【易混淆字】usually/often/sometimes 哪裡不同?常見頻率副詞大解析

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【易混淆字】usually/often/sometimes 哪裡不同?常見頻率副詞大解析

2024-07-15 14:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



是不是覺得often, usually, sometimes的頻率很相似呢?

常常都不知道該用哪個頻率副詞(Frequency Adverbs)來正確表達情況嗎?


《一》常見頻率副詞+頻繁程度 《二》頻率副詞在句中的擺放位置 主詞 + 頻率副詞 + 動詞


She seldom goes to the gym because she is lazy.她因為懶惰所以很少去健身房。 The teacher always encourages the students to study hard.那位老師總是鼓勵學生們認真讀書。 They occasionally go to restaurants to date. 他們偶爾會上餐館約會。 主詞 + be動詞 + 頻率副詞


My grandparents are always happy to see us.我的阿公阿嬤每次都很開心見到我們。 He is never satisfied with our proposals.他從不滿意我們的提議。 She is often late to work, so the boss is unhappy.她上班很常遲到,所以老闆不開心。 主詞 + 助動詞 + 頻率副詞


He promised he will never leave me.他承諾他永遠不會離開我。 I can sometimes eat 3 bowls of rice per meal.有時候我一餐可以吃三碗飯。 If you need, you could always borrow money from me.如果你有需要,隨時都可以向我借錢。 《三》其他表達頻率的方式 every + 時間


I visit my grandparents every month.我每個月都會拜訪我的父母。 They go to church every Sunday.他們每個星期天都會上教堂。 Our family plan is to travel together every year.我們家的計畫是每年都一起出遊。 once一次/twice兩次 + 時間


I walk my dog twice a day.我一天溜狗兩次。 She exercises twice a week.她一個禮拜運動兩次。 He goes surfing once a month.他一個月會去衝浪一次。 數字 + time(s) + 時間


I go mountain climbing 4 times a month.我每個月爬山四次。 She drinks coffee once a day.她每天都喝一杯咖啡。 They do the laundry 2 times a week(=twice a week).他們每週洗衣服兩次。 《四》練習題


1. 她經常去書店。(70%)

2. 我一週會打給我的好朋友一次。

3. 他們每個月都會去海邊兩次。


1. She often goes to a bookstore.

2. I call my best friend once a week.

或 I call my best friend one time a week.

3. They go to the beach twice a month.

或 They go to the beach two times a month.


【同義字】頻率副詞 Sometimes 的同義詞有這些!和 Sometime 用法差在哪?


Woodward English. Adverbs of Frequency English Grammar Rules.[Online]. [Accessed January 29, 2019] Available from: https://www.grammar.cl/Basic/Adverbs_Frequency.htm




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