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Related projects · neovim/neovim Wiki · GitHub

#Related projects · neovim/neovim Wiki · GitHub| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


You can find Neovim plugins on these sites: Luarocks GUI

If you're working on a Neovim GUI, include it (alphabetically) below!

Platform Project Activity Avalonia yatli/fvim active (c. 2023-May) Browsers glacambre/firenvim active (c. 2023-May) C++/DirectWrite RMichelsen/Nvy active (c. 2023-June) C++/SDL2 etorth/libnvc C++/Gtk sakhnik/nvim-ui active (c. 2022-Dec) curses/Python mvilim/neovim-pytc-example inactive (c. 2021-Dec) Direct2D dontpanic92/dotnvim inactive (c. 2021-Dec) EFL Eovim Electron UI envim active (c. 2023-July) Electron UI uivonim inactive (c. 2021-Dec) Electron UI VV active (c. 2022-Sep) gnome-terminal neovim-gnome-terminal-wrapper Go/OpenGL Neoray active (c. 2022-Sep) Go/Qt akiyosi/goneovim active (c. 2023-July) GTK/Python UI rliang/nvim-pygtk3 GTK/Python UI Bominade (b8) GTK/Rust UI daa84/neovim-gtk inactive (c. 2022-Jan) GTK/Rust UI Lyude/neovim-gtk active (c. 2023-Mar) GTK4/Rust UI GNvim active (c. 2023-July) GTK4/Rust UI Reovim active (c. 2022-Mar) I3/Sway glacambre/nwin JavaFX jebberjeb/javafx-neovimpane macOS qvacua/vimr active (c. 2022-Dec) macOS rogual/neovim-dot-app mac OS UI DinVim Vim for Mac Qt 5 equalsraf/neovim-qt active (c. 2023-June) Qt 5 rohit-px2/nvui Qt Creator sassanh/qnvim active (c. 2023-Apr) Rust neovide/neovide active (c. 2023-July) Sublime Text lunixbochs/actualvim Terminal Wrapper glrnvim VSCode VSCodeVim VSCode VSCode Neovim API clients Platform Project C# neovim/ C++ DaikiMaekawa/neovim.cpp C++/Qt5 equalsraf/neovim-qt C++/ncurses SoC/neovim-client C++/Magnum Squareys/magnum-neovim-api Clojure jebberjeb/neovim-client Common Lisp adolenc/cl-neovim D viniarck/nvimhost-d Dart smolck/dart-nvim-api Elixir awetzel/neovim-elixir Filesystem fmoralesc/nvimfs Go neovim/go-client Haskell neovimhaskell/nvim-hs Java fdinoff/neovim-java-client Java esensar/neovim-java Julia bfredl/Neovim.jl Kotlin esensar/neovim-kotlin Lua neovim/lua-client Node.js neovim/node-client Node.js neoclide/neovim OCaml janestreet/vcaml Perl jacquesg/Neovim-Ext Perl yanick/Neovim-RPC Python neovim/pynvim R jalvesaq/Nvim-R Racket HiPhish/neovim.rkt Ruby neovim/neovim-ruby Rust noib3/nvim-oxi Rust daa84/neovim-lib (inactive, c. 2022-Jan) Rust KillTheMule/nvim-rs Scala viniarck/nvimhost-scala Swift/Cocoa NvimView (part of qvacua/vimr) Transpilers

These projects let you write Nvim plugins in languages other than Lua.

Haxe: Fennel: Non-plugin software

This is software either targeted at Neovim or with support for it.

chromatin: Package manager for plugins built with Ribosome flatnvim: Tool that prevents nested Neovim instances neovim-remote: Tool that helps controlling Neovim processes nero.nvim: A REPL for Neovim (as in managing Neovim through a REPL) nfasd Autocomplete recent files in command line nvimdev: Help to Neovim development nvimpager: Use Neovim as $PAGER to view man pages, git logs, etc. with Neovim's syntax highlighting page: Advanced $PAGER, acts like neovim-remote, features fast CSI sequences processing ribosome: Framework for building and testing Python plugins SpaceVim: A community-driven modular Vim distribution tmux-nvr: tmux session-specific Neovim instances with neovim-remote tmux-resurrect: Restore tmux environment after system restart vmux: Vim/Neovim session handler within tmux Vroom: Way to specify Vim commands (actual input keys that that the user hits) and then verify Vim's output




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