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Fastest lua binding via static code generating for Unity3D or mono


slua for Unreal

Continuous Integration Build Build Platform Type Status slua-unity None None None slua-standalone Linux Test,Build Build Status slua-standalone Windows Test,Build,Deploy Build status Release Download slua-unity slua-standalone Integrate with 3rd Lua Library

Standard slua release doesn't contains any 3rd Lua library(like protobuf, lpeg etc), if you want to use this library, can visit this forked repo, it focus slua on integrate with other 3rd library.

Use SLua without Unity3D

You can use slua without Unity3D dependency, it call slua-standalone. Useful for C# server development. Find it on , and it's maintained by

Framework with slua

You can use this framework to start your project.

This repo universal loading framework using slua load lua byte code in all platform.

This repo poker game using slua.

This repo based on slua for hot reloadable asset bundle framework.

This repo based on slua for simple game framework.

This repo demonstrate 2DPlatformer game using slua.

This repo demonstrate Tetris game using slua.


See inner demo for help or Document (in chinese).


For running demo sucessful, you should generate lua wrap file by your self:

Click menu, SLua->All->Make generate all wrap file for your version of unity.

Had tested for Unity4.6.1/4.6.2/4.6.3/5.0/5.1/5.2/5.3/5.4/5.5

Main feature static code generating, no reflection, no extra gc alloc, very fast remote debugger full support iOS/iOS64, support il2cpp above 90% UnityEngine interface exported ( remove flash, platform dependented interface ) 100% UnityEngine.UI interface ( require Unity4.6+ ) support standalone mode in .net framework/mono without Unity3D support UnityEvent/UnityAction for event callback via lua function support delegate via lua function (include iOS) support yield call support custom class exported support extension method export enum as integer return array as lua table using raw luajit, can be replaced with lua5.3/lua5.1 Usage

copy Assets/Plugins Assets/Slua to your $Project$/Assets folder, you will see Slua menu,

click Unity->Make UnityEngine, regenerate UnityEngine interface for lua

click Unity->Make UI, regenerate UnityEngine.UI interface for lua

click Custom->Make, generate custom class interface for lua

Clear custom, delete all generated custom interface

Slua/LuaObject contain pre-generated file for exported interface.

Precompiled slua library in Plugins only included x86(32bit)/macosx(32bit)/iOS(armv7,armv7s,arm64)/Android(armv7-a) platform using luajit, you should compile other platform/lua5.1/luajit by yourself, see build.txt for help.

Usage at a glance -- import import "UnityEngine" function main() -- create gameobject local cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(UnityEngine.PrimitiveType.Cube) -- find gameobject local go = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Button") -- get component by type name local btn = go:GetComponent("Button") -- get out parameter local ok,hitinfo = Physics.Raycast(Vector3(0,0,0),Vector3(0,0,1),Slua.out) print("Physics Hitinfo",ok,hitinfo) -- foreach enumeratable object for t in Slua.iter(Canvas.transform) do print("foreach transorm",t) end -- add event listener btn.onClick:AddListener(function() local go = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Text") local label = go:GetComponent("Text") label.text="hello world" end) -- use vector3 local pos = Vector3(10,10,10)+Vector3(1,1,1) cube.transform.position = pos -- use coroutine local c=coroutine.create(function() print "coroutine start" Yield(WaitForSeconds(2)) print "coroutine WaitForSeconds 2" local www = WWW("") Yield(www) print(#Slua.ToString(www.bytes)) end) coroutine.resume(c) -- add delegate Deleg.daction = {"+=",self.actionD} --it's ok for iOS -- remove delegate Deleg.daction = {"-=",self.actionD} --it's ok for iOS -- set delegate Deleg.daction = function() print("callback") end --it's ok for iOS -- remove all Deleg.daction = nil end Export custom class

add CustomLuaClass attribute to your custom class, waiting for compile completed, click "SLua->Custom->Make", you will get interface file for lua.

[CustomLuaClass] public class HelloWorld { } Debugger Support


compared with ulua/raw mono.

with luajit

unit is secend, run 200k times / test, more smarller more better.




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