Get the MacOS Sonoma Default Wallpaper

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Get the MacOS Sonoma Default Wallpaper

2023-06-19 07:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

MacOS Sonoma Default Wallpapers

With every new release of system software, Apple releases new wallpapers to spruce up the visual experience, and MacOS Sonoma is no different. MacOS Sonoma comes with a nice new default wallpaper that is a colorful abstract scene, vaguely reminiscent of rolling hills and a sunset.

But you don’t have to install macOS Sonoma beta just to enjoy the new wallpapers, available in both light and dark. You can download the default Sonoma wallpapers right now, and put them to use on any device you want, whether it’s enjoying the background image on a Mac, iPad, iPhone, Windows PC, Android, or whatever else you’re wanting to stylize a bit.

Click on the images below to launch the full size image into a new window, where you can save it locally.

macOS Sonoma default-wallpaper Light

macOS Sonoma default-wallpaper Dark

Check out more wallpaper posts while you’re at it!

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