKeys = targetKeys; }, }, };


自定义渲染每一个 Transfer Item,可用于渲染复杂数据。

export default { data() { return { mockData: [], targetKeys: [], }; }, mounted() { this.getMock(); }, methods: { getMock() { const targetKeys = []; const mockData = []; for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { const data = { key: i.toString(), title: `content${i + 1}`, description: `description of content${i + 1}`, chosen: Math.random() * 2 > 1, }; if (data.chosen) { targetKeys.push(data.key); } mockData.push(data); } this.mockData = mockData; this.targetKeys = targetKeys; }, renderItem(item) { const customLabel = ( {item.title} - {item.description} ); return { label: customLabel, // for displayed item value: item.title, // for title and filter matching }; }, handleChange(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys) { console.log(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys); this.targetKeys = targetKeys; }, }, }; API参数说明类型默认值dataSource数据源,其中的数据将会被渲染到左边一栏中,targetKeys 中指定的除外。[{key: string.isRequired,title: string.isRequired,description: string,disabled: bool}][][]disabled是否禁用booleanfalsefilterOption接收 inputValue option 两个参数,当 option 符合筛选条件时,应返回 true,反之则返回 false。(inputValue, option): booleanfooter可以设置为一个 作用域插槽slot="footer" slot-scope="props"lazyTransfer 使用了 [vc-lazy-load]优化性能,这里可以设置相关参数。设为 false 可以关闭懒加载。object|boolean{ height: 32, offset: 32 }listStyle两个穿梭框的自定义样式objectlocale各种语言object{ itemUnit: '项', itemsUnit: '项', notFoundContent: '列表为空', searchPlaceholder: '请输入搜索内容' }operations操作文案集合,顺序从上至下string[]['>', '




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