【The Great War】歌词 – Taylor Swift

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【The Great War】歌词 – Taylor Swift

2023-05-23 11:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

My knuckles were bruised like violets 我的指节 似紫罗兰般青肿

Sucker punching walls 只怪我一味重拳捶墙 Cursed you as I sleep talked 入眠仍不忘诅咒你

Spineless in my tomb of silence 而沉默的冢里 我骨气不再

Tore your banners down 扯下你的旗帜 Took the battle underground 来场地下之争 And maybe it was egos swinging 也许 是自我摇摆不定

Maybe it was her 抑或 是她在作祟

Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur 战役的惨烈 模糊浮现在我的脑海

All that bloodshed 鲜血淋漓 Crimson clover 满目猩红苜蓿 Uh-huh sweet dream was over 嗯哼 美梦不再 My hand was the one you reached for 你伸出手来 与我十指紧扣 All throughout the Great War 大战自始至终 从未松开一刻 Always remember uh-huh 永远铭记于心 Tears on the letter I vowed 泪滴落于信笺 我曾发誓 Not to cry anymore 此后不再泪流 If we survived the Great War 若你我尚存有劫后余生 You drew up some good faith treaties 你起草了些许善意条约

I drew curtains closed 我拉上窗帘 Drank my poison all alone 索居独处 喝下毒药 You said I have to trust more freely 你曾说 我得愈加心甘情愿地付诸信任 But diesel is desire 而若将欲望比作柴油 You were playing with fire 那你无疑是在玩火 And maybe it's the past that's talking 或是那种种过往 自地窖

Screaming from the crypt 惊声尖叫 叫嚷不休

Telling me to punish you for things you never did 劝我为那欲加之罪 惩罚于你

So I justified it 故我证实你莫须有的罪名 All that bloodshed crimson clover 鲜血淋漓 满目猩红苜蓿 Uh-huh the bombs were closer 嗯哼 无数炸弹愈发临近 My hand was the one you reached for 你伸出手来 与我十指紧扣 All throughout the Great War 大战自始至终 从未松开一刻 Always remember uh-huh 永远铭记于心 The burning embers I vowed 余烬纷飞燃烧 我曾发誓 Not to fight anymore 此后不再登上战场 If we survived the Great War 若你我能幸免于难

Uh-huh uh-huh

It turned into something bigger 愈发朦胧模糊

Somewhere in the haze 迷雾中的某处 Got a sense I'd been betrayed 我似已遭背叛 Your finger on my hairpin triggers 你的指尖扣下我的扳机(hairpin triggers触发式扳机 轻轻一碰即可射击 比普通扳机更灵敏) Soldier down on that icy ground 士兵倒在冻土之上 Looked up at me with honor and truth 你抬头望向我 眼神斟满荣耀与真诚

Broken and blue 心碎一地 忧郁不已 So I called off the troops 故我撤军停战

That was the night I nearly lost you 就在那一夜 我几近失去了你

I really thought I'd lost you 彼时深觉 与你已无缘

We can plant a memory garden 你我便筑建一片墓地

Say a solemn prayer 庄严祈祷 Place a poppy in my hair 于我发间插朵罂粟花 There's no morning glory 牵牛花与你眼中荣耀 不复存在 It was war it wasn't fair 这即是 不公之战

And we will never go back to that 而你我永不回首 Bloodshed crimson clover 鲜血淋漓 满目猩红苜蓿 Uh-huh the worst was over 最低谷已然过去 My hand was the one you reached for 你伸出手来 与我十指紧扣 All throughout the Great War 大战自始至终 从未松开一刻 Always remember uh-huh 永远铭记于心 We're burned for better I vowed 曾经的煎熬与惨烈 是为美好未来 曾发誓 I would always be yours 将永远属于你 'Cause we survived the Great War 只因你我挺过了这场大战

Uh-huh uh-huh

I will always be yours 我永远属于你 'Cause we survived the Great War 只因你我存有劫后余生


I vow I will always be yours 我曾发誓 我永远属于你




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